The Queen Dowager of Württemb...

By f1royalty

144K 3.7K 649

The tale of Her Majesty The Queen Dowager of Württemberg unfolds not as a fairy-tale love story with a happil... More

before you read *important*
CAST pt.1
CAST pt.2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 17

3K 112 9
By f1royalty

The Duke and Duchess of Hastings

Buckingham House, London

Early in the morning, Lady Danbury wrote a letter to the Queen, requesting an audience with the Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton and the others involved to discuss the approval of the marriage license between Miss Daphne Bridgerton and the Duke of Hastings. The Queen Dowager of Württemberg was not invited, but the Queen requested her presence for support and since she knew the Bridgertons and the Duke very well.

When the time came, Charlotte sat next to her mother, with her dog, Max, peacefully lying on her feet. Each of Ladies of the Court had one of Her Majesty's dogs on their lap. 

Lady Danbury was the first to address the Queen, by lightly leaning herself forward.

"As low as you can go, Lady Danbury?" The Queen teased and raised an eyebrow at the woman.

Charlotte would have scolded her mother, as she always does when she says comments like this, but she knew she and Lady Danbury shared a friendship/acquaintanceship that has grown over the years.

"With these knees, yes, Your Majesty," she nodded with a smirk.

"Very well. Let your young people come forward," the Queen nodded. Simon and Daphne both walked forward, bowed and curtsied. "I have heard a rumor that the special license you seek to marry has been denied. I am not quite sure what you believe I am to do about it."

Neither Simon or Daphne really knew how to start.

"Well, plead your case," the Queen stated calmly.

"Your Majesty, I assure you nothing untoward has occurred. It is only that we love each other so very much," Daphne said with a small smirk, and the Queen sighed, unsatisfied. Daphne looked at Charlotte, who gave her an encouraging nod to continue. "While I was deeply flattered by the attention of your nephew, the prince, I... I simply could not ignore my long-standing affection for the Duke. You see, Your Majesty, it was love at first sight."

"It was not, Your Majesty," the Duke said firmly, and Charlotte's eyes grew wide at his denial. This was not a time to deny it! Simon looked at Daphne, who was also looking at him in utter disbelief, before he looked back at the Queen. "The young lady flatters me, but it was not love at first sight for either of us. There was attraction, certainly, at least on my part. But Miss Bridgerton thought me presumptuous, arrogant, insincere. All fair, really."

Now the Queen seemed more interested.

"And I thought her a prim young lady barely out of leading strings. Not to mention the sister of my best friend, and so romance was entirely out of the question for both of us. But in so removing it, we found something far greater. We found frienship. You see, Miss Bridgerton and I have been fooling all of Mayfair for some time," Daphne looked at him as if he was mad. "We have fooled them into thinking we are courting...when really, all along, we simply enjoyed each other's company so much we could not stay away from one another."

Needless to say, everyone in the room was moved and slightly shocked by the Duke of Hasting's lovely and truthful words. Charlotte, personally, felt proud of him, even though everything felt quick and slightly forced, for finally opening up his heart to someone like Daphne.

"I have never been a man that much enjoyed flirting, or chatting, or, indeed, talking at all. But with Daphne... Miss Bridgerton...conversation has always been easy. Her laughter brings me joy. To meet a beautiful young woman is one thing, but to meet your best friend in the most beautiful of women is something entirely apart. And it is with my sincerest apologies, I must say it took the prince coming along for me to realize I did not want Miss Bridgerton to only be my friend. I wanted her to be my wife," Simon's words brought Daphne close to tears. "I want her to be my wife. And so I plead with you...not to make us wait."

"Simon..." Daphne whispered.

"You are wise...or perhaps unusually lucky to understand friendship to be the best possible foundation a marriage can have," the Queen said sincerely. "Even if that foundation should crumble as quick as it was built."

"Mama..." Charlotte muttered, not scolding her this time, but out of sympathy...

The Queen Dowager knew too well she was speaking of her marriage with the King. Was their friendship entirely broken? No. But it's never been the same since his condition progressed and worsened.

"I shall like to offer you the choice, Miss Bridgerton," the Queen stated. "Do you wish to marry this man?"

Daphne was utterly speechless.


On the other hand, still hours after the audience with the Queen, the Duke of Hastings' romantic words left the Queen Dowager of Württemberg to reflect them in the warmth of her children's nursery. She was surrounded by all her sisters. Augusta, Elizabeth and Mary were playing with Anton and Amalia, while Sophia read a book on the reclining chair. Lastly, Charlotte sat silently on the bay window with her dog, Max, laying by her feet.

'To meet a beautiful young woman is one thing, but to meet your best friend in the most beautiful of women is something entirely apart'. Those words pierced her mind, but she thought of them quite differently... Many years ago, she considered the Viscount her best friend...and the most handsome man her eyes had seen... Indeed, finding something like that, it is something entirely apart.

Charlotte couldn't be more happy for Daphne and Simon. Even though things seemed tense at the moment, through time everything will go smoothly... Or, at least, she hoped so.

"Is it true that Daphne Bridgerton is not marrying our cousin?" Mary asked her older sister.

"It is true," the Queen Dowager responded. "She is marrying the Duke of Hastings."

"How could Mama let that happen?" Augusta wondered. "I swear, I thought she was arranging the wedding and all."

"It seems the Duke of Hastings and Miss Bridgerton are quite in love with one another," Charlotte informed her sisters. "You remember him? Simon?"

"Hardly," Augusta scoffed. "I believe it's been more than a decade since I've seen him, honestly."

"And whenever he came to the palace with Lady Danbury, he was always around you and our older brothers," Elizabeth added.

"Because you were too young," Charlotte  chuckled at the memories.

"I do not recall ever seen him in person," Sophia commented. "How's he like?"

"Well... His skin is dark– respectfully speaking, of course," Mary chuckled nervously at her older sister's warning glance. "However, Lady Whistledown says he is a handsome Rake."

"I see," Sophia lightly nodded.

"Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses," all girls looked at Mathilde, who had walked in the nursery. "A letter from the Viscount."

"I find it hilarious that whenever someone says 'the Viscount' everyone thinks of Lord Bridgerton," Mary commented. "Even though there are lots of Viscounts in England."

"But there is only one Viscount Bridgerton," Elizabeth added. "I have only heard his popularity and reputation are incomparable to others."

