The Blood of Old Valyria

Door LucianaLorein

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They are the ones whose souls desire freedom. They are those who can both destroy the world and allow it to f... Meer

The Blood of Old Valyria
Characters for Pt.2


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Door LucianaLorein

~The Blood of Old Valyria ~
Chapter VII

"Your Grace, come to your senses, please," Dayraena already pleaded, beginning to feel utterly helpless. Rhaena was not surprised by Rhaenyra's stubbornness, but Viserys astonished her. He stood his ground and would not listen to Lady Gelarion, even though she had good things to say. "You'll do yourself a great disservice if you attend the tournament."

"You are not a maester, Dayraena, and they allowed me to be there"

"The only reason they allowed it was because they couldn't contradict you," Dayraena crossed her arms across her chest and looked gloomily at Viserys. They had been sitting in chairs opposite each other for a quarter of an hour talking about the king's health. Though it was hardly a conversation. Dayraena tried to persuade Viserys to stay in the castle until his final recovery, while the king himself wished to show himself to the people and show that he was in good health. "Your Grace, neither you nor the people will be better off if you lie down the very next day with fever and weakness."

Perhaps Dayraena's tone might have been a little harsh, since no one spoke to a sovereign that way, but the woman was genuinely concerned for Viserys' health and could not allow him to leave the red fortress.

There was doubt in the king's eyes, and he looked away and now stared at the model of Valyria, thinking deeply about something.

"All right," he said suddenly, surprising and satisfying Raena with his answer. She had thought it would take another hour to reason with him, because Viserys liked to stand his ground. It was especially difficult to change his mind when he had already made up his mind, as in this case. But now it was surprisingly easy. "... Rhaenyra... How is she?"

A smile touched the woman's lips. So that was the reason for that answer. And Dayraena thought she had good enough persuasion skills...

"She... worries about you, though she tries not to show it. You know that trait of hers."

"She learned it from Daemon," Viserys grinned when he heard the last of her words. "He doesn't like to express emotion, either."

Dayraena smiled slightly. She remembered every conversation she and the prince had and realized that he was indeed stingy with emotion. For the most part his face kept an expression of interest, but he showed no overt and vivid emotion, allowing himself short and repetitive chuckles.

"He never once spoke to me after..." Viserys began to talk about what was troubling him, but he stopped himself abruptly. Of course he had no one to complain to and ask for advice from, but he doubted that Dayraena was a good conversationalist either, one might say, of a personal nature.

Rhaena noticed how shy Viserys was and realized that he was seriously considering something, weighing the pros and cons. Lady Gelarion and the king had a good relationship, close to friendly, but never crossing that line. Viserys respected Dayraena and was grateful to her for trying to save Aemma during childbirth and, afterwards, for helping Rhaenyra endure the loss of her mother. Gelarion had done much for him, now she had eased his ailment altogether.

Viserys smiled weakly.

"Can you speak to Rhaenyra about..."

"No," the woman beat the king to it, knowing what he would ask next. "I cannot do that. She is your daughter, not mine, though I love her with all my heart. You must tell her yourself of your condition and the reasons for keeping this affliction from her."

There was a tense silence.

Dayraena knew that Viserys sometimes needed a little nudge to take a step toward his daughter. As a family man, he didn't know much about talking to his own child, but it was necessary. Necessary for a strong relationship in the family, for trust. And Viserys had to make the first move, and then Rhaenyra could be pushed as well.

Viserys sighed heavily, finally deciding to talk to his daughter.

Dayraena sat little Neria on the ottoman that stood by the bookcase. The little girl leaned awkwardly back and waved her arms, sighing as if she was disappointed in having to get off her aunt's arms.

Dayraena giggled, fascinated by her niece.

There was a woman's fervent silence in the library. There was not a single living soul here, all the courtiers had left for the tournament that was about to begin. And given what exactly she was going to do, the lack of people played into her hands.

She took a dragon-shaped toy from the oak table and held it out to Aeneiria. She grabbed it and pulled it, releasing it from Raena's grasp. The baby's attention was now completely focused on the dragon.

Dayraena left her niece alone with the toy and briefly lost herself among the racks. She returned with a stack of parchment and a small book. All of this was soon on the carved table. A few minutes later, the jars of ingredients were there as well.

The woman began the process of preparing the deadly potion, the recipe for which she had found this morning. It was the one Dayraena had been reading about when Rhaenyra burst into her room. There were quite a few ways to kill Dayron, but Rhaena preferred the one for which no one would suspect her. Except for Dayron himself, of course. He, once he felt the effects of the curse, would definitely start slandering Dayraena. But neither he nor anyone else will have proof of her guilt.

