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Von worldofmagix

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- Blair Wrenlee an 18 year old girl who "accidentally shifts" into the universe of her recent book, Shatter M... Mehr



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Von worldofmagix

Previously before she entered
the Shatter Me world:

-"Lucas?!" I say surprised not expecting him here. At this hour too.

He chuckles a little. "Angel, Luke, call me Luke. And just open this window man it's freezing outside." He lies, obviously it's not freezing.

I roll my eyes as I chuckle a little and I open the window slowly without making any noise. My father can't know a boy is in my room. Trouble.

"So what brings you here? Did Amy needed my homework?" I say as I play with my fingers nervously looking everywhere but his eyes.

He chuckles and walks closer to me making sure he doesn't make any noice from his steps.

"Homework? You think I'd visit you at this hour for homework?" I clear my throat nervous by his sudden words and raise an eyebrow as in "then why are you here?".

He sighs and cups my face gently while trailing his thumb on my lips as he looks at my eyes then his eyes shift to my lips and then my eyes again.

My heart is beating so fast that I know for a fact he can hear it as well. He's smiling at me, a little smile crosses his face.

I don't know what he's gonna do but this gentle caressment is giving me a bit of flickering in my stomach, tickle due to nervousness and I can't help it but wonder: Will he confess to me?

Will he kiss me?

He lets a small sigh and puts my hair behind my ear and his next words surprise me; "How are you? Are you okay?"

Are you okay? No one but my brother asked me this question.

How are you? Mentally or physically?

How are you?

Are you okay?

How should one answer this question?

Perhaps as usual. Lie.

"I'm doing okay, thanks for asking." I say as I look on the floor furrowing my eyebrows and he gently lifts my head up so I can look at him.

He touches my left ear so gently rubbing his thumb on it and sees the red scar. I think he is mad. "Did he do this to you?" Of course he is mad. I can tell from that tone. And his little frown.

I don't dare to say a word....all I do is nod slowly and I hear him sigh angrily....


Present Day

-This is getting ridiculous.
I've been in this medical room or whatever it is for five hours straight and no one came to check up on me- actually no , that nurse came once to give me an injection and another time she brought me food but I'm not eating that.
I want to get out of this place. I feel like I'm in a mental hospital and I don't remember half of the things.

the door opens.

"Hello querida, how are you feeling? Any pain or?" The handsome doctor said.

I sigh "Well I don't have any pain but for how long do I need to stay here? I'm bored."

He chuckles and leans closer to my bed. "You need to be patient querida. I'm sure sir Warner will- uhm" He takes a second to respond. "Will let you free...uhm let's check you." His voice sounds nervous when he says "let you free" it almost sounds like this Blondie guy isn't letting me go at any time soon...

The doctor is checking my legs, my arms and my neck to see any pain on me. "Hm does it hurt when I touch you?" He says as he touches my injures and when he touches my neck I groan a little silently and he nods. "Mhm so your neck." I must be on pills but the way this doctor is touching my injuries...my legs, my hands it's so soothing and his smile is just so cute....

Wait a minute! What am I thinking about for God's sake? I should be focusing on getting out of here not to fall for a freaking doctor in this freaking place!

"Do you still have any pain in your back Miss Wrenlee?" He says as he let go of touching me and now is writing something on some files.

I lay my back on this uncomfortable bed and sigh. "No my back seems fine except that...why is this bed so hard?" The Hot Doctor raises his eyebrow confused at my question or perhaps amused? "I mean no offense but if you're gonna keep beds like this of course your patient's back will hurt doctor." I force an annoyed smile and roll my eyes.

He chuckles at my words and leans his face a little closer. "Querida, we only heal people we don't built things. If you're gonna complain about the hardness of this bed then perhaps you might like a word with sir Warner." I look at him immediately and he smirks as if he knew I had fear in my eyes as he mentions that Blondie's name. "What do you say Miss Wrenlee?"

I scoff and shake my head in disbelief. "Does everyone here has a comeback for everything I say or is it just you?"

"I don't know dear, would you like to meet the "staff" and talk with them to see their personalities?" He says as he tilts his head and holds them damn files. Yes I am mad now.

"No need. I have seen enough "doctor"." I roll my eyes in annoyance. That's all I can do while laying in this uncomfortable disgusting bed.

He chuckles a little at me and shakes his head a little almost as it's entertaining to him. "Look querida." Why does he keep calling me that name? I don't even speak Spanish. "I don't want you to hate this place well you have your reason of course but..." he sighs.

"If you could keep me out of your hate list I'd appreciate it. Believe me I hate this place as well but there is nothing that I can do." His tone sounds a bit sad. Why is he sad? Is this place that bad?

"I am just a doctor in this sector and a soldier as well. None of us want this life but the government decided this life for us after the world went downhill." Wait what?

