Iron Hero (Iron Man X Blizzar...

By IronGodAuthor

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This is the story of 2 teens, Michael Stark (Iron Man) & Jack Rhodes (War Machine), the sons of the original... More

Iron Man Bio
Iron Man Bio Part 2
War Machine Bio
Chapter 1: The Nexus
Chapter 2: Iron Man
Chapter 3: Null Sector
Chapter 4: Saboteurs & Assassins
Chapter 5: A New Bodyguard & A New Enemy
Chapter 6: Artifact
Chapter 7: Raynor's Raiders
Chapter 8: The Lich King
Chapter 9: Gamer Mech & Drones
Chapter 10: The Angiris Council
Chapter 11: The Court
Chapter 12: Ghosts
Chapter 13: The Burning Legion
Chapter 14: Aiur
Chapter 15: Sanctuary
Chapter 16: Doomfist
Chapter 17: Worst Nightmare
Chapter 18: For The Horde
Chapter 19: Overwatch
Chapter 20: The UED
Chapter 21: Amon
Chapter 22: Diablo's Return
Chapter 23: Terratron
Chapter 24: Tal'darim Invasion Part 1
Chapter 25: Tal'darim Invasion Part 2
Chapter 26: New Life
Chapter 27: The Big Race
Chapter 28: Hanamura
Chapter 29: Blade & Iron
Chapter 30: The Dominion
02/27/2022 Delay
Chapter 31: Vigilantes
Chapter 32: Xel'Naga Artifacts
Chapter 33: Gaming Tournament
Chapter 34: Deathwing
Friday Schedule Delays
Chapter 35: Null Sector's Return
Chapter 36: The Golden Armada
Announcement For A New Future Fanfic
Chapter 37: Monks Of Ivgorod
Chapter 38: War Machine
Chapter 39: A Fistful Score To Settle
Chapter 40: The Death Fleet Descends
Chapter 41: Vishkar Corporation VS Stark Unlimited
Chapter 42: Demon Hunter
Chapter 43: Temple & Dragons
Chapter 44: Sneaking In
Chapter 45: The Xanthos
Chapter 46: Archimonde's Return Part 1
Chapter 47: Archimonde's Return Part 2
Chapter 48: Umoja
Chapter 49: Malibu Invasion Part 1
Chapter 50: Malibu Invasion Part 2
Chapter 51: Scourge Of Lordaeron Part 1
Chapter 52: Scourge Of Lordaeron Part 2
Chapter 53: Scourge On Lordaeron Part 3
Chapter 54: Scourge On Lordaeron Part 4
Chapter 55: 1 Month Later
Chapter 56: Truth Exposed
Chapter 57: The Tactigon
Chapter 58: Iron Men? Part 1
Chapter 59: Iron Men? Part 2
Chapter 60: Demons
Chapter 61: Kil'Jaeden's Wrath
Chapter 62: Dominion Truce
Chapter 63: Fight For The Horde
🎉 Celebration🎉
Chapter 64: Halloween
Kizuna Hida vs Iron Man
The Reasons Of Why I Haven't Published Anything
Chapter 65: A Date With Symmetra
Chapter 66: A Date With Alexandra/Alexstrasza
Chapter 67: Nexus Avengers
Chapter 68: 1st Team Fight & Thanksgiving
Chapter 69: Christmas
Chapter 70: Northrend Arc Part 1
Chapter 71: Northrend Arc Part 2
Chapter 72: New Beginning
Chapter 73: Heaven's Devils
Chapter 74: Dragons' Final Stand
Chapter 75: eScape Part 1
Chapter 76: eScape Part 2
Chapter 77: The Prime Evil Part 1
Chapter 78: The Prime Evil Part 2
Chapter 79: The Prime Evil Part 3
Chapter 80: The Burning Legion
Chapter 81: Overthrowing An Emperor Part 1
Chapter 82: Overthrowing An Emperor Part 2
School's Over
Chapter 83: Sargeras Part 1
Chapter 84: Sargeras Part 2
Chapter 85: Sargeras Part 3
Chapter 86: Amon War Part 1
Chapter 87: Amon War Part 2

