Wait, Let Me Write That Down...

By SomeTypicalMilk

2.3K 90 195

Y/n is the only boy who goes to Yuigaoka Girls' High School. That's because his parents were the previous own... More

First Day On The Job, Please Be Patient!
Operation Idol Recruitment Is A Go!
They Won't Recognize Us?
We Still Have A Chance!

Welcome, Y/n-san, To Yuigaoka Girls' High School. Please Enjoy Your Stay.

931 40 58
By SomeTypicalMilk

A/n: HELLO AND WELCOME! This is a highly experimental trial. I'll be honest, I don't know if this series will gain any popularity. But if I didn't try, then I failed instantly. I wanted to put pen to paper and see if I could create something worth reading. Anyhow, let's begin.


If this is your first with me, here's a handy guide for your convenience.

A/N = Authors Notes. Example: Check above

" Means a character is speaking out loud. Example: Kinako: "Ooh! Newspaper club? My old schools never had one of those!"

* Are to show character actions. Example: Y/n: "This one didn't either. Not until I suggested it." *He yawns* "It's exhausting work."

' Are to show texts or writing. Example: Kanon(Text): 'I'm home sick today.' 'Can you please make your healing gyoza?'

Italics are to show that a character is whispering. Example: Y/n: "Healing gyoza? What doe that mean?"

If the names are split they're either talking at the same time or saying the same thing.

Example(same thing): Kanon/Chisato: "But you're gyoza DOES have medicinal properties!"

Example(Same time) (Same punctuation): Natsumi/Y/n: "It totally does/It totally doesn't!"

Example(Same time) (Different punctuation): Mei/Keke: "Does it?/It does!"

If none are present and a character has dialogue, that means they're thinking.

Example: Y/n: What sort of rumors has Kanon been spreading about my gyoza?!

Plain text is narration. Example: He sighed once more before heading to the kitchen. He'll be there for a while making gyoza with Keke until he couldn't feel his hands.

With that out of the way, let's begin.

One more thing, this story's backstory for the school will be different from the original. 


A lifetime ago.

Kishibe: "I'm sorry, M/n. But there's nothing we can do here. You'll have to shut down."

M/n: "But this is all I had. What do I do now?"

Kishibe: "Listen. This will be tough, but you need to hear it."

M/n: *She leans forward* "I'm listening."

Kishibe: "There's one major part where you went wrong."

He lights a cigarette and offers one to M/n. 

M/n: "I don't smoke."

Kishibe: "Oh, right. My bad. Bit a habit where I work."

He puts away his pack and lighter.

Kishibe: *He sighs* "You had a good idea. Schools are always in need. But you went about it wrong. School's specializing in music are on the decline. But I don't think you could've adapted in time. Though, that is where you went wrong."

He rubs his eyes and takes a puff of his cigarette.

Kishibe: "I hate to say it, but things aren't getting better. The best way to combine the two is to have a separate music program. Like sports schools. They're a high school but they also focus heavily on their sporting programs."

M/n: "This... You're right. I didn't and couldn't change. But we are a music school first and foremost. Hiring a bunch of new teachers? Building new classes? That would've sunk our budget."

Kishibe: "You were put in a tough spot, I don't know anyone who would've succeeded in this situation. But, hey." *He takes out a manilla folder* "The land is still yours. They won't take it. So who knows, maybe there's some hope in the future."

M/n: "I'm not too sure of that. I think I'm done with the teaching business."

Kishibe: "Hey, hey. Don't say that. Listen, I don't always bring bad news."

He takes out two papers from his folder.

Kishibe: "They're looking for a new music instructor."

He hands the papers over to M/n.

Kishibe: "It's alright to cry."

M/n: *While holding back tears* "I'm trying not to. But I can't help but think... What about our staff? Our students?"

Kishibe: "They'll find greener pastures. It's time to slow down, M/n. Think about it this way, now you'll have more time to start that family you were hoping for."

M/n: "I-You're not wrong."

