DARLING | Nikolai Lantsov

By Undertalesoflight

37.9K 983 56

"You're not just sunshine, sunshine." (Nikolai Lantsov x Female OC) Highest Ranking: #1 for Lighthouse 🏆 #1... More

Important Introduction
Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 2 - The Hummingbird
Chapter 3 - Washed Ashore
Chapter 4 - The Island
Chapter 5 - His Company
Chapter 6 - Unexpected Visitors
Chapter 7 - The Closet
Chapter 8 - Over Board
Chapter 9 - New Adventure
Chapter 10 - I Like It Here
Chapter 11 - Late Night Talks
Chapter 12 - Walking On Light
Chapter 13 - Mermaids
Chapter 14 - The Festival
Chapter 15 - Kissed
Chapter 16 - Taken
Chapter 17 - His Journey
Chapter 19 - Found
Chapter 20 - Saved
Chapter 21 - Heroic
Chapter 22 - The Stables
Chapter 23 - The Sea
Chapter 24 - Skin
Chapter 25 - Home
Book 2

Chapter 18 - Trading Post

595 27 2
By Undertalesoflight

—-Nikolai's POV—-

His heart ached, growing heavier with each step he took. Finally, Nikolai stopped, standing defeated in the rain, soaked from head to toe.

His blond hair dripping over his face, sadness completely covering his figure. He fell to his knees, and Henrik put a hand on his shoulder.

"We've been all across the countryside and have not seen or heard anything of Mara. Henrik, I don't know what to do." Nikolai said, his voice breaking. He hoped with all of his being that she was alright. "I was supposed to protect her."

"I'm sorry captain." Was all that Henrik could think to say. He had never seen his captain so distraught. The rain fell gently around them, water beginning to fill the cracks and holes in the road.

The grey mist surrounded the trees and sent a chill through the air. They stayed there for a moment, before Nikolai pushed himself up and wiped the rain from his face.

"I think the man we spoke to earlier said there was a trading post just a few miles ahead. Let us go there and rest for the night. Fulfill our needs, and then we shall begin our journey back to the ship in the morning." Nikolai said, his words were full of surety, but anyone could see that he was not himself. He was on autopilot.

"As you wish captain."

They made their way through the forest, their bags laying heavily against their backs. Their coats and shirts drenched and sticking firmly to their skin. They said nothing as they made the trek. They were exhausted, and Nikolai was beyond defeated. And he would never see his lighthouse girl again.

He never should have taken her from the safety of the ship, it was so selfish of him to have her out on the beach so late at night. If he would have controlled himself, they both would be far away in the safety of the vast sea by now.

Nikolai was pulled from his thoughts as they approached a set of small homes to their left. Following the road as it wound through the trees.

"Let's split up." Nikolai said once it had seemed that they had reached the town square. People busily walked around them as everyone hurried about. "You go find a place for us to stay, I'll find us something to eat and see what else is here. Meet back here in an hour."

Henrik nodded and hurried off down the street. Nikolai turned around and read through the shop sighs that hung behind him. When he noticed one that said 'Bakery' he moved forward. Pushing open the door and stepping inside.

"Welcome." A middle-aged man called out. Nikolai nodded as he met the man's gaze. He was shorter, rounder, had small glasses, and sat upon a stool. "You don't look like you're from around here. Anything I can help you find?" He asked.

"Maybe you could help me with a few things." Nikolai said, walking up to the counter. Noticing how the man looked over his sopping wet appearance, focusing on his coat.  Nikolai had forgotten how much he looked like a pirate. It caused alarm in some individuals. But this man seemed stead enough in his character to be kind to him.

"A few rolls of bread and a cloth full of cheese would be greatly appreciated." Nikolai said, pulling a coin purse out of his coat pocket and counting a few of the coins out in his hand. The man nodded and gathered together the items before making the exchange for the money. Nikolai opened his bag and stuffed the food inside as the man regained his place on the stool. He looked up at the man once or twice, then with a furrowed brow licked his lips and opened his mouth.

"I'm looking for a girl. Fair skin, golden hair. Bluest eyes you'll ever meet. I am a privateer you see, and she was under my protection. She was taken from my ship last night." Nikolai sat down on a stool and leaned his forearms on the glass display. "Have you seen anyone new in the post, or seen a young lady with a group of men?"

The man leaned back and put his hand on his jaw, seeming to be in deep thought. "I can't remember anyone specifically with that description. We get lots of newcomers this time of year. Every town has their group of dangerous men, but I wouldn't recommend trying to find the ones here. They aren't to be messed with. And don't take lightly to being sought out." He said, finally founding his arms over his chest. Nikolai listened carefully, making sure he gathered each word the man said just in case. Having extra information never proved to not be helpful.

"And if I do want to find them?" Nikolai said. "I don't think you understand, I need to find this young woman, so if these men have even a small hint of where she could be. I need to find them."

"Seeing that you have traveled this far and seem to be new to the countryside, I would suggest you get a map of the area.  Once you do that, I can show you where they normally reside. But I must caution you boy, they are trouble."

"Thank you, sir, I'll be just fine I assure you. I'm quite unlike anyone else. Do you have a map store in this town?"

"Yes, just down the street, go past the blacksmith and it'll be on the right. They usually aren't too busy."

Nikolai thanked the man again and set out for the map store, he looked around and noticed he still had time before meeting back up with Henrik. His stomach rumbled but he pushed his hunger away until he had finished looking around. Lots of people were eyeing him as he made his way through the street, whispers and giggles echoing behind him.

Soon he caught a glimpse of the black smith shop and let his eyes wander as he looked for the map store. But before he could focus on where it was, he saw someone being pushed into the street. Their face was covered, and a large older man towered over them.

Nikolai stopped and spectated from affair, watching as the man spat down at them before grabbing hold of their wrist and dragging them inside the store. Their skirts were very dirty, and Nikolai could hear distant protests as they were pulled out of view. It was a girl. Nikolai hated to see young girls treated that way, and he chewed on the inside of his lip as he debated going inside after them. But his eyes caught the sign above the door.

'Maps and Cartography'

Guess he would be going in there anyways. He put his hand on his bag strap and made his way for the door. Slowly pushing it open. It was incredibly dark and smelled of damp paper.

"One moment." The man's voice boomed, seeming to have come from the back room.

---Mara's POV---

She was balled up on the floor. She had tried to escape; she had tried to hide from his view and run outside. But he was too fast and caught her. His anger was boiling off of his skin and his eyes were crazy. He slapped her across the face and was about to send a kick to her ribs when she heard the door open. The man looked behind him through the curtain that hung in the doorway and looked back down at her fuming.

"One moment." The man said. He leaned down and grabbed her face roughly. "If you say anything to him, I will kill you. Understand me?"

My body was shaking, I didn't understand what he meant, but I nodded. My cheek still burning. I pulled my face covering tighter wiped away a stray tear that had escaped. He grabbed at me and launched me to my feet and pushed me through the curtain. Following quickly behind me. I froze. The customer wore a teal coat, and was looking around the room, his back to me. But I didn't need to see his face to recognize him.


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