Posing Couple

By benandmirandalover

12.3K 616 279

Miranda and Ben spend the summer as a fake couple to get people off of their back. More



893 47 18
By benandmirandalover

"Are you excited for you trip,"

"I'm okay about it. I love to work and would prefer to be doing it, but I'm going to try to enjoy myself the best I can."

"That's the spirit," Callie encouraged. "And you and Ben?"

"We are okay, we don't really talk, though. I see him in passing. The last time we really talked other than hello was last month at Joe's. We opened up a little to each other. We had gotten into a little disagreement back in California, so it's been off then. Plus, I was treating him mean so...

" Try not to do that this trip, Bailey. Be open-minded and have fun. Don't treat him like garbage."

"I'm not, I'm going to do better and try to be nice."

Ben picked Miranda up from her apartment. He placed her bags in the trunk.

He drove them to the airport and walked with her until their gate. Miranda saw Paige, Tucker, Kim, Eric, Jordan, and James sitting together.

"Hello, everyone, " Miranda chimed.

"Oh my God, Mandy, I haven't seen you in so long." Kim squealed in delight.

"I knowww, it's been forever, it seems like," Miranda replied as she hugged her.

Next, she hugged Jordan and then the men. "I would like you all to meet my boyfriend. Dr. Benjamin Warren." Miranda introduced.

"Hey, nice to meet you all." He spoke, shaking their hands.

The first class flight was nice. Miranda enjoyed the snacks. She slept for the most part of the plane ride.

"This is beautiful," Miranda awed when she got off of the plane out of the airport.

Ben was holding her hand as they rolled their suitcase. The group hired a van to take them to their villa.

"Dam, this is nice," Ben complimented as he stepped off of the van, helped Miranda down, and moved to get their bags.

"Welcome to the Bahamas, " the house servers announced as they held drinks out.

Miranda grabbed one and took a sip. "Mmm, this is a good sex on the beach."

Everyone toured around the house. Taking everything in. It was a movie theater and gameroom down in the basement.

"I love this. This makes me want to buy a vacation beach house."

" You definitely can do it. But for a single man. It would be pretty lonely." Miranda whispered. Looking around to make sure no one was there."

"Well, yeah, I would want to be settled down first and kids."

"Your room is on the second floor. Should be the second door after you come up the stairs,"

Miranda walked up the stairs, and Ben enjoyed the view. Watching her hips move up and down and her round ass. He could get caught up staring all day.

She opened the door and smiled at the room. It was even more beautiful in person.

"I just want to take a shower and then nap until everyone gets here." Miranda told Ben as she sat her suit case in the corner.

"Me too, I'm going to un pack while you do that."

Miranda opened her suitcase, and she grabbed her panties, a bra, night shorts, and a tank top. She took out her toiletries bag and walked into the bathroom.

The shower was really relaxing, and it let her wind down, and she knew she would be knocked out for her nap. She lotioned down after and put her clothes on before making her way back inside of the main room.

Ben swapped with her and took a shower. Miranda put her clothes in the empty drawers and cleaned up her things before climbing into bed.

After his shower, Ben put on shorts and lotioned down. He came out of the bathroom and looked at Miranda with her eyes closed.

Slowly, he walked over to the bed and climbed in. Miranda's scent was strong because of the shower. He liked the smell of her soap. She smelled so dam good. It was enough to lulled him into sleep.

Two hours later, Paige knocked on the door. Miranda sat up and noted that she was curled up into Ben. "Yes," she called out.

"Everyone has arrived. We were meeting in the living room to discuss our plans for this evening and tonight."

"Okay, we will be right down." Miranda called back.

Ben sat up too and wiped his eyes. Neither said anything about the way they slept. Miranda got up and found a cute green and white all-over flower printed dress. She normally wouldn't have her cleavage all on display, but she decided to really let her hair down.