Chapter 88: Amon War Part 3

24 1 0
By IronGodAuthor

(Date: 04/07/2507) (Time: 8:08)

It had been 3 days since the 1st battle of The Void & 3 days after the heroes meeting up with a Xel'Naga named Ouros as we see Kerrigan in the middle as she just hovers there while also seeing some energy beam being sent into her as the power transfer between her & Ouros had begun. And since it had been 3 days we see Terrans, Protoss, Zergs, & The Nexus Avengers currently fighting as  large army sent by Amon starts attacking to prevent the power transfer from ever happening. And currently we see Iron Man in his Iron Lantern Armour inside of an energy constructed Hulkbuster Armour smashing & shooting every enemy hostile as he either stomps them, crush them, or even shoot them. The armour was so strong that when an Ultralisk started charging at him he would then send a powerful uppercut to which sent it flying into the air & crash to its comrades killing them. Meanwhile, Pharah & War Machine (Who is still piloting The Manticore) are seen in the sky bombarding missiles at any enemy hostiles infront of them while Terran Siege Tanks also helps out their allies in bombarding enemy troops killing them as they fire. Jim Raynor is also seen fighting but only this time he is wearing something different than his actual armour. Rather he is wearing an Armour similar in Protoss Design yet looking like Iron Man's Armour.

As to how this was made it was all thanks to Karax, Swann, & Mikey as they did a lot of effort building this just for Raynor while Tony had installed several fail-safes & other security into it. Thanks to combining Carbonadium, Adamantium, Vibranium, & Adanium (Protoss Metal) they were able to create an Iron Man Armour as it was originally going to be given for Artanis yet he declined & insisted on giving it to Raynor. Speaking of Raynor is he is seen flying around his Iron Protoss Armour while shooting down every enemy hostile seen on both ground & air. Not only was it fitted with combined shields from both Mikey & Karax but it was armed with lots of energy weapons that could kill even the most toughest of enemies.

>Jim Raynor:
(While Flying & Shooting). Mikey, I see a Thrasher, I'm going in now.

And with that Raynor is then seen flying down & when he did he then sees The Thrasher as the latter sees him too. The Thrasher then attempts to shoot Raynor down but the latter was able to dodge the attack to which made the former fire even more energy blasts but only for all of it to be dodged. As this went on Raynor then got close & delivered a powerful repulsor punch to which then destroyed the Thrasher's shields in just a single attack. Seeing this Raynor would then use this opportunity to fire a Unibeam from his chest to which was so powerful that The Thrasher died in an instant only leaving it's lower half. After this, Raynor would the fly back to base while firing some energy from his new armour killing off as many of Amon's Forces as he can.

>Jim Raynor:
(While Flying & Shooting) Gotta say, I love this armour.

And with that he would then fly back to base while shooting down any enemy hostiles on both ground & air for as every unlucky aerial enemy that tried to get close were only sliced thanks to the armour's psionic blades. Back in the base we see Prince Kael'thas shooting fireballs at every enemy he sees as he would even cast Flame Strike to burn & kill as many as possible to which he did. He would then see a Thor heading for the base so he decided to cast Pyro Blast & launch a big & powerful fireball that detonated & exploded when it made in contact with The Thor & even killing a few enemy hostiles close to it. Medivh is even seen not only firing magic but is also creating a portal to help give his friends & allies easy access to where they're needed while Thrall is seen swinging his hammer killing off some of Amon's Protoss Warriors while his spirit wolves kills off any Zergs that tried to overwhelm him. Thrall would then cast his Chain Lightning as it then killed off hundreds of enemy hostiles as the lightning links to anyone who unfortunately gotten too close. Meanwhile, Samuro & Zeratul are seen dual wielding both their old & new weapons as they got each others' backs killing off any enemy hostile that even dare tried to lay a finger on them as they kept on slashing as they slice & dice every enemy trying to kill them. Illidan & Malthael flies into battle while slashing their blades onto every enemy they see with Malthael causing death to so many unfortunate enemy hostiles while Illidan burning those who gotten too close to him. Meanwhile, Symmetra & Alexstrasza are seen flying around & killing more enemy hostiles as Symmetra makes Blue Lantern Constructs while Alexstrasza is still Armoured up thanks to Symmetra's Blue Lantern Constructs as they both lay waste to Amon's forces as well as killing him so many Thrashers that even tried to attack Kerrigan from afar. As the battle wages on Iron Man kept his allies all in good shape as he would even construct modern day soldiers to fight & kill as many as possible. Even the Iron Man Drones are seen helping out as they shoot down every enemy in sight. As they fight Tony Stark would then scan something & say...