The liquid in the bowl boiled without even standing on the fire. Colorless at first, it suddenly turned a dark, even black hue. Dayraena glanced at the book and, realizing that everything was going right, added a few more ingredients. Where did she get them? The answer is simple. Dayraena always tried to take as much as she could with her to King's Landing. For the most part, the recipes didn't require anything rare, and if they did, the Flaming Dragon Castle surely had them. Since the days of Raera and Vaera Gelarion, the collection of various plants and other things has been growing. All the ladies of the House have contributed to the development of Valyrian magic.

Dayraena leaned her arms on the table, wondering on whom to test the deadly curse. Only mice and rats that inhabited the castle came to mind. More than once she had noticed these brisk and sometimes very fat animals, which were especially plentiful after noisy feasts.

Aeneiria dozed off, warmed by the warm rays of sunlight that seeped into the room through the carved casements. The toy had slipped from her small hands and was now lying needlessly on the floor.

Rhaena wondered if she should take her niece to her room to sleep in peace, but then she feared that taking her in the arms would wake little girl, so she did not disturb Neria.

The woman went out into the corridor and called for the first servant she saw. He was a young man of short stature, slender build, with sparse short straight hair of light brown color. His oval face had a narrow nose and small lips. His surprised gray eyes ran nervously over Dayraena's face, not knowing where to focus. Eventually the kid just stared at the floor, ready to listen to orders.

"What's your name?" Rhaena asked, trying to sound friendly to make the servant feel more relaxed.

Gray eyes dug into the woman's face. He hadn't expected such a question at all.

"Vilis, my lady," the boy introduced himself uncertainly. Dayraena smiled warmly.

"I want to ask you something."

"Anything, my lady," the young man bowed slightly. No noble lord or lady had said as many words to him in the past two years at the castle as Dayraena had. He listened intently to her every word, mesmerized not only by her beauty but also by her voice.

"Catch a mouse for me," the unexpected request threw Wilis a little off balance. He'd thought she'd ask for something simpler, like wine or fruit...

Noticing the hesitant look, Dayraena put her hand on his shoulder and smiled warmly, startling the boy.

"Can you fulfill my request, Willie?" She pronounced his abbreviated name, causing the servant to be embarrassed.

" lady," his lips and voice quivered.

"Good. I need a live mouse, and when you catch one, come to the library," Dayraena nodded to Willis and fled behind the door to the abode of knowledge, while the boy, still baffled, stood still unable to take a single step.

He complied with the request, of course.

Willis had only been in the library once; he was amazed at the size of the room and how many books and folios were kept there. But Willie had never gone all the way to the end, or seen the room set up there, where on the shelves of one of the racks were not books, but bags and various sized containers. Dayraena herself stood beside the table, leaning on it with her hip and staring morosely at the murky liquid gurgling in the bowl.

The mouse in the canvas bag was fluttering, trying to get out of the trap, but Vili held it tightly in his hands so it wouldn't suddenly fall to the floor. The boy was a bit clumsy and how he caught the mouse was a mystery to him, now he wasn't supposed to mess up by accidentally dropping the bag from his hands.

"M-my lady..." he called out, not coming close to the table. The woman was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she did not even notice the lad's arrival. "My Lady," Willis said more confidently and louder, and met his gaze with Dayraena's multi-colored eyes. There was no smile on her face; the expression was grim and frightening. Willis looked away, unable to bear the heavy stare, and saw the girl asleep on the ottoman.

"Did you bring what I asked?" she wondered, changing her face. Her eyes were kind, and she had a faint smile on her lips. She held out her hand, waiting for Willis to give her the sack.

He hesitantly walked over to her and handed the woman the item she wanted. The mouse continued to twitch with a squeak. Dayraena, taking the bag, noticed the bruise marks on Willis's wrists and palms and grabbed him sharply by the sleeve, preventing him from moving away.

"What have you done so wrong?" she asked quietly, gently placing the back of the boy's hand in her free palm. With the one in which she held the bag with the mouse, she opened the door of the prearranged cage and let the animal out. Then she turned her attention back to the servant. The boy's lips twitched and his eyes ran across the room. He clearly didn't want to talk about what had happened, and why should he? Dayraena wouldn't do anything anyway, wouldn't do anything to help. That's what Willis thought.

"Tell me, Willis," her voice was mesmerizing, enveloping. The boy looked into her eyes, and he was instantly embarrassed. He suddenly wanted to confide in her. "Willie.."

