Total drama all Stars

By karateunicornalc

3.7K 77 287

Is this Mamma Mia two? Because here we go again! Chris McLean has dragged the cast back for yet another seaso... More

Heroes VS Villains
Evil Dread
Saving private leech-ball
Food fright
No one egg-spects the Spanish opposition
Suckers punched
You regatta be kidding me!
Zeek and Ye shall Find
Obsta-kill course
Sundae muddy Sundae
The bold and the booty-full
The final wreck-ening
ending one, Mike wins!
Ending two, Zoe wins
Ending three *Canonical ending* Alex wins
Author's note!

Moon madness

211 5 24
By karateunicornalc

Scarlett's POV

It was the middle of the evening, and I was standing on a balcony at the spa hotel.

"I feel like I'm missing something... but what..?" I murmured.

Something clicked in my mind.

"Oh my god, Alex. Ugh, why am I so worried?" I asked myself, before starting to worry again "I wonder how he's doing on boney island..."

Screen cuts to Boney Island

Alex is walking around.

"Ok, where's the statue..." he says, before poking a bush with a stick. A mutant beaver jumped out.

"CRAP!" Alex yells, before a hook comes down from the sky and grabs the back of his jacket, lifting him up.

Cuts back to the present

I sighed again, before walking inside to the dining hall, where Alejandro was whistling through his nose as he ate.

"Ugh, do you have to whistle through your nose while you eat, Windy?" Heather snapped.

Alejandro sighed "Typical Heather." he tutted, before leaving.

Heather gasped.

"You good?" I asked her.

"'Typical Heather?!' He calls that a comeback?! It's like he's not even trying! It's like he's lost interest in me... No one has ever lost interest in me!" Heather snapped.

I looked out the window and saw the moon.

"I know how you can get his attention." I told her.

"Evening campers! Gather round the starting line for a big announcement!" Chris said over the intercom.

"I'll tell you on the way. Come on." I said, before Heather and I started walking towards the starting line.


We gathered at the starting line. Alex was dropped from the sky.

I gasped and kneeled beside him.

"Are you ok!?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah. High pain tolerance." he reassured me.

"Oh thank goodness..." I sighed, before realizing that everyone was staring at me. "Because, we have a challenge to win. Bring your A game." I added hastily.

"Anything you say." Alex shrugged.


Alex: Maybe it's because my grandpa's in the army and I work at starbucks, but, I kinda like taking orders!

Scarlett: Alex and I are just friends! Yes, he's nice, smart, funny, cute, *going into a sort of trance* and is an amazing musician and has those freckles that look like someone sprinkled cinnamon on his face and- *Snaps back to reality* Gah! *Shaking the camera* I want that tape back! Give me the tape! How do you open this thing?!

Gwen, Heather and Courtney yelling from outside: Nobody knows!


"Good news you guys! As a special treat, it's time for an incredibly dangerous night time challenge!" Chris announced happily.

"How is this 'good news'?" Gwen asked, using air quotes.

"Entertainment value? hello?" Chris said, as if that justified his actions.

"This one is going to be ratings gold! In a nod to season four's hunt for buried treasure fiasco, your challenge is to race to the far end of the island. First team to get all members across the finish line wins, and someone of the losing team will be taking the big flush." he explained.

"Sounds easy enough." Duncan shrugged.

"It does, doesn't it? But, tonight's moon a a special blue harvest moon, and let's just say it has an unusual effect on the wildlife." Chris said.

"And how do we know you're not making that up to scare us?" Alex asked, making a pretty good point.

"You don't. Now shut up Alex." Chris said.


Alex: *Writes something down in his journal*


"Villainous Vultures, you won the last challenge, so you get this map with the fastest route across the island. Heroic Chump-sters since you lost, you get to wear these nifty bacon hats, and sausage tails which should add to the fun when you come face to fang with the islands friendly creatures. And by friendly, I mean hungry."

Well shit. Sucks to be them.

Heather took the map.

"This will be a piece of cake!" she smiled.

"On your marks..." Chris said.

Alejandro sighed dramatically "You mean, a piece of pie." he corrected Heather.

"Get set..." Chris said.

"Shouldn't corrections be correct?" I asked Alejandro, as that was definitely not the phrase.