>Tony Stark:
(To Iron Man) Uh, kiddo. I am scanning multiple movement coming from the same portal we went through & they're heading in this direction. Did you ever call for reinforcements?

>Iron Man:
(While Flying & Shooting). (To Tony) No, dad. In fact, none of us even called for Reinforcements, why?

As he ask that they then suddenly heard & saw several battlecruiser arriving in the vicinity. However, these were not from The Dominion nor from Raynor's Raiders but as they finally gotten into a closer look they then see the logos on where it came from.

When Kerrigan, Raynor, & Artanis saw this made them all shock & wide eyed as well as worried thanks to their history with The UED. Iron Man however was prepared trying to make sure that he can negotiate with Earth's Military to not cause harm & fight with them. Until suddenly, the next thing shocked them for as they then see several aircrafts flying down with logos that Iron Man, War Machine, Pharah, & Symmetra recognized.

As they saw this they then see Overwatch Heroes jump out of their aircraft & landed on their feet as when they did they then started as Winston ordered...

(Orders) Alright, everyone. Move out & help Mikey defend Kerrigan!
And with that Overwatch then joined in the fray as Tracer & Lucio are seen speeding around killing off any enemy insight as they fire their weapons while Mei even froze some enemy hostiles to which Brigitte smashed. After that the 2 then looked to see Mikey & waved as well as winked. Meanwhile in some other transport aircrafts we see several soldiers from the Helix Security Internationals being deployed into battle & help in the fight.

As they all fly they fire their weapons killing off as many as they can while only a few of them were either just wounded or killed but it didn't dwindle their numbers nonetheless. Back at the EUD Ships we see Major Killbourne then giving orders to everyone to deploy. With that said they then started deploying troops with either their spacecrafts or drop pods & when they did they were able to set up their bases as well as surprisingly aid everyone against Amon. Meanwhile Raynor & Artanis then went to Iron Man as Iron Man & Raynor landed 1st before talking as they didn't know what was going on.

>Jim Raynor:
Okay, I never thought to see Overwatch, Helix, & The UED to come to as reinforcements but I gotta ask. Did you call them, Mikey? If so then how were you able to convince them?

>Iron Man:
That's the thing... I didn't call them. I'm as shock & surprised as you guys are.

Hearing this made both Artanis & Raynor shock as they were about to ask questions but they didn't knowing that Iron Man is telling the truth. After that, War Machine & Pharah arrived to their location.

>War Machine:
That was us.

They would then look at the duo as they were surprised that Rhodey & Pharah would do that.

>Iron Man:
If you guys did then how did you convince them since they had a history with Raynor & The Dominion?

It was me who did the convincing but it wasn't easy.

>War Machine:
But thankfully we were able to completely convince them since we're also gonna need them to help us out.

>Jim Raynor:
But are you guys sure we can trust The UED? Overwatch & Helix is already good but The UED is a different story.

>War Machine:
I know how you feel, Commander Raynor. But let's just give them a chance & have faith that we will win this.

