Second Chance || Lab Rats

By multiny_

29.5K 705 162

Hundreds of mile away from home. New school. New friends. New life. New feelings? Maybe Everything was bound... More

• Act one •
01: New School
02: Finishing First Day Of School
03: Split Personality
04: First Dance
05: Progress Reports And Shocking News
06: Chessy Picture On The Wall
07: Absent Birthday Boy
08: Forgive And Forget- Cause They Have A Flippin' Lab
09: Alone Time Gone Wrong
10: Beach Day And Old Enemies
11: Magic Shoes
12: Magic Shoes, Not So Magical Experience
13: Parent/Teacher Night
14: Visit From An Old Friend?
15: Day Two Of Building A Lab
16: Finally Friends
17: Marcus Goes To School
18: New Band And Betrayals
19: First Sleepover And A Mission
20: Mission Success
21: Wild Assumptions and laser tag gone wrong
• Act two •
22: A Trip To The Bottom Of The Pacific Ocean
23: Near Death Experience
24: Aftermath
25: First Day Of Parenting
26: Bad Parent(ing)
27: Making Memories
28: I Didn't Even Have Detention
29: What's Wrong With Bree?
30: Hanging Out With Geeks
31: Win Some, Lose Some
32: Vocal Manipulation
33: Close Call
34: Not So Happy Visit
35: Truth's Out
36: New Universe, New Me
37: No Place Like Home
38: First Birthday Together
39: Talent Show
40: Spike's Back
41: Uh Oh
42: Smoothing Things Over
43: Another Dooley In School
44: Loud neighbors
45: The Day Has Come
46: Unexpected Turn
• Act Three •
47: A Year Later
49: First Hero Mission
50: Boyfriend Goes Missing
51: We've Come So Far

48: An Angry Old Friend

254 7 2
By multiny_

"Lauren." Adam's jaw slacked as his eyes widened at the sight of me. Don't know if I should run or hug him? Giving him a final wave I walked past him already feeling this becoming one of those embarrassing memories I'll think about at night.

"What are you doing back here?"

I stopped hearing his demanding voice. It sent shivers down my spine hearing his rough tone with me. This is why I didn't want to come back but it is time to hold myself accountable and not run away.

"Came for a little visit." I shrugged. I didn't dare met his burning eyes. Literally they were becoming a bright red. I stepped to the side in fear of getting hit by his lasers.

"I might be happy to see you but I should hate you. You betrayed all of us." He uttered. His face contorting into one with sorrow. What made me feel worse was the fact that he looked like a kicked puppy. There was something about Adam that you just don't want to upset.

"I know. I'm sorry." I apologized. There was nothing more to say. All I wanted to do was repeat those words until they accepted me again. I looked down at the ground waiting for his response. It could go either way: he would hate me or hate me a little less. 

"Good enough for me. Get in here."

My head violently shot up. A shining smile greeted me with open arms. I stood in place shocked at his forgiveness. I took slow steps into his stretched arms. He trapped me between his toned limbs lifting me into the air. He set me back down ruffling my hair.

I couldn't help but let a smile play at my lips. "Just for the record I never knew it would end up that way. I didn't mean to lie to you guys and your friendship means everything to me. I'll do anything to get that trust back."

"Aw stop you're gonna make me cry." Adam joked brushing away a fake tear. I playfully slapped his chest. He then turned to me more serious. "Where did you go?"

"Back home. I spent the year with my grandpa." I explained.

He nodded a smile creeping onto his face. "Listen your brothers are great but I've missed you."

I felt my chest fill with pride. I know Adam's never the type to hold grudges especially after hearing he doesn't mind Douglas at their place. I was worried he wouldn't treat me like he had with Douglas. I'm glad I was wrong.

"I've missed you too, Adam." I confessed.

"Hey you wanna come over?"

I would love to is what I would've said but it would be unwise to do so. Leo might be okay with seeing me but the rest, definitely not. And I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to see myself either.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I said, rubbing my arm.

"Come on. No one's home besides Chase and a girl he stole from me."

I pondered on what Adam said. Now my curiosity had peeked. Chase is undoubtedly handsome and wouldn't be surprised if he stole a girl from Adam. Both great guys but I do wonder how it happened. After giving it thought I agreed.


Being back at the Davenport's home is different than how I imagined. I thought by the time I step foot I would be welcomed again. Instead I'm in the living room with Chase glaring at me. It was good to see him. He's definitely matured.

"What is she doing here?" Chase exclaimed. His hands conjuring the blue pole from his hands. Adam stood between us shielding me from Chase's wrath.

"Calm down. I brought her." Adam waved his brother off. The coffee table was the only thing separating Chase and I.

"Why? Did she brainwash?" Chase snapped to Adam's direction. He eyed his brother looking deeply into his eyes. I'm assuming to see green incase I used the triton app— which I can't.

"I brought her because I've missed her." Adam casually admitted.

Chase scoffed. "Have you forgotten what she did to us? She lied and made us believe she was our friend."