"Go!" Chris said. We started running.

Soon something strange started happening. The moon turned a pale blue color and started emitting blue rays of moonlight.

"What the hell?" I questioned.

An alligator jumped in front of us. It's tail wagged like it was a dog or something.

"Um, since when to gators do that?" Courtney asked.

"They don't." Alex said, taking a step back.

"This moon is like no other. It must be causing the animals to become their opposite." Alejandro concluded.

"Wow, Alejandro. You're so smart!" Heather said.

I looked at her.

Her eyes had sparkles in them, so by the ancient laws of anime, something weird was going on.

"Excuse me?!" Alejandro exclaimed.

Heather picked up the alligator and hugged it.

"Who's a little boojy-boojy-boo? You are. Yes, you are!" she baby talked it.

Ok, she's kinda over-selling it, but still.


Alejandro: I've never seen Heather be so sweet and kind. And it is terrifying!

Scarlett: *Tents fingers* Excellent. Everything is going perfectly


While Heather cuddled with the dangerous animal, a gang of... oh my god, this is so stupid.

A gang of rabbits surrounded Courtney, Gwen, Alex, Scott and I. Except, they looked kind of murderous.

Courtney, Gwen, Alex and I got the fuck out of there, but Scott just stood there with his arms folded.

"I'm not being taken down by a gang of bunnies." he scoffed.

The rabbits attacked him.

"HELP! I'M BEING TAKEN DOWN BY A GANG OF BUNNIES!!!" he yelled in pain and terror.

Karma for crushing on a bitch like Courtney.

"We gotta move!" Alex exclaimed.

We all started running.

"Hurry up, Heather, you have the map!" Alejandro called back to her.

"yay! Running!" Heather said happily, before running up to us "Good work, guys! We're halfway to the finish line! Yippee, this is fun!"

"Okay, this is sufficiently weird." Alex said.

"I know! Why is Heather being affected by the blue harvest moon?" Courtney questioned.

"Maybe she's part wolf?" Gwen offered, making the three of them laugh. Courtney quickly stopped and regained her serious, Gwen hating demeanor.


Gwen and Alex in the same one.

Gwen: So close...

Alex: *Rubs her back comfortingly


We kept running and eventually got to a rope bridge.

"A rope bridge? Obviously it's a trap. We should go around." I said.

"I'm with her." Gwen agreed.

"That'll take three times as long!" Courtney exclaimed.

"Believe me, no one's asking you to make a potentially life saving decision." I scoffed.

"But, I'm not crossing that thing. And anyone with any brains, will come with me." I said.

"What if you get lost?" Alex asked in concern.

"Exactly. Every team member must cross the finish line to win." Alejandro added.

"Not why I was worried, but ok..." Alex muttered.

"Besides, if you don't come with us, we'll miss you so much!" Heather said. her eyes were still sparkly.

"If you take a detour like that, you'll cost us the game! *LE GASPPPPP* THAT'S YOUR PLAN ISN'T IT!? ADMIT IT!" Courtney yelled.

Gwen was already leaving.

"See you on the other side! You know, if you make it!" she called.

"Alex? You coming?" I asked him.

"um..." he said, looking slightly confused about the situation.

"No. he isn't. Now piss off." Courtney snapped.

"Whatever." I shrugged, before look back at Alex "Feel free to try and catch up." I told him.

I started walking after Gwen.

We walked for about twenty minutes before I heard something.

"Gwen? Do you hear that?" I asked.

"Yeah, it sounds like..." she said, before we turned to see a bunch of murderous chipmunks.

Ok, did someone slip some crack into my coffee or something? So far this entire season has been incredibly weird.

Gwen and I screamed and started running.

"GET AWAY FROM US YOU LITTLE FREAKS!" Gwen yelled at the chipmunks.

We looked up ahead to see Duncan.

"Gwen! Scar! Heads up!" he yelled, before pulling off his sausage tail and tossing it through the air. The chipmunks forgot about Gwen and I and started chasing the sausages.

Gwen and I stopped running and started trying to catch our breath.

"So, tell me." Duncan said.

"Tell you what?" Gwen asked.

"You know, now that you and Courtney are on the same team, what has she said about me?!" Duncan exclaimed in excitement.

