Broken yet Beautiful (Complet...

By AngelTweet

710K 45.3K 3.3K

'I hope for us.' 'This hope gives me strength to breath.' 'Strength to fight with our odds.' 'One day to wi... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Chapter - 30
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 32
Chapter - 33
Chapter - 34
Chapter - 35
Chapter - 36
Chapter - 37
Chapter - 38
Chapter - 39
Chapter - 40
Chapter - 41

Chapter - 25

18.4K 1.1K 108
By AngelTweet

Neil returned back to his home from the office, directly headed to Myra's room as he did not find the mother, son duo in the living room as usual.

Door of her room was wide open, but one look inside her room rooted him to his place. He could see one big bag opened and all things such as a pile of neatly folded clothes, diaper boxes, toys, books, cereal packs, toiletries, first aid box in short all essentials for any toddler for his upcoming trip spread across the room.

He leaned over the doorway looking at his wife's antics. She put  all things inside but somehow she was not convinced with her hard work so she took out all the things from the bag and again started to pack. This happened three times. Every time she used to make cute faces rolling her eyes when she had to start all over again. Her antics brought a small chuckle from Neil, he could not control.

"Neil?" It was for the first time in the last 15 minutes Myra could raise her head to see her husband.

"What are you doing, Myra?" He took a step inside.

"I guess, I am packing." His question made her unsure about her own.

"That I can see but what is all this?" He threw his suit and laptop bag on her bed and settled down in front of her, where he could find a place.

"It's Neev's first trip so I want to take all the things which he will need." Next day they were leaving for their most awaited trip to London.

"But we are not going on any no man's land. We can buy things if we missed anything over here."

"Yes but we don't know if those things will be suitable for Neev or not." Myra continued as Neil's face was a clear picture of confusion. "Just take this as an example." She took a pack of Diapers in her hand. "Neev is used to this, what if we don't find a similar brand. It may cause him rashes."

"Yes you are right." Neil agreed, he understood there was no chance he could win against his wife in the matter of their son.

"Did you finish your packing?" Neil asked purposefully, he knew his wife would have been busy in planning and packing for their son she would have forgotten about herself.

"I will do it once I am done with Neev's packing." She started to put things in the bag for the 4th time. "What about yours?"

"I will do it after dinner." He spoke then paused for a minute then continued, "Will you help me in my packing? I am terrible at it."

After their talks a week back about giving this marriage a true chance, Neil decided to take baby steps towards his new life. The first step was to let her enter into his personal space. Even earlier without his knowledge his heart had allowed her but this time his mind started vocalising his heart whisperings.

Looking at his efforts, Myra also started verbalising her own thoughts, started sharing her routine, she did not mind him helping her in small household chores. These little moments ignited hope of a bright future in their hearts.

"Sure why not?" She smiled brightly. "Coffee? I will get it now." She got up to leave.

"It's ok." He held her hand.

"But you will get a headache if you don't have it?" it was more of a question.

"How do you know that?" he scrunched his eyes.

"I just know that." Myra shrugged her shoulders.

"Ok please." he left her hand and she left for the kitchen.

He got up and went towards his son's crib. His son was soundly sleeping inside clutching his favourite soft toy teddy bear. Not to mention it was a gift from his mother on his first birthday which made it so special that his son had built a habit to sleep holding it close to his heart.

It had become Neil's routine over last few days, to pass most of the time in Myra's room. Except for sleeping at night, he used to be in her room only.

She came with two coffee mugs.

"Neil, where are we going to stay in London?" she asked, taking a first sip.

"In The Rosewood Hotels."

"Ohh" She turned silent and engrossed in her own thoughts.

"What happened? It's a seven star hotel, London's best ..." He could not finish.

"Will they have a kitchen in the room?" Her question baffled him.

"Kitchen? My PA has booked a Presidential suite for us and..."

"But what about the kitchen?"

"I ...don't ...know.'' He stammered. He was still clueless why his wife was sticking to the kitchen availability in their Presidential Suite of 7 star hotel.

"Ohh god then what should I do?" Looking at her face he knew she was in deep thoughts.

"Why do you need a kitchen, but?" Finally he asked.

"Else how will I cook for Neev? He is not going to eat outside food. I mean one or two times is ok but not everyday. We are going there for 2 weeks. 2 weeks outside food... for sure it's a big no." he saw his wife, she was adamant in her own ways.

Neil tried his best to make her understand about the food quality and cleanliness of any 7 star hotel but he dropped his weapons when Myra stuck to her stand for their son's health and safety.

Finally, Neil gave a call to his PA asking him to book a villa for their stay with a kitchen.

"Neil, I am sorry. I became so adamant." Myra felt offended. "But with Neev..."

"You don't want to take any chances. I can understand." He held her hand with a small smile. He knew how much his wife was possessive about their son.

His mere, briefe touch always invoked butterflies in her stomach. She lowered her eyes, failing to control giddiness.

His eyes could not move away from her face. Her cheeks had started turning light pink and she bit her lip.

"Mumma" a shriek from back jerked both of them, breaking their moment.