He's right, Friend Raynor. I know that the Terran Military from Earth cannot be trusted but yet we need to have faith & hope that nothing bad will ever happen.

Hearing this Raynor then thinks about it until finally sighing.

>Jim Raynor:
Alright, we'll let them stay. But if they betray us I bet me & Warfield will take 'em out.


>Iron Man:
Relax guys, if I can just hack them with Extremis just in case so we'll be good.

Back in the battlefield we see General Horace Warfield firing shots from his arm cannon as he shoots & kills off any enemy that tried to get close as he kept on firing & firing but even with the aid of his men & everyone they were all still outnumbered. Regardless, he kept on firing as when he does he then heard something from the sky to see Zarya in her Crimson Dynamo Armour land on her feet hard to which sent some enemy hostiles flying. After that she would then start to fire not only energy but also lightning as she takes out so many enemies all at once killing them off with each attack. Seeing this gave General Horace Warfield relief as reinforcements has come. The Nexus Avengers & Overwatch are seen fighting side by side as they shoot every enemy they see as Bastion is seen in his Minigun Turret Mode laying waste to any enemy in the vicinity while Torbjorn's turret helps him out as it helps in defending the base. Meanwhile Iron Man, War Machine, & Raynor are seen flying into battle as they shoot down every enemy they face clearing killing off many of Amon's forces. A Thrasher is even seen rising up but only for Raynor to fly in & kill it. Meanwhile, Kerrigan is seen being flooded with power as she is close to reaching hee final power.

>Kerrigan's Mind:
I can feel it. I can feel so much power. I am getting close.

As she thinks of this everyone are seen winning as they kept on fighting & fighting taking out as many of them as possible. As they do so Amon is seen somewhere far away watching the battle unfold as he looks at it to see that everyone had been winning against his forces despite having a lot more quantity. As he views the battle he is focused on Kerrigan but only a little for as there is 1 threat that he somehow felt a little uneasy & thought that someone more powerful will be fighting him sooner. As he watches he sees that Kerrigan is close but it mattered not to him as he had already absorbed the powers of all other Xel'Nagas he had killed thanks to both The Nexus & also learning a way to become more powerful via taking souls. That's right, taking souls, something he is not known for. He had learned this when The Nexus came to be as he even had fought Sargeras & The Lich King respectively to which he had won. But even when he had won he saw something from The Lich King that fascinated him & that was taking the souls of the fallen & use it as power. And so he had started learning from it in secret & when he finally mastered it he was now capable of wielding such a power to the point that he had taken the souls of many Xel'Nagas & took their power all for himself. Back in the battlefield we see Kerrigan radiating with even more golden light as it became brighter & brighter to which made everyone shield their eyes from the glow. As these happens Kerrigan felt more & more power coursing through her as she glows & after glowing for a few more seconds with her eyes closed she would then open her eyes & release a powerful golden wave that then wiped out all of Amon's forces as they were cleared out while her friends & allies could only celebrate. After that, Kerrigan then descends down to the ground in a brand new & more powerful form.

With the last of our essence, a new eternity dawns. The Infinite Cycles have come to their end.

Ouros closes his eyes as the last of his essence leaves him. Artanis kneels and lowers his head, silently acknowledging the Xel'Naga's death. There is then a flash of light. Ouros is gone. Kerrigan has been transformed into a towering angelic figure of pure golden energy. Artanis, Iron Man, & Raynor stare up at her in awe.

She is... Xel'Naga.

>Iron Man:
Her form kinda reminds me of when Jean Grey merged with The Phoenix Force.

As Raynor stares up at Kerrigan, he suddenly finds himself inside his own mind & wearing his usual attire. Kerrigan, now in her original human form, approaches him.

These moments together, they will always be with me.

She kisses him & they embrace.

Darlin', I...

We have to go now, Jim.

Raynor finds himself back in the Void with everyone. Kerrigan looks to a portal above them.