"Chase—" I tried to defend myself but he cut me off.

"No one is talking to you!" Chase snapped.

"That's enough. She's not leaving." Adam put a hand out towards me. I walked to his side now standing behind the couch. Before Chase could retaliate the doorbell rang.

"Goody. Just in time." Adam claps. I looked between the two brothers. Chase kept his stoic face challenges Adam's smiley one. Chase turned washing away the annoyance as he opened the door.

A pretty blonde girl stepped through the house. Must be the girl Chase stole from Adam.

The older Davenport placed a hand on my back guiding me up the stairs. I was confused but let him guide me. After about half an hour we went back down. Adam hadn't spoke about the study date that was going on but had a mischievous glint in his eyes every time I brought it up.

"Well it would have to be something else because he's neither of those." Adam commented. The blonde had complimented Chase and his brother had to ruin it for him. I get Adam wanted to get some sort of revenge but it was cruel.

"Adam. What are you doing?" I harshly whispered. He shrugged me off going back to downgrading the girls complements.

"I'm sorry for Adam. We should go, right Adam?" I took Adam's hand trying to tug him away from the two. I'm trying to repair my relationship with the Davenport's not completely expose of it. I can't be seen as a part of Adam's scheme.

"Nah. I like being here." Adam crossed his arms with that same smile on his face.

"Who are you?" The blonde asked.

"Oh her." Adam placed both hands on my shoulder bring me in front of him. "This is Chase's ex-girlfriend."

My jaw dropped at the words that came out of his mouth. I frantically tried to deny his false introduction of me. The blonde's face twisted into a mixture of relief and concern. Chase noticed and excused himself storming towards us.

"Would you give it up? She likes me, not you. And you said I'd never get a girl." Chase boasted. He had his arms crossed with a taunting smile. He then turned to me his smile dropping.

"And you. Like always trying to ruin everything. I thought I told you to leave."

It was like a blow to my stomach. I was too blame. He blamed me when it was really Adam that opened his mouth. I wanted to leave the second Adam told me what he planned.

"I'm not part of this."

"Really? Then why don't you try to stop Adam." Chase questioned.

He had a valid point. It seems like I did nothing to stop him. I was limited in my options to do so. It's not like he's listening to me and I can't exactly take down someone of the size of Adam. Especially with his super strength.

"I'm trying." I said.

"She likes me. I don't want you ruining something real. 'Cause apparently nothing is with you." Chase spat.

"This doesn't make any sense. She's way out of your league. She should like me. Okay?" Adam protested. Disbelief written all over his face.

"I gave her my selfie face. Girls can't resist this." Adam smoldered. I can see how blondey could resist that. He needs to figure out a face that can attract girls not scare them away.

"Well, she just did. 'Cause she like me. Not you, me."

Chase walked back to the blonde— I really need to find out her name— leaving Adam and I alone.


I was able to successfully prevent Adam from ruining Chase's study date. That is until he used his super strength to lock me inside closet. I'm not sure how but he managed to lock me in. I would just use my bionics but it would be unfair for Tasha. The women already has a lot on her hands with an narcissistic husband and three bionic step-kids... and Leo.

I'm just glad the closet was spacious. The room I was in used to be Bree's room. The one she begged for when she wanted privacy. It's good to reminiscence on good memories.

My path to the good old time was interrupted by a deep roar.

It can't be. Adam wouldn't. Right?

"I'm sorry, Tasha." I muttered, before kicking down the door. I jumped over the pile of furniture that was used to keep me in and rushed down the stairs. I ducked in time to avoid the flying chair.

Yep, Spike's back.

"Much better." Spike grunted. He walked over to the refrigerator yanking it's door off.

I placed my hand on Adam's shoulder causing him to slightly jump.

"Oh, hey Lauren. Here to enjoy the show." Adam beamed. The blonde kept her gaze on Spike absolutely scared.

"Adam, what is wrong with him?" The blonde asked.

"All lot of things are wrong with. Now be quiet so I can figure out a way to stop him from destroying the house." I rushed out. I kept flickering my sight between Adam and Spike. It's bad enough I had to keep an eye on him now Spike is involved.

"Ugh, Lauren I'm trying to get to know Sabrina."

"Keep her. Daddy's kitten has come back to me." Spike said, stalking towards Adam. I cringed at the name that Spike gave me. He had pointed at me with a wicked smile. I backed up next to Sabrina. Spike has finally seen me since I first arrive in the room.

Ever since I slapped him the last time spike appeared he... kinda... developed a crush. Don't know how it works but he did. I'm sure Chase would hate that. Not to mention that other time I accidentally made spike reappear and had to pry him off of me.

Yeah, that was not a good time.

"Who? Lauren? She's all yours pal." Adam said, pushing me towards him.

"Are you mocking me?" Spike placed me behind him sizing Adam up.