She stretched his name a little, getting his attention. He had been silent for a long time. Dayraena wasn't doing all this out of pity for him, just an interesting thought slipped into her mind at some point. A very interesting thought. If this kid gets attached to her, he'll be loyal to her accordingly, and getting her own spy at the Red Keep would be a good idea... Yes, it may be cruel, but it will be useful in the future when Dayraena leaves King's Landing.

"I... I dropped the food tray, the wine spilled on the Lord Jason's clothes, and I was punished for it, my lady," said Willis, lowering his head.

"Is that why he had you beaten?" Dayraena wondered, and mentally sighed with relief, thanking Rhaenyra for not marrying Lannister. The woman finally let go of Willis's hand. "I didn't think Jason would be that harsh."

The boy stood silently now, staring at the toes of his shoes.

"I'll make an ointment that will relieve the pain and remove the scars if there are any left," Dayraena stepped back to the shelf of ingredients and picked something up.

"N-no need, my lady..." Willis protested. He was uncomfortable, this was the first time a noble lady had ever bothered with him, and it was embarrassing mixed with terrifying.

"I won't take no for an answer, pick up in two days," Dayraena, after discovering the king's illness, decided to take up medicine. But not the kind of medicine the maesters knew, but a more complicated one. Magical medicine. The library at Gelarion Castle contained many books on Valyrian healing magic, which the woman intended to study.

"Cruel and kind," I heard a grim chuckle from outside.

Willis and Dayraena turned around. The servants set Dayron on the floor and immediately fled. Rhaena nodded to Willis toward the exit and he, immediately understanding what was required of him, left, leaving the spouses alone.

Bring Dayron in a few minutes later and he would have caught Dayraena killing a mouse with a curse, something the woman could not allow in any way. He must not find out. Not him, not his servants.

"I remember when you defended the maid from me at the Castle of the Flaming Dragon," Dayron grinned again, glancing around the room. He was seldom here, not a fan of books.

"You wanted to abuse her," Dayraena said coldly, remembering that night. The maid Rhaena was protecting was a very young girl who had arrived at the castle a couple of months ago, and Dayron had gotten drunk and molested her. Of course, Dayraena had to intervene for which the woman got a night full of horror and torment.

"How can you be kind and cruel at the same time?"

"Cruel?" Dayraena grinned coldly. "You made me that way yourself, trying to break me, so now you must reap the fruits of your actions."

For a moment there was a pervasive silence in the room. The couple stared at each other, reluctant to lose the battle of glances.

"I didn't come here to argue."

"Oh, you didn't?"

"Dayraena," Dayron said gravely, surprising the woman even slightly. "We need to talk."

"So tell me, what are you waiting for? Quietly, so that Neria doesn't wake up," Dayraena stepped around the table and leaned her waist against it, fully presenting herself to Daeron.

"I did not come to King's Landing to quarrel with you and your family. No. I am here to reconcile with you."

Dayraena's astonishment was unparalleled. This was something she hadn't expected at all.

"I know you've suffered all these years with me. We've become enemies during that time. It would be more accurate to say that I have become your enemy. I do not feel hatred toward you, yes, you annoy me, sometimes you piss me off, but I do not have the same dislike toward you as you have toward me... I want to make a deal."

"A deal," Dayraena repeated with a nonchalant expression on her face. Her anger was boiling up inside her. "A bargain with a man I can't stand? Well, I'm very interested in the reason for that offer."

"I'm tired," Dayron shrugged. "I want to live in harmony with you. We'll live in peace, you can do whatever you want. You'll be free..."

"In peace and harmony? Free?" Dayraena hissed. "Do you even hear yourself? Dayron, don't you find that naive? What do you expect me to do? That I'll go along with it? I'd rather burn in dragon fire than make peace with you. Fool. I'll never be free and happy around you, your mere presence overshadows everything. And... Tell me, do you really think I'd still be your wife after the deal? I would dissolve the marriage and go to Essos! The only way we could live in peace would be through divorce."

There was a whimper from Aeneiria's side. Dayraena couldn't help it and raised her voice, which she now regretted.

"Face it, Dayron, you only need me to be accepted into society. Without me, you are nothing, a stain on the Gelarion tree. You're weak in spirit, so you rely on me, hope I won't let you fall in the eyes of the others, but you're wrong. I would love to see you fall."

Dayraena walked over to her niece and took her in her arms, rocking her and soothingly, even nervously, stroking the girl's back.

Dayron grew darker than any cloud. His eyes darkened, and he clenched his hands into fists until his knuckles turned white. Rage surged through him. He was humiliated and rejected.