End this thing... Once & for all.

In a flash of light, Kerrigan flies into the portal. But before she could reach it a dark flash of light suddenly stops her in her tracks as when the dark light faded she is then wide eyed to see Amon already in his true form with Void Crystals all over him while the portal closes.

I am your beginning, so shall I be your end.

Seeing him made everyone ready themselves as when they did they all then heard loud shouts as they are now ordered to fire. Hearing this they all then started firing all of their weapons at Amon as everyone started shooting a lot of projectiles at him while Amon could only stay there unimpressed as his Void Crystals then formed together like a shield & block every shot because Kerrigan had also started shooting as well. But every shot were all in vain for as not only was Amon invincible but the Void Crystals were simply too durable for them to break for as thanks to the crystals it generates void energy making Amon virtually invincible while his crystals repair themselves overtime. After firing they were all in shock as Amon has now become powerful, so much so that he would then send several dark projectiles into them & when Iron Man saw this both he & Symmetra then got into the air in position & construct an energy shield of blue & green trying to protect their comrades while Kerrigan is outside of it as she either dodges or destroys some of them to lessen the damage that will be inflicted to the energy shield. When the projectiles hit the duo would then see & hear the explosions while holding on their own as they see Amon spamming his attack while Kerrigan kept on doing what she needed to do. Meanwhile, everyone inside had to watch the whole thing but they then decided to go somewhere safe by retreating to where the projectiles may not be able to hit.

>Iron Man:
(Hovering While Focusing His Willpower Yet Struggling) Come On... Just hold... A little longer!

Meanwhile back at the ground we see everyone still trying to make sure they get to a safe distance but even with the willpower & hope of Iron Man & Symmetra the energy shield is slowly cracking thanks to Amon's great power. The 2 tried to hold on for a little longer but unfortunately for them another hit then landed to which then shattered the shield into pieces while some of Amon's projectiles finally gotten through to which not only hit the duo & crashed them down to the ground but also hit the ground to which made several explosions with so many being hit by them killing them while some were just sent flying. Seeing this Kerrigan then decided to fly up & confront Amon as she flies with great speed dodging or even destroying some projectiles on the way & when she finally gotten closer she would then fire a big golden energy ball to which hits Amon to the face staggering him but not fully killing him. Thanks to this Amon's onslaught would then stop as he was still staggered while everyone that survived on the ground started to get up but most of them were weakly getting up. Mercy tried healing as many as she could seeing that there weren't any more survivors from the onslaught. Iron Man would then get up & see the situation around him. Not only does he see Symmetra knocked unconscious while some blood was leaking out of her head but so many of his friends & allies are seen heavily injured as he even saw War Machine punching The Manticore's cockpit to fully get out thanks to it being destroyed. He then looks around to see that most of his allies' forces are dead on the ground thanks to the onslaught. After that he would then look at Symmetra, construct 2 energy medics holding an energy stretcher, puts Symmetra into the energy stretcher, & then flies up to help Kerrigan. Meanwhile, Amon had finally regained his bearings & when he did he then looks at Kerrigan by quickly started attacking her as he tries to hit her with his tentacles only for the tentacles to be dodged by her.

(While Attacking) Your newfound strength gives you no advantage here. I have fought & killed Xel'Naga before. (Swings A Tentacle To Which Kerrigan Caught).

(While Caught A Tentacle & Cuts It) You have never faced anything like me.

(Continues To Attack) Foolish, Abomination. You have no power over m--

Before he could continue his sentence his face is then hit by a Green Energy Nuclear Missile to which made an explosion so powerful that not only it blinded him but it also pushed him back a little. Seeing this, Kerrigan then looks behind her to see Iron Man being responsible.

>Iron Man:
(While Hovering) Jesus, you guys talk too much. (Mockingly & Jokingly) "I am more powerful than you, this" "I am a god, that." You guys should really go look for a hobby.