"And I believe he is the only Viscount Lady Whistledown has written about," Sophia added.

"Careful, Sisters," Augusta smirked. "Charlotte might get jealous and use her Queen powers to have you exiled."

"Shut it," Charlotte glared playfully at her sisters and smiled at Mathilde as was handed the letter. "Thank you."

Unto Her Majesty The Queen Dowager of Württemberg,
With this letter, I shall like to ask you to honor us with your presence at my sister's wedding. The wedding shall be a private ceremony with just our mother, Lady Danbury, my brothers and sisters.
The Queen is invited as well... As Her Majesty decides.
Nonetheless, there will be a reception, and it will take place in Bridgerton House. Now, for that certain event, the rest of the ton will be invited. And I mean...everyone. Invitations have been sent already, but yours... I wanted it to be more casual, more personal, and invite you myself... As a thank you, for everything. I feel like you have looked out for Daphne more than me during this time, and I am grateful for it... For being there for my family when I was not.
Fondly yours,
Lord Anthony Bridgerton

"And the letter came with this," Mathilde informed the Queen Dowager while Moira and Lauren walked in the nursery with a bouquet of flowers in hand.

"Oh, my God," Elizabeth gasped.

"He sent you flowers!" Mary exclaimed.

"Not the first time," Charlotte muttered as she sighed contently at the sight of them.

"He definitely likes you, Sister," Augusta chuckled. "That is some expensive bouquet."

"I do not pay mind its economic value..." Charlotte smiled softly. "It is the meaning behind it."

"And what does it mean?" Sophia questioned. "

"Well, to me, it means, 'I feel something towards you, even if for now we are simply close friends'," Elizabeth stated calmly. "

"The meaning behind it, is sort of a mystery to me," their sister said. "That is one of the things that makes it so interesting."

"Where shall you like me to put it, Your Majesty?" Moira asked.

"In my room, please, to replace the ones he's already gifted me before... They have unfortunately withered," Charlotte stood up and walked towards them, to see the flowers from up close. The bouquet held her favorite flowers known too well by the Viscount. These flowers were fresh, beautiful and perfumed. "Oh, how I wish these bouquets would last forever..."

"If you'd like, Your Majesty, we could arrange for your chambers to always have this same bouquet," Lauren suggested. "So, when this bouquet withers, and the Viscount does not send another one, there will be a new one placed immediately...arranged by us."

"I appreciate the offer... But I'm afraid I must decline. These bouquets special to me," a small smile graced her face. "As much as I adore it... I prefer that, if the Viscount decides to not send any more bouquets, then... I rather have none."

"But, Your Majesty– I do not understand," Lauren frowned with confusion. "These are your favorite flowers."

"But it will not be the same," her smile slowly faded. "They would not be coming from him..."

"Oh, I– I see," she stuttered. "Very well, Ma'am."

"Let's go," Moira whispered at her sister, and the two made a curtsy before her. "Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses."


The evening came around, and everything was quiet, except for the crickets that can be heard outside. After reading a short story and kissing her children's foreheads goodnight, Charlotte was too surprised to see all her brothers arguing outside the Ball room. Though, she was glad they were far away from her children's nursery.

"You should have pulled out!" George exclaimed.

"I did!" Frederick yelled back.

"Well, that was not enough," Edward stated.

"Listen, I know it feels good, but sometimes—"

"What kind of grossing conversation is this, Brothers?" Charlotte frowned with confusion, cutting William off. "And whatever are you all doing here anyway at this hour?"

"I wish I could erase Mother's conversation from my head," Augustus groaned.

"It was too...informative," Adolphus winced. "...and graphic."

"Let me guess..." Charlotte chuckled. "She showed you some drawings about the martial act?"

"Worse," William spoke. "It was acted."

"What?" Their sister frowned. "Acted?"

"She wanted to teach us a lesson on how know..." Edward trailed off. "...pull out on time."

"You see, one of Frederick's ladies is with child, and—"

"One of them?" Her eyes grew wide.

"The point is—"

"Do not talk to our sister of this," George cut Ernest off. "She is a dignified woman, pure—"

"Is she still pure if she's done it?" Augustus wondered.

"Alright! Very well, nice to see you all, Brothers, but I am leaving," Charlotte cleared her throat, uncomfortably. She went to step away, but turned to them with confusion. "I'm curious. How many bastards have the load of you made for the Queen to ignore?"

"Very few, Sister, we promise," Frederick said and glared at their brothers. "But they are not all mine. Speak!"

"At least I've got a real one. Charlotte, my Princess Charlotte of Wales," George stated. "Mother's got her and our sister's children too."

"I do not think mine are a real claim to the throne because their father was a King of another country," Charlotte added. "But even if they do have a claim, if any of you do decide to settle down and marry, as you all should, your children would come first."

"Right," William sighed.

"Well, it's been lovely to see you all," Charlotte smiled. "Now, if you excuse me, I must go. I have to attend a wedding tomorrow."

"Hastings' wedding?" Ernest asked, and his sister nodded.

"Why did they not invite us?" Adolphus wondered.

"I've never been to a wedding," Augustus added.

"You went to mine, but you probably won't remember because you were too young," their sister chuckled. "You went to George's too, I believe, but were too young to remember."

"Not even George went to his own wedding," Edward joked. "He was there, physically, but his mind was elsewhere for being too drunk."

"Mother had to drag you by your ears," William chuckled while the Prince Regent rolled his eyes.

Charlotte couldn't not laugh at her brother's attitude, at their laziness... Although, she didn't know what to say about having so many bastard brothers and nieces. She wished she could be there for them, but... It is prohibit, according to the Queen.

Speaking of the Queen, after she left her brothers mocking one another, the Queen Dowager found her mother pacing outside the King's dinning room. Charlotte walked towards her with a sympathetic smile on her face. Her mother sighed and took her hands in hers. They held each other's hands for a few moments in silence before letting go.

"So..." Charlotte sighed and looked at the opened door in between them. "Why are you here, Mama?"

"Should there be a reason for me to be here?" The Queen asked back. "This is my palace."

"I know Papa usually has dinner in that room, on his own," she said sincerely and looked down at the ground. "When I see him walk in I wish to go and join him... I still want him to meet Anton and Amalia."

