One year Four boys


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Kates a normal teen girl that had turned 18 in January. She went to school like every other kid. She loved he... More

Chapter |2|
Chapter |3|
Chapter |4|
Chapter |5|

Chapter |1|

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                                Kates P.O.V:


It was a spring afternoon when Nate and I were busy studying for our upcoming science exam in the college's library . As we were studying Miles came with Jessica his girlfriend. They are the most annoying brats in my class and I just can't stand them.

"Ayo it's Kate and Nate sitting in a tree."started Jessica. Miles laughed at her lame joke with his weird shaped teeth.

I never liked them but seeing them annoy us was another story.

"Listen you came all the way here to disturb us. Look take our table we're living" I mentioned Nate to follow and he took his bag and left with me.

I could hear how Miles and Jessica were giggling like  hyaenas at the back. After being very well disturbed Nate and I decided to call it a day. We went our separate ways. As I was on my way to the bus stop I saw Maya our class captain there too.

It was unusual because she always had her boyfriend picking her up but now she was at bus stop ? Strange I thought.
"Kate ? What you doing here?"she gave me a dirty look.
"Girl I don't got time for you." I said as I entered the bus that had just stopped in front of us. She clicked her tongue but I didn't care.

When i got home, my parents told me something that made my jaw drop. There was an exchange student that was coming over from England and was going to go to the same school as me and he was going to live with us! And he's name was Alexander.

"Whoa hold on ma what did you just say?" She nodded a 'you heard me' nod.

I had to share my house , my parents, school and food with some English dude from  God knows where ! We're my parents on drugs !?

I ran to my room leaving the door slightly open.
"Kate stop that nonsense you hear me ? He's only going to stay with us for one year!"

Great he was staying for one whole freaking year.

I looked at my mom, and looked back at my desk and began studying. She shook her head and walked out.

I feel so shitty literally is it just me ? I already have a brother to deal with now him.

The next day madam Goodwill told us that a new exchange student was going to join us and I just knew it was this Alexa... Alex dude mom told me about yesterday afternoon.

As soon as he walked through the door I could feel the girls behind me melt of desire. They squealed and waved at him. Jessica and Maya even winked at him. He looked amused but not pleased.

"Well can you please introduce yourself to the class?" Madam Goodwill folded her arms as she listened.

"I'm Alexander from  Berry High in England. I'm 18 years old and I like watching Formula 1."

The boys "ayo" and "yes man" when he said the thing about formula 1. The girls basically fainted, because I must say he sure has a deep voice. He has silky black hair and light blue eyes. Blum lips and he looks like he's six foot something!

And of course madam Goodwill had to place him right next to me.
"Are you Kate right?" Alexander stared.
"Yup" that's all I could say.

The first lesson was fine though at recess Jessica and her squad of minions surrendered him.
"Hey Alex gee you such a babe. Tell you what ? You my boyfriend from now on"

That bitch ! She literally had a whole troop of so called boyfriends but now she wanted poor Alexander too?

"Hmm no I'm good" he made his way through her minions and came straight towards me. I took him to the cafeteria and dang Jessica looked like she had just pulled her hair off.

At the end of the day We took the bus home and Maya was there too apparently. So now that her sugar daddy had left her she wanted to claim another one?

"Hey there Alexan..."
She was cut off by the sound of a car hooting at her as she was literally taking her time on the road. She looked so embarrassed but I didn't care. As we sat in the bus I played my favourite song and put on my earphones.

"" Alexander's voice sounded muffled as my music was so loud. I removed one earphone to hear him properly. "Yeah?" I said lifting an eyebrow. "I said what are you listening to?" He looked a little stiff but that was cute. "Oh yeah I'm listening to Ha'mood by Ice-Spice" I said showing him my phone. He nodded and continued staring forward.

The bus stopped at my area and I took Alexander to my house. Our neighbour's son Michael, was outside laying on the grass with his little sister May. They looked so cute . Michael is also 18 and May is 16. They were playing some sort of game.

"Hey there Mickey, wassup May!" I waved at Michael's sister. Alexander looked curious.

"Oh that's my neighbours and my best friends!" I said. "Well huh see you guys around !" I said as I walked Alexander to the house.

"Oh dear he's tall ! Well hello there Alexander mind if I call you Alex ? Oh my you're so tall!" Mom said as soon we walked in. "Wow look at this big guy!" Dads eyes shook. "Ayo what do you eat bro?" Said Jonathan my brother. Alexander couldn't even answer cause they were asking too many questions at the same time. "Okay !!! We will show Alexander to his room and leave him alone I repeat ALONE" Alexander looked at me for a second before exhaling. Mom and dad went on talking in their room while Jonny "Jonathan" returned to his gaming.