Kishibe: *He stands up* "Come on, I'll buy you a drink."

M/n: "I'd like that."

And so, Jinguu Music Academy was forced to shut down due to a lack of enrollment. Changing times had taken another school. M/n went on to teach at a different school. There she began to get her life reordered. She even started her own family. Four years later she received a call from an old student of hers. Hana Hazuki. When the school first showed signs of decline, she tried to save it by forming an idol group. But it was too late for anything to be done. 

M/n: "Hello?"

Hana: "Miss M/n, do you remember me?"

M/n: "Of course. Hazuki, yes?"

Hana: "Ah! You do remember! Listen, I want to buy the school from you."

M/n: "W-What?!"

Hana: "That's right! I've partnered with a few people, and we're wanting to buy the land. We have a plan to reestablish the school."

M/n: "Wow. That's incredible."

Hana: "Right? We want to reopen the school for generations to enjoy."

M/n: "Well, I'll be glad to help you. Tell me when you're available, I'd love to set everything up." With this boost in income, I think we'll be ready for a child.

Hana: "Hai! We can talk Wednesday afternoon, if you'd like."

M/n: "That works for me. Let's catch up. It's been a while."

Hana: "It's been far too long."

That marked the beginning of Yuigaoka Girls' High School. M/n gave Hana advice on how to run and operate a school. Kishibe also offered his advice on what to avoid. Together, M/n and Hana successfully reopened their once glorious school.

Hana: "Opening day is tomorrow."

M/n: "I'm so proud of you. To think you'd seriously do all of this."

Hana: "It's too bad you won't be joining us."

M/n: "I don't have time to run a school." *She rubs her stomach* "Not anymore."

Hana: "You're expecting too?!"

M/n: "Too?!"

They smile and share a girly squeal.

Hana: "It's a big day. We're going to prove ourselves to everyone else. Once we've operated for a little while, I plan on adding another building for a music program."

Her plan, as advised by several people, was simple. She's starting with a normal high school that has an emphasis on music. Each year she'll grow and emphasize their music programs. Eventually, when they have enough interest, they'll start a separate program for those wanting to focus on music.

Hana: "I'm sure your daughter will love this school."

M/n: "You'll think it'll be a girl?"

Hana: "Hmm. Well, there's always that chance. It would be disappointing if they didn't see our legacy... I got it!"

She grabs takes out a piece of paper and a pencil.

Hana: *While writing* "It shouldn't matter what they are or want to be. They should be allowed to attend here."

And so, a new rule would be established. Any L/n would be permitted to attend Yuigaoka Girls' High School.

M/n: "Where's Suzumi?"

Despite the school opening tomorrow, their director was nowhere to be found.

Hana: "Ah, Suzumi-chan is busy at home checking the student list. She's been calling parents since yesterday."

M/n: Ganbatte, Suzumi-chan. I remember when I had to go around trying to find parents in the phone book. 

Hana: "If you will, it's kinda a lot to ask, kinda a lot... Would you please help with preparation?!"

M/n: *She smiles* "Of course. You have to have everything in order for your opening day."

This is the part where I tell you Hana's school grew to be one of the biggest in the nation. Where I'd tell you Hana and m/n's children grew up close to each other and everyone lived happily. The school got its major music program and Y/n was a girl. Life has a strange way of working. Hana and M/n did have their kids. Y/n was a boy born on October 31st. Hana's child, Ren, was born a month later on November 24th.  But there was no happy ending, not for Hana Hazuki. Hana Hazuki was later haunted by the major financial problems that plagued the school. Some believed it was the stress of maintaining a troubled school and her husband leaving her over the decision to reestablish her old school that led to her death. This led her daughter to grow up with a difficult family life. But despite how tragic that is, this isn't Ren Hazuki's story. No, this is F/n L/n's story. He grew up with Ren and two other girls. Chisato Arashi and Kanon Shibuya. He first grew to be friends with Chisato after eating bell peppers for her. From there Chaisato introduces Y/n to Kanon. They formed a trio of unlikely friends. Sadly, Ren went to another school due to family reasons. But they'd still hang out after school. While Yuigaoka Girls' High School did shut down shortly after Hana's death, the land was quickly purchased by a local celebrity. They enlisted the help of the former staff to reopen the school. This new owner abided by Hana's wishes and opened with a focus on music, offering a separate music course option with their general studies course. They also kept Hana's promise to the L/n family. In return, M/n would work as the overseer for their music program. And she did in the early years before returning to her previous job. But let's skip the early life, at least for now. We focus on Y/n and friends on the last day of middle school. 