(While Hovering) Stark, thanks for the help. How are the others?

>Iron Man:
(While Hovering) They're beaten up but their good. Sadly, we lost a lot of guys thanks to that onslaught. I wished I could've saved them more.

(While Hovering) I know how you feel, but now is not the time to grief. We'll do it after he's finished.

After saying that Amon would then roar in anger as the roar was so powerful its sound even reached the ground. Amon would then look at Iron Man as he says...

I may not know what Ouros saw through you, believing you could defeat me. But you will die by my hand.

>Iron Man:
(While Hovering) Oh please. (Sarcastically) Like you are the 1st evil god I've faced. And besides, I bet my dad can beat the living shit out of you.

(Credits To: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Collective Consciousness)

All of creation will be destroyed by my hand. And with all of it gone, so shall you.

And with that both Kerrigan & Iron Man then readied themselves as Iron Man would construct an energy version of his 3FB Armour as he may not be as big as Amon but he hoped that it's enough. Kerrigan however, would light up her hands with golden energy as she readies herself for battle. And with that said & done Amon would then start to move his tentacles as he swings or jabs while the duo would dodge & block the attacks coming for them. While doing this they would fire a rapid blasts of golden energy & repulsors at Amon but only for the Dark God to be protected by his Void Crystals. Speaking of the crystals Iron Man then started to be more intrigued to know of the crystals thinking that it could help him in some way.

>Iron Man:
(While Flying & Dodging). (To Tony Stark) Dad, scan those crystals.

>Tony Stark:
(Scanning). (Scan Complete). (To Iron Man) Hey kiddo, you're gonna need to know about this.

>Iron Man:
(While Flying & Dodging). (To Tony Stark) What is it, Dad?

>Tony Stark:
(To Iron Man) Those crystals are shrouding with void energy that surrounds Amon. Those Void Energies are so powerful that he's basically a virtually invincible being so long ass he is surrounded by it. However, the crystals may be tough but they're not indestructible. But do becareful though because not only do they repair themselves overtime but if you get too close they'll send a powerful shockwave that could damage the armour.

Hearing this, Iron Man then constructed a pile bunker to which then attached to his 3FB Construct's right arm as when he did he then decided to fly close, dodge some tentacles & even projectiles from Amon, reels his right fist back, & then launch it forward for as when he finally gotten close enough he would then punch The Void Crystals knowing that Amon would definitely use them as shields again. When he did this his pile bunker's sharp end then surprisingly pierced through & destroyed 1 Void Crystal but after this all the other crystals then produced a shockwave that sent him flying back a little. After Iron Man regained his altitude he then dodged another tentacle while firing more of his Repulsors right at Amon. While dodging & flying he would then call out to Kerrigan who is currently dodging or slicing some tentacles & dodging projectiles.

>Iron Man:
(While Flying & Dodging) Kerrigan! Destroy those Void Crystals! Like how Raiden destroys Sundowner's shields in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance!

Kerrigan would then slice off another tentacle & then looks at Iron Man with a slightly confused look.

(While Hovering) What are you talking about, Stark?

>Iron Man:
(While Flying & Dodging) Just destroy The Void Crystals! Also, don't get too close because they can produce powerful & painful shockwaves if you do!

Hearing this Kerrigan would then do what Iron Man said as she would then fire off a beam that hits 1 of the crystals & focuses on it. However, her beam kept being interrupted when the tentacles kept trying to hit her. When Iron Man saw this he knew that he needed to get the tentacles out of the way so for that he would then fly to Kerrigan's location, construct energy blades to his 3FB Constructs, & slice the tentacles off while Kerrigan can focus on shooting her beam to which she did & destroyed 1 Void Crystal. Meanwhile on the surface we see everyone watching the fight go on as not only has Symmetra finally been safely carried back into The Nexus Avengers but has now been awakened & looks up into the sky to see Iron Man & Kerrigan fighting Amon.