I raise my eyebrows confused at his words.

"This is what The Reestablishment decided for us. And we all have to follow the rules otherwise death awaits us." He takes a moment to breath and touches my hand slowly with his gloved hands. "The best thing is to give them what they want. Otherwise you and your loved one are all dead."

He sounds very honest. I don't get it though. How did the world went downhill? I mean if we talking about the people I totally agree but did something even worse happened to our planet then it already did?

Who are the Reestablishment?

Who is that Blondie?

Where on earth am I?

The questions keep repeating in my head and it's like they're eating my brain.

The doctor takes his files. "I can be your friend in this hell place if you let me. That's your choice Miss Wrenlee or can I call you Blair?"
He smiles a little. "By the way, my name is Miguel."

He lets go of my hand and stands up from my bed. He points to a small wardrobe near the window. "If you get cold there is an overcoat there. Of course if you can stand up."

He sighs and gets out of the room and now I am left alone again.

In my own thoughts.

Comprehending what the doctor said to me.


- Two whole days passed and unfortunately I had to fall asleep unable to do anything about my escape plan and now no one, not even the hot doctor or the Blondie came to check up on me.

It's also afternoon and the only person that came in this room was that Katya nurse. She gave me injection and food but now it's been four hours and no one came here also I feel like my entire body is glued to this bed. I wanna stand up and go somewhere. Anywhere.

Escape from here.


Not yet.

There are probably soldiers everywhere. With guns.

And besides, my arm is wounded plus they have put it in a sling. Perfect.

My leg on the other hand has seemed to be recovering, well that was fast. My neck only has a dark bruise on my left, like the doctor said, and it still hurts which is why they put this neck collar around it as well. It's kinda itching me or maybe it's just my brain tricking me.

Either way this sucks.

And I wanna go home, my family must miss m-

Speaking of home...I don't know if I wanna go home actually. I mean why should I? Go back to my abusive old dad who's also a drug addict and to a mother who gets beaten up by my father so she gets upset and uses me as her stress toy? Doesn't seem like a good idea.

Stay in this unknown place where I got shot the first day by a hot blonde psycho and a fine doctor saying those strange things that creep me out about world downhill? Definitely not a good idea.

But what should I do?

Obviously I can't stay here. I mean I'm just that type of person that hates being "captured" if that makes sense so I have to find a way and escape.

Maybe I won't go back to my home again I could start my own life after this, get a job, a small but comfortable apartment or house just any place that I would call mine. Maybe get a golden retriever dog to keep me company, I love cats too. Or I can get a bunny.

What am I saying?


Right, escape. I'll talk about my plan to "escape" my house later cause right now I need to escape this whatever this is.

Okay now where was I? Right, how do I get out of this hospital room? Maybe I can start by-

The door opens.

I lift my head a bit to see who it was....-

"Loquacious girl, I wasn't planning on visiting you today but then I thought "she must be so bored and in need to annoy someone" so I decided to come." The Blondie says. Of course who else would say such things that I can't even understand. "Or perhaps I was incorrect love?"

He says as he approaches my bed with his hands on his pock- wait...he is wearing gloves. Like black gloves. And he is wearing black suit with a black overcoat. He removed his overcoat and held to his forearm as he sits on the other bed near mine on my right. His shirt is making his muscles so visible and God he looks magnifi-

Shut up.

I need to clear my head and focus because I swear I saw him smirk a little when I thought of that as if he understood what I was thinking or feeling. That sounds bad to be true thank God.

I would hate knowing someone like him can read or hear thoughts, although impossible.

"Your mind seems to be in places, is something bothering you dear?" He says as I snap out of my thoughts and realize that he is still here. I roll my eyes in annoyance and sigh.

He smirks at me as if he's taunting me. I hate it.

"I would say I'm fine but that would be a lie." I say while looking at my arm and not him and all he does is sigh.

"And why is that,love?" He puts his hands on his legs leaning a bit closer to my bed as he tilts his head still looking at me.

Maybe he really is taunting me with all this "love" talk.

I scoff and roll my eyes now looking at him and I try to be intimidating. "You have the nerve to ask?"

"I'm just trying to understand you that's all. Besides you need to recover faster and tell me what you were doing near my sector." He looks directly at me with this stern look that's giving me chills all over my body.

I don't even know how I got here so what should I say to this man to save myself?

It's not like I teleported here or something. Now I'm also curious how I got here. Based on his words I magically appeared in a building that he owns. But there's no such thing as magic obviously or superpowers.

"Do you do that a lot?" I'm taken back from his words as I was staring to the white wall. I look at him raising an eyebrow confused. "Zoning out thing? Because I keep asking you questions and you keep staring at that white wall."

Yes I do zone out a lot.

Happens when I'm surrounded by people I don't like or people I don't want to talk to.

Or it just happens I guess.

