I Wish I Knew You Wanted Me...

By LeatinGretson109

347 27 2

Lina Stilinski knew one thing for sure. She hated Malia Tate. She doesn't know how their hatred for one anoth... More



39 5 1
By LeatinGretson109

They pull up in front of Derek's loft, pulling off their helmets and Scott turns to look back at her. "Okay, let me do the talking. I know you and Peter have...history" Scott trails off and Lina scoffs.

"I'll try, but if he does anything to provoke me, I will throw him through the wall" Lina warns him. They both climb off, only to see a figure stood in front of them and both jump in surprise.

They calm down once they realize it's Malia though and Lina groans as Scott gives Malia a confused look. "What are you doing here?" he wonders.

"I heard you were coming to talk to Peter. And since Lydia tells me he's basically Satan in a V-neck, I figured you shouldn't be alone" Malia explains.

"He's not alone. He has me" Lina points out and Malia gives her a once-over.

"He might as well be alone seeing as you're no help" she shrugs and Lina glares at her, Malia doing the same. Scott steps in, looking between the two of them. 

"I can handle Peter" Scott assures them both.

"You can handle him better with me. Just me" Malia moves to head in, Lina glaring after her as Scott sighs. He turns to give her a worried look then.

"What do we do now?" he worries.

"We could always just tell her she's related to the pyscho? Though, does it surprise anyone? Like father-like daughter" Scott shakes his head, giving her a look.

"Just, keep this feud on hold, please? This is important" Scott begs.

"I'll behave if she does" She shrugs before moving to head in as well, Scott grumbling as he follows after her.

They open up the sliding door and walk into the loft, looking around, Malia turning to look at Scott confused. "What's wrong with you?" She wonders.

"Nothing" he shrugs.

"Your heart's pounding like crazy? Are you nervous?" Malia questions.

"He's just bad at introductions" They hear a voice chime in. They all look to find the devil himself, Peter Hale, reading as he sat on the blue couch.

"Peter..." Scott says as Peter turns to look at them. Scott turns to look over at Malia. "This is Malia" he introduces. Peter closes his book, quickly moving to stand as he stares at Malia in awe.

Malia stares him down cautiously as Peter looks her over, Scott and Lina backing up slightly. "Beautiful eyes" Peter compliments, starting to slowly walk towards her. "Did you get them from your father?" He wonders.


"Interesting" Peter comments, pausing in front of her as Scott and Lina share a look. "Anyway, I'm sure they've told you a lot about me" Peter adds, looking over at Scott and Lina.

"The homicidal killing spree came up." Malia brings up.

"Well, we're all works in progress." Peter shrugs, unbothered.

"Well, when you progress to your next killing spree, why don't you try and make sure they all stay dead?" Malia snarks and Lina snickers.

"As much as I hate her, I love when her sass is directed at someone else, especially someone I hate" She whispers to Scott.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Peter asks confused, looking at Malia.

"What do you know about people being turned by a scratch?" Scott chimes in and Peter turns to look at him, curious.

"Did you scratch someone, Scott?" Lina scoffs.

"Do you even know him? We're talking about you, dipshit" Lina brings up.

"Don't worry about it, the claws have to go pretty deep." Peter waves it off, walking towards the silver table.

"But it's possible. Like if you clawed out someone's throat?" Scott adds and Peter turns to look back at them.

"Well, yeah, it's possible. It's also beyond rare. We're talking one in a..." Peter trails off as he finally catches on to what they're trying to tell him. "Million" he growls out.

Peter begins to freak out then, pacing around and shaking his head as he muttered to himself. "Can't someone in this town stay dead!" He complains, slamming his hand onto the silver table in frustration.

"I think they were hoping you would" Malia chimes in and Lina hums.

"I can make that happen still" Lina adds and Peter and Scott glare at her. 

"Do you have any idea why Kate would turn Derek into a teenager again?" Scott wonders.

Peter thinks it over, turning to glance back at them. "What color were his eyes?" He questions.

"Blue" Scott and Lina both answer and he hums. 

"After Paige. Which could mean around the time he first met Kate." Peter adds as an afterthought, staring out the huge loft window, leaning against the silver table.