"Hey, guys how about we settle down." I cut in getting between the two brothers. Adam held his smirk proud at the reaction he's getting from his younger brother. The blonde had moved near the door terrified at the scene in front of her. Honestly I don't blame her.

Spike huffed. "Not now kitten."

"Don't call me that." I sneered. That nickname was worse than when he would call me cupcake. He has to be one of the most uncomfortable people to be around.

"You don't want to do this." Adam said. I side eyed Adam worried he'd just make Spike more upset.

"You're right it would be rude to make the ladies watch me rip out your intestines, which is why we're gonna do it over there." Spike held onto Adam collar to which he blocked.

"Wait, you think you can throw me across the room?" Adam asked in disbelief.

"He can and will." I answered. It's not the first time I've seen him throw something as heavy as Adam. Not long after Spike ended up doing what I said. He threw Adam releasing a growl to 'impress' us ladies as he had called us.

"I suggest you leave before things get ugly." I whispered to her. Spike had picked Adam up throwing him to the stairs.

"It gets uglier?!" The blonde exclaimed. I pursed my lips nodding at her question. She booked it to the door slamming the door behind her leaving me alone with the two bionic siblings.


"Guys that's enough. Stop it!" I shouted. Spike held Adam up to the wall effortlessly. His older brother had gotten a beating of a life time from Spike. He got to experience what it was like for Chase being thrown around like a rag doll.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. It'll all be over soon." Spike 'reassured' me. The use of that nickname sent shivers down my spine. It felt so weird and disgusting hearing it from another guys mouth.

"Don't call me that."

Spike only grunted before picking up the red vase and slamming it down onto his brothers back. I cringed at the shattered glass. Adam tackled Chase onto the couch as they both wrestled. Maybe now it a good time to step in. I got closer lifting my hand letting energy travel down to my hand. As the ball of electrify got bigger I neared both of them. Sending the bolts of electricity to them they separated knocking into the table. The molecule structure that the blonde and Chase worked on were in pieces as it hit the floor.

"You guys good?" I asked seeing them both groan. Adam stood first followed by Chase.

"The molecule. What happened in here?" Chase said. It is always such a relief hearing his squeaky voice compared to Spike's. But now I will have to deal with his wrath which I prefer Spike instead of Chase for that.

"And where's Sabrina?" Chase said, looking around the room completely ignoring me. Chase snapped towards my direction and pointed at me.

"You probably— oh. Oh no. Did Spike show up?"

"So you don't remember anything. Like you throwing me across the room?" Adam asked.


"Good 'cause it never happened." He walked away after saying that. I began to follow him passing Chase. He held my arm and called out for his brother.

"You activated my commando app on purpose, didn't you?" Chase accused. He roughly pushed me to Adam. I huffed running a hand through my hair.

"Of course I did. Look who you're talking to." Adam admitted.

"I had nothing to do with this." I defended myself. Chase shook his head scoffing.

"Sabrina was the first girl who's ever shown any interest in me and you both ruined it. Thanks a lot." He briskly walked past us bumping into our shoulders.

"You know, I thought you wanted to make things right between us but I see you were just using me." I said. I turned around ignoring his call out for my name. I searched the room for Chase. The last room that came to mind being the lab.

It felt strange yet nostalgic to be in the basement. The lab may be different but I've been here many times to still feel like the old one.

"What do you want?" Chase's annoyed tone made me hesitant taking another step. He was sat on one of the chairs focused on the computer. His body tense with anger and embarrassment.

"Look you hate me, I get it, but I really had no part in this." I reasoned.

"Then why didn't you stop it?" Chase said, looking up from the computer. He swirled his chair to face me as he crossed his arms. I kept quiet. I knew I had multiple opportunities to stop but didn't. I wanted to but Adam can't exactly be easily convinced to stop. Or that's what I tell myself to not feel as bad.

"That's right. Because you didn't want to." Chase answered for me. He got up from his chair fuming as he stared at me.


"No. You could've done it multiple times but you never do. No now and not with Marcus."

"I'm sorry. I can undo what I did but I try to make things better." I stressed out. I tried to keep myself level headed but it was hard as the person I last wanted to anger threw sour memories at me.

"Well you don't. Get out."

He went back to his chair. His back facing me. I rubbed my temple. I was supposed to lightened things between but like he said I just made it worse. I began to walk out the lab but stopped as I neared the door.

"I truly am sorry, Chase."

I let my words linger in the air before fully leaving the lab. Heaviness rested on my chest.

I left the house in a hurry not wanting to face any other Davenport's. There was only one place I could go for now. I still didn't wasn't to go back to Philly just yet. I know if I did I wouldn't want to come back for good. My mind was blank as I absentmindedly let my legs take control. It knew by memory where dad, Tony, and Erin live by now.

It only took me about twenty minutes before facing the house dreaded moving into at first. I sighed walking up to the steps. I knocked three times hearing shuffling behind the door at the second knock.


"Hiya, Tony."


Season 3 ep 18: Spike Fright

Word count: 2806

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