Miranda came out of the bathroom dressed, and Ben looked over. He stared for a while, loving every she had to offer. She was a fine ass woman. He swore she was simply the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes

The posing couple made their way down stairs and joined the others.

Miranda stood with Ben by the counter, and she turned her head when the door opened up.

"Hey, everybody." Brian greeted, holding his suitcase.

"Hey," the friend group greeted.

"Is that mandy?" Brian smiled.

"Brian? Oh my goodness, heyyy. It's been such a long time."Miranda said as he pulled her into a hug, lifting her off of her feet after he put his bag down.

Miranda giggled happily. "You are still beautiful as ever." He flirted.

"Oh hush." Miranda waved him off.

Miranda looked over at Ben, and she could see that his jaw was set. He actually held annoyance in his face, and his eyes were blazing. Was he jealous... no, he couldn't be. He didn't want her like that. This was just pretend and they could be out of eachothers hair after her families barbecue.

His hard stare made her move away from Brian, though, and clear her throat.

"Uh Brian, this is my boyfriend, Dr. Benjamin Warren. Ben, this is Brian. He was my study partner all throughout college."

Ben gave him a nod, and Miranda moved to stand beside Ben. "Did you become a physical therapist?"

"Yes, I did, and I actually opened up my own physical therapy clinic."

"Ohhh, good for you," she smiled.

"I've heard all about you. Dr. Miranda Bailey is a world-renowned surgeon." He teased.

"I don't know about world renowned but a surgeon, yes." She responded quickly.

"I should have had the guts to ask you out before that clown did," Brian voiced, nodding his head at Tucker.

"Heyyy." Tucker sounded listening to Brian.

"Well, I'm glad it was a missed opportunity," Ben stated. Miranda's eyes widened, and she cut her eyes to Ben.

"Me too. I'm glad everything fell the way it did and led me straight to you." She told him, and Ben pulled her into his body.

Miranda definitely knew he was jealous, and she had to admit she liked it. She found it sexy.

"We were thinking that we would take it easy and just take a walk down to the marketplace. Walk around a little bit out there and then find a nice restaurant for dinner. Or we could have dinner here."

" A restaurant would be nice," Kim sounded.

"Okay, it's settled." Paige said.

"Hey guys," a woman said, walking through the door.

Both Miranda and Ben looked over. "Her name's Naomi," Miranda told Ben softly.

Naomi was in their college friend group, but Miranda hardly liked her. She was just a get by student. She never put in any of the work to get a grade, and she also had sex with one of their professors to fix one.

"Mandy, it's been a long time," Naomi smiled.

"It's Miranda, and it sure has."

Miranda then just noticed that both her and Brian didn't come with a person. So they were, in fact, single, and she didn't like that either.

"Oh, who do we have here," Naomi smiled, looking at Ben.

She reached her hand out to shake Ben's hand. He started to extend his hand, but Miranda smacked it. "This is my boyfriend, Dr. Benjamin Warren. Ben, this is Naomi,"

"It's nice meeting you," Naomi voiced.

"Nice meeting you too," Ben replied.

In the town, Miranda looked at the neatly woven bracelets in all sets of colors and designs.

"These are really nice."

"I agree,"

"See here the matching relationship one. You should buy." The woman behind the countered encouraged.

Ben reached into his pocket and grabbed his wallet. He bought them both the matching bracelet. Miranda smiled and slid her black bracelet on her wrisk, and Ben did the same. Both bracelets had half a heart, and she knew their pieces matched.

The two continued to check out the market with the group. Enjoying the culture and sales of everything.

Miranda screamed and stopped in her tracks.

"What baby, what's the matter?" Ben asked.

Miranda didn't have time to register his term of endearment. She moved her body behind his. "Ben, do you not see that dragon." Miranda screeched.

"Miranda, it's a lizard." Ben chuckled.

"That's a dam dragon," Miranda snapped.

"It's a Bahamian rock iguana."

