Till Death

By deyabliss

57.6K 2.8K 347

This is a Geminifourth AU Gemini and Fourth both entered college with nothing but love when secrets comes re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
The wedding
Joint mates

chapter 22

1.5K 87 8
By deyabliss

Double update today yayy

Gemini pov

It's late night and I couldn't sleep I watch him sleeping soundly on my chest as I run my fingers through his hair before kissing his head. Sleeping was the best thing for him right now sure it's the only way he could get a peace of mind even though he assured me so many times he's okay I know he's not. I haven't seen any of my family since what went down I don't know how they feel knowing fourth dad is THE serial killer

I slowly slide out from under him using a pillow he grumbles as he furrow his brows searching the pillow I used to replace me I paused rubbing my hand through his hair as he sighs before going back to sleep. I tiptoe leaving the room not wanting to make a sound whining a little when the door makes a creaking noise I look to see him still asleep as I open the door moving outside the room before closing the door slowly

"You just reminded me of me when I put you to sleep"my dad says making me startled as I turn holding my chest to see him leaning on the other side of the wall

"Christ Dad!" I whisper yell making him chuckle taking a sip of whatever his drinking "how are you here?"

"Cant sleep?"he asks instead as I nod moving over to him "how is he?"he asks putting his cup on the pavement

"Not okay"

"Of course no one will after that I didn't even know why I asked" he says "he didn't know about Nutsha mom?"

"He didn't"

"Seeing the look on his face, it must've been hard on him"

"It was" I answer sighing as he stares at me with narrow eyes

"Stop with the two word answer"


" 'he does' 'it was' give me something other than that"


"You are not okay" he says "something's bothering you"

"I'm f-"

"Why can't you sleep?" He asks cutting me off as I stare at him questioning why can't I sleep "I know something is bothering you son what is it?" He asks softly

"I-" I paused staring blankly as I start to realized something was actually bothering me something my mind is taking time to comprehend I just allow my mouth say whatever it was "I..I....Seeing fourth cry because of something like this...hurts a lot... Knowing I can't do anything to make him not feel this way makes it worst.....what if I introduce him to people tomorrow and they already know him as a serial killer son and one of their family member was also killed by him I don't want fourth feeling the way his going to feel about the information the guilt for something he didn't do.. how do you make someone not feel guilty w-what do I have to do?..."I ask shakily sounding desperate and out of breath as my heart beat races

"Son..."he calls searching my face with wide eyes

"What if he knows how many people his dad killed in this family the guilt will kill him dad....he might even leave me a-again thinking I don't deserve him I don't think I can..." Just the thought of him leaving me again made my heart shatter "how do I make him not feel that way...I need to do something wh-"

"Hey..."he calls softly cutting me off wiping the tear I didn't even know fell from my eyes "God...when did you get this.." he says looking at me amazed "this big..." he finishes rubbing my arm "Son you can't stop someone from feeling a certain emotion... fourth is going to feel guilty towards hearing what his dad did because of how much he looked up to him,the values he had about him...you just have to help him control the emotions when he starts to feel that way okay..." I nod as he rubs my head "You hurt because you love him .... he really has you wrapped around his fingers huh..." he chuckles

"I love him"I say stating the obvious

"I can see that" he hums before I was pulled into a hug "you grown up good son" he says kissing my head as I heard the sound of a phone camera I turn to see uncle Krist, somsak and Athit

"You just had to ruin it?" Uncle Krist scolds hitting somsak on the head making him whine

"It's your phone how will I know it was on" somsak whispers rubbing the place he was hit Dad pulls away from me sighing

"What are you guys doing? It's late night"

"Capturing a lovely moment"uncle Athit says coming towards us "never know when I'm going to see this again...you never hugged us before"

"Never asked me too"dad shrugs

"Gemini didn't ask"

"He's my son and you are....you"dad says

"At least he hugs his son" somsak grumbles avoiding his dad eyes when he looked at him

"I hug you guys"uncle Krist says sounding offended "You just can't get a girlfriend to cry about"

"I'm bi"

"Can't even get a guy too" uncle scoff shaking his head


"Gem how's fourth doing?" Uncle Athit says


"Why did I even ask I know he won't be fine...not that my opinion matters but just let him know I fully accept him into this family"he says cutting me off shrugging as I felt myself smile "I don't care who his dad is...I mean that man died years ago he can't still be making us worked up now his dead right?"

"Right we don't care he had nothing to do with what his dad did and for Nutsha she will survive I know it wasn't easy for them but she'll cope"uncle Krist says

"Thank you"I say smiling at them feeling some sort of content

"You don't need to thank us kid" Athit says rubbing my head as he pass between dad and I "Now if you excuse me I will like to go get the late night snack I told chef to do"

"Is it cheesecake?" Dad asks staring at with raised brows

"Ye-" before he could complete the word dad ran past him pushing him on his way as his eyes widen in realization "bible don't you dare!" He yells running after him "bible!!"

"Oh boy" uncle sighs walking away "see you tomorrow kid"

"Night night" somsak says following behind. I sigh in relief feeling a lot better than before as I