"He loves you, darling. Just...hold onto that memory," she placed her hand on her daughter's cheek. "But your father is trapped in his own mind. Sometimes he is here, sometimes he is not."

"Oh yes, I remember..." Charlotte tried to hold back the tears. "Venus, and...the Heavens..."

"As much as it breaks me to say this... I prohibit you to introduce your children to the King," the Queen decided. "I do not want my grandchildren to witness their grandfather in such state. You and your brothers and sisters have already witnessed enough."

"But what of you, Mama?" The Queen Dowager questioned. "I know you still see Papa every now and then... Don't you think you shouldn't? Have you not witnessed enough too?"

"Do not compare us, darling. It might surprise you, but it is...different," the smallest of smiles graced her face. Then, the Queen turned her attention to the man at the door. One of the King's servants, who only nodded at her, motioning her she could come in. "Very well. Come with me. Let's join him together."

The Queen offered her daughter her hand, but Charlotte hesitated, given everything h about his insanity her mother's mentioned before. Deep down, it frightened her to see her father again...but, eventually, she placed her hand over her mother's, and the two walked inside the dining room.

The Queen Dowager's grip on her mother's hand tightened a bit at the sight of her father. It's been years since she's seen him, and now... He seemed normal. Like a King having an ordinary and everyday dinner. He didn't seem to be trapped in his mind.

"My King," the Queen made a curtsy, and her daughter followed. Charlotte couldn't stop staring at her father, who looked at them with excitement.

"No need for the formality, Lottie. Sit with me," the King said with a smile.

The Queen looked at the King with hope in her eyes. Perhaps his insanity was easing? Was one of the questions everyone in the palace ordered every day. And every day, everyone got a bit disappointed.

Specially the King's children...who have all slowly lost hope throughout the years.

"How is little George?" The King asked while his wife without noticing his oldest daughter taking a seat on the right side of the table.

"Well, he is not so little anymore. Grows plumper by the day, in fact," the Queen said.

"I'm quite sure he does," the King chuckled, and his face softened when he finally realized the presence of his daughter. "Oh, my dear Cherry, is that you?"

Cherry. Was the nickname King George III had for his eldest daughter.

"Yes, Papa," Charlotte's voice cracked and her eyes started to fill with tears. "It is me."

"Oh! Look at how much you have grown! How have you been?" He asked her sweetly. "It's been a while since I've seen you, isn't that right?"

"Well, yes, Papa... It's been...years, actually," she carefully admitted, being careful to not say anything that would set him off. "Perhaps you might not remember, but... I got married, I am now a mother...and a widow."

"Oh," the King's face softened. "I– I'm so sorry to hear that, Cherry..."

"It is alright, Papa," she softly smiled. "Seeing you again...overwhelms me with such joy."

"I have always been here, Cherry," he said and continued eating. "And I'm not going anywhere."

"Your subjects miss you, my dear. Your children miss you... I miss you," the Queen added with pure sincerely.

"I'm right here, Lottie," the King smiled cheekily. "I was just remembering the bluebells in the cottage garden. Do you recall when you first saw them? You said it was as if we were walking in the clouds."

"You had just filled the paddock with kangaroos, of all things," the Queen chuckled. "Dreadful creatures."

Charlotte stared at both of her parents in silence and in awe. They seemed like an ordinary family. Her father seemed normal. He was smiling. He was laughing! He seemed so happy. It warmed her heart his interaction with her mother. His mind was slightly damaged in its own way...but his love for his Queen never faltered.

"How are the gardens coming along?" He asked.

"Oh, they are in full bloom," the Queen said. "After your meal, perhaps we could take a walk, like we used to do."

"And how is dear Emily?" The King asked. "Can you bring her to me?"

And with that, everything that seemed normal...was not anymore. Charlotte stared at the scene with confusion, for she has only witnessed her father screaming at the sky or drawing desperately in the walls... She had no idea he asked for her late sister.

"George... Amelia was ill...several years ago," the Queen explained carefully.

"She came to my room but a fortnight ago. Did you not see her?" The King insisted.

"She is gone, George," the Queen stated calmly. The King seemed like he was trying to speak, but he couldn't find the right words.

"Papa..." Charlotte chocked out, not wanting for her father's insanity to come back so soon. "It is me, Papa. It is your Cherry. Can you hear me? Please, Papa. Take deep breaths."

"What did you... Have you done something? What have you done?" The King couldn't process it anymore. "What has this woman done to my child?"



"No! What have you done?" He yelled while slamming his hands at the table and throwing his plate of foot towards the ground.

The Queen and her daughter stood up and couldn't do anything, but watch the King being trapped once again in his own mind.


"It's alright, darling," the Queen whispered at her daughter in reassurance.

"What have you done?" The King yelled at the and tried to get closer, but his servants held him back.

"Come, and do not look back," the Queen grabbed her daughter's arm and led her out of the room.

"She has killed my child!" The King yelled, while struggling against the servants who did their best to restrained His Majesty. "You bitch! Emily! Emily!"

"Does Papa not remember Amelia is gone?" Charlotte asked her mother while other servants closed the door behind them. "How could that be?"

"I do not know... I have asked myself the very same thing every time," the Queen sighed. "But she is gone. She is never coming back."

"I do know that, Mama," she sighed heavily.

"And that, you just witnessed, is the very reason why I order you to not let your children near the King," her mother stated, but she could see she was hurting behind her eyes. "Did I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Mama," the Queen Dowager lightly nodded. "I understand."


St Mary-le-Bow, London

The wedding of the Duke of Hastings and Miss Daphne Bridgerton was set to begin in an hour. After spending some time with his sister, granting her few words of motivation and reassurance, the Viscount left her side and waited outside the Church for one last guest.

"Waiting for someone, my lord?" Lady Danbury suddenly appeared at his side.

"Well, yes, Lady Danbury, more guest," he sighed, and pulled out his father's pocket watch. "Should be arriving soon, I hope."

"Oh, yes, soon I hope too, but... Though, I am confused, Viscount Bridgerton," the woman suppressed the urge to smirk. "How come you are waiting for Her Majesty The Queen Dowager of Württemberg if she did not receive an invitation?"

"What?" Anthony frowned.

