Silence in New York - Book One

بواسطة Sicilian-Sensation

4.3M 154K 20.6K _______________✏ “It really is a beautiful piece” he murmured before disa... المزيد

Welcome & Warning!
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
~Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~
Important Authors Note
~Chapter 38~
~Chapter 39~
~Chapter 40~
~Chapter 41~
~Chapter 42~
~Chapter 43~
~Chapter 44~
~Chapter 45~
~Chapter 46~
Thank you & Book Two

~Chapter 17~

71.8K 3.1K 529
بواسطة Sicilian-Sensation

Ok so I totally couldn't contain myself. This is by far one of my favourite chapters so I just HAD to post it for you guys earlier than planned ;-)

Sweetheart I sucked his cock just last night. Those were the words embedded into Adriana's mind. The words no woman wanted to hear about anyone they were developing a connection for.

Adriana initially did not believe Elena's 'girlfriend' claim and she challenged her the moment she said it. Never in her wildest dreams did she anticipate her reply. Sweetheart I sucked his cock just last night... There they were again, those words repeating in her mind.

Barging out of the bathroom Adriana had one goal, get the hell out of Marquee and back home, there was no way she was falling apart here in front of everyone. Especially in front of Elena.

Keeping her eyes to the floor, Adriana managed to quickly find Claudia who was still in a deep and animated conversation with Francesco. She conspicuously interrupted them and quickly explained to Claudia that she was not feeling great and was heading back home. When Claudia offered to leave with her Adriana managed a smiled and whispered in her ear, "no way miss, stay with Francesco" she gave her a wink and disappeared down the stairs and into the night. She did not want to ruin Claudia's night and her chances with Francesco.

Her phone would not stop vibrating during the cab ride home. The buzzing was becoming almost constant. Call after call after call from Salvatore, he was practically blowing up her cell phone. Even the cab driver looked at her suspiciously as she rejected each and every one of his calls.

By the time she reached her apartment the messages started coming in:


Where are you?


Pick up your phone


I'm getting impatient


Adriana don't test me



"Hey baby" Elena flicked her long blonde hair back smugly with a slight smirk on her face. She knew he was texting her wondering what was going on and frankly she did not care. She handed him a fresh glass of whiskey and smiled when their hands touched. "Everything alright?" Salvatore looked up at her instantly recognizing the insincerity in her voice, the smug look she had her on face confirmed exactly what he needed to know.

"What the fũck did you do?"

"Sorry baby?"

"Don't play with me Elena" he walked towards her in an intimidating matter which did nothing but excite her. She smiled and placed her right hand on his left shoulder and let her hand run down his suit jacket. He looked impeccable tonight. "Baby, I didn't do anything you wouldn't do for me". Salvatore just about lost his shĩt. He pushed her hand away before banging his right fist up against the wall behind her forcing back the urge to really let her have it.

"You fũcking stupid-"

"Oh please Salvo" she cut him off instantly, "go on run off to her, you'll be back at my place just like you were last night"


When Adriana's cell phone began to ring again for what felt like the 100th time she answered it angrily. He was not going to stop hassling her otherwise and she very well knew it.

"What the fũck do you want?"

"Adriana where are you?"

"Now that's really none of your business is it Salvo? Do yourself a favour and forget this number. Don't bother me anymore"

"Adriana liste-" she hung up and threw her phone across the room letting out a fierce scream. She needed to vent, she needed to break something. She had no idea if she was going to cry, vomit or just spontaneously combust from the anger deep within her right in that moment. Breathe Adriana, breathe these words repeated in her mind like a soothing mantra. As she stood in the middle of her living room breathing deeply like a crazy person she heard her phone go off once again from where ever it was she threw it.

"FUUUUCCCCKKKK!" She screamed to absolutely no body picking up a pillow from the couch and burying her face into it. She was actually screaming hysterically into the pillow trying to mask her screams for the sake of her entire apartment complex. Shower, you need to shower. She told herself making her way to the bathroom, maybe an ice cold shower would bring her back down from the crazy place she was currently visiting.

Unfortunately the shower actually did little for her foul mood. As she grabbed an old off the shoulder sweat shirt she usually slept in she heard a knock at the front door. Without considering any other options she assumed it was Claudia who must have forgotten her front door key. She did have a habit of forgetting it.

"Coming" she called out across the room quickly fixing her sweat shirt and answering the door with no pants on, the sweat shirt was long enough to cover her butt tastefully.

Salvatore barged into the apartment absolutely raging. "WHAT THE FŨCK ADRIANA" he screamed as she walked backwards suddenly feeling her rage resurfacing. "Get out!" She stated giving him a filthy look but managing to keep her voice at a reasonable level. "You just fũcking disappeared Adriana, I didn't know where the hell you were!"