Ding Dong !

It was Nate he had come to return my biology book I had landed him. I rushed to open. He was not only holding my book but he was also holding a bouquet of flowers, tulips, my favourites. "Hey why the flowers Nate?" He looked a bit red it was cute to see him like that. "Oh these there a thank you gift for studying with me yesterday." He smiled and I smiled . He was too cute. I took the flowers and the book and he we said out goodbyes and he left. When I went to my room Alexander was there.

"What are you doing in here!" He looked at me, startled. "Huh well your mom said I had to stay in your room for the night." He looked so traumatised. I had to take a deep breath in so I didn't smack him. "Well okay I see" I tried to say it in the calmest way as possible. He looked amused but then changed his expression when I glared at him. Mom placed a mattress on the floor near my bed and a small stool next to it. "There you go Alex, I'll make sure your room is ready by tomorrow. I couldn't possibly let you sleep with Jonny he would've been a disturbance." She kissed him on the cheek and went out. Wow so now she go out there giving my room to anyone now?

Alexander sat down and stared at me for a moment before saying something. "Hey are you not scared of sleeping next to a boy? I mean I am 18 so are you. I can do you anything are not even going to protest?" He said licking his lips. "No if I protest, then you'd have never met me." He chuckled and lied down. "You know you kind of cute when you're angry." He turned to me. "Thanks I know that" I said turning the opposite way. He chuckled once more and closed his eyes. "Hmm mm mmm mmmm" he hummed a song, it was the same song I was listening to in the bus today. Did he here it because I have to admit the music was loud but was it loud enough to be heard by another person?

"Can you stop that I'm actually trying to sleep." He looked at me. "Make me" he stood up and locked me against my bed, he looked down at me eyes big and full of something I really don't understand. "Listen I'm not who you think I am, I'm actually the son of a mafia I had to run away because some other mafia gang attacked my family and killed everyone. So will please let me just for tonight have you?" He looked like he was about to rip my blouse open with those eyes. I pushed him off me trying to process what's happening.

His a mafia!?

"Wait do you think I will let a mafia touch me ?" He looked me up and down and rolled his eyes . "You just did actually." I clicked my tongue. I then caught him staring down at something. It's my blouse's buttons the top 4 we're open and half of my boobs where showing. "Look away man!" "You're funny Kate" he said buttoning my blouse. "Hey!" He didn't even flinch when I smacked his hand off of me.

Who is this guy!

He fell asleep a few minutes after giving me the fright of my life. I fell asleep soon after too. The next day was a Saturday and mom told me to take Alexander out to see the town. He's a mafia he probably knows the whole country by now. Just as i thought he took me to a mall I had never heard of or seen.

"Come!" I followed him still unsure if I should actually. We walked in this strange mall, the floor looked like it hadn't been mopped in years, the shops and boutiques where deserted, and there's was a very bad aura in the atmosphere.

"Hmm Alexander why are we here" I hold onto his jacket. "Easy there just follow my lead."surprisingly he didn't remove my hand from his jacket but instead he took hold of it. We kept on walking deeper into the mall and more and more things looked dangerously off. Finally we came to a stop and Alexander told me to keep my voice low. "Why must I ? Where are we? Why did you bring me here?" Alexander placed his hand on my lips to make me quiet. I tried to bite him but a loud gunshot sounded from the second floor. "Damn it!" Alexander suddenly produced a gun from his bag. "What?!" I said as placed my hand on my mouth.

Alexander started shooting in every directions and the other stranger started shooting back too. I was so scared that I panicked and started running towards the mall's exit, which the stranger had locked, "shit!"

I ran back to Alexander but he wasn't where I had left him. "Oh no no no I can't die here specially not now!" I fell to my knees and started crying. Suddenly a large window came crushing down near me and Alexander and Michael appeared. "Michael?! Alexander!?" I looked between the two guys. They looked like they've been smacking each other to death. "Kate! You're alright! God I was worried when Alex phoned me." Alexander had Michael's number? They had only met yesterday! That wasn't even the point, how did he get here so fast!? "Listen bows not the time that idiot Miles can't be back any moment we gotta leave now" Alexander picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder while Michael picked up our bags.

I'm so confused I just want a normal 18th year !

