I'll Always Be With You

By DuskwoodGirl4Life

665 24 0

Pairing JakexMC More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

82 4 0
By DuskwoodGirl4Life

Chapter 3

I've been going to regular appointments with my psychiatrist. I feel like she has given me the tools to cope with what's happened. Will I ever get over the death of Jake? The answer is no, will I learn to cope with the pain? The answer is yes I will get used to that feeling. Dan has been amazing; he's been taking me to my appointments every week. Jessy has been making sure I take my meds morning and night. I've decided to move to duskwood so I can be closer to my friends. This made Jessy excited that I would be staying. She told me I can stay with her for as long as I need. She loves having me as a roommate.

It had been 5 years since I last heard from Jake before he died, I will never ever forget that day I found out. Jessy had invited me to stay with her so she could take care of me. I was thankful for her helping me. I really was but I didn't stay there long. Now I find myself back in duskwood on the 5th anniversary of Jake's death. I've been keeping to myself today. I've been lying on the sofa watching the tele. I can't help but think of Jake how I miss him so much, lost in my thoughts I never heard my phone buzzing. Not really paying much attention, I notice Jessy answers my phone. I look up and see the shock on her face. If this is more bad news then I do not want to know.

"Jessy what's wrong? If it's bad news I really don't want to know" MC sat up with a concerned look on her face. "There is someone coming round to see you there will be here in a few minutes" Jessy had a massive smile on her face. "What the hell Jessy? I can't take this not today not on the anniversary of Jake's death" tears started to stream down MCs face. Just as Jessy was going to comfort MC there was a knock at the door. "Whoever it is tell them to leave me alone" MC got up from the sofa and went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of vodka.

Jessy went to answer the door and she could see what MC was doing. She had such a concerned look on her face. "I think you better come in, MC's in the kitchen she's in a bad way she's not really stopped drinking since what happened" Jake came into the apartment and walked towards the kitchen where MC was now sitting on the floor with her bottle of vodka. "Hello MC I'm so sorry I really am I was not allowed to contact you until today" MC looked up and saw the tall hacker standing in front of her. Her eyes widened and she scrambled to get up off the floor still holding the bottle. "N-no I-i y-you t-they said you had d-died" "I am so so sorry I was captured by the FBI and they would not let me contact anyone" MC dropped the bottle crashing to the floor she ran towards Jake and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I can't believe you are really here you are alive, I've missed you so much Jake I even nearly…i-i- I never ended it all Jake so I could be with you" Jake looked at MC with his ocean blue eyes he cupped her face and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm so glad you didn't do that MC, I would be a complete mess without you please let me explain what happened" Jake took MCs hand leading her to the sofa.

"After the mine exploded I thought I was going to be trapped. I couldn't see or find any way out. I kept fighting my way through the smoke. By this point it was filling my lungs and I started to find it hard to breathe. I must have passed out when I woke up. I was in hospital with my hands handcuffed to the bed. When I was well enough to leave the hospital I was taken to the FBI to be interviewed. They already figured most of it out. They wanted me to give them information about you but I wouldn't. I was taken before a judge and he sentenced me to 5 years in prison. I wasn't allowed to phone or write to you. They planted that story in the media to make you think I had died. I was set free this morning and I wanted to come right to you"

Tears ran down MCs cheeks she was so happy that Jake was alive, he was really sitting in front of her. "I need to tell you what happened, you need to know" MC cleared her throat and started to tell Jake.

"When I found out what happened on the news I fell apart completely, Jessy tried to help me but I pushed everyone away. One day I decided to end things so I got a bottle of vodka and some pills. Dan had phoned prior to this and said he was coming to take me to duskwood. I still went ahead with what I was going to do. I took the pills and vodka and passed out. Dan and the others found me and took me to the hospital. I was there for some time. Jessy said I could stay with her while I tried to get better but it wasn't getting better. I spent 4 years trying to numb the pain with alcohol. I tried again when I was in the bath but thanks to my amazing friends they helped me and I started to see someone to get help. Today should have been the 5th anniversary of your death and I couldn't handle it."