"That is right! Since Lady Bridgerton and I agreed that I should foresee the list of guests for the ceremony, I was quite shocked to see the Queen Dowager of Württemberg's absence since we both know she is a rather close friend of both the Duke and Miss Bridgerton," Lady Danbury explained. "Therefore, I asked the Duke about it, and all he said was... 'Bridgerton said he would see it handled as he saw fit'."

"I didn't use those exact words, but, yes, Lady Danbury," Anthony nodded. "As a matter of fact, I handled her invitation myself, with a personal letter."

"A personal letter?" She raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you two so close that someone as divine as Her Majesty The Queen Dowager of Württemberg was invited to the wedding ceremony through a personal letter and not through a formal invitation?"


"Ah! There comes our guest," the woman gestured with her cane to the royal carriage in the distance. "Just in time."

"Indeed," the Viscount breathed heavily. "Just in time."

As the carriage got closer, through the window, Charlotte chuckled at the sight of Anthony Bridgerton standing next to Lady Danbury. The man seemed tense standing next to the older woman, so she was glad she had arrived just in time to save him.

"Your Majesty," both of them bowed before her as she stepped down with the help of Albert.

"Lord Bridgerton, Lady Danbury," a knowing smile graced her face. "Did not know you two were part of the welcoming committee."

"I am not! I was just asking dear Lord Bridgerton if he had invited you, Ma'am," the woman clarified. "And I was just told he did a letter."

"Oh! That's right, Lady Danbury. That's not quite how to make a formal invitation to this sort of events, is it?" Charlotte smirked and looked at the man next to her. "Isn't that right, my lord?"


"Nonetheless, Lady Danbury, it was a lovely letter, I assure you. Straight from the heart," she looked at her. "And how is His Grace?"

"Speechless," Lady Danbury groaned in annoyance and excused herself from the two.

"Shall we?" The Viscount offered his arm to the Queen Dowager and when she accepted and locked hers with his, the two walked inside the church.

"Oh, before I forget," Charlotte looked at him. "You never responded to my letter. Do you mind if I go accompanied to the reception?"

"Oh, I was wondering about that. Yes, and why would you want to bring someone?" He frowned. "I mean... Why?"

"What do you mean why?" She asked back.

"Why do you need extra company? Everyone will be there," Anthony said, as if it was obvious. "I'll be there."

"Not everyone will be talking to me, my lord, and as much as I enjoy spending time with the Queen, I do not want to hear critiques about people's dresses all afternoon," she said, and decided to tease him. "And I know you will be there, Anthony, but... As host, I do not expect you to stay all afternoon by my side."

"You think I can't?" He raised an eyebrow at her. "I've got Benedict and Colin who can perfectly manage without me."

"Or... They could keep me company while you host," a small smirk graced her face. "I think that choice has better sense."

"No– You know what? Of course. And who would be this guest of yours?" He asked, but as she opened her mouth to answer, he raised his hand to stop her. "You know what? I don't need to know his name. He can come."

"He?" She giggled. "Well, well, Lord Bridgerton... I must say, you are overreacting over nothing."

"I don't know what you're talking about," he looked down at her, with a defying look. "You can bring a whole army, if you'd like."

"An army?" Her eyes grew wide, and chuckled. "Respectfully, you are not even making any sense."

"Bring whoever you want, Char. I don't mind," he scoffed, and looked way. "I don't care."

It was then when they walked further in the church that everyone noticed their presence. She first caught the Duke of Hasting's attention, and he ended his conversation with Will Mondrich and his wife, Alice, before making his way towards her.

"I'll go find Daphne, make sure she is ready," the Viscount let go of her arm and bowed his head before her, his eyes penetrating hers, but before he could walk away, she took a hold of his arm, again, and turned him to face her.

"Be prepared for my army, my lord," she smirked. "I am sure it will drive you mad."

"We shall wait and see," he smirked and she let go of his arm to let him walk away.

"Your Grace," Charlotte turned to him and smiled with a small nod. "I must say, your words yesterday of you and Daphne were so sweet. You almost took my breath away."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," he sighed. "Believe it or not... They came from the heart."

"Well, despite all this madness and rush... I wish nothing but happiness for you and Daphne, and I truly hope you learn to love one another despite the circumstances because you both deserve to be happy," she said sincerely, and a small smirk on her face. "That, if you do not love each other already, of course."

"Char..." He playfully glared at her, and she chuckled. "Thank you. It is unfortunate we did not spend much time together this season. Never forget you are my dearest friend. Always."

"As you are mine," she placed her hand on his shoulder. "And I wish you the best, Simon."

"Me too– but as your friend I must ask," he raised an eyebrow at her. "What in the world just happened?"

"What do you mean?" She frowned.

"'Be prepared for my army, my lord. I am sure it will drive you mad'," Simon mocked her, imitating her as she gasped. "Pardon me if I ask, but was that an attempt at flirting with Bridgerton?"

"And attempt at– what?" Her eyes grew wide. "No! I was just foolishly teasing him because of his ridiculousness."

"Oh, is that what that was?" He chuckled.

"I just asked Anthony if I could bring someone to be my companion and he...overreacted entirely! I was going to invite Sophia, my sister, because she doesn't know you and wanted to meet you, but the Viscount immediately thought it was a man I was referring to, and he just..." She lightly scoffed. "Respectfully, he was not making sense. He said, 'You can bring a whole army, if you'd like'. Well, guess what, Your Grace? I will take on his word and bring my own army."

"An army of how many soldiers, Your Majesty?" He teased.

"Eleven, to be exact," she smirked.

"Oh! That army, I see," Simon chuckled. "Well, that will definitely be fun to watch."

"Now, if you excuse me, Your Grace, I would like to greet the rest of the Bridgertons before this lovely ceremony," Charlotte said, and the Duke of Hastings bowed his head in farewell before she turned to the Bridgerton clan.

As always, there is never dull conversation with any of the Bridgerton siblings, or Lady Violet Bridgerton. From the moment the Queen Dowager of Württemberg approached them, she couldn't stop giggling at the Bridgerton's comments, especially when they tease one another.

Charlotte also took the chance to meet Will Mondrich and his wife, Alice. They talked for a little bit, mainly of his children and of his work as a boxer. Alice made the comment that the Queen Dowager should come to one of his openings, but Will was quick to apologize and discard it.

When they were all told the wedding was about to start, she took a seat next to Lady Danbury, since the groom's side of the church had less guests. 