Myra turned towards the crib where her son was up and was trying to put his left leg on the railings to climb and come out of it.

"Neev?" She raised her eyebrows and ran to him. Her son was trying to shake the railings of the crib when she picked him up in her arms kissing his hairs and patting his back.

"Ohh... my baby is up." She started cooing at him saying sweet nothings in his ears. He kept his head on her shoulder muttering something in his baby language but his eyes were fixed on his father.

Both father and son were competing with each other in the staring contest.

'She is my mumma.' Neil could see Neev's inner thoughts in his big doe eyes.

'Why couldn't you sleep a little more?' Neev ignored his father's glare conveniently.

Next day, tiro left for the airport, and the jet was ready to fly with its passengers. Myra was sitting beside Neil and Neev was on her lap looking out of the window. She fastened the belt securing herself and her son.

Myra was not used to travelling with flight. She was scared of heights. When the flight started speeding over the runway for take off. She closed her eyes tightly whereas her hold over Neev turned more firm. Neev buried his head in her chest as the little guy felt giddy inside his stomach.

Neil found the scene in front of him so cute that he could not control himself from capturing the moment in his phone's camera. Sudden protective feelings engulfed his heart which made him wrap his arm around Myra's petit figure. He held his two precious possessions, enveloping them in his embrace till the time their flight completed the take off process.

He felt a strong hold on his shirt, he found Myra's fist. She hid her face in his chest. Her rose scent passed shudder down in his spine. It was for the first time he felt chill bumps in his stomach when she clutched to him like her life depended on his hold. These goosebumps were new to him, he had never felt such a kind of restlessness any time in his life. But he could not deny he loved that feeling. He wanted to experience that emotion for the rest of his life.

"Don't worry, you both will not fall down till the time I am there." He murmured, bending their ears.

His whispers and hot breath over her ears made her realise her position. She slowly moved away from him, not meeting her eyes with his intense ones.

"Sorry" He heard her mumblings.

"Don't be." His reply was instant. He pressed his lips when she turned to him in swift movement with wide eyes and cherry red cheeks.

It took almost 7-8 hours for them to land in London. Of Course during the landing process as well Neil was there to help his wife and son comforting them by enveloping them in his embrace.

It was midnight when they reached a villa booked by Neil's PA for their next two weeks stay. They entered and security guards brought their luggage to the villa. It was not as big as their current home but instantly it gave them cozy warm feelings.

There was a huge living room attached with a dining area which had a way out towards the kitchen and family room. Adjacent three bedrooms along with the studyroom were more than enough for three people.

Neil scrolled their pullovers, he kept two in one room and one in another room when his wife and son were busy taking a good look of the facility.

"Myra, I kept your and Neev's bag over there. My room is exactly next to it." He pointed towards the doors.

They called off the day retiring in their rooms for a nice sleep after a long journey.

Next day, Myra got up. She saw her son was still sleeping. She opened the curtains which gave a beautiful look of green land spread across. She freshened up and left for the kitchen to make breakfast. But to her surprise, one lady was already present over there in the kitchen. Freshly baked croissants and muffins smell hit her nostrils.

Post initial introduction, Myra made her husband's coffee asking the maid to keep breakfast ready as her husband would be leaving soon for his meeting.

Next three days, Neil was quite busy with his office meetings and deal finalisation. Whereas for Myra her life was always surrounded by Neev which did not change in new place.

Today, he came early to their Villa as the deal signature procedure was complete and he was going to spend all his remaining days with his wife and son.

When he entered the villa, he saw his wife and son on the swing reading some books.

"Surprise" his cheering voice made them raise their heads from the book.

"Dadda" Neev jumped in Myra's lap raising his hands towards his father.

Neil took his son in his embrace and started playing with him. It was a treat for Myra's eyes.

"Myra get ready, we are going out. Let's go out and we will have dinner outside only." He declared.

"Ice kim" Neev made his demand clear.

"No Neev baby, it's not good to eat ice cream every day." Myra interrupted with concern. Ice cream was her son's favourite.

He took out his lower lips and his eyes turned watery which melted her heart instantly.

"Ok but only a small scoop." Her reply brought a bright smile on Neev's face.

"You perfectly know how to blackmail your mother right?" Niel tickled his son, earning loud laughter from him.

Later all three went towards London city, they roamed around Buckingham palace and had a ride on the London eye.

Later, they went inside a mall, Neil held Myra's hands and pulled her inside one jewellery shop.

"What are we doing over here?" She asked not to understand his sudden actions.

"I signed a deal today. A very big deal. It's all because of you. So, I want to get something for you." He whispered with an intent look.

"What did I do Neil? It's all your hard work." She bit her lip.

"You don't know Myra, but you being with me gives me a feeling of completeness ." When he decided to give a chance for this marriage, he decided to be vocal about his feelings. "And I want to cherish this feeling with a small piece of gratitude."

His words made her tongue tide. She nodded her head and again her cheeks turned red.

They looked for a diamond studded platinum necklace but looked like nothing was impressive to her husband.