"Are you kidding me?! How does one big ego fit inside such a teeny tiny brain? She hasn't said zip about you! Ugh!" Gwen said in annoyance, before clenching her fists and storming off.


Gwen: Duncan! You know what's most uncool about him? How he's still obsessed with Courtney! That's so uncool it BURNS!

Scarlett: Well, Duncan is an idiot.


"What's her problem?" Duncan said in confusion.

"Let me put it this way, how would you like it if your partner had obvious feelings for their ex, who was your former best friend?" I asked.

It was at this moment Duncan knew he fucked up.

"Fuck." was all Duncan could say.

"Yeah. You fucked up. Big time." I said.

"Yeah, well so did you." he shrugged.

I scoffed "I'm sorry, what?"

"Yeah. Gwen's out of sight, it's foggy and dark, you probably won't be able to find her." Duncan shrugged.

"Fuck." I muttered "Well, nice talk. Little advice, don't be a dick. Bye."

I turned and started walking away.

"Gwen? Gwen?" I called "How did she get so far so quickly..?"

Something snagged my foot and I fell down a ledge. I wasn't badly injured, but I was probably even further away from the finish line by then.

I heard bushes rustle.

"Hello? Gwen?" I said, even though it clearly wasn't her. I grabbed a tree branch and a rock off the ground. I tossed the rock into the bush.

"Ow!" an unfamiliar voice yelped.

"Who's in there?" I demanded.

Mike popped up from the bushes.

"Mike?" I said, confusion lacing my tone.

He coughed a few times before answering "Scarlett, heyyyyyy. Where's the rest of your team?" he asked, sounding slightly nervous.

"That's what I'm trying to find out. Why were you in that bush?" I asked.

"Oh, just dropped something." he said with a nervous laugh.

"Well that's obvious bull shit, but hey, I'm not an idiot so I don't know how they think. I'm going to go try and find the finish line." I said, Before starting to climb back up the ledge.


Mike: *As Mal* Ugh, god that girl is annoying. I can't wait to eliminate her. And I don't mean from the game.


Alex's POV

"Good luck!" Heather called cheerfully as Scarlett and Gwen left.

"I think I'm just gonna..." I said, starting to follow them. Courtney grabbed my arm and yanked me back "Ok then...".

"Come on guys! Nothing to be afraid of!" Heather chirped sweetly.

"Except you..." Alejandro muttered.

I hate the guy, but I gotta admit that nice Heather is kinda scary.

"Maybe someone brave should cross it first and make sure it's safe?" Heather suggested, still cheerful and sweet.


Alex: Too bad Scarlett left. She's probably the most courageous person I know *Blushes lightly and smiles, before snapping back to attention.* Um, that was... *Looks like he's holding his breath, before just blurting out,* GOD, I'M SO FRICKING IN LOVE WITH HER!


"I'll do it! Back home we have a special way to cross these bridges!" Scott volunteered. He cleared his throat, before starting to run across, waving his arms in the air and screaming like an idiot.

He eventually got to the other side.

"See? Nothing to it!" he called.

Yeah, I'm not crossing the bridge like that. I still have my dignity.

That's when he noticed a beaver.

"Um, are beavers normally nice, or normally evil?" he called back to us.

"I mean, it would normally depend if they had they're children near then, or if they were defending their homes, or-" I began, before the beaver started attacking Scott.

"Oh. Ok then." I said.

Scott managed to get the beaver off himself. Sadly, it chewed through one of the ropes holding up the bridge making it more of a balance beam than a bridge.

"NO!" the rest of us exclaimed.

"Ugh! NOT HELPING!" Courtney yelled at him.

The beaver chomped down on Scott's butt.

"AH! MY BUTT IS NOT A CHEW TOY!" he yelled in pain.

"Good job! Keep it busy!" Alejandro called, before turning to Heather, Courtney and I "Shall we go?" he asked.

"Well, this is still the only way across, so..." I sighed.

Alejandro, Heather and Courtney stood on the thin beam left from the bridge.

"Alex, you coming?" Courtney asked.

Instead of walking across, I grabbed into the thin beam, took a breath, before stepping off the edge. I was holding myself up by the beam with my feet dangling in the air.