Then, the doors of the Church opened. Everyone looked back, and there were walking slowly Anthony and Daphne. The Duke of Hastings slowly turned around, and when his eyes laid on Daphne, they lit up lightly.

Everyone had small smiles on their faces as they watched the bride walk by with the Viscount. Little does everyone know, after staring at the beautiful and nervous bride, the Queen Dowager of Württemberg stared at the Viscount with pride, who looked back at her with the smallest of smiles.

And when the bride reached the groom's side, everyone sat down. Anthony look in Charlotte's direction one last time before he took a seat next to his mother, and their attention was back full on the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony," the archbishop started. "It is said that marriage hath in it less of beauty but more of safety than the single life..."


Bridgerton House, London

Everything went by so quickly. In no time, they were all back at the Bridgerton House, where more guests of the ton were invited. Without a word to anyone, instead of going to the reception, Charlotte first went to pick up her 'army'. And ignored all complains about their presence in a 'simple wedding'.

"Why are we all here again?" Adolphus questioned.

"Because I was told I could bring an army. And you, my dear brothers and sisters, are my army," she explained, and chuckled. "Come on. We are each other's first army. If any of us ever need any kind of assistance or just our support, we must be there."

"Fine. Alright," Augusta responded. "And you need our support because..."

"I do not necessarily need the support, I'll be honest," Charlotte said. "But you are outside the palace's walls. Take this opportunity to meet new people, make some friends."

"I just need my book, paper and quill," Sophia argued. "You know I don't like people, Sister."

"Which is why you are going to stay with me, Sister," the Queen Dowager stated. "Frederick look after Augusta. William, look after Elizabeth. Edward, look after Mary."

"What about us?" Ernest pointed to himself, Adolphus and Augustus.

"Can we be on our worst behavior?" Augustus smirked. "We could create chaos, yes, but at least, it will make the party more interesting."

"Once I am done introducing Sophia to the Duke of Hastings, you– Sophia, Augustus and Adolphus will be together and on your best behavior," Charlotte glared at them before turning to Ernest. "You are always well behaved. You can join any of them, whoever you wish."

"If any man that is not my brothers touches me, I swear I will scream, Sister," Sophia stated.

"Don't worry, Sister, they wouldn't get the chance," Adolphus smirked.

"I would fight—"

"No fighting. On your best behavior, always, all of you. No fighting," Charlotte said firmly, and sighed. "But if any of you wish to leave early, know that you can. Just...give it a chance first and let me know when you wish to leave."

"Very well," William nodded.

"Did George say why he couldn't come?" She wondered.

"He apologizes for his absence, but he has more important matters at hand," Ernest explained. "It appears Tsar Alexander I of Russia is coming tomorrow, and he is occupied finishing preparations."

"Oh!" Her eyes grew wide. "I did not know Aleks was coming."

"You know the Tsar?" Adolphus questioned.

"And you call him 'Aleks'?" Augustus questioned too, in disbelief.

"Depends on the occasion. After all, he is my nephew. By marriage, of course," she explained, and shrugged. "Well, I wouldn't dare say we are close, but... We do share a lot of respect for one another."

Charlotte gave the final instructions to her brothers and sisters before they made their way towards the doors.

"Are they going to announce our entrance?" Edward asked his sister.

"They have to, I'm afraid," she nodded. "Just like I'm sure they announced the Queen's."

"Welcome back, Your Majesty," Humboldt greeted her at the door with a bow.

"Thank you, Hum—"

"Could you not announce all our titles?" Augustus cut him off. "It would be a rather extent announcement."

"I apologize for my brother, Humboldt, but... Yes, if you please," Charlotte smiled warmly at him. "I know it is protocol, but it is alright if we make an exception."

"As Her Majesty decides," Humboldt smiled back and nodded his head.

"And you, ask nicely next time," Charlotte warned one of her little brother. "You are a Prince, but that does not give you any right to be rude. You are still human like them, Augustus."

"You're right," he said sincerely, and nodded. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright," Charlotte kissed his temple and fixed his hair. "Thank you for listening."

"I know sometimes I seem like I don't listen to you, but... I do," the smallest of smiles graced his face.

"Her Majesty The Queen Dowager of Württemberg and Their Royal Highnesses The Prince and Princesses of the United Kingdom."

Charlotte walked in first, by herself. Fredrick walked with Augusta, William walked Elizabeth, Edward with Mary, Ernest with Sophia and, lastly, Augustus walked with Adolphus all behind them. All eyes were on the The Queen Dowager of Württemberg and the Prince and Princesses of the United Kingdom, since most of them were seeing the princesses for the very first time.

Not even a minute went by, and Anthony Bridgerton was already approaching her way. As if it was rehearsed with much anticipation, Federick, William, Edward and Ernest grabbed their sisters and placed them next to them, but all stood now aligned in between their older sister. Specifically, Frederick, Augusta, William and Elizabeth on her right; Edward, Mary, Ernest and Sophia on her left; and Charlotte in the middle, between Augustus and Adolphus.

"Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses," the Viscount bowed his head, expertly. "It is an extraordinary honor to have you all here this afternoon."

"I am grateful for the invitation, Lord Bridgerton," the Queen Dowager formally responded. "Oh, and for allowing me to bring company."

"Yes," Anthony suppressed a chuckle. "Quite an honorable company, indeed."

"Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses," Lady Bridgerton stood next to her son, with wide eyes. "Oh, what a surprise– and what an honor this is! There aren't enough words to describe how much we appreciate your presence here– all of yours."

"You're too kind, Lady Bridgerton. Now, allow me to introduce you to my dear brothers and sisters," she said and with her hand, she motioned towards her siblings. "Federick, Augusta, William, Elizabeth, Edward, Mary, Ernest, Augustus, Adolphus and Sophia."

"It is very nice to finally meet the Bridgertons," Augusta spoke. "We all have heard so much about your family from our eldest sister."

"All good things, I hope?" Anthony questioned.

"Of course, Lord Bridgerton," Mary smiled.

"You alone have quite a reputation, indeed," Sophia stated, both Augustus and Adolphus smirked with pride, at their younger sister's response. 

"We have heard most recently through Lady Whistledown," Elizabeth admitted.

"Oh, Lady Whistledown has said lots of things about us," Violet Bridgerton chuckled nervously. "But she is not wrong that we are a rather large family, very warmth and welcoming too."