"Don't you ever come to me with such an offer again. You are pathetic."

Dayraena walked over to the desk, picked up the book of recipes for the most dangerous curses, and left the library.

She wandered the paths of the night garden alone. She had left Aeneiria in the care of the maids, wishing to be alone with herself. There was an unpleasant residue on her heart from her conversation with Dayron, and she was still extremely resentful of the man's offer to make peace. And that was after all that had happened! After all he had done to her body, soul, and life in general!

Dayraena stepped out to the sea. The white rays of the moon descended on its shoreline. The waves, surrounded by the silence of the night, moved slightly in the slight breeze. Rhaena came face to face with the jets of the sea wind penetrating beneath her dress. She stood on the shore, alone with the night's witnessing moon. Somewhere in the garden the sounds of lutes and flutes rang out, bards entertaining lords and ladies after a tournament that had ended about two hours ago.

The woman kicked off her shoes that were making it difficult to walk on the sand and wandered on, admiring the view of the night sky and sea. Soon the braid was undone as well, allowing the curls to wrap loosely around her shoulders. The wind picked them up and began to play with the curly strands.

Dayraena stopped and turned to face the moon, exposing her face to the silver rays, letting them envelope her in white light. The mistress of the night sky mesmerized and drew her gaze. The waves lapped silently against the sand and Dayraena's feet and rolled back again.

Anger gave way to peace. Why waste time on pointless rage? Soon everything would change forever. There will be no more horrible hatred and anger in her life, Rhaena will leave Westeros, and a new phase in her life will begin. A stage that would make her happy. The woman believed this. Believed that after her husband death, things would get better.

Suddenly a huge shadow covered the moon. Dayraena's lips stretched into a joyful smile. White scales glittered in the moonlight, and there was the heavy flapping of wings and a soft, welcoming growl. Egarax lowered himself into the water and tilted his head toward his mistress, rumbling. Her palm rested on the scales that gave off heat, the gaze of dark blue eyes that shone in the darkness fixed on Dayraena.

"Ivestragī sōvegon,"(let's fly) the woman patted the dragon's muzzle, and then, even in her long dress, climbed deftly onto its back. The dragon roared a contented roar, the turquoise scallops on its neck moved, a vibration went through its body, and the next moment it was up in the air, beating the water hard with its wings.

They rose higher and higher until they reached the clouds. Dayraena ran her hand lovingly over Egarax's silver-white scales, enjoying the flight and the beautiful night. The dragon dived into the clouds and flew into them for a while before it emerged, allowing his mistress to see one of the most beautiful views she had ever seen. The disk of the moon was huge, and its light was so bright that the stars paled beside her.

There was the sound of a strange dragon's wings flapping. Dayraena looked down and saw a midnight-black dragon with amethyst webs slithering out of the clouds, Meireya sitting on its back. Endarion circled Egarax, making strange squeaky, but not annoying, noises, as if to greet a fellow dragon.

"Enjoying a beautiful night?" Meireya asked, gazing into Dayraena's beautiful face.

"Hello, sister," Dayraena smiled at the younger Gelarion. Her gaze caught on Rhea's marching clothes. "Going somewhere?"

Meireya smiled dreamily.

"Yes, I'm leaving you," she said. "Enough small talk for a few days, now I can relax in Essos, in the taverns and brothels with wine and friends!"

"And how does Lucerius react to that?"

"He's not interested in me right now."

"You mean he doesn't know?"

"I packed my things after the tournament, and before Lucerius could speak I was out of his sight."

"Why don't you postpone your journey? Wait until after the wedding, and then we'll go to Essos together..."

"Rhaena, have mercy on me. I can't bear the company of the lords' sons for another five days. Running from them and hiding, I'm sick of it!" The intonation became irritated towards the end. Rhea hated it when someone else's company was imposed on her, and who was going to like it anyway? And the sons of lords... They can be pushy and annoying, especially when they're drunk.

"All right," the woman said with a shrug of her shoulders. "Then I'll tell Lucerius myself tomorrow about your... Escape."

"It's not an escape at all!"

The sisters laughed.

"Rhaena, would you like to race to the Royal Forest?" Meireya suddenly suggested.

"That's so... childish," Dayraena remembered how she and her sisters and brother had ridden on dragons to Driftmark and Dragonstone in their youth.

"Had you chickened out?"

"Never!" Rhaena exclaimed and guided Egarax down. He dived, leaving Endarion behind. But Meireya's dragon was smaller, nimbler, and faster, so he had no trouble catching up. They both flew swiftly down to the sea, and when they were close the dragons spread their wings and soared over the water. Egarax opened his maw, uttering a loud roar, and Endarion let loose a jet of blue flame.