Alex: I was never the best at balance beams at gymnastics, but I rocked uneven bars. So yeah. Hanging off stuff is definitely easier for me than walking on thin platforms.


Alejandro, Courtney and Heather started walking slowly, while I went hand over hand.

"If we don't die on this bridge, I am going to kill Gwen and Scarlett for taking the long way around and costing us the challenge!" Courtney said in annoyance.

Ok, I was trying to be humble. Time to show off my skills, by which I mean get away from Courtney's voice.

I started moving faster, taking longer swings, and trying to throw myself as far as possible. I got to the other side quickly and pulled myself up.

Part of the bridge broke and Heather fell through it.

Alejandro caught her arm.

Heather looked up at him. Her sweet expression was gone, and had been replaced my her trademark smirk.

"I knew you still cared." she smirked, her sweet tone gone.


Alex: Oh my god, top ten plot twists no one saw coming!

Heather: Gotta thank Scarlett for the awesome idea.


Courtney, Alejandro and Heather got to the other side, where Scott was still freaking out about the beaver chomping down on his butt.

Courtney pulled it off him.

"Chomp this, freak!" she snapped, before using its teeth to chomp through the remaining rope.

"Now the other team can't use the bridge! Brilliant plan Courtney!" Alejandro congratulated.

"But if Gwen and Scarlett can't make it around, then the bridge is no longer an option for them either." I pointed out.

"He's right! Terrible plan Courtney!" Heather snapped.

"Whatever. That's Gwen and Scarlett's problem, not mine." Courtney scoffed, before tossing the beaver off the cliff.

It flipped her off before deploying a parachute and slowly drifting to safety.

Ok, did I eat some mushrooms on Boney Island and forget about it or something?

We started running again.

"Scarlett? Gwen? Ugh, where are they?" Courtney said in annoyance.

"Maybe they're at the finish line already." Alejandro said.


We got to the finish line.

"Welcome to the finish line Villains! Hm. Seems like you're still missing a couple players." Chris said.

"Gwen and Scarlett aren't here yet?" I exclaimed nervously.


I seem to remember you do quite a lot of sabotaging in World Tour, but sure.

Then a murderous deer attacked her.

"AHHHH! SERIOUSLY?!" she exclaimed running away.

"Holy crap-" I said, starting to run after her.

Heather caught my arm.

"No no, she's a modern woman. She can protect herself." she smirked.

I mean... the last time I helped out Courtney she did get pretty pissed, so...

The deer knocked Courtney over.

But then...

Gwen appeared and jammed a stick between it's teeth.

"You... you saved me" Courtney said in shock.

"You'd do the same if our positions were reversed." Gwen smiled.

"Well... of course I would." Courtney responded.


Courtney: No I wouldn't! If our positions were reversed, I'd be one step closer to a million dollars! And Gwen would be deer food!

A/n, woooooow, can't believe she was kicked off the heroes team 🙄 🙄 🙄


The deer crunched through the branch and jumped on them.

Scarlett ran out of the woods and and smacked it with a tree branch, making it fly about three meters.


The deer growled and got to it's feet.

Then the moon's blue light faded.

"Girls! The moon curse is over! Hurry!" Alejandro called.

"They know it's over. They don't need you to narrate, Blah-lejandro.


Alejandro: *Angrily* She is so rude, so over bearing, *Relieved* I'm so relieved!


The heroes started running out of the woods.

Scarlett, gwen and Courtney started running too.

Mike dazed out and stopped running for a moment, so they could cross the finish line.

"And the villains win! Again!" Chris said, sounding slightly annoyed.


We were at the elimination ceremony, sitting in the peanut gallery.

"Wish I was on the heroes team..." Gwen sighed.

Duncan walked over "Cheer up Gwen." he said, before kissing her cheek. "There. That should do it."

Awww, that's actually kinda sweet.

"You think she was watching?" Duncan said, looking over at Courtney.

"Ugh! I can't do this anymore! It's over!" Gwen said, shoving him away.

She sighed, and rested her head on one of the benches.

"You ok?" I asked.

She sighed again "I never thought it would end like this. When he kissed me on the plane after the London challenge, I felt fireworks. This time, it was like being kissed by a shoe. The thrill is so gone!"