"That's what I said...ohhhh shit it's coming this way, Bennnn." Miranda said, wearily grabbing his arm tightly. "Let's go back the other way,"

"Miranda, it's local color. They won't harm you. Look, they are walking past everyone else.

Tucker and the rest of the group were staring at her. Ben turned and looked at her scared eyes. Before he knew it, he bent down and lifted her up.

Miranda eyes widen. She didn't know he was that strong. She was a thick, plus sized woman. Miranda wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. She looked at him in relief.

"Awww," Paige sounded. "Yall are too cute." She gushed.

Miranda laid her head in Ben's neck as he walked with her. Ben let his hands slip down to her ass as he held her up.

Miranda gasped. "Move your hands now." She gritted quietly in his ear.

"No can do. I'm supporting your body. Or i can just put you down."

"Noooo," Miranda wined, tighting her hold on him.

Ben chuckled and looked at the lizard
"See how the lizard just walked by my leg and did nothing."

" They should not have those things roaming around suppose they do snap one day"

Ben laughed and walked around with Miranda. Later that evening everyone went dinner. Miranda sat across from Ben as the waitress began taking everyone's order.

"I'll have your Bahamian Fish stew," Miranda ordered.

"I'll have your baked crab." Ben ordered next.

"Tell me your most interesting surgery." He said, and Miranda sipped her drink before answering.

"By far, I think my most interesting case was the patient I had that came in encased in cement."

"Cement!" He questioned, shocked, and she nodded her head.

"Yeah, his friends dared him too, and he didn't want to be a whimp in front of the girl he liked."

"Oh, what you will do for love." Ben chuckled.

"Exactly, so I'm examining the boy in the concrete, and the paramedic keeps asking what did I want to do or want them to do. It was overwhelming because I couldn't think. Finally, I snapped and told them I honestly didn't know what to do. The boy began to cry and was terrified. I tried to calm him down and just told him that I've never ever seen this before but that we were going to figure it out. I never make promises to patients, but I promised that I will save him."

"So what type of injuries did he have?" Ben questioned interested.

"The chemicals from the cement were burning his skin, so he had 3rd degree burns. He was dehydrated because the cement was slowly leeching water from his body. He had crushed abdominal injuries. His limbs were affected he could have lost his legs and left  arm. It was so much pressure on his heart and lungs. Nobody knew where to begin."

"We all just started working together as the construction men chipped off bits and pieces of the cement. He was in bad shape, and I just tried to encourage him. I embarrassingly revealed to all of my colleagues how big of a Star Wars fan I was. I know everything there is to know about Star Wars." Miranda giggled, reminiscing.

"Stars wars. Why are you just now mentioning that?" He questioned now, noticing everyone was actually paying attention to Miranda’s story.

Miranda noticed, too, and played it off. "Well, I got to keep you guessing, babe. I can't reveal my nerd side all the way. Anyway. As the cement came off, the pressure rose in his body, and the circulation was opening up again. The pressure in his leg was almost unbearable, and Callie had to go in and cut a deep incision in his leg to relieve the build-up of blood. Because the circulation was opening up, too much of this was going to cause his heart to stop because of the constricted blood vessels. The cardiac surgeon went in and did cardio angioplasty."

"What's that?" Kim asked interested.

"It's a procedure where they use a balloon to open up arteries by putting in a stent. The stent opens up when the balloon is inflated...so after that, we just had to wait as they chipped the pieces off. I kept feeling like I was forgetting something, and I was. If it wouldn't have came to me. His bladder would have exploded. So we rushed in and put a catered in. After all the cement was removed, his heart stopped, and he passed out. We went in and performed every surgery he needed. He threw a clot, and his heart stopped again, but my resident fixed it, and he made it through surgery. The girl he did it for and was in love with came to see him in the icu, and she gave him his first kiss. I'm sure it was a memory he will never ever forget."

"You're amazing, and your job is amazing," Ben marveled.

Miranda blushed, moving her bang out of her face. "Thanks, honey."

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