A Black Thorned Rose, Rerun

By 444TheNumber4

966 29 10

Raiden Rose, a boy who was neglected by his parents after embarrassing them and being a disappointment due to... More

Raiden Rose BIO

Prologue: When I am gone

488 16 8
By 444TheNumber4

-( Raiden's PoV )-

The school day has ended, the sun was setting, it was slowly getting dark as I walk my way home through the forest, it used to be scary before, but after that day, I learned there are more monsters than the Grimm

FLASHBACK START, two years ago

My mother has been missing for two years and my step-mother hardly cared for me and my twin sister Ruby, our dad barely pays any attention to the both of us and we've never met our uncle Qrow. I was in my shared room where I was busy drawing a hand cannon weapon design, but then I was interrupted by Ruby who bursted through the door looking excited

Raiden: You're looking quite happy sis, did something happened?

Ruby took out an old photograph of our parents and our Qrow during their students years in Beacon academy, it was strange how they were all in the same team, but I didn't other questioning it

Ruby: I have a picture of mom!

Raiden: Which means....?

Ruby: We can go out and find her ourselves!

My eyes widen at that, it didn't sound like a bad idea but even then, where would we start to look for mom, we don't even know where she was last seen at

Raiden: No offense sis, but I don't know if that's a good idea

Ruby: Well I am going out right now, with or without you

Hearing those words come out of Ruby's mouth made me feel uneasy, I can't leave her alone, she is my sister

Raiden:*sighs* Alright then, I'll be going with you

Ruby:*runs towards me and hugs me tight* Yay! Thank you brother!

I smiled as knocking was heard at the door, I walked up and gently opened the door to see big sister Yang with a smile on her face

Yang: Hey you two, mom finished making dinner so both of you should head down now

Yang then left the room as Ruby looked at me with a smile, I sighed as I had to look out for Ruby's recklessness, we were able to sneak out quietly through the window as we ventured out into the forest, it's only been a couple of steps out of the house as I already felt uneasy

Raiden: Sis.... we should head back

I asked Ruby but she seemed to have ignored my comment, I sighed once more until I heard growling beside me, I turned to look and saw a beowolf as it immediately pounces at me but I was able to evade the pounce by tumbling forward hitting Ruby's legs causing her to trip, soon both of us would slowly get up from the beowolf's attaxk

Ruby: Ouchie!

Raiden: Sis! Are you alright?

Ruby: I'm fine.... what ha- AAAAHHHH!

Ruby screamed as she tackles me down to avoid being pounced on again by the beowolf, we turned to look at it as it turned to look at us and growled, soon Ruby and I would bolt away as the grimm chased us through the forest

Ruby: You were right brother! We should've stayed at home! I'm sorry for this mess!

Raiden: Its okay sis, just keep running

Ruby and I kept on running but suddenly Ruby would end up tripping from a rock, and hit her forehead at a nearby tree

Raiden:*worried* RUBY!!

I ran up to Ruby and carried her up, I tried to run but the beowolf was catching up to us, it wouldn't take long for the beowolf to slash the back of my legs causing me to yelp in pain and fall down, I slowly get up as I turned around and saw the beowolf eyeing Ruby, I tried to get up but it was futile as my legs were in too much pain for me to stand up, I looked at Ruby feeling hopeless as the beowolf was about to tear her apart

Raiden: Sis....

Before the beowolf could do anything else, the sound of a scythe's slash was heard as the beowolf yelled in pain, soon the grimm was bleeding out black goo as it ran away, I sighed relief as I look at our savior, but as I did my eyes widen from the sight of who I saw

Raiden: Mom....


I was able arrive home when I was greeted by Zwei who ran up to me for cuddles, I kneeled down to cuddle the lil puppy for some comfort

????: You're home late

I looked at the person sitting on the couch, Summer Rose, my mother and the woman who saved Ruby two years ago from that beowolf

Summer: Well? Have anything to say?

I stayed quiet, I didn't bother responding as I headed up stairs, when suddenly


A bottle of liquor was thrown towards me but the bottle struck the wall beside me as the bottle inches away from hitting my head, I looked at Summer who looked furious


Summer yells as she angrily stomped towards me, grabbing me and tosses me into the kitchen where everyone else was at, I looked at them as I saw a sadistic smile on Yang's face

Yang: Oh look Rubes another butt kicking lesson from mom

Ruby: Yeah! Kick his butt mom!

Hearing those words from Ruby breaks my heart, as I remembered that night when my twin sister would forever change

FLASHBACK START, hours after the last flashback

I slowly woke up as I noticed that I was in Yang's room but I see that most of my stuff was here, confused I walked towards the door and opened it

Raiden: Ack!!

