Where our souls collide (Fir...

By LillyRosethe19th

28.2K 1.2K 171

Two bestfriends who are in love with each other but don't realize that they are practically soulmates. Everyo... More

Just the two of us
By the look in your eyes
The beginning
The unexpected kiss
sexual desires
You make my heart race
Just us- No labels
Khaotung's thoughts
First's Thoughts
Khaotung's encounter
First's persistent
in love with my bestfriend
The Main Couple: The ship
Fin: Souls collided as one
Special chapter

Status: Taken

1.5K 77 11
By LillyRosethe19th

I was having lunch with P'Tay as Khaotung went back to his place. His mother was visiting. It has only been a day apart but I missed him so much. While listening to P'Tay discuss the upcoming elections I received a text from Khaotung, it was a picture of him and Montow cuddling with the caption that read "Miss us? ❤️" I was smiling when I responded with "More than you can imagine"

"Nong'First are you even listening to me?" Tay asked, "Of course phi, the prime Minister and stuff like that." I said  with a smile, I honestly didn't hear a word Tay said after seeing that picture of Khaotung.  He looked so cute with his bangs curtaining his face, his pink pouty lips and he was wearing my white momento shirt. How can anyone concentrate after your eyes have been gifted with such a sight.

"See you were not listening. What has got you so distracted?" Tay asked as he took a sip of his tea. "Nothing is distracting me Phi." I said trying to suppress my smile. "You can't lie to me nong. Seeing your smile I can assume it has something to do with nong'Khao." He said with his eyebrow furrowed.

"What are you talking about?" I said taking a sip of my iced latte trying to avoid Tay's gaze. With a chuckle Tay responded "First you don't have to lie to me, everyone knows you and nong'Khao are dating."

"We are not dating... well not exactly anyways. It's complicated." I responded my face flushed. "What's complicated about it?" Tay inquired. "I don't know phi, we are like bestfriends but now we are like more than that. Our feelings towards each other have definetly changed. We... I want to spend all my time with him, every second of everyday with him." I responded with a smile.

"Okay so you are in a relationship but not really?" Tay asked looking a bit confused and I nodded. "Why are you guys complicating things? Just talk it out." Tay said taking a sip of his tea. "I don't know how to approach it. Khao and I have never been good with expressing our feelings towards each other. We get all emotional and teary, it's really not a pretty sight."

"Just say what's in your head, like when you called him cute at safehouse." Tay said laughing. "P'Tay you never going to stop teasing me about that aren't you?" I said watching him laugh his heart out. "Ah ah fine I will stop with the teasing." He said as his laughter came to a halt.

"All I am saying is stop overthinking things. I know how you feel, going from being bestfriends to something more than that can be terrifying. I had all of these thoughts and fears when I realized I was in love with New." Tay said. To be honest his words were comforting, it was something I needed to here to gather some courage to do what has been haunting me.

"The fear of losing your bestfriend should your relationship not work out. Being scared to cross that line but you already did. So you can't just go back to being just friends." Tay said and I knew he was right. The line has been cross, several times already. "How did you do it phi?" I asked Tay because at this moment I feel like only he can help me because somehow he has experienced this before.

"Although New tried to avoid having the talk too scared that it will complicate things I took the initiative, ensured that him and I are on the same page. As scary as it sounds it's the best solution." Tay said and I nodded.  We continued with lunch, Tay was talking about something regarding the influence of media houses.  I wasn't really paying attention. I was thinking about what he had said, maybe I should be the one to initiate the conversation Khaotung and I seem to be avoiding.

After I parted ways with Tay, I was driving to my apartment when I decided to text Khaotung informing him that I am coming over to his place. I changed directions and headed to Khaotung’s condo. My heart was racing, it was a mixture of anxiety and excitement. I didn't know how I will approach the subject, maybe I will just speak my mind as Tay suggested.

When I got to Khaotung’s condo, I met up with his mother who was busy cooking in the kitchen. We hugged and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. We talked for a couple of minutes, she informed me how she missed us and that we should visit more often in Chiang Mia. Khaotung’s mother is like a second mother to me, she has always been so warm and kind to me. After inquiring about my parents well being she informed me that Khaotung was in his room probably playing games.

"Hey Tung." I said as I entered the dimly lit room. Khaotung’s eyes was fixated on the computer screen playing games. "FirFir what are you doing here?" He asked mot looking away from the computer screen. "I texted telling you I am coming." I said as I bent down to kiss the crown of his heard. "Oh sorry I didn't see it." He said still glued to the computer. "It's okay." I said as I threw myself on his bed and cuddled with Montow.

I must have fallen asleep because I was woken up by Khaotung snuggling himself next to me. "Are you done playing your game." I said as I pulled him closer to me. "Yeah, so what are you doing here?" He asked me. "I missed you." I replied and he smiled before giving me a peck on the lips. "I missed you too."

"Tung." I said taking a deep breath. I needed to tell him, I needed to have this talk with him. We need to get clarity of what we were to each other, we were more than bestfriends. "What is it?" He asked tilting his head a bit to meet my eyes. I took another breathe in and out before I bluttered out "Tung you know I love you and you are my bestfriend. However I think you have seen that we have become more than that. Physically and emotionally we are more than that.

"First what are you talking about?" He asked with a concerned look. "I am talking about this, us. Seriously Tung friends don't do this. The flirting, cuddling, sending each other pictures in the middle of the night and... other things." I responded. "What are you saying?" He said his voice soft and face concerned like I was going to break some bad news to him.

"I am saying I want to be more than your bestfriend. I want you to be my boyfriend, lover, partner heck whatever you call it but I want you to be mine, and I want to be yours." I said holding his gaze. "I have always been yours First and you have always been mine. Although our status was not clear but I have always been yours." Khaotung said with a soft smile.

"Maybe that's why I was never able to get into a relationship." He said chuckling. "Because?" I asked looking at him as if I was looking for reassurance. "Because you Khun Kanaphan had and have my heart." He replied with a shy smile. I could feel heat travel from my chest through my neck and face. "Tung... will you be my boyfriend?" I asked him with a smile on my face. I knew the answer but I wanted confirmation from him, I wanted to hear him say it.

"I can't believe you are asking me. Yes Kanaphan I will be your boyfriend." He replied before giving me a kiss. "Mine!" I said before I pinned him on the bed, I stared at him underneath me giggling. "I love you." I said softly. "Err I know." He said his cheeks reddened. "I said I love you." Squeezing gently his wrists I pinned above his head. "Er I know I know." He said giggling clearly teasing me. I gently pressed my lips on his and said softly "I love you." With a smirk on his face he whispered "I love you too FirFir.".
Thank you for reading this chapter. Feedback is always appreciated.  Sorry for the delay in updating.  Rak na jub jub 🐈🐈‍⬛🍊

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