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Af DWeber02

25.6K 1K 512

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174 9 0
Af DWeber02

Karina Leone poured oil in the room, upstairs. In that case, Anna came to the second level of the house. She walked off with a bottle in the hallway, turning to the stairs. She stopped to hear Sam and John talking in the other room. "Your father was supposed to protect you."

Karina walked slowly, standing near the door. Eavesdropping the conversation in curiosity, then Sam spoke to him. The speech he never gave a chance to his father, "He was trying. He died trying. Believe me... I used to be mad at him. I used to... I used to hate the guy. But now, I-I... I get it. He was... just doing the best he could. And he was trying to keep it together in-in-in this impossible situation.'

"See... my mom... She was amazing, beautiful, and... she was the love of his life. And she got killed. And... I think he would have gone crazy if he didn't do something. That's when Karina came in. She was lost and lived through the darkness. My dad saw something in her that... made me and Dean trust her. She sacrificed her life many times for us, and... I couldn't ask for anything else. I thanked Dad for bringing her into my life, every day.'

"Truth is... my dad died before I got to tell him that... I understand why he did what he did... And I forgive him for what it did to us. I do. And I just-- I love him."

Karina Leone smiled at his words, knowing how meaningful it is to let his emotions out to John Winchester. Even though he didn't know that he was his son. She set the bottle of oil near the door, then walked away. She waited near the stairs for Sam to come out of the room.

Footsteps began to approach her as Sam sighed lightly. Karina put her hand on his arm, comforting him. He nodded then they both walked downstairs, hearing Dean's confession to Mary. He told the whole truth about Sam and Dean including the fact they're her sons.

"Listen to me. A Demon comes into Sam's nursery exactly six months after he's born-- November 2nd, 1983. Remember that date. And whatever you do... do not go in there. You wake up that morning and you take Sam and you run."

Sam and Karina walked out from the shadows. "That's not good enough, Dean." Dean and Mary looked at Sam and Karina who were in the doorway together. "Wherever she goes, the Demon's gonna find her... Find me. How else did he find Karina in the first place?"

"Well, then what?"

"She can leave Dad. That's what." Mary looked at Sam, eyes of tears to hear. Sam faced her, "You got to leave John."

Mary exclaimed, "What?"

"When this is all over, walk away... and never look back."

Mary cried while Dean read Sam's mind, "So we're never born." Dean looked at Mary, "He's right."

Mary cried, "I-I can't. You're saying that you're my children, and now you're saying-"

Sam inferred, "You have no other choice."

"There's a big difference between dying and never being born. And trust me, we're okay with it. I promise you that," said Dean.

"Okay, well, I'm not," said Mary.

"Listen, you think you can have that normal life that you want so bad... but you can't. I'm sorry." Mary cried harder while Karina looked down at the floor, listening to Sam's words. "It's all gonna go rotten. You are gonna die... and your children will be cursed."

Mary shook her head as she cried out, "There--There has to be a way."

Dean looked at her, "No, this is the way. Leave John."

"I can't."

"This is bigger than us. There are so many more lives at stake--"

"You don't understand. I can't." She paused for a moment as she confessed slowly. "It's too late. I'm... I'm pregnant."

Trio took it all in, shocked and surprised. John Winchester entered the room in a hurry, "We got a problem. Those blood things, the sigils-- they're gone."

Sam repeated, "Gone as in..."

"I-I drew on the back of the door. I turned around. And when I looked back again, it was a smudge."

Dean went to the door, seeing the sigil was blackened. He spoke out, "He's right."

Mary lowered herself to feel the oil, only there was nothing. "There's no more holy oil."

Suddenly, there was a loud high-pitched noise echoing the house, lights began to flicker. Sam drew the Angel blade while Karina had her own in her hand. It began to intensify the noise, drawing everyone to cover their ears. Windows and light bulbs shatter, darkening the room.

Everyone looked up, hearing the high-pitched quiet. The door flew open, entering the wings of the Angel. There was a black man walking from the door walking to the kitchen, looking at Dean.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Uriel."