Jake looked into MCs eyes he could see all the pain and hurt, he wrapped his arms around her holding her close. "I am never letting you go MC I will get revenge on the FBI for what they did to you" MC pulled away from Jake "please don't I can't face losing you all over again" "I wasn't going to do anything incriminating it was going to be done by the law" MC couldn't help but smile "can all that wait I just want to be with you" "of course, there is something I want to tell you MC" MC lookee at Jake with a slight concerned look "I love you MC" MCs heart melted at Jake's words this was the first time she had heard him say the 3 words she had longed to hear. "I love you to Jake"

"I am so glad you are back. Jake MC is like a changed woman, it's so good to see her smile again. I am going to go stay with Dan tonight I want you two to catch up and just have time with each other" "Jessy you don't have to do that" MC watched as Jessy grabbed her bag "I know but I want you two to have some alone time I will see you both tomorrow"

Jessy grabbed her keys and headed out the apartment leaving MC and Jake alone, they curled up on the sofa in each other's arms and talked for hours. "It's getting late and I'm starving. I'm gonna order us takeout" MC went to get up to get the menu when Jake pulled her back and kissed her on the lips. MC couldn't help but blush at Jake's kisses"for that I'm going to order us Chinese" MC grabbed the takeout menu and sat back down next to Jake.

Jake's POV
I've been away for 5 years and in that time the FBI put MC through hell, they turned her into a complete mess. I can deal with whatever they did to me but they went too far this time. Do they forget I still have the file? I will make them pay for what they did to the love of my life. For now my main focus is on MC. She needs me more than ever right now. We both need each other. When the time comes I will get revenge on them for what they did.

"So my angel have you decided what you want for dinner?" MC looks at Jake slightly blushing as what he said. "I can't decide what I want you to pick for me, I just wanna snuggle up to you" MC snuggled closer to Jake as he took the menu from her. He pulled out his phone and made the order online after he finished he put his phone down and held MC close to him. They stayed like that until their food arrived. Jake got up and went to answer the door thanking the delivery driver before closing the door.

MC got up to get the plates from the cupboard while she was in the kitchen she opened the fridge and grabbed two tins of fizzy pop. When she came back into the living room Jake was setting everything out on the table. "I've got the plates, I got us something to drink" MC placed the plates and tins of pop on the table. After they finished eating Jake took the plates into the kitchen putting them on the side. MC put the empty takeout containers in the bin and what was left over in the fridge.

Jake took MC by the waist wrapping his arms around her, "should we go snuggle on the sofa and watch a film?" "I'd like that a lot" MC closed the fridge and took Jake by the hand over to the sofa. They both cuddled up on the sofa and watched a film together half way through the film Jake looked down at MC who was sleeping in his arms. A warm smile spread across his face. He pulled the blanket off the sofa and covered her up with it. Once the film had finished Jake turned off the TV and helped MC into the bedroom. He carefully put her down on the bed covering her up, her eyes opened slightly looking at Jake. "Stay with me please don't go" MC reached out her hand for Jake to take. "It's okay MC I'm not going anywhere I promise I will be right here with you' Jake carefully got into bed next to MC and cuddled up to her. Jake's eyes grew heavy and soon they were both fast asleep.

The next morning I woke up and for the first time in years I had a big smile on my face. The man of my dreams, the love of my life, was sleeping right next to me. I never thought this was possible to be this happy after everything that's happened. The thought of Jake still being alive was something I never thought would happen. He's actually lying here next to me sleeping. He smells so good his hair is so soft. Everything about this man is perfect. I love him so much. "Good morning beautiful, how did you sleep?" Jake starts to wake up looking at MC with a smile on his face. "Next to you I slept better than I ever have, what are the plans for today?"

"Well I thought we could go for a walk. It's really nice out today and there are some really nice places to walk" Jake took MCs hand and placed soft kisses up her hand going all the way up her arm. "That's a great idea my angel" Jake and MC spend a little more time in bed snuggled up together before getting up and having some coffee and breakfast. After breakfast they get ready to go out on their walk. MC hasn't stopped smiling all morning. Jake takes MCs hand as they leave the apartment together.

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