"Derek and Kate knew each other?" Scott asks.

"While he was in high school?" Lina adds in surprise. Peter smirks, finally turning back around to look at them.

"Biblically" Scott's eyes widen and Lina gapes. "That's right, Scott. You weren't the first wolf to climb into a hunter's bed." Peter mocks and Lina laughs.

"No way! You and Derek are so alike! You both fucked hunters and your first loves died in your arms" Lina brings up and Scott gives her a look. She quickly stops, clearing her throat.

"Right, not the time. Sorry" Lina mutters, still snickering slightly.

Peter starts to pace then as they all try to figure out why Kate chose this age for Derek. "Okay, Derek went to the site of the house thinking it was still there, right?" Peter brings up.

"Yeah. But he doesn't remember the fire." Scott nods and Peter pauses.

"But if he doesn't remember the fire, then he doesn't remember that it was Kate that set it." Peter says, thinking it over.

"So what does that mean?" Malia chimes in.

"Kate didn't just take him back to being a teenager." He pauses, slowly turning to look at them. "She took him back to the age where he still knew her." He walks back towards the middle table where the others were standing, watching him. "When he still trusted her" He adds.

Lina and Scott share a look before Scott pulls out his phone, noticing a call from Stiles. He moves to answer it outside, leaving the three there and Peter looks between the two girls, his eyes focusing on Lina.

"I have to say, I'm surprised you haven't thrown me through a wall yet" Peter quips, smirking. 

"Yeah, yet. Keep talking and who knows what could happen" Lina moves away from the table, flopping down on the couch. 

"I could do it" Malia chimes in, staring Peter down intensely and he turns to look at her.

"Oh, really?" Peter asks and Malia nods eagerly. 

"It's what you'd deserve" Malia adds.

"Be my guest" Peter holds his arms out, challenging her and Malia growls, Lina standing and moving to grab Malia before she can do anything. Malia turns to glare back at her, yanking her arm out of Lina's grasp.

"What? I wasn't actually going to." Malia scoffs.

"I'm not trying to get in trouble with Scott. He'd be pissed if I let you hurt Peter...unfortunately" Lina turns to glare at Peter who smirks again. 

"Yeah, well, don't touch me" Malia snarls. 

"Then don't be stupid" Lina bites back and both girls growl at each other, hearing a huff from Peter as their faces were mere inches from one another, both baring their teeth.

"Get a room. I do not need to see the two of you flirting" Peter complains. Malia and Lina both give each other bewildered looks, backing away from each other.

"We're not-"

"I would never-" They both start saying at once but Peter holds up a hand to stop them.

"Save it for out of the loft, please. I don't care about your love-hate relationship" Peter tells them.

"Asshole" Lina mutters, crossing her arms, her cheeks slightly red from blushing.

Scott bursts in to the loft then, looking worried. "Kate's got Derek" He informs them. Malia and Peter go into action then, rushing towards the doors so they could go and save him but Scott stops them.

"Wait" He says.

"For what? Kate's out there twisting her way into Derek's head yet again. We need to find her." Peter urges.

"All we need is a scent" Malia adds as Scott walks towards them, Lina following behind, curious as well.

"That could take hours. If we want to get ahead of her, we need to figure out where she's going." Scott tells them.

"I agree with Scotty. We should come up with a plan before we do anything" Lina agrees.

"Not to underestimate my own cognitive faculties, but, we're not exactly a brain trust of geniuses here." Peter points out, motioning to Scott and Lina specifically, Lina rolling her eyes in annoyance while Malia smirks.

"Then maybe we should call one." Scott pulls out his phone, Peter turning to look at him, everyone on the same page it seems.

"Who?" Lina asks, confused, Peter turning to give her a look.

"Exactly what I mean" He nods.


After they call Lydia and figure out that's Kate's after the triskelion, what the younger wolves used to help learn control, they head to Beacon Hills High where the Hale's kept it in a vault underneath.

As they run up the stairs of the school, heading towards the entrance, Malia pauses, all of them stopping to look back at her. "Did you catch a scent?" Scott wonders.