Kanon: "The next time you see me, I'll be wearing the music course uniform for Yuigaoka Girls' High School!"

Chisato: "I'm sorry you won't be able to come with us, Y/n-kun."

Y/n: That's what you think. "No, no. It's alright. We'll always be together in spirit."

Chisato: "And on the weekends." I should tell him how I feel later. But at the same time, it's not like it'll be the last time I see him. 

Kanon: "Where are you planning on going, Y/n-san."

Y/n: "I'm planning to attend Nijigasaki High School."

Chisato: "O-oh. Does that mean you'll be moving?" I... I shouldn't. That'd just cause Y/n-kun unneeded problems.

Y/n: *He nods* "I'll be living with my uncle Kishibe."

Chisato: "Ah, I see."

Kanon: "Eh? Moving? Oi! Change your plans! You can't move!" 

Y/n: *He laughs a little* "That'd be unfair to my parents. We've been planning this for a while."

Chisato: "He's right. You shouldn't change your plans on a whim." But if I don't do it today, then I might not get another chance.

Kanon: Chii-chan is taking this surprisingly well.

The dismal bells cheerful chimes ring through the school. The last day of school is officially over.

Kanon: "You'll still be with us over the break, right?"

Y/n: "For two weeks."

Kanon: "Then you'll at least be able to watch my audition."

Y/n: "Of course! I'll be supporting you guys all the way."

Chisato: "We'll definitely make it!" After I make it to the music program, I'll confess.

Kanon: "Hey guys, want to head to my place?"

Y/n: "Mm. I like the sound of that."

Chisato: "Let me text my mom before we go."

A few days after school ends, they begin taking their school exams. Since Kanon and Chisato signed up for the music course, their entrance exam would be later than Y/n's. This means Y/n could take the general course exam unnoticed. On the day of the music examination, they're all on edge. Kanon is the third girl that day.

Kanon: "I-I'm Shibuya K-Kanon, from Gaien West Middle S-School..."

Test Proctor: "Let us begin the prescribed song." 

Kanon: "H-Hai!"

But as the instrumentals play, Kanon freezes up. She finds no words escaping her. The most important moment of her life so far, and she's helpless.

Test Proctor: "Shibuya-san?"

Kanon, unable to deal with her stage fright, blacks out on stage.

Test Protctor: "Shibuya-san?!"

Chisato/Y/n: "Kanon-chan?!"

Kanon wasn't allowed to try again for fear she'd blackout. She failed her one chance to get into the music program. Chisato passed her exam. Most of their friends passed the exam. They did not see each other again after the exams were over. Y/n had to report to school one week early. He was called in by the school's director.

Suzumi: "Hello, Y/n-san."

Y/n: "Director, good morning."

Suzumi: "Good morning to you as well. So, you're serious about attending Yuigaoka Girls' High School. Why?"

Y/n: "My friends are going here."

Suzumi: "Understandable. But I really am making quite the exception by allowing you to attend. You'd be the first boy in the school's history. We don't have men's bathrooms, so you'll have to use the administrator's bathroom."

Y/n: "I'm fine with that."

Suzumi: "Your peers may make fun of you behind your back. While I'd like to think we're behind making fun of one's gender, I can't control the thoughts of high schoolers. Some may pick on you. They might harass you purely for being a man."

Y/n: "I'm aware, and I don't care."

