By SincerelySamanthaaa

566 41 0

What Happens when you Fall in love with a guy but you don't know how to tell him. Do you suffer in Silence or... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Author's Note

Chapter Twelve

34 3 0
By SincerelySamanthaaa

The next morning when i open my eyes i find my Mom sitting by the arm chair beside my bed, i give her a small smile and she jumps up and hugs me.

" Jack left a few minutes ago if you are wondering", she says to me with a knowing look on her face which makes me blush and look away from her face, so embarrassing.

The nurse comes in and removes the drip from my arm and tapes it then With the help of Claire and Sam they get me down from the bed and with my wobbly legs they lead me to the bathroom where i get the longest bath ever.
They help me get ready and i look decent enough and we get back to the room to find it cleaned and smelling nice with a fresh set of flowers which make me smile and some breakfast.

So i eat some breakfast on the bed and speak to my family they explain once again how the last month has been and i feel bad for making them worry and miserable, i have never been so grateful for life and my Family.

I look forward to Jack coming back for me but he does not come in the whole day and its almost night time and i have been watching some shows on the Tv but i kept thinking he was going to show up any minute and he did not.

Then Finally in the evening when i had given up hope he comes in when everybody has just left, with more flowers in his hands and he has shaved off his face and he looks so nice.

He sits on the arm chair and Just looks at me, i also might be looking different because Claire actually cut my hair a little when she helped me wash up in the morning.

" How is Elena," i ask him and he tenses up immediately, i ask because i want to know how they are but its still not going to stop me from saying what i have to tell him,

" Elle i have to tell you", He stands up and comes over my bed and sits there and also holds my hand which makes them tingle.

" I broke up with Elena",
because i could not keep lying to myself, There has always been one person i have loved for a long time but i could not have and that has been you, i am afraid you don't like me like that or feel the same but i have to tell you either way its eating at my soul keeping it in",

I sit there and just stare, i feel like my heart it beating outside of my chest.
" Jack,what"? I ask cause am not really sure everything he is saying is not just my imagination telling me what i want to hear so bad.

" I love you Elle, i have always loved you, ever since we were young, i got with other people because i wanted to forget you because i was hurting my self by loving you when you could never feel the same way. But i have to tell you now so am at peace almost losing you made me realize i could never get another chance."

" Jack! I look at him and i smile the biggest smile i could muster and i pull him to me and kiss him he is the one with experience so i need him to take the lead but he is in shock he pulls away and looks at me

"I love you Jack, all this time i have loved you and I thought you never wanted me, you are the one i have always wanted that is why i have never had a boyfriend it's because of you, you complete my heart and soul."

I smile at him but he looks gobsmacked and so i hug him because am so happy this is the best day of my life.

" You love me"? I hear Jack ask.
" Yes, i love you very much, i have done for a very long time and you have hurt me by being with other people."

" I have wasted so much time, oh my God Elle you are my life," am so sorry i have been a fool."

As he says that he grabs my face and kisses me and its so electrifying i don't know what to do, and we hear a cough by the door and there standing is Luca and Claire.

Jacks stands up from the bed to speak but Luca goes first, " Finally you both have come to your senses, you had to wait for my sister to almost die to confess dude, he points at Jack."

" You knew"? Jack ask's.
" I have known since forever. He says and him and Claire laugh.

" i have wasted so much time, I thought you would be mad," confessed jack.
" No man, its only the two of you who couldn't see it but am pretty sure everybody else knows too", Luca says and they disappear through the door laughing.

Jack turns to me and we both smile at each other, it took us so long but we have each other now and we are never wasting any more time away from each other because we deserve and we were made for each other.

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