The silver serpent cast its enormous shadow over the night city, and Meireya's dragon flew low, just above the rooftops, nearly knocking over a tower. There were surprised and frightened gasps and exclamations, but Rhea laughed.

Egarax began to gain altitude again. The line of the forest appeared in the distance, and there was not much more to go. Endarion flew low and fast, dodging every way he could.

"Braggart!" Dayraena shouted, glaring at the midnight-black dragon. Egarax let out a roar, as if indignant along with his mistress.

Endarion was the first to cross the forest line.

"I win!" Meireya threw her hands up in the air, laughing. Dayraena muttered something and steered the dragon toward the hill, wanting to stretch her legs after her flight and talk to her sister.

Endarion landed nearby and Rhea slid smoothly off his back, approaching the elder Gelarion. She came down to the foot of a high hill and sat on the grass, looking at the majestic Red Keep in the distance.

"Where did you lose your shoes?" Meireya grinned, noticing Dayraena's bare feet.

"Maybe they've been washed away by the waves, or maybe they're still lying in the sand," said Rhaena thoughtfully. Her thoughts were not of the shoes at all. The woman patted the ground beside her and Meireya sat down in the indicated place, cross-legged. The girl's face took on a serious expression. She knew full well that usually when her older sister was in a gloomy brooding mood, she was to be expected to have equally gloomy conversations.

"What has happened?" Meireya asked, looking closely at Rhaena's lovely profile.

"Dayron came to see me," the woman began to talk. "... He asked me to make peace with him."

"He's out of his mind," Meireya exclaimed, shaking her head in a critical manner. "How dare he ask that after all he has done!"

She couldn't help but flutter her arms in her lap, almost touching her sister's face.

"And the best part is, he wants me to stay by his side"

Meireya stared at Dayraena.

"I didn't think Daeron would be that naive," She sighed heavily and lay back entirely on the grass, staring up at the night sky. "You and him could never be at peace, you'd annoy him, and he'd annoy you. I don't think he could change for the better."

Dayraena lay down on the grass following her sister and turned to face her, examining the soft features of the girl's face in the moonlight.

"I am tired..." Rhaena said softly, and felt Meireya's warm hand on her cheek. The woman closed her eyes and smiled weakly. "I've been living in tension for the past six years, making plans all the time, not giving myself a single day to rest. Of course, things have improved since Dayron lost the ability to walk, but I'm so used to the constant tension that it's hard to let go of my, even ordinary desires. Yes, I have relaxed more often, and sometimes there is a sense of peace, but then my mind starts making plans again, endless plans to kill..... Sister, am I... cruel?

The girl listened silently to Dayraena, and her heart shrank. She wanted to hold sister close to her, to let her say what was on her mind, but the woman herself would not do that. It wasn't in her nature to open her heart, even to the person closest to her. And what she was now telling Meireya was a brave thing for her to do. She let her little sister get a little peek into her soul.

"No, you are not cruel. You've never done anything bad to anyone in your whole life, and in Dayron's case... You were just fighting for your life. Rhaena, you are the most generous and strong person I know. You didn't break under the onslaught of your cousin, you bravely passed every test that life has given you. Iksā se ōños hen īlva lentor,"(you are a ray of light in our family) Meireya took her sister's palms in her hands and squeezed, wanting to give her warmth and support. "You have Valyrian magic, you fly one of the largest dragons in the world, you have the most beautiful appearance in Westeros, and you also have a strong character. No one can break you, you can do anything. I think Dayron is just a test, after which you will find the happiness you longed for and need"

A sad smile appeared on Dayraena's lips.

"I want to believe in your last words."

"Don't you have any magical spells in your books that can make a person happy?"

"No, alas. Not even something like that," Dayraena grinned.

They were silent, each in her own thoughts.

"I am sure that things will soon get better and you will live a full life," Meireya whispered.

"Kesan umbagon syt ao."(I'll miss you)

"We'll meet soon, since you're going to Essos," Meireya stood up and gave her sister a hand, helping.

"Where can I find you? As I recall, you have a home there," the sisters walked up to the dragons. Dayraena went up to Endarion and stroked his long neck.

"I'll write it all in a letter when I get to Pentos," Meireya checked the saddle after her extreme flight over the capital, then climbed onto the winged serpent's back to be sure it was secure. "Hopefully nothing bad will happen in the remaining five days. Take care of yourself."

"You, too."

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