"It's because when he was with Courtney the risk of getting caught triggered a dopamine release in your brain. Now that you're together there's no consequence for being caught, therefor no dopamine release." Scarlett explained.

"What are you talking about?" Gwen asked.

"The risk of getting caught kissing Duncan gave you a rush. Now that you're dating and nothing bad will happen if they see you kissing, it's not fun and exciting." I explained.

"Oh. That makes sense I guess." Gwen said.

"Ok peeps; each of you is a loser in your own right. But, the villains won the challenge, so, they've earned themselves another night of luxurious luxury at my spa hotel." Chris said.

"I volunteer for exile on Boney Island!" Scott volunteered, raising his hand.

"Sure. I don't care." Chris shrugged.

"What?! No!!! Why?" Courtney exclaimed.

"Sorry babe, but I gotta find that invincibility statue." Scott said, before the hook that had picked me up from the island picked him up and carried him away.

"Ok people, tonight we-" Chris began.

"Wait!" Cameron exclaimed.

"Now what?" Chris said in annoyance.

"I volunteer for the flush of shame!" Cameron said.


"Cameron, why?" Mike asked in disbelief.

"Sorry, Mike; I'd love to help you with your, uh, problem, but I just can't take any more of, y'know, this!" Cameron exclaimed, pointing at Sierra who had curled into a ball in the ground.

"Oh, are you allergic to long grass? I can get chains instead!" she said desperately.


Scarlett: guess her Cody withdrawal has gotten to her.


Yeahhhhhh, I can see why Cameron would want to leave.

"Well isn't this a perfect way to introduce the surprise twist. One of today's ejected heroes is tomorrow's new villain!" Chris announced.


Alex: Oooh, add that to the list if top ten plot twists no one saw coming.


"What?!" Cameron exclaimed

"That's right! Instead of flushing Cameron, I'm sending him over to the villains' side!" Chris explained. The heroes gasped, and Sierra sighed sadly.

"Sorry Sierra." Chris apologised.

Mike gasped, and his hair fell on front of his face. He quickly pushed it back to normal and smiled.

"I'll find a way to help you, even from the villains' side, I promise" Cameron promised.

"Gee. Thanks pal." Mike said, his voice sounding slightly different.

Cameron walked over to the peanut gallery.

"Uh... hi." he said awkwardly.


Mike: *As Mal* Cameron doesn't know what he's in for. None of them do. If I have my way, and I will, everybody loses.

Alex: ok, is it just me, or did Mike sound sorta different when he thanked Cameron? It was slight but I swear it was there...

Duncan: Seriously? Gwen can't do what anymore? What is she talking about?

Scarlett yelling from outside: you fucking idiot!


We started walking back to the hotel.

"Well. We've got a fricking twig on our team. We're going to be so unstoppable." Scarlett said sarcastically.

"Hey, this show's like the tug of war game in Squid Game. Teams need more than just raw strength." I shrugged.

"I'm not sure what I find more surprising, that you've made Cameron appear somewhat useful, or that you watch a show which has such a high kill count." she said in surprise.

"Don't judge a book by its cover. You taught me that the first time I talked to you." I smiled.

"Compliment?" she asked.

"Yeah." I responded.

"Nice. Well, bye." she said.

This would have been a good way to end the conversation, if we weren't still walking in the same direction.

"And we are going the same way." I sighed.

"Not awkward at at all." she said. "So, you've watched Squid Game?" She asked.

"Yeah. It's like, the one violent show I enjoy." I said.

"I watched the first episode, then got bored." she shrugged.

"Maybe we could watch it together at some point?" I offered. "It has plot twists that don't contradict the main plot." I added.

"Oh my god, that's a thing? Sign me up!" she said dramatically.

"Cool." I said.

We went inside the hotel.

"Well, now that we are required to walk in different directions, goodnight." Scarlett said.

"Night." I responded.

She went into the girls room and I went into the guys room.

Author's noteeeeeee!

Hello! First, can I just say that this is probably the longest chapter I've ever written. Seriously, as I write this the word count is 3655! Whoohoo!

Anyway, here's some concept art of Gina for if I write a fanfic with her.


-Chinchilla ✨

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