Violentine (The walking dead)

By jaycooks525

402 10 0

Clementine and Aj have been captured along with a few other kids she wasn't familiar with. But the people she... More

It cant be..
Weeks later.
is it over yet?
is it over now..?
the  announcement.
no, no, no!

the plan.

24 1 0
By jaycooks525

All the kids shared a room, they shared bunk beds, it had heat and was large so none of the bunkbeds were crammed together. Clementine entered the room to see only Aj, Tenn, Ruby and Aasim in the room. Aj and Tenn were drawing while Ruby and Aasim were on a bunk bed laughing and talking.

"Clem!" Aj said excited. "Look!"

Clementine walked over and Aj handed her a piece of paper he drew on.

"You're getting alot better kiddo." Clementine smiled.

"Yeah maybe ill be as good at Tenn one day!" Aj smiled.

"Im sure you will." Clementine chuckled.

Tenn reached into his box of colours and attempted to grab some, but there wasn't many colours left.

"We have no colours." Tenn frowned.

"Maybe Kate and Javier have some, i can grab them for you?" Clementine offered.

"No thanks, i can grab them." Tenn nodded while getting up and walking away.

Clementine sat down on the bed beside Aj, keeping him company until Tenn returned.

"What do you think of this place?" Clementine asked.

"I like it." Aj smiled.

"Good." Clementine smiled.

"Do you like it?" Aj asked.

"Yeah, you're here and safe so im happy here." Clementine nodded.

Soon Tenn returned and Clementine was on her way to look for the older kids. She reached the old basketball court where the kids normally hung around and found them. The laughter and chatter from them echoed around the court. Clementine quickly joined the conversation and they stayed talking and laughing for around 2 hours. Once they realised it was very late they all headed to the bunkroom. Tenn and Aj had fallen asleep, Tenn had fell asleep in his bed while Aj fell asleep on the floor with colours still in his hand. Most chuckled at the sight.Clementine picked him up and placed him in bed.

"Night goofball." She whispered.

She returned back over to her bunk and layed down on it. She placed her hat over her face and closed her eyes. After around 30 minutes, everyone had fell asleep or were at least trying to except for Clementine. She physically couldn't fall asleep and was starting to get annoyed. She got up and tip-toed out of the room in her socks, careful not to wake anyone. She reached the rooftop and sat on the ledge. She sat looking down at Richmond, some rooms in different houses lit up with candles and some people out on front porches or steps.

"Can't sleep?" A voice called out.

Clementine immediately turned around to see it was just Brody.

"Way to scare the shit out of me Brody." Clementine said.

"Sorry." Brody chuckled. "Can't sleep?"

"No, you?" Clementine asked.

"No, Marlon keeps sleep talking, not sure if you can hear him but i can." Brody sighed.

"Is he on the same bunk as you?" Clementine asked.

"Unfortunately. I mean i love him and all but jesus christ he just keeps snoring and sleep talking." Brody sighed.

"Relationship troubles." Clementine chuckled and so did Brody.

"Speaking of relationships, you and Vi, are you together?" Brody asked.

"Yeah." Clementine smiled. "Kate said we made it obvious so figured you knew."

"Very obvious." Brody said. "Am i gonna have to start knocking on the roof door when you two are up here?"

Clementine hit her on the arm and chuckled. "I would just to be safe."

"I will keep that in mind." Brody noted.

"What about you and Marlon, you're like a thing?" Clementine asked.

"Suppose you could say that." Brody nodded. "I always had a thing for him, not sure about him."

"Are you kidding me?" A voice called out from behind them. "Have you not seen the way he looks at you?"

Clementine and Brody turned to see Violet, wrapped up in her jacket and carefully walking over as she's also wearing socks.

"Is everyone awake?" Brody chuckled.

"You woke me up Brody." Violet said.

"I did not!" Brody defended.

"You stepped on every single squeeky floorboard there was." Violet chuckled.

"Start doing that in the mornings, you can be our alarm clock." Clementine joked.

"Yous don't need one, you're always up before everyone else." Brody said.

"True." Violet shrugged.

"Ill start knocking in the mornings by the way." Brody chuckled and so did Clementine.

"What?" Violet said, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Brodys gonna start knocking on the door." Clementine chuckled.

"Uh, why?" Violet asked.

"Just to make sure you're both decent." Brody chuckled.

"She knows." Clementine said to Violet.

"Everyone does." Brody added.

"How?" Violet asked.

"You're both always up here or together some place else, everytime we have meetings you're both always late and you both look like you just went on a morning jog when you finally arrive." Brody said.

Clementine looked at Violet and started to laugh.

"Fair point." Violet nodded.