Dean backed away as he was bummed to see the hated Angel. "Oh, come on." Karina twirled her blade, protecting John and Mary.

Sam pulled Mary, "Go." He was stopped by Anna who was blocking the stairs.

Dean looked at Sam and Karina, "Here goes nothing." Their heads tilted.

Sam and Dean began their attacks on the Angels. They were caught by them as they flew over to the room. Karina was protecting John and Mary from behind with the blade. Anna began to approach her as she swung the blade at her. Anna blocked out of the way, then kicked her knees down. She twisted her arm, dropping the blade on the floor.

She looked down as she reclaimed, "You're not the First Prayer. You're a bitch." She flew Karina to the corner of the room. Getting her head slammed on the wall. She groaned in pain as she felt blood from the back of her head.

John eyed Angel's blade, then he rushed toward it. Anna blocked him, then put her hand on below his chin. Forced him to stand up, then she pushed him out of the window. Sam woke up as Dean was getting punched repeatedly by Uriel. Anna walked closer to Mary, then Karina stood up.

Sam rushed toward the blade to protect Mary, then Karina opened her eyes to see the horrifying vision. Anna grabbed the bar from the wall, then stabbed him in the gut. He fell on the wall and his mouth was bleeding out. Her ears began to ring as her eyes teared up. Her mouth was silent as she called out his name. Sam looked at Karina as he was bleeding out. Karina looked at Anna, glaring at her back. She rushed toward her, not knowing she was holding the blade from the floor. Anna turned swiftly, stabbing Karina in the gut. The blade went through her gut out of her back. Echoed, her gasp. Her eyes looked down at the blade, her tears started to shed. "Boys..."

Anna pushed her down to the floor near Sam. She choked up by the blood as she coughed softly. Trying to breathe, she heard Dean's voice calling out to them. "Sammy! Kay!" Her eyes drifted into the darkness, taking her last breath as she bled out. Sam collapsed on the floor near Karina as he took his last breath. Dean looked at the sight of his brother and his best friend, "Guys!!"

Anna turned to Mary while she backed away from the Angel. "I'm really sorry."


Anna turned to see John. He wasn't John, but... "Micheal."

He walked up to her slowly as he put his hand on her shoulder. Anna gasped at the touch, her body was glowing up. Her head threw back as she was shaking, and blue flames popped out of her. Screaming in terror, the skin was blackened by fire. She remained in ashes as they all dissolved.

Michael turned to Uriel who stopped choking Dean. "Michael... I didn't know."

He rolled his eyes, "Goodbye, Uriel." He snapped his fingers, sending Uriel away.

Mary's eyes were in tears of fear as she looked at Michael, "What did you do to John?"

"John is fine."

"Who--what are you?"

He shushed her to be quiet, then touched her forehead. She fell to the ground, unconscious. He turned to Dean who was approaching him in pain. "Well, I'd say this conversation is long overdue, wouldn't you?"

Dean pointed at Sam and Karina, "Fix them."

He raised a finger, "First... we talk. Then I fix your darling little Sammy and Kay."

"How'd you get in my Dad, anyway?"

"I told him I could save his wife, and he said yes."

"I guess they oversold me being your one and only vessel."

"You're my true vessel, but not my only one."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It's a bloodline."

"A bloodline?"

"Stretching back to Cain and Abel. It's in your blood, your father's blood, your family's blood."

"Awesome. Six Degrees of Heaven Bacon. What do you want with me?"

He tilted his head as he asked, "You really don't know the answer to that?"

"Well, you know I ain't gonna say yes, so why are you here? What do you want with me?!"

"I just want you to understand what you and I have to do."

"Oh, I get it. You got beef with your brother. Well, get some therapy, pal. Don't take it out on my planet!!"

"You're wrong. Lucifer defiled our Father, and he betrayed me and Ariel. But still... I don't want this any more than you would want to kill Sam," Michael turned away as he looked at Sam and Karina on the ground, "You know, my brother, I practically raised him. I took care of him in a way most people could never understand, and I still love him. Ariel is my best friend, my guidance for Father's will.'