"I need something unique." He asked the manager of the store. He, himself did not realise why he was turning so choosy while selecting a mere jewellery piece for her, it was his first experience.

Finally, the manager brought a nice emerald studded necklace which was instantly loved by both of them.

Neil asked her for a trial. She put the necklace on her neck and tried to hook it up but Neil came for her help. He slid her loose hairs on her right shoulder and hooked the piece of jewellery. There was a round mirror in front of them which had a reflection of their smiling faces.

"This looks beautiful on you." He mumbled holding her shoulders from behind.

"Yes. But it looks expensive." She did not know the price but for sure she knew it would be costly.

"And you are precious." His honest whispers made her turn to him to stare in his dark brown eyes which flickered with unknown emotions for the first time.

"Mumma" again her son. It was high time she did not pay any attention towards him. According to him, he also needed to approve the piece of jewellery for his mother.

"How is this Neev?" She turned to her son with a bright smile.

He clapped his hands providing his approval with a flashy smile.

It was a picture perfect moment for their family which was witnessed by one pair of shocked yet teary eyes.

Neil could not miss unusual feelings surrounding his heart, he was engrossed in the moment but he turned feeling someone's glare towards them from back. He took a good look over the shop but nothing suspicious was found in his peripheral vision. Shivers passed down his spine when abrupt anxious, edgy feelings gave a pang to his heart.

Myra was busy with her son when she saw her husband's reflection in the mirror, he was looking at their back searching for something with a creased forehead. Confusion, mystification, anxiety was all over his face.

"Neil what happened?" She asked but her words could not reach his eardrums.

"Neil?" she turned and shook him holding his arm.

"Hmm?" He jerked.

"What happened? Where are you lost?" She asked with concern.

"I felt someone was watching us." He turned to take one more look at the surroundings.


"I don't know." He replied, still engrossed in his own thoughts, "Leave it." he saw her tension filled face.

Next two days went as well in a blink when Neil took Myra and Neev for sightseeing, visiting countryside and city life.

"Myra, there is a dinner invite for today. The client with whom I signed the deal, invited us to his home. Sorry I accepted without even asking you." He declared during breakfast.

"What's there to ask? Of Course we can go." Myra accepted while feeding Neev his pancakes.

It was evening, when all three got ready and left for dinner at Neil's client.

It was a beautiful two storey house, the driver parked their car on the porch and Neil led them towards the main door.

One young guy almost the age of Neil opened the door.

"Welcome Mr. Neil Singhania." He greeted and welcomed them inside.

"Come Rohan." Neil shared a brotherly hug with him.

"Thank god you are here. Come, come inside." he showed them the way leading them towards the living room.

"This is the house of this poor man. Please be comfortable." Rohan mentioned when his eyes fell on Myra.

She was standing beside Neil holding Neev's hand.

Rohan scrunched his eyebrows looking at her.

"Rohan, meet my wife, Myra and our son Neev." Neil introduced.

"Nice to meet you." Myra passed a small smile but she felt uncomfortable when Rohan did not move his eyes from her face.

"Nice... nice to meet you...." Rohan took a small pause, "Myra."

All four settled down on chairs, Rohan brought drinks for himself and Neil. Maid brought a mocktail for Myra.

During their conversations over the dinner table, Myra got acquainted with Rohan's family background who were settled in India and his wife was on her India trip to visit his parents.

Looking at Neil and Rohan, and listening to their conversation, she felt they were not just business associates but much more than that.

But even though they both were engrossed in their talks about business, Myra could not miss Rohan's continuous inquisitive stare.

Post dinner, Neil got one call, to take it he went little far from them leaving only Rohan, Myra and sleeping Neev.

Myra's heart thudded when Neil left her alone with Rohan.

"How did you find London?" Rohan asked.

"It's beautiful, especially the countryside." She replied keeping her eyes on Neil's figure who was standing little far from them.

"Yes it's really beautiful, especially Edinburgh and Windsor. But, I find Calgary, Alberta more beautiful. I grew up in Calgary. You must have visited it right?" Rohan carefully asked, not moving his eyes from her nervous face.

"I grew up in Calgary too." she replied weakly.

"Ohh that's great, which school?"

"St. Bishop's School." Myra was now a little irritated with his inquisitive nature.

"Which batch?" his tone turned serious suddenly.

"2012" she thanked mentally as she could see, Neil finished his call. Still he was typing something on his phone.

"2012" Rohan repeated with wide open eyes that his eyeballs would come out from their sockets anytime.

Rohan started laughing like a maniac, his laughing sound gained every bit of Myra's attention along with Neil's. He was stepping inside.

"What happened?" Neil asked, shifting his eyes between his friend and his wife. Myra was clueless, she shrugged her shoulders looking at Rohan.

"Neil, you are such a luckiest asshole in this world." Rohan blurted out in mid of his laughter.


"Finally, not only you found your Nightingale but you got married to her as well. You lucky moron got his first love as his life partner."

Rohan's words swiped away the floor beneath Neil's feet. He blankly stared at Myra who's condition was no different than his.


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