"Oh, Her Majesty, our sister, mentions you as well," Adolphus added. "Quite often, I must say."

"Is that so?" The Viscount raised an eyebrow and suppressed a smirk before looking at her. "I hope me and my family left a good impression, Your Majesty."

"An unforgettable one, indeed," she didn't hide her smirk.

"And how are Their Royal Highnesses Prince Anton and Princess Amalia?" Anthony asked her.

"They're fine, my lord. Thank you for asking," Charlotte responded. "Too young to attend, but I'm sure they would have loved to see you and your family."

"Is there food?" Augustus questioned, and received a smack in the back of his head by Ernest, who was the closest to him.

"Of course! Please, you can eat as much as you desire, there is more of everything in the kitchen if you want as well," Violet smiled at them. "Please, come in."

Most of Charlotte's brothers and sisters bowed or made a curtsy for her before they scattered across the room. Except for Sophia, Augustus and Adolphus, who remained by Charlotte's side. She couldn't not chuckle at the sight of Violet Bridgerton being so excited for their presence. Then, with one last nod and a small smile towards the Viscount, she walked away, taking them towards the newlyweds.

"Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses," the Duke and Duchess of Hastings greeted them.

"Thank you so much for joining us on this quite lovely afternoon," Daphne spoke.

"And I see you brought your army," Simon smirked.

"First army," Adolphus corrected. "That's what my sister says she calls it, at least."

"Right! Augustus, Adolphus, I know you met the Duke of Hastings at the Vauxhall Ball, but I am here to present to you my youngest sister, Sophia," Charlotte said, and the young princess simply smiled in greeting. "Now I believe you have met all my brothers and sisters, Your Grace."

"Oh, yes. It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Royal Highness," Simon bowed his head for her. "Also, I remember your sisters... Augusta, Elizabeth and Mary... They were all quite young last time I saw them."

"Yes, Your Grace. It's been so many years," Sophia commented. "Though, now I think I was just a baby when we first met."

"Most probably, yes," Charlotte chuckled lightly and turned to the newlyweds. "Now... A word of advice?"

"Yes, please," Daphne said, rather quickly.

"As someone who was once married, I must say... Here are, to me, the three most important words in a marriage: 'Please, thanks and sorry'," Charlotte expressed with sincerity. "Regardless of the circumstances you are facing... After every argument, don't let the day end without making peace... Because you might never know when it might be their last."

'Because you might never know when it might be their last...'

The Duke and Duchess of Hasting's face softened in realization. Both started to feel sad for her, since she was sort of referring to the death of her late husband, King Friedrich I of Württemberg.

"And I tell you this not to feel pity for me, please don't. Because I will despise you if you do," the Queen Dowager joked and smiled at them, their body language immediately relaxed a little. "I merely thank you for letting me share in this joyful day. I wish you all the best as you embark on this wonderful union."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Simon nodded, a sad smile on his face.

The new Duchess of Hastings sighed before quietly excusing herself and walking away. Charlotte had noticed the tension between them, but she didn't want to say anything before her siblings, so she dismissed them, instructed them to behave once more and to stay together. Then, she turned to the Duke of Hastings, whose expression remained blank, unreadable to everyone, perhaps... But not to her.

"You know, it is your wedding day," Charlotte commented. "You could at least pretend."

"I do not know what you mean, Your Majesty," Simon looked down at her. "I am perfectly fine."

"Perfectly fine? Respectfully, you look like you have been forced into this marriage with a gun to your head," she added quietly. "And I fail to understand why you feel like that because I know you love her."

"It is because I love her, that I didn't want to marry her," Simon whispered, as quiet as he could, and leaned down more to speak even more quietly. "I ruined her life, Char... I will never forgive myself for it."

"Does she know you don't want children?" She questioned.

"It is the one thing she desires most in this become a mother," the Duke nodded, a hint of agony in his eyes. "And I just... I can't give her the one thing that could make her happy."

"You're wrong, Simon," Charlotte leaned closer. "You and Daph just need to sit down and talk about this, but... She loves you, Simon. You can make her happy with or without children...but you must be honest."

"I am being honest," he said.

"No, you're not. if you were, we wouldn't be having this conversation," she stated calmly. "In fact, I know the thought of being apart from her is killing you just as much as it is killing her... You are both suffering foolishly because you have not talked properly about what and how you feel about it all."

"I appreciate your concern, Char, more than you think. And I am grateful for you, you know I am. I always am," Simon said with sincerity, and sighed tiredly. "But, respectfully, I do not want this conversation to go further."

"And I respect that," she gifted him a warmth smile. "But as your concerned and closest friend... If you ever do want to talk to someone about anything and everything... Do not bottle it up. Please, never forget that I'm here for you."

"Very well," Simon lightly nodded, the smallest of smiles on his face. "Thank you."

On cue, Brimsley appeared next to her, saying that the Queen has requested her presence. The Queen's Man guided her across the room towards her mother, who stood with Lady Danbury, with a glass of champagne in hand. But as they got closer, Lady Danbury excused herself to give the Queen the mother-daughter time she requested.

"I'm sure there is a good reason as to why all your brothers and sisters are here?" Was the first thing the Queen questioned before drinking down her champagne.

"They are my first army, Mama. They are acting as my company this afternoon. I know I can rely on them at any moment," Charlotte explained. "Besides, I have not seen my sisters out of the palace since I arrived, and my brothers only go out for...mischievous reasons. I thought it was time I took them to a proper event."

"I see," the Queen sighed and placed her empty glass on the table. "Hopefully, they don't make a fool of themselves."

"Have a little faith in them, Mama," she chuckled lightly. "They are Princes and Princesses of the United Kingdom, all handsome and beautiful, all well-mannered... You should presume them more often, have them join you to this things."

"Goodness," her mother lightly scoffed. "You have always had this twisted mindset about us... I do not understand which of us failed to teach you the right thing."

"Whatever do you mean?" Charlotte frowned.

"We should be unreachable, my darling. You and your brothers are divine beings, all perfect beings, chosen by God as prospects to one day hold the power of a great nation," the Queen stated calmly. "But even before you turned fifteen, you were already out of the place, gifting away fruit baskets in schools, visiting the poor..."