He turned back to Dean, "But I am going to kill him because it is right and I have to."

"Oh, because God says so?"

"Yes. From the beginning, he knew this was how it was going to end."

"And you're just gonna do whatever God says."

"Yes, because I am a good son."

"Okay, well, trust me, pal. Take it from someone who knows-- that is a dead-end street."

"And you think you know better than my father? One unimportant little man-- what makes you think you get to choose?"

"Because I got to believe that I can choose what I do with my... unimportant little life."

"You're wrong. You know how I know?" Michael turned his back again as he proclaimed his speech. "Think of a million random acts of chance that let John and Mary, and Kyle and Victoria be born, to meet, to fall in love, to have the three of you. Think of a million random choices that you make--and yet how each and every one of them brings you closer to your destiny.'

He looked at Dean in the eyes as he continued, "Do you know why that is? Because it's not random. It's not chance. It's a plan that is playing itself out perfectly. Free will's an illusion, Dean. That's why you're going to say yes, and Karina will choose your side." Dean looked at Michael as his eyes were close to tears, "Oh, buck up. It could be worse. You know, unlike my brothers, I won't leave you a drooling mess when I'm done wearing you."

"Well, what about my Dad?"

"Better than new. In fact, I'm gonna do your Mom and your Dad a favor."


"Scrub their minds. They won't remember me or you."

Dean spoke out, frightened. "You can't do that."

"I'm just giving your mother what she wants. She can go back to her husband, her family--"

"She's gonna walk right into that nursery!"

"Obviously." He turned away as he walked close to Sam and Karina, "And you always knew that was going to play out one way or another." He faced Dean who looked down melancholy, "You can't fight City Hall."

Michael lowered down as he pressed two fingers on Sam and Karina's foreheads. They vanished into a light, then pipe clunks to the floor. He stood up as he announced, "They're home... safe and sound. Your turn.'

He fixed his jacket before he said his last words, "I'll see you soon, Dean." He pressed his fingers on his forehead, sending Dean into a light.


It was now 2010, and Huntress and the Winchesters were back together in the motel room. Karina was looking up at the ceiling on a bed, reminiscing about what happened in the past. Sam and Dean were setting up for drinks since it had been a long ride from all of them.

Sam was unwrapping the plastic off the cups near the sink, then he looked up. His eyes widen at the sight of Angel behind him. "Castiel." He almost fell on Sam then he caught him, then Dean and Karina hurried over to help him to stand as well.

Sam and Dean were holding Casitel's every arm while Karina was in front of him. She was holding his face to make sure he was alright. Considering how much he worried her. "You son of a bitch. You made it," said Dean.

"I did?" He looked at his hands, then he raised his head to look at each person holding him. "I'm very surprised." He fainted again but Sam and Dean caught him. They both dragged him to the bed, letting him get some rest.

Dean looked at Sam and Karina, "I could use that drink now."



They all came together, standing in the middle of the room. Dean poured whiskey into each of the three cups in the hands of the trio. "Well... this is it."

Sam looked at Dean, confused. He took his sip, "This is what?"

Dean set down the bottle on the table, "Team Free Will. One ex-blood junkie, one badass bitch, one dropout with 6 bucks to his name, and Mr. Comatose over there. It's awesome." He drank his whiskey while Karina scoffed sadly.

"It's not funny."

"I'm not laughing."

They looked at Castiel then Karina sighed. "They all say we'll say yes and I have to choose a side."

"I know. It's getting annoying."

Sam asked, "What if they're right?"

Dean took a drink, "They're not."

"I mean, w-why would we, either of us? But... I've been weak before."

Karina faced him, "Sam..."

"Michael got Dad to say yes."

Dean looked at him to clarify, "That was different. Anna was about to kill Mom."

"And if you could save Mom... what would you say?" Dean looked at Sam, speechless. Karina looked at Sam and Dean together, admiring as she embraced. Angels were watching over them.

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