The crossing Song( male reade...

By Arthurpendragon285

8.1K 185 116

After defeating killer spider, evolt says his goodbyes to banjo ryuga known as kamen rider cross z and when t... More

bio and harem
prologue: revival of Great dragon
Episode 2: the test, the idol and...the king?
Episode 3: the red king vs Dragon, tsubasa's redemption
Episode 4: King's wrath and two brothers
Episode 5: Hazards rampage unleashed
Episode 6: Sins and sinners
Episode 6.8: the confession
Episode 7 part 1: the fortress invasion

Episode 1: the experiment and the singer

889 15 14
By Arthurpendragon285

Narrator's pov:

At the nurse room, Y/n is in coma while began to twitching his hand while begin to have a flashback of events like memories begin to overflow him which making him sweat and force him to relive those memories

- memory 1-

Tsubasa( flashback): Grr you will pay for attacking and bringing those noise to this place!

????: hehehe

While the fighting continue He saw a little girl being surrounded by noise and he roundhouse kick them, then he grab the girl

Y/n: Don't worry, your safe with me i won't let anything happen to you alright?.

- memory 2-

Y/n: no! Let her go you bastard!

????: heh if you want her, you can have her..~

Y/n try to rush save her, he use a rock to throw at her which it works and grab the girl and throw her to tsubasa

Y/n: Tsubasa go with the little girl fast be-

Before he could finish the sentence he felt a sharp pierce through his chest while slowly look down to see a hole and blood came out which cough blood infront of tsubasa because of the enemy killed him.

????: thats for that stupid rock you pest

- memory 3-

- memory 4-

Tsubasa: Y-Y/n!!!!!!!!

- end of memory -

Y/n: !!! - wakes up while breathing from the nightmare then after while looks to his left and then his right -

Y/n's pov:

Y/n: this i...dead? But how?- begins to get out of bed and remove medic stuff and begins to check but trips over - ouch...what happen to me? I remember that night and did... I gotta find out more of what happen...need help

- outside the nurse room and into the hall way -

He begin to walk while holding near the wall because of some kind of infection which somehow not killing him, as he continue walking he saw a door and trip over that the door open which was the girl wearing green hoodie and black shirt with a white X clothes which recognize him quickly.

Y/n: ugh!

????: Y/n?!

- before, kirika's pov-

Kirika: man, i wanna go with shirabe to get some ice cream but i have to do this as best i can, geez this day can't get any worse!

Suddenly i heard the door open up and saw someone trip over and i look at the person on the ground and my eyes were wide open to see it was Y/n.

Y/n: ugh!

Kirika: Y/n?!

- Y/n's pov-

Y/n: d-damn, Kirika? Is that you?

Kirika: - goes to him and helps him to the couch - you shouldn't be here, your still in recovering which i still even surprise especially gojuro-San who found you breathing from that injury, how did you manage to survive?

Y/n: i...i don't know Kirika...but i heard voice...

Kirika: a voice?

????: what kind of voice exactly?

Y/n: ?! - quickly look at the person who spoke up -

Kirika: sento-san

Y/n: huh? Who are you?

Unknown voice: " Kyryu sento..."

Y/n: - blinks few times and looks around-

Sento: is something wrong Y/n? - looks at him curiously-

Kirika: Y/n u okay?- looks at him-

Y/n: you didn't hear that? - looks at them-

Sento: hear what exactly? 

Kirika: i don't hear anything? You sure your okay?

Y/n: ... Nevermind

Sento: hmm.. Anyways, my name is Kyryu sento, also know as kamen rider build and i analyze your body and seems you have a hazard level...2.9

Y/n: a what?

Sento: hazard level, hmm lets say there like levels and stuff, i wanna test you something though...put some clothes on first.

Y/n: hm? - looks the ropes i wear- oh...

- timeskip, at the training room-

Note: ( those are clothes Y/n wear 👆👆)

Y/n: okay? Now what?

Sento: now then, here - toss him a belt driver-

Y/n: - grabs it - whats this?

Sento: allow me to demonstrate it, - equips the belt and pulls out two bottles- using this bottles have special effect if you inject them turning you into a smash monster, this belt will make you a kamen rider, like this - shakes the bottles and turn the top and insert them-

" rabbit! Tank! Best match! "

Y/n: best match? - confuse look-

" are you ready?"

Sento: - grabs the handle and begins to crank it few times later does a henshin pose- henshin!


Y/n: best match?- still confuse looking at him-

Sento: now you try it....oh right you don't have a bottle uhm - tries to think an idea-

- suddenly i heard the door open and saw familiar hamster girl -

Y/n: hibiki? Why are you here?

Hibiki tachibana

Hibiki: hiya! I got two reasons, the first is this bottle that was on the floor - hands him over -

Y/n: hm? Dragon?

- then i hear a little dragon flying towards me and land on my shoulder, i got curious and shacke the bottle and insert it to the little dragon which change color -

Sento: ?...!! Wait that bottle is-


Y/n: ngh!! - feels bit pain which i bare it- Henshin!


Hibiki: woahhh!!!!! - was exciting seeing him transform- so cool!!

Y/n( cross-z): this is feels like huh?

Sento's thoughts:( he was able to transform with that bottle? It looks familiar but i get this feeling that i know someone who...)

Sento( build): so hibiki whats the other thing?

Hibiki: hm? Oh thats simple; I WANNA TRAIN TOO! PLEASEEE!!

Sento(build): uhh idk hibiki, this is just gonna-

Y/n(cross-z): sure

Sento&hibiki: for real?/ For real?!!

Sento(build): - sighs - well then, shall we begin the experiment?....uhm do you need a belt hibiki or..?

Hibiki: - ahem- i got this instead.

" Balwisyall nescell Gungnir tron."

After that she transforms

Hibiki: lets go! Sento-san! Y/n-san!

Episode 1 end

Next time: the test, the idol and...king?

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