>Jim Raynor:
(Quietly) Come on, Sarah! Keep fighting!

(Worried) Please, Mikey. Survive.

(Worried) Be careful, Mikey.

(Worried) Stay strong, Mikey.

(Worried) We're counting on you, Mikey.

>War Machine:
(Worried) Keep fighting, Mikey. Just hold on.

Back in the fight both Kerrigan & Iron Man are seen fighting more & more of Amon's Tentacles & projectiles as well as trying to break The Void Crystals. However, things were becoming difficult from there for as not only was Amon being more relentless with his attacks but he is also being more careful with his crystals hence why he needed them to attack him knowing that The Void Crystals are the ones keeping him virtually invincible. The duo tried to advance even more & try to attack the Void Crystals but the fight proved to be too difficult but even more so when Amon decided to amp it up beyond 11 by creating portals that then summoned a swarm of Hybrids as they fly to the duo trying to kill them. Seeing this both Kerrigan & Iron Man had to separate as Kerrigan starts to not only fly but also shoot or rip some hybrids to pieces as she starts killing them 1 by 1 & even sent a wave of energy when she gotten surrounded. Some Hybrids tried to hit her or shoot her but she was too fast for them as she kills more & more Hybrids that tried to close in on her. Meanwhile, Iron Man is seen shooting, backhanding, crushing, or even punching some Hybrids away since thanks to his construct being 36 Storeys Tall as he was too big for them to rip & destroy thanks to his willpower being strong enough to make him believe that it's indestructible. Those that did try to swarm him got electrocuted to death as he constructed & activated a green lightning field surrounding him just in case of any attack coming for him as he kills the small Hybrids left & right. The duo kept killing & killing more Hybrids as they have killed over thousands as they fight them but the problems were that not only they weren't getting any closer to Amon but more & more Hybrids were coming out of the black portals as they come & go. But as they fight them for minutes they were then being slowly overrun as not only was Kerrigan being surrounded but Iron Man's Construct is then being crawled on by several Hybrids while they resist the lightning field. The 2 were trying their best to not be overwhelmed but as they went on for minutes the 2 of them are then overwhelmed as Kerrigan is then covered by so many Hybrids either shooting her from all directions or beating the shit out of her while Iron Man's 3FB Construct is then covered by so many Hybrids like how ants would surround a human body. Everyone watched on in worry, shock, & fear as the duo were being covered while Amon was forming a smile on his face thinking that he will win shortly. However, 2 bright lights are seen glowing from the duo's location as 1 is emerald green while other is gold. As the bright lights became more & more brighter a powerful wave of energy is then released as Iron Man & Kerrigan the finally broke out of their enemies killing them all in a wave of energy. However, Iron Man was no longer inside a construct but his Armour was still okay & when the duo noticed the portals both of them would then used their powers to seal the portals as Kerrigan would use her Xel'Naga powers to close it while Iron Man would then out it in a bubble & shrink it into nothingness thus making it disappear. So many people at the ground all sighed in relief as they see their heroes being alive & well. Amon would then look at the 2 as he says...

It matters not of your survival of this battle. No matter how long you fight it won't last forever. Both of you will die by my hand & soon all things shall come to an end.

>Iron Man:
(While Hovering) Like we'll ever let that happen.

(While Hovering) Gloat all you want, Amon. But no matter what happens we will be here to stop you. So let's end this, here & now.

Foolishness, Mortals, Foolishness. My power is beyond that of The Xel'Naga now. And you will both die by my hands.