We carried on running until we reached the bus stop. "Hey are you alright Kate?" Michael looked at me eyes full of worry. "I'm ok I guess" Alexander placed me on the bench and told Michael to watch me as he was going to get us all something to eat. "So did you know?" I looked at Michael. "Know what?" He looked confused. "That Alexander is a mafia and that Miles is probably a mafia too?" Michael chuckled and agreed that he had known about Alexander and Miles. But why did he lie to me? When Alexander returned with the snacks the bus had already left so we had to grab a cab home. We walked to the edge of the street when Alexander stopped us and told us to keep quiet. Miles was waiting with a baseball bat in his hands in front of Michael's house.

"Michael!" May came out of the house coughing, her mom and dad followed. There was smoke coming from there house. Just as they run out my parents run out of our house too. Jonny was on my father's back he looked like he had passed out. Soon we heard the firefighters coming this way, Miles run off leaving us a dirty look. I ran to my family to make sure they were okay and so did Michael. Alexander followed behind me. "Mom, dad. Jonny! What happened to Jonny?!" Mom said that he had fainted because he had inhaled too much smoke and that he was okay. I was so relieved! "Hey Alexander so tell me son, why didn't you say you were a under cover agent?!" Dad pulled Alexander by the arm and shook him back and forth. "Come on honey ! Why would a secret agent do that? Now let go you'll hurt him!" Mom tried to stop dad but he wouldn't budge!

After what was like ages dad finally let Alexander explain himself. "Well as your father already said, I am a secret agent and I was send here to investigate an issue about a mafia gang that had formed in this area. The government asked me to keep my identity as a normal exchange student until I found  the culprit. Unfortunately when I was supposed to investigate your mother asked you to show me around the town. I used the opportunity to study that mall because rumours had said the gang formed that for the first time. That's all I can tell you for now ." I stared at him in shock. This dude already had his future planned out when I still had to go to university! And also he had lied to me both Michael and him! I couldn't stay there any longer so I ran out .

I took a taxi to  Nate's house and told him if anyone was looking for he'd tell them I wasn't there. Nate's mom gave me some soup and his father was very concerned that he even offered me one of his favourite biscuits. I accepted everything with love. Nate was an only child so there was only two rooms. His mother offered me the sofa and a blanket but I woke up on Nate's bed and he was on the floor next to me. I quietly moved out of his bed and reached for the door. As I was opening the door I saw my reflection on the mirror. I was wearing an oversized shirt that was basically covering my shorts. "Aww Nate" I thought. When I walked to the living room his mother looked at me in shock. "Why do you come from Nate's room ? I thought I left you in the sofa." "Well about that I also don't know ma'am, I just woke up there and I was on my way home." I try to make it sound less dramatic.

She smiled and gave me a bear hug and wished me a safe ride home. When I got home Alexander was sleeping on my bed holding my stuff animal. I have to admit he looked pretty cute like that.

"Hey Alexander wake up." I shook hai shoulders slowly.

"Hmm Kate is that you?" He struggled to speak as he was trying to wake up. When his eyes were fully opened he looked so happy. "You scared me Kate ! Why would you run off like that !!!?" He hugged me so tight that I was beginning to choke! "There there Alex I'm here don't cry." It's only then that I realised that his face was basically on my boobs. "Hmm Alex excuse me." I said showing him how close he was to my breast. He blushed a little but only moved his face closer to my face.


My mom snapped a picture of me and Alexander and Jonathan was laughing like a maniac. "Ma!" Alex pushed me aside and fixed his posture. "Oh I see you Alex you like her don't you?" Mom was too embarrassing!

At breakfast dad looked pissed at Alexander's every move and Alexander looked so stiff. "Well I'm not hungry thank you ma'am." Alexander left the table and went to my room. After eating I went to take a shower. When I opened the door my jaw dropped. It was Alexander standing with nothing but a towel around his waist and boy i swear, I felt stiff. His abs where so shiny and his dripping wet hair covered his face. He looked at startled. "Oh hmm sorry I'll just turn around and leave." "Wait." He grabbed my hand and pinned me on the wall. He locked the door. "What are you doing?!" I said in a panicked voice.

"Do you like what you see?" He smirked and licked his lips. "I... I... huh." I was stuttering like an idiot!
He chuckled. I tried to free myself but surprisingly he let me go and I run out the bathroom. After taking a shower- after Alexander had his of course- I went to the comic store. And there I was shocked to see Miles, Jessica and Maya sitting in a coffee shop near by. Suddenly Miles turned my way and I ducked down. The owner of the comic store thought I was nuts but yeah I had to save my ass !

"Why you bending down?"

Thoughts on  who r it be?
Do you thinks it's :
A. The owner

Read the next chapter to find out ^^

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