After a few more minutes of talking, Brody headed back to the bunkroom as her exhaustion was getting the best of her, leaving only Violet and Clementine on the roof.

"Did you hear Aj?" Violet asked.

"No, what did he say?" Clementine asked.

"He was calling your name in his sleep." Violet said.

"Shit i hope he's not having nightmares again." Clementine said while turning to face the door.

"No, no, no he was saying it in like a nice way i guess? He was smiling and saying bits with it like he loves you and stuff. It was kinda cute." Violet chuckled.

"Ohhhh, those dreams." Clementine nodded.

"Yeah." Violet smiled.

"He used to get those all the times when we were in the car, he'd sleep talk for hours." Clementine chuckled.

Violet chuckled before speaking. "You didn't get much sleep while you were with him either?"

"Not much no." Clementine shrugged.

"Can't imagine what that was like." Violet frowned.

"It's okay," Clementine smiled. "I'll probably fall asleep as soon as i lay down now."

"Do you wanna go now?" Violet asked.

"I was thinking we could do something else..? Take our minds of this whole shitshow." Clementine smirked.

"What about Brody, she'll probably come back up?" Violet said.

"She knows to knock." Clementine smirked while leaning in to kiss Violet.

The next morning Clementine slowly opened her eyes and tried to raise her hands above her head, but couldn't. She focused her eyes to see she was cuddled up next to Violet, who was still sound asleep. She slowly raised her head and realised no one else was in the room, it was just here and Violet. She layed her head back down and started gently drawing circles with her finger on Violets arm. A few minutes later, Violet woke up and yawned.

"Morning." Clementine chuckled.

"Goodmorning." Violet smiled in her raspy morning voice.

They both got up and walked down to the basketball court, where most of the kids were.

"There finally awake." Louis announced.

"You two slept well." Marlon chuckled.

"First time ive gotten a good nights sleep in a while." Clementine said.

"Clem, Kate and Javier want to talk to you." Brody said before Clementine got the chance to sit down.

Clementine nodded and lazily walked out and over to Javier and Kates house. She didn't bother knocking and just walked straight in to see Kate and Javier sitting at the table.

"About time you woke up." Javier said.

"Leave her alone, her and Violet had a late night i heard." Kate teased.

"Ooooooo." Javier said.

Clementine sat down at the table beside them.

"You summoned me?" Clementine said in a posh tone.

"We did." Javier nodded.

"So we sent gaurds out to the base. Theres been no sign of anyone there in the past few days." Kate sighed. "They seem to be spotting the place out, waiting for people to come along and set off the bombs."

"How? They wouldn't be able to get close enough at risk of getting an afterwave shock." Clementine said.

"My guess is snipers." Javier said. "So the speakers are a no-go."

"Well fuck." Clementine muttered. "We need to set it off soon."

"We know. We have a plan but we're gonna have to act on it soon." Kate said.

"How soon?" Clementine asked.

"Soon like the day after tomorrow." Javier said.

"Alright well what's your plan?" Clementine asked.

"We'd find an area in the woods, cover ourselves in walker guts and draw walkers any way we can but not let ourselves be trapped. If we can lead them to Carvers base and someone goes in the front door and out the back door. Whoever leaves through the back door closes it and barracades while someone else does it with the front." Kate explained.

"But it would take them ages to find the room, nevermind getting in to it and setting off the bombs." Clementine said.

"We thought about that, we have radios and they can be quite loud. If we set a few of them up leading to the room i reckon we lead them up from a safe distance." Javier added.

"Sounds like it could work." Clementine said. "And you mentioned someone leading them into the building, I can do that."

"No way." Kate shook her head.

"I know the place better than anyone i was in it far longer than yous. Please, i can do this." Clementine pleaded.

Javier and Kate stayed silent for a moment. "Okay fine." Javier mumbled. "But we will have people waiting for you at the back door."

"Okay." Clementine nodded.

"We're gonna get everyone together let everyone know in a few minutes. Would you mind giving a speech?" Kate asked.

"What like an inspirational speech?" Clementine chuckled.

"Suppose you could say that, but you've been in there and dealt with those people far longer than any of us have. It would be helpful." Kate said.

"Okay, ill do it." Clementine shrugged.

"Thank you, would you mind getting the school group down to the stage?" Kate asked.

"Yes boss." Clementine said.

Clementine got up and left, heading back for the school. She opened the door to the basketball court to see everyone in a spaced out circle, kicking a ball.

"Where the hell did you find a ball?" Clementine asked.

"Me and Aj found it by the clinic." Louis smiled.

"Here!" Aj shouted while kicking the ball to Clem.

She kicked the ball back to them and informed them of the announcement that was going to take place. They all headed to the stage.

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