"Mama, look what happened not so long ago in France. Louis XVI was executed, and as a result, his death has brought an end to more than a thousand years of continuous French monarchy... Look into our own history. Charles I was beheaded because he was accused of treason against England by using his power to pursue his personal interest rather than the good of the country..." Deep down, the Queen understood her daughter's point of view, even though it causes great distress for some members of the government since they all prefer to stay within the lines of a tradition dictated a thousand years ago. "We need to use our privilege to help our people, in any way that we can... Because it is their faith in us that will keep the monarchy alive, regardless of how many children the Sovereign has."

"I understand your view on the matter, Daughter. Trust that I respect and I highly admire your view," her mothers said sincerely. "It is merely disappointing others don't see it that way and speak so...wrongly of you."

"Let them, I'd say," Charlotte lightly shrugged, unbothered. "If such revolution ever is to occur... I rather have our own people defending my head than men who corrupt and abuse power to their own gain and use tradition as an excuse."

"Between us, darling... This is why I prayed that you would become Queen when you married," the Queen smiled softly. "Such talent, such skills, such knowledge in that big mind you possess... It shouldn't go to waste here."

"Well, I have seven brothers and a niece ahead of me for the Crown... I do not think I will be Queen of the United Kingdom in this lifetime," she smiled sweetly. "I already had my chance at being Queen, Mama... I loved every second of it, and I did my best... Now, I've raised a King...who I've heard is not doing so bad."

"Oh! Speaking of a King, could you assist George tomorrow?" Her mother asked. "The Emperor of Russia is coming and since he is your nephew..."

"Yes, Mama, of course," she nodded.

"George will need all the help he can get," the Queen sighed. "We do not need to start a conflict with Russia just because they are aggravated by your brother's...judgement."

"There will be no conflict, I will make sure of it," she chuckled lightly.

"I suggested to George that he should invite our guests to Scotland," her mother added. "You know, to visit the Highlands and all... I suppose the Tsar would want to get away from it all after the multiple wars he's been involved in."

"I'll see what I can do about that," Charlotte nodded. "After all, there is beauty in all the United Kingdom...not just London."

And with that, just when the Queen consort of the United Kingdom walked away, the Queen Dowager of Württemberg made her way towards the new Duchess of Hastings, who was eating grape after grape. Charlotte followed Daphne's gaze, and saw her staring right at the Duke.

"Save some grapes for the unmarried, Your Grace," she tried to light up her friend's mood, but Daphne looked at her with pure sadness and distress. "Would you like to talk about it?"

"He has barely glanced at me, Char. I have wanted to speak to him all day, but there is no use," she sighed. "Is this how my marriage is going to be like? So distant and miserable?"

"Do not think like that, Daph. It all happened so sudden, I am sure you and Simon will eventually talk of everything and sort things out," she rubbed her best friend's arm in reassurance. "Do not give up just yet. Things will get better with time."

"I hope you are right, Char. I really do," Daphne sighed with a small nod.

"Your Majesty, Sister," Anthony arrived to their side, bowed his head before Charlotte and looked at his sister. "I spoke to the Duke."

"That makes one of us," she muttered and grabbed another grape.

"He refused your dowry," he informed her.

"Is this your attempt to raise my spirits?" She looked at him in disbelief.

"He refused for your benefit, Sister. I shall put the money in trust, so you may use it how you see fit," the Viscount explained. "For your children, perhaps. Certainly, you two will have a brood large enough to put Mother's to shame."

Charlotte mentally facepalmed herself by his words. Daphne looked down, not knowing what to say or even think of the matter.

"Excuse me," Daphne excused herself from the duo towards another side of the room.

"I'd be more careful with your words if I were you, my lord," she whispered once the new Duchess was out of their line of hearing. "One might never know when a single word, a single sentence, could be just another punch in the gut to someone's day."

"You mean my sister?" Anthony questioned. "She seems fine to me. Nervous, yes, but that's normal, I suppose."

"Of course you'd say that," she felt the urge to roll her eyes. "Men have little eye when it comes to reading women."

"I am a good observant, Your Majesty," he stated calmly. "For instance, I have observed that you have not been standing alone all afternoon."

"Please," Charlotte lightly scoffed. "Do not get me started on that."

"I did not see a need for you to bring," he added, and scoffed when she glared at him. "What?"

"I must say, it merely upsets me that you assumed that I would bring a man," Charlotte looked away. "Couldn't that 'company' have been one of my brothers? One of my sisters?"

"Char... When a woman says she wants to bring 'company' they usually mean men," he stated, and scoffed. "And they tend to be awful company, in my experience."

"I am not an ordinary woman, Anthony. I am a former Queen who cannot just be seen around any ordinary man either. I am a mother, and a widow," she stated calmly, and sighed. "Besides, other than my staff, you Bridgertons, Lady Danbury and the Duke of Hastings... Here in England I do not have other friends."

"Well... You have me. You will always have me," she looked at him as he said those words. "So, if you ever need a companion... I am here."

"Thank you, Anthony," a shy smile graced her face. "I'm pleased to say the same to you."

"And I apologize for earlier," he lightly sighed. "You're right. I shouldn't have assumed anything."

Charlotte stayed silent as she simply took in his closeness, his company. They were standing so close, his arm would brush hers with every movement, sending shivers through her body. To avoid feeling too flustered, she looked for her brothers and sisters with just her gaze, and sighed contently at the sight of them...socializing, even though it was with one another. Fredrick, William, Edward and Ernest were all gathered in a small circle, with drinks in hand, while Augusta, Elizabeth, Mary and Sophia stayed together not so far from them. For a small second, she panicked, wondering of Augustus and Adolphus' whereabouts, but a giggle escaped her lips when she finally saw them, standing by the Queen's side with a plate full of desserts.

"You know, in your letter, you said... You felt I looked out for Daphne more than you, and that... I was there for your family when you were not," Charlotte mentioned to the Viscount by her side, and slowly looked up at him again. "And before I leave, I want to tell you... That's not true."

"What? Char, I almost married her off to a pig like Berbrooke, I bloody shot at Hastings, my mother—"

"Anthony, you have made mistakes, yes... But you have done something. You have shown interest in your family, in your sister's future," she tried to make him understand, but he was a bit distracted by her breathtaking smile. "Tell me, why did you shoo away potential prospects?"

