It's hard to forget

By Priyakolli

5.2K 200 39

This is story of a couple who can't be together and can't be away from each other..The chemistry will not all... More

1.Why are we not together?
2.I need some space
3.The trip
4.Lost things
5.Welcome Back
7.My decision
8.Her Mom
9. Our moment again
10. The Past
11.Scold me
12. Hate me again
13. Let me share
14. You are Rude
15. You are jealous
16. We are twisted
18.A True Friend
19.She is not a saint
20.The awkwardness

17.Are we friends?

46 4 0
By Priyakolli

"I don't care what they think about me or my situation." He simply replied as if that makes sense.

"And why is that?" I asked slowly getting up from the bed. I have to set my hair and get ready before someone else comes to my room. I don't want them to look at my messy situation.

He didn't reply. When I combed my hair and turned to look at him he was staring at my phone which is in silent mode. I tied a knot to my hair in a messy bun and went to pick my phone which seems to be ringing.

It's my dad. I picked the call and looking at Sameer answered him.

"Hi dad." I answered without moving away as I don't have any secrets. The main reason for not moving away is that I like making Sameer fidget like this. Whenever I talk with my dad he will always feel restless. He always hated my dad. Even I didn't like him before because of the way he treated my mom. But after my mom I grew pretty close to him.

"Hi dear. Where are you? I came by to your home but it is locked." He questioned. My dad has a habit of visiting me once in a while without informing prior.

"I came to a trip dad. I am not sure when I will be back." Sameer's full attention was on me. Even though he is not looking at me I can sense his movements well enough. And his fingers are continuously tapping on his leg indicating he is not happy and tense for some unknown reason.

"Oh is it? Great dear. You really need some refreshment between your busy schedule. Who are you with?" He asked casually.

"With my friends dad." I simply said without naming each one of them. The hate that Sameer has towards my dad is vice versa. Even my dad hated him before and even today I am sure his feelings are the same. After my break up they grew more apart. He will not like if I say that I am with Sameer.

There was a knock on my door and I looked at Sameer panicking a little. He stood and went to open the door as if it is very normal thing to be in a locked room with someone other than his girlfriend.

Thank God it was Shresta. As soon as the door opened and she saw who opened that her eyes grew large. She turned towards me and raised her eyes as if asking me what the hell was this. I turned around and continued talking with my dad ignoring her stare.

He asked when I will return while I was interrupted by the door knock. "I am not sure dad. It may take some 2 to 3 days. I will call you as soon as I am home." I answered him. Even though we grew close I am still not so comfortable hanging out with him.

He said okay and asking me to take care of my health he disconnected the call. I turned around to face hundreds of questions that will come my way from my best friend. But what I saw there made me shake my head in disbelief.

Sameer didn't leave the room and they both are staring at each other as if there is some sort of staring contest. If looks can kill I am sure one of them will be dead in few minutes. "I am hungry." I said making both of them look at me at once successfully disturbing their little war of eyes.

"That's why I am here. We are all leaving for lunch to some near by restaurant. I am here to wake you up as Anurag said that you were sleeping." Shresta said but she is looking at Sameer while talking as if he is the one she is talking to.

"I am ready. Let's go then." I said and that made Shresta turn towards me.

Shresta grunted as if I said something foolish. "You are not ready. Please go to washroom and fix your face and then you will be ready." She said as a matter of fact and then facing towards Samy she pointed her finger towards his hair. "And you need to comb that mess and wash your face and your neck as well before leaving this damn room."

That's when I looked at Samy. Till now I was looking at him but didn't concentrate but after hearing Shresta's words I focused on what she is saying. His face and neck have traces of my lipstick marks. My face got heated upon realising that. But what made me open my mouth is that Anurag also might have noticed those marks when he came into the room before her.

I am pretty sure shresta is not going to tell about this to another person but I am not so sure about Anurag. He didn't reveal about our relationship back then but this time saira is also involved and anurag is a person who will never hurt other person knowingly.

As if sensing my inner turmoil Samy got up and came near me, lifting my chin he looked into my eyes. "Don't worry about Anurag. I am sure he won't say a thing to anyone else. Trust me on this." I simply nodded and removing my chin from his grasp I moved towards Shresta.

"Go and freshen up. I need to talk to her." I said without turning towards him. I didn't know his reaction but by the look on Shresta's face he is looking towards me still. After some time I heard closing of bathroom door indicating that he is not there in the room now.

I took some makeup remover from my hand bag. I poured that on a cotton pad and sat on the bed. Without looking into mirror I started wiping my face.

"You can look into the mirror and wipe it." Shresta said pointing to the mirror on the side of the bed facing the window view that I loved from the first moment I entered this room. I simple shook my head stating no as an answer and continued doing my work.

I don't want to look at the remnants of our romance. I am not even sure we can call that romance. I am not a girl who does this sort of things. In all these years I maintained my distance from Sameer and whenever he tried doing something intimate every time I stopped him and refused him.

"You want to talk about it?" She asked and again I shook my head. "Oh no. You are not going to remain silent after what I witnessed." She said turning towards me completely as if indicating that she is not going to drop the subject.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked trying my best to act innocent even though I clearly know that she got a brief idea on what happened from the marks on his face and from my smeared makeup.

"What the hell were you thinking? He is engaged for god's sake." She scolded me but the good thing in this is she reduced her voice while speaking. I am not sure Samy can hear this conversation from the bathroom or not. But I can hear the water running inside indicating he can not hear us.

"I know. It just happened." I murmured as if I am also thinking about what happened few minutes back. "I was angry. He was supporting that girl and I snapped at him. We argued and somehow all of this happened." I explained my version of the story when I heard water sound stopping inside.

Shresta didn't reply as if waiting for samy to come outside. Samy came outside after few minutes and without asking or waiting he took my towel that is on the clothes rack. He wiped his face with that as if it is a normal thing to do.

Shresta grunted from beside me. That made Samy turn towards us as if asking what is the issue with her. "You are behaving as if you are a couple." She said focusing her full attention on Samy and leaving me for once.

"Explain." Samy said and I snorted. There is no need of explanation for this. I got what she is talking about and I am sure he also knows what she is talking about as well. I didn't respond to any of them instead hoped that no one else come to my room and overhear this conversation.

"You are using her towel without hesitating for a second. And normal people don't lock their rooms like this Sameer. You know that." She shook her head while saying that last sentence and turned towards me as if I have to reply to that. I stayed silent as usual.

"We closed the room for privacy as we were discussing about one incident. And as for towel, friends will share things like this. We were friends before and as we have no ongoing relationship we are friends now as well right?" Sameer answered looking towards me as well.

Great now he is also behaving as if I have to answer to that statement as well. But what made me stop thinking for a minute is his statement. Are we friends??

Author's note - Hello. How are you guys? I hope you like this chapter as well. This is some sort of filler chapter as I thought I need to explain their thoughts about what happened in previous chapter. Please vote follow and comment if you like this chapter and read my other book My wedding dairy as well.

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