
By flying-person

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Bonus scenes from all of my stories. More

A Slice of the Past

When Emilee Fangirls

9.6K 804 237
By flying-person

For giving me 3,000,000 reads on He Was Looking For A Princess, Instead He Found Me <3


When Emilee Fangirls


“Stay calm, but I have a surprise for you,” Christopher said sternly, putting his hand on my shoulder. “It’s for your eighteenth birthday, since I sort of ruined it.”

            “What is it?” I asked excitedly. “Is it a pony?”

            He rolled his eyes. “No, It’s not a pony.”

            Damn. I think he just broke my heart.

            “But I want a pony! Please, Christopher? Please, please, pleeease?”

            “There are horses in the stable, Milee!” he cried, exasperation coloring his tone. “They aren’t that special.”

            “Ah! Then I must go to the stables!” I stuck my fist out like I was superman and prepared to zoom off like Flash.

            Sadly, someone’s arm wrapped around me and caught me just before I went ninja. I glared up at Christopher for ruining my fun, but it didn’t seem to faze him. He simply lifted me up and chucked me onto the antique couch.

            “Sit,” he ordered like he’d allow me to stand up. “Let me tell you your present.”

            “Okay.” I pouted and got comfortable, leaning my head against the back of the sofa.

            “Now, you know that there are lots of different kingdoms on this continent.”

            “Uh huh.”

            “And each kingdom has a different governing creature. Astria has vampires, for example.”

            “Yes- get to the point! My ponies are missing me!”

            “Well…” He paused for dramatic affect. “I requested some people to come and meet you for your birthday a few weeks ago…”

            I cocked an eyebrow. “And?”

            “And they’ve arrived.”

            Suddenly, voices could be heard from the entrance to the room we were in. I froze in my spot on the couch in shock as I recognized them.

            “Maybe I should have changed my dress, Papa…”

            “Clumsy! Stop stepping on my feet!”

            “Do you think she’ll like my cupcakes?”

            “La, la, la-la, la, la! Sing a happy song! La, la, la-la, la, la! Smurf your whole day long!”

            A high-pitched squeal escaped me and my hands came up to put themselves over my mouth. Anyone could recognize those voices!

            “Christopher… If it’s who I think it is I’ll love you forever,” I told him seriously. He just flashed me his pearly whites.

            “Emilee, my love, I’d like you to meet the smurfs.”

            And just like that I had a full-blown heart attack. The whole village emerged from the doorway and started waving at me. I died right then and there, I swear.

            “Hello Princess,” Papa Smurf greeted.

            “Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!” was my reply. Smurfette giggled and twirled around in her dress.

            “Are you happy to see us, Miss Emilee?”



            “Emilee! Wake up!” 

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