Malia nods, looking around. "It's the same one" She says. Lina pauses, using her own senses. She was right. The scent was familiar. "The same one as Mexico" Malia adds, glancing back. That's right. The thing that Malia ran after. It scratched both of them while Lina was trying to stop Malia from acting like an idiot. It followed them.

"What is she talking about?" Peter asks, turning to the two beside him who were both anxiously looking around. 

"One of them came after us in the Church ruins" Scott brings up, recognizing the scent as well.

"It hit Stiles' Jeep. And us" Lina motions between herself and Malia, who nods in agreement.

Malia moves up the stairs, close to the others. "They couldn't have followed us here." Malia says hopefully, looking specifically at Scott. 

"But they could've been brought, by Kate." Scott suggests. They hear a low growl from the distance and Peter's confusion morphs into one of worry. 

"Oh, I've heard that sound before. Did it have an animal skull? A human wearing a skull mask over its face?" Peter questions, looking between the teenagers urgently.

"I think so" Malia says and Lina nods.

"What are they?" Scott wonders. Peter looks past Malia and the others look as well to see a hulking figure wearing an animal skull, long bone claws protruding from its hand, stomping towards them from the underpass.

"Berserkers" Peter breathes out. Malia gets ready to pounce, both Peter and Lina moving to stop her. "Are you crazy?" Peter asks incredulously, his eyes still on the Berserker staring at them menacingly.

"There's just one of them." Malia points out.

"That's what you think" Lina looks around for a sign of any more.

"That means we have a chance" Peter says.

"To beat him?" Malia was still ready to fight.

"To survive" And with that, Peter takes off up the flight of stairs, the other three glancing between his retreating figure and the monster slowly approaching.

"I'm with psycho" Lina agrees before running after him and Scott and Malia finally decide to run as well, following after her. The berserker was surprisingly fast however, and seemed to be catching up with them fairly easily. 

As Lina continues to run, losing sight of Peter, she catches a scent of another and pauses, looking around. Up ahead, she sees a berserker and Malia and Scott catch up, her holding out her arms to stop them as they notice it as well. They start to move backwards towards the left, headed towards the stairs, still keeping their eyes on it as the one that had been chasing them appears as well.

"It's both of them. They're both here" Malia panics, gripping their arms as they walk backwards up the stairs as to not turn their backs on them.

"Thank you, captain obvious, I see that" Lina scoffs, Malia turning to send her a death glare for a split second. 

"Where the hell's Peter?" Scott asks.

"I lost him" Lina shrugs.

"He just took off" Malia adds as one of the berserkers slowly walks up the stairs, getting closer to them. They use that as their chance to run up the stairs, Malia leading the way, glancing back repeatedly, only for the other one to appear in front of them from the top of the stairs.

They all pause, now trapped, glancing between both berserkers and then each other, unsure of what to do. Scott makes a decision and lets out a loud roar before leaping at the column and using it's momentum to launch himself over the berserker below them before starting to fight it. Lina and Malia both look at each and then shrug, moving to fight the other one.

They all prove to be unsuccessful as the berserkers overpower them and soon they're all on the ground, Malia injured, slowly backing away as they try to escape them. Kira suddenly appears however and starts swinging her sword at them, the others watching in amazement.

She pauses to glance back at Scott to see if she was impressing him and the berserkers use that as their chance to strike, Scott yelling out to warn her but it's too late. They disarm her and smack her across the face, causing her to land next to Scott.

Young Derek appears then and begins to fight off the berserkers himself, dodging and landing hits on them as the others watch. Lina painfully stands, not as injured as the others and growls, moving to help Derek fight, dodging the bone claw slashed right at her face, landing an uppercut of her own.

Her and Derek fight, Lina noticing Derek's face continually morphing into it's original age. They both manage to get decent hits on the berserkers before the creatures are being called back by Kate and they run off, Lina holding a hand to her fresh wound across her chest, though she was looking over at Derek with wide eyes who was beside her.

He was back to his normal self, though his eyes were different. They were amber, like hers, but they shouldn't have been. What happened to his blue color from Paige? Why were they different? He stands then, his back still to the others, breathing hard and Lina stands as well, still looking over him with a frown.

Derek turns to look back at the others, his eyes still glowing, Scott's eyes widening as well as him and Lina share a look. What the fuck?

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