"Because they weren't right for her. I was not going to let my sister marry just anybody. He had to at least meet most of my demands, and..." After he said those words, his face softened in realization. "I see what you mean, Your Majesty."

"You did look after her... Mistakes were made along the way, but now you can use them as a lesson," a soft smile graced her face. "After all, you still got three more sisters to marry off."

"Gosh," the smallest of smiles graced his face. "Between you and I... I do not want them to grow up so fast."

"Time flies, my lord. Imagine how I feel with my own children– all of them, actually," she chuckled lightly. "My oldest son is King, my daughter is marrying in a few months from now, and will eventually become Queen too..."

"Christ," the Viscount chuckled. "You are old."

"Oh, stop it," a giggle escaped her lips.

"Are you available tomorrow?" The Viscount wondered. "Tomorrow afternoon, perhaps? You could bring your children and they can play with the rest while we..."

"No... I'm afraid it won't be possible," she smiled sadly. "I was just told my presence was needed because of my nephews is coming. And he is...a rather important nephew."

"Do I know him?" He quickly questioned. "Meaning– I'm sure he is royalty, but... Is he popular?"

"He is the Emperor of Russia," she responded casually.

"Goodness!" His eyes grew wide, and chuckled. "May I ask... How is it possible that you have family ties with Russia?"

"My late husband's sister was Empress of Russia," she explained. "Now she is the Dowager Empress and mother to its current Emperor."

"I see," he lightly nodded. "Certainly, you will have your hands full all week."

"Indeed," she chuckled. "It appears my presence is needed to avoid any future conflict between our two countries."

"That sounds rather important," Anthony chuckled nervously. "Are you thinking of an alliance?"

"He is already married...happily, last I heard," she shook her head. "I plan to merely show interest by using the quite little of Russian I know."

"Will that be enough to ensure a nation like Russia peace with us?" He questioned.

"I mean... They did offer I marry the Emperor's brother," a small smirk graced the Queen Dowager's face when she decided to tease the man next to her. "But I refused."

"You refused," he repeated.

"I did," she looked at him. "Why marry a Grand Duke when I was just married to a King?"

"Ah, I see," Anthony scoffed in disbelief. "So if you are ever to marry again... It wouldn't be someone below a Kingship?"

"Uh– I..." Her eyes grew slightly wide when she realized what he meant. "I– I don't—"

"Understood," his tone turned cold, and the smallest of smiles on his face was inexistent. "Your Majesty."

The Viscount bowed his head for her before he walked away, leaving her standing alone. Few seconds later, Augustus and Adolphus noticed, and left their mother's side to reach their sister's. The thoughts Charlotte had of following after Anthony disappeared as she welcomed her brother's company with a small smile.

"Why are you alone, Sister?" Adolphus questioned. "You should have called for us."

"Isn't that why we're here? To keep you company," Augustus nodded. "You left us under the claws of our mother."

"It was just a moment, Brothers. It's alright," Charlotte sighed. "Now, I would very much like your company for the rest of the evening."

"Shall we, then?" Augustus offered her his hand, and she took it without hesitation. "Let's dance."


The two younger princes didn't wait for her to go on and guided her to the dance floor. Charlotte chuckled as both brothers grabbed her hands and simply swayed at the rhythm of the music. It felt awkward at first, both brothers were regretting their decision for the first few minutes, but then Charlotte gave in into their mischief.

The Queen Dowager danced with her brothers in a corner of the dance floor, not paying mind at all to the other couples dancing perfectly in sync with the music. One could see the Queen disapproving with her glance, but deep down, she felt a spark of joy at the sight of her children coexisting.

Eventually, Charlotte, Augustus and Adolphus stopped dancing because the rest of their siblings joined them. They talked amongst themselves, smiling and politely greeting anyone that approached them for an introduction.

"I'm a little bored," Benedict commented as he approached his older brother's side. "Thought about asking Charlotte for a dance, but she seems quite entertained with all her...clan."

"Did I just hear you call the Royal Family a 'clan'?" Colin said as he arrived to his brother's side too.

"Do you not see? She brought them all! Even her sisters," Benedict took a sip of his drink. "Not going to lie... I feel a little intimidated by absolutely all her brothers and sisters just standing there with her."

"There's too much power in that corner," Colin agreed. "And they have these looks on their faces—"

"Right? Thought I was the only one!" Benedict chuckled. "They could destroy you with just their eyes."

"First army," Anthony spoke, his face blank as ever. "They say they are each other's first army."

"That's quite nice, actually," Colin smiled.

"Show a little more contentment, Brother. Our sister just got married to a Duke! Hastings, a Duke you know," Benedict patted his brother's back as an attempt to cheer him up. "But here you are, with a face as if a horse just stepped on you."

"I am simply not in the mood for jokes," was Anthony's response.

"Come on, Brother. Drink with us! Our sister just got married!" Benedict exclaimed.

"I want cake," Anthony responded, and looked at his brothers. "Must I really wait for Daphne and Hastings to—"

"Now you sound like Eloise," Colin sighed.

"No. Now you sound like her," Benedict teased as he nodded towards where the Royal Family was gathered. "Remember she always wanted to eat a little too many macaroons when she was too concerned about something?"

"Could have been the most ridiculous thing ever, but...I suppose she always overthought the outcome," Colin nodded, and chuckled. "Please, don't forget the strawberry shortcake."

"I remember Char invited us over to a picnic at the park, she had her cook make a cake for each of us," Benedict giggled at the memory. "An entire cake! One for each of us! I could not believe it at first. I swear, I had to unbutton my trousers after eating that."

"I don't remember that," Colin frowned.

"You were too young. She did invite you, but we didn't take you," Benedict responded, earning a scoff form him.

"I remember that," a smile almost made its way to Anthony's face at the memory...almost. "Char had a cake for each of us because she doesn't like sharing when it comes to any sort of pastries."

"Alright. I'm sorry. You are ruining my mood, Brother," Colin stated. "Did something happen between you and Charlotte?"

"Again?" Benedict sighed. "Anthony, what have you done now?"

"Absolutely nothing!" Anthony whispered-yelled at his brothers, then sighed heavily. "Nothing has happened, nothing is going on, and nothing is ever going to happen."

"What do you mean by 'nothing is ever going to happen'?" Colin asked him with utter confusion.

"I need a drink," the Viscount muttered with defeat. "And just...obliviate."

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