And with that said Amon then starts to shoot more dark projectiles while also moving sending his tentacles at them as he swings them right at the duo trying to kill them but only for them to keep up on dodging & blocking each attack while they either cut the or shoot some blasts at Amon. The fight had been going on for 2 hours as they both have tried everything they could to try & stop Amon but they weren't getting any closer as they have been fighting long yet Kerrigan didn't seem to tire but Iron Man however is sweating showing that he is getting tired yet still had enough stamina to keep on fighting. As they battle Amon they tried getting into the crystals to destroy them but Amon even tried to summon portals but the 2 had to keep on closing them & closing them until eventually 1 portal on Kerrigan's route is opened & she wasn't able to close it on time when several Hybrids started attacking her. Meanwhile, Iron Man kept dodging or blocking attacks from both the tentacles & dark projectiles from Amon as he has been too busy trying to defend himself from harm. But that is until Amon then decided to surround Iron Man with his tentacles to try & crush him to death but only for The Armoured Avenger to construct a green energy cube to hold it back. Sure the cube was cracking bit by bit but Iron Man then increased the layers as well as expanding it trying to protect himself from getting crushed. However, Amon knew of this as when he did he then looks to Kerrigan's direction to see here still fighting some remaining Hybrids after successfully closing the portal on time as when she fights them off Amon then prepares something as a dark energy beam is being prepared to fire at an unsuspecting Kerrigan. Iron Man at 1st tried to protect himself until suddenly he then saw Kerrigan still distracted while Amon prepares a powerful beam at her.

>Iron Man:
(While Protecting Himself) No!!!!!!

And with that he would then deconstruct his construct & quickly get out of the tentacle grip with great speeds heading to Kerrigan. Kerrigan however is still distracted as she finishes off some remaining Hybrids & when she did she then looked at Amon but what she saw horrified her as a beam is then fired while time goes in slow motion & she knew that despite it being far away it was still going really fast & she wouldn't escape it in time or block it. Even if she did escape it the next problem was the fact that the beam was also going to go straight to her friends & allies & it could kill them. But as she was ready to accept her fate Iron Man then pushed her out of the way to which sent her flying away from the blast until Iron Man is now in her position with him constructing an energy shield to which then blocked the beam but as he does both the shield & the beam then explodes to which not only made the beam dissipate but also covered Iron Man in smoke.

(Music Ends)

Everyone that had watched were all worried including Kerrigan but as the smoke clears everyone is then horrified to see what's inside the smoke. We see Mikey Stark floating around space with his armour broken with only his right gauntlet, left boot, & chest piece left as he is currently helmetless while his face shows his eyes closed with no lights on his armour as well as some burns on his left arm & left leg. Seeing this made everyone horrified & shocked to see Iron Man, The Armoured Avenger, has fallen.

(While Hovering) NNNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!!

When Amon saw this he would then use his tentacles & swipes it to the side as he would send Mikey's dead body flying far away as it freezes. Everyone were all tearing up & then cried as they saw their 1 of the greatest heroes has died in battle against Amon. Speaking of Amon, even though he was disappointed that he didn't hit Kerrigan, he was still proud of himself for getting rid of Iron Man so for that only 1 threat was left.

I must admit, despite being a Terran he had lasted this long. But like I have said before, you will all die & you will soon join him.

Kerrigan would then look at Amon in fury as she was angry for what Amon had done. From there she swore to avenge Mikey & save the universe at all costs.

(While Hovering). (Angry) You will pay for your actions, Amon! I will kill you until there's nothing left of you!

It is surprising that a being such as yourself care for some Terran despite your actions of murdering innocents.

(While Hovering). (Angry) I will make you pay, Amon!

Then show me of how I'll pay.

And with that Kerrigan would then fly to Amon while the latter would moves his tentacles attack Kerrigan followed by some of his dark projectiles as everything goes in slow motion. Meanwhile, in The Void of space e see Mikey's lifeless body frozen in space evident that he had finally been frozen solid thanks to the cold temperatures of space. Tony however, tries to wake up his own son as he keeps getting louder & louder despite The Armour having no power.

>Tony Stark:
(Through Armour) Kiddo? Kiddo? Kiddo!? KIDDO!!!

As Tony kept shouting we then see Mikey's left hand thanks to it being without a gauntlet but as everything zooms in an extremely slight finger twitch is seen.

To Be Continued

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