I shake my head. "No I was just...lost." Lost? Lost!? Girl what are you saying? "Anyways as for your question, I already told you that night that I don't know what I was doing near your building or whatsoever."

He sighs in an angry way and leans back as he stands up and wears his overcoat. He turns his focus on me. "I won't ask you again because doctor Mendes mentioned that since you've lost your memory it could be to much to ask you stuff like that and considering your mind is stuck 40 years back it would cause you damage in your brain more while you comprehend these conversations."

He says in a serious tone as he stands next to my bed towering over my bed. I didn't understand half of the things he said. Why does he need to talk this classical way?

"But don't think I won't continue to interfere what happened to you or what you might have done." He points his finger at me- wait gloved finger and now I forgot whatever he said and only focusing at his black gloves on his hands.

"Why are you wearing gloves?" He looks surprised at my question and scoffs a little as if he really is disappointed at me for not paying attention at his words.

"Really? I have told you all of these things about your memories, your sneaking and you are asking me about my gloves? Do you happen to have ADHD love?"


"I mean I have seen you wear these while you are near me so." He shakes his head in disbelief at my words.

He sits on my bed and I move a little from him. He's sitting near my legs. "Don't worry I won't harm you, again." He doesn't dare to touch me. "If you remember before you passed out I asked you about your gifts."

Wait. My gifts?

Oh right how could I forget? He was talking these nonsense things about like superpowers or something before I passed out from his shot in my arm.

"There are no such things as gifts or whatever you are talking about-"

He sighs cutting my words off. "Yes, love there are. Prisoner One for example has a gift..."

Prisoner One?

"....and I believe you do too. A soldier died when he touched you while taking you here."

"Wait what?" I gasp a little surprised and in disbelief. There is no way I caused the death of someone. Right?

"Yes Blair. He was trying to take you along with my other soldiers but the moment he touched your shoulder a big piece of the old building fell over him and killed him." He says in a serious tone and stands up now.

I swallow my spit lost in my thoughts and I'm so scared I might have actually done that...wait. Nonsense. I don't have a gift. This Blondie is lying for sure.

"You may not remember anything for now but I will do whatever it takes to bring your memory back and to make you tell me what the hell is going on with your situation. And yes you did kill someone."

He walks towards the door. And my eyes are wide open as if he read my mind or felt my feelings.

I clear my throat and decide to taunt him a bit in order to change the subject.

"Is that why you're wearing gloves?" I say making him stop in the middle. "Are you scared some piece of building might fall on top of you or something?" He smirks at me and shakes his head.

"I wouldn't say scared I'd rather say taking precautions. Besides it's rather entertaining then fear." He says and I sigh in a frustrated way. I don't like this man at all.

He leaves the room.

Now my plan begins.


-It's around 18 o'clock. I waited till this time because I overheard the nurse Katya saying to doctor Mendes that at 18 o'clock the soldiers near my door change their guard shift and it takes about five minutes for others to come.

I feel lucky to overhear that.

My leg doesn't hurt that much now, my arm is in sling my neck in a collar it may not be that hard to run away I think.


I stand up slowly and I'm wearing these hospital clothes good thing I have my underwear otherwise I'd be uncomfortable.

I walk over to the small wardrobe to see if there really was an overcoat like the doctor said and there was. I take it and wear it on one hand cause the other hurts.

I walk towards the door slowly and open it just a little bit for me to see. I'm only noticing that the door was a little opened before I opened it. But let's not focus on that.

There were no soldiers.


I get out and close the door behind me, I see this long hallway. This place looks so creepy and prison like it's giving me chills. I walk towards the hallway slowly as I hold into the coat always looking around.

I hear some voices and I hide in a small room with no one there. I take a peak and see a soldier talking to another one. "Man do you think she's pretty?" One of them says to the other. "I mean if Warner won't stop talking about her she must be gorgeous. Good think It's my turn to guard her door."

The man chuckles a little and claps his hands. "What if I take a sneak peak to see her?"

"Shut it Kishimoto and just let me work in peace.I can't believe I'm paired with you." The other soldier says to him and they walk away.

I make sure no one is around again. No one was. So I get out of the room and see an elevator. God please let no one be there.

Of course I go to the elevator. Bold move. My instincts are telling me to not go but my body says to go since my leg hurts a bit.

The elevator seems to be made of glass, I can sense a shadow in but I don't see anyone from this position. I walk closer to touch the elevator and it opens up before I could even reach it.


"You?" The Blondie. "What are you doing out here?"

I take a step back in fear and head towards the stairs running.

"Private Curtis, Kishimoto get out here now!"

The soldiers are following me and my heart is beating so fast as I run down the stairs but then my ankle twists and I drip down the stairs losing my consciousness.

I open my eyes a bit and I see someone carrying me...Warner.

(Published on October 4 2023)


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