"Get out", she repeated once again this time her tone a little more harsh. "I'm not going anywhere, not until you speak to me"

"I said, GET OUT!" This time there was no holding back, she literally screamed out fighting the urge to throw herself at him kicking and screaming. Salvatore took a deep breath, looked down at the floor composing himself then looked back up at her. She looked like a bull ready to charge. "Calm down" Adriana threw her head back and laughed almost hysterically before turning her back on him and reopening the front door which he had slammed shut on his way in. "Wouldn't that be convenient for you? If I just shut up, calmed down and let you have your way with me huh? Get the fũck out of my house before I call the cops Salvo" she motioned for him to exit. He walked towards her and instead of leaving slammed the door shut once again before staring directly at her. "Don't fũcking test me Adriana"

"Or you'll do what?"

"Just talk to me, stop being irrational"

"Irrational?" Adriana mimicked him before pushing by him and standing in the centre of her living room once again, "why don't I just shut my pretty mouth while you go stick your dick into everything? Huh? Is that convenient for you Salvatore?"

"I didn't-"

"DON'T!" She screamed back barely recognising her own voice at this point, it was like she was having an out of body experience. "I know you're lying"

"Will you let me explain?"

"Explain? There is nothing to explain. Get out of my house and run off back to your girlfriend"

"Adriana she's not my girlfriend"

"But you know exactly who I'm talking about don't you Salvo? Every time you open your mouth nothing but lies come out. I don't need this, I don't need you!" Adriana was raging so much she barely even noticed Salvatore making his way back towards her and soon enough he was raging right back at her. "Are you fũcking serious?" He began throwing his hands up in the air, "you're the one who told me to continue seeing other people. Jesus Christ if I knew this is how you'd react I-"

"You what? You would have made sure I didn't find out? Sure I told you to see other people, but you shouldn't have" she knew the words coming out of her mouth at this point were completely irrational. She had given Salvatore the green light to see other people, but she had not considered what that would actually feel like.

"The same night you touched me you fũcked her"

"I didn't fũck her"

"AARRRGGGHH!" She screamed uncontrollably wishing she had the pillow again to push into her own face. "Every time your lips move lies come out! Nothing but lies! I can't take this!"

"Fũck! She blew me ok? I fũcking went to her house for a blow job. Is that what you wanted to hear? I did not fũck her though. If you're going to be angry at me be angry at me for that, not something I didn't do" Adriana had to stop and think for a moment, she hadn't actually expected him to be that blunt and honest, although she did not really give him a choice. "I was frustrated Adriana, I haven't done this before"

"What?" She snapped back angrily, "I haven't had to wait before. I screwed up. You screwed up too ok? You said it was ok"

"I didn't say it was ok to touch me then within the hour go ask someone for a fũcking blow job! Jesus Christ Salvo!" Salvatore at this point mistakenly thought it was ok to touch her as he grabbed her arm to pull her a little closer, he wanted to consol her and end this madness. Adriana flinched and pushed him with such force he had to step back to catch himself from falling on his ass. "DON'T TOUCH ME" she screamed grabbing the closest object which was the remote control on the coffee table and throwing it towards the front door. It crashed into the door and shattered into pieces. "ADRIANA!" Salvatore yelled ducking his head thinking she was aiming for him. "STOP!" He screamed tackling her to the ground, he had to take control of the situation. He thought she was going to start smashing up her entire apartment. She thrashed against him and screamed pounding her fists into him. "DONT TOUCH ME! DON'T TOUCH ME" she continued over and over again trying to buck him off her as she laid on the ground and he straddled her hips. "I DON'T WANT YOU TO TOUCH ME ANYMORE" Salvatore managed to grab hold of her wrists and pried her arms above her head. "PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE"

"FOR FŨCK SAKES JUST STOP AND LISTEN. We can fix this" he lowered his voice trying to comfort her. She shook her head in defiance, "WE CAN'T"

"We can"

"NO WE CAN'T I'M NOT WORTH IT". The moment she said the words she instantly regretted it and Salvatore looked at her puzzled. He had no idea where that came from. "Of course you're worth it" but she shook her head. "I'm not, I'm not worth waiting for. I'm never worth waiting for" Salvatore let go of her wrists and allowed her to sit up so they were face to face, he was still straddling her, he did not want her getting away just yet, she needed to explain herself first. "Adriana you're talking crazy, I don't understand"

"Jason couldn't wait for me" she stated almost whispering as tears began to form in her eyes, "he couldn't wait for me so he took what he wanted. You couldn't wait for me so you took it from someone else. I'm just not worth waiting for" she pushed on his chest in an attempt to get him off her and finally he let up as they both stood up together. "That's not fair Adriana" Salvatore continued, "you actually think you deserve what happened? He didn't deserve you and I don't deserve you, but I want you" he tried to take her hand but she refused and backed away crossing her arms over her stomach like she was giving herself a hug. She was closing off and retreating into her own little world of self pity. "Fũck Adriana, I want you. I screwed up, I screwed up bad. I didn't think this would happen. Elena is nothing to me"

"I'm nothing" she replied back bluntly, "don't you see? I'm worthless and broken and used. Please, just leave"

"Adriana I can't leave now, I can't leave you like this. Let's just sit down and talk about this properly" she walked over to the door opening it for the last time. "Salvatore. I need you to leave, I need you to leave now".

So how is everyone feeling about that? I can tell you I was absolutely raging writing it myself, especially while listening to the media song 'Lips are movin' LOL that REALLY got me in the mood!

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