As I opened the door, I was punched in the face by my father, Taiyang Xiao Long, as I fell down I got back up and saw his angry face


Raiden: But dad this was Ruby's id-

I received another punch to the gut from him, I fell on my knees and held my stomach in pain as tears slowly ran down my eyes, I heard sets of footsteps as one of sounded like running, as I turned to look at the source of the sound I was met with Yang's foot, then I blacked out


After everyone finished eating dinner, I was left in the floor of the dining room kitchen, where my wounds glow crimson red as they are being patched up, some would say that this as aura.... but not for this one

???????: (Perhaps its time for us to leave this place)

Raiden: (If we do leave.... where do we go?)

???????: (A place where you'll be safe, everytime you lose consciousness like being knocked out or go to sleep, I would possess your body and read more about your world and from looking at the many maps, I believe we can head to this village called "Wahi Koko" and live there)

Without any time to waste, I head up to my room and packed what I needed for my trip, as soon as I finished I sneaked my way outside my home and left

-( 3rd Person PoV )-

The next day after Raiden left, the family would hardly care to notice that he had left, it took them a week to realize that Raiden was now gone

Yang was glad that Raiden left because of how he almost killed Ruby by leading her out into the woods

Tai and Summer were worried that the police might find Raiden and question him about why he left their home so they went out to find their missing son and punish him for leaving

Raven could hardly care of Raiden leaving because after all "The weak die and the strong survive" and since Raiden was weak he doesn't deserve to live a life

Ruby wasn't sure how to feel about Raiden leaving, Yang tells her that Raiden leaving is a good thing but deep down she has a feeling that Raiden leaving is her fault, she just didn't know why

Weeks later Raven was sent to a village called "Wahi Koko" to investigate the village after the village was attacked by the White Fang, Raven arrived outside the village as she looked at the place with an uncaring dexpression

Raven: (How unfortunate)

Raven walked into the village and inspected the streets, she looked at the damaged houses and she had an erie feeling for some reason

Raven: (These houses.... I have a bad feeling about all this)

Raven heard something break as she leaned backwards, this was proven to be the right move as she narrowly dodge and attack from someone

Raven back rolls then she pulls out her weapon as she stands up and looks around, Raven looks down and notices the black rose petals on the floor

Raven: (R-Rose petals? But Summer and Ruby are the only ones who have a semblance like this.... unless.... no....)

Raven dodges another dash attack as she was able to strike her attack with her weapon sending her attacker crashing to a house wall

Raven readied herself as her attacker stood up to face her, but Raven was shocked to see her attacker's face

Raven: R-Raiden!?

Raiden: Hello.... "mother"

Raven looked into Raiden's eyes and see a gaze of anger and fury, she couldn't help but feeling scared but she shook that feeling away and replaced it with anger

Raven: Where have you been!? Do you have any idea how muc-

Raven didn't get to finished as Raiden charges at her, Raiden punches Raven in the face sending her flying but she was able to land on the ground safely

Raven would look around for Raiden but she couldn't seem to find him, she gritted her teeth in anger

Raven:*snarls* Using a hit and run tactic to face me!? Damn coward!

There was no response just silence which was making Raven paranoid, she kept on turning to look behind her then side to side trying to find the direction Raiden is going to strike from

Raven: (Where could that little shit be at....) *gasps*

Raven turned around as she sees Raiden charging towards her again, however his right hand was glowing with a dark aura around it

Raiden/Raven: (Got you!)

Raiden would glaze his hand onto her own hand then to her elbow as Raiden dodges a slash from Raven

Raiden:*smirks* (Checkmate)

Raven would feel her right arm getting numb as she heard the sound of a blade fall to the ground, she looked down as saw her weapon on the floor, she looks at her right arm as her eyes widen in horror and shock

Raven: W-Wha-WHAT!?

Raven's right arm is seen slowly being consumed by a black subtance, Raven would immediately pick up her weapon with her left hand and cuts off her own right arm causing blood to splatter all around, this was successful as her whole right arm fell as it began to slowly fade into dust

Raven looks at Raiden in horror, she saw the look on his face and his expression showed no fear or hesitation, meaning he wasn't afraid to kill her

Raven: Shit....

Raven cuts open a portal as she enters it, the portal would close as Raiden frowned feeling annoyed that she ran away than fight

Raiden: Coward.... she is too weak to fight the strong....

???????: She's nothing more than a hypocrite, only calling herself "strong" as she torments the weak but truly she's just a coward who can't fight someone who has become or is strong

Raiden: Yeah....

Meanwhile Raven would arrive out of a portal back at their home in Patch, the portal waa connected to Yang who immediately ran up to Raven feeling worried as she saw Raven's missing arm and lots of blood on the floor


Yang asked with a voice of worry and anger, Raven meanwhile just stayed silent as she got up and walked away leaving a trail of blood on the floor and a confused Yang who snapped back into reality moments later to clean the blood trail

Raven: (That little shit has become stronger and is capable of killing us.... shit we need to find a way for him to forgive us.... before he kills us all)

Raven said to herself as she went to a grab a first-aid-kit and bandage her right arm

Raven: (How could this all have happened....)

Raven began to look back and slowly regret neglecting Raiden and now she was worried that he might go after Summer or Yang

Raven: (Raiden if you still have a heart please... let Yang live... its not her fault)


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