Suzumi: "You'll probably be called a creep and a perv at least once."

Y/n: "I know I'm not, so I have nothing to be afraid of."

Suzumi: "That's the right attitude." *She smiles* "That's what I admired about Hana. She was so determined to see her dreams through."

She wipes a stray tear. Memories of a cheerful woman who put her life into the building still loom nearby.

Suzumi: "You'll be a hit if you join any sports programs."

Y/n: "Actually, I was wanting to start a club of my own."

Suzumi: "Oh?"

Y/n: "I was wanting to start a journalism club and begin a school newspaper."

Suzumi: "Hmm." *She smiles* "Hey, that's not a bad idea."

She begins writing something down.

Suzumi: "Are you confident in your writing?"

Y/n: "I took all advanced writing courses in middle school."

Suzumi: "Excellent. I expect that sort of excellence from someone related to M/n."

She starts writing a few more things down.

Suzumi: "That really is a terrific idea. We've talked about starting a student newsletter before. But our focus is on music. Though, with this... This could be a good way of encouraging participation from the general course studies students."

She presents Y/n with a few pieces of paper.

Suzumi: "If you're willing to put in the work, I'd like to try it. But it'll require tremendous effort on your part, too."

Y/n: "Wait, really?! Already?!"

Suzumi: "As I said, we already had the idea of starting a school newsletter. We were missing students who were willing to put dedication into it. If you're willing to work with our writing teachers, then I'll approve it."

Y/n: "Deal!"

Suzumi: "Well then, welcome to Yuigaoka Girls' High School."

For the entire week, he worked with the literature teachers to learn proper journalism etiquette and techniques. He had an hour of photography practice on top of his writing training. The training was devised of different blocks. The first block was reading and studying newspapers. He was made to read newspapers from all over Japan for an hour. The second block was finding newsworthy topics. He'd spend one hour researching the local area and the nearby areas of Omotesando, Harajuku, and Aoyama. After an hour of research, he'd spend another hour writing what he learned. The third block consisted of finding a topical event and writing about it. The fourth block was spent spotting fake and dishonest articles. He'd also have to rewrite the articles into a truthful retelling of what actually happened. For his fifth block, he had to interview teachers about a randomized subject and write their thoughts in a way that would interest readers but would still retain the honesty of their statements. The sixth and final block was to write an article about an event in the school's past. The catch was that every literature teacher had to approve of what he had written. It could take up to two hours for an acceptable article to be written. This could take anywhere from one to two hours. Altogether, his training could take up to ten hours each day. Not to mention he'd have homework in the form of writing a recap of everything he did that day. From morning to night. While was exhausting work, it was worth it in Y/n's eyes. After submitting his last homework assignment, he checks the school's website. Their hard work had paid off. His school website was updated to show a new tab for the school newsletter section. 

School Website: 'Check out our brand new newsletter written by our official Journalism club!'

Y/n: They did it! They actually did it!

His celebration is interrupted by a sudden email.

Email: 'From: Director Suzumi' 'To: F/n L/n' 'Subject: Journalism' 'Well, it took us a while to update the site, but it's done. In truth, we got it done this morning. But we thought it'd be a nice treat after you'd completed your training. But remember, there's always more to learn. As a journalist, you must always be willing to accept new information. Good luck on your first day Tomorrow!'

Y/n: Whew. That's the most important step completed. That means I'll get to write my first official article tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow. Oh, and I have to surprise Chisato-chan, Kanon-chan, and Ren-chan! Tomorrow will be an impactful day.

Slipping into bed, he goes to sleep and dreams of interviewing a rat king.

A/n: So, I know what you're thinking. Damn. Those were a lot of text walls. I know. But they were required so we could get the backstory done. I did skim over some parts, but they'll be expanded on next chapter. I'm planning to write it soon so you can get a feel for what the actual story will be like. If you have any suggestions at all, please make them known. If you have nothing to say, then that's all for now, Reader-san. Until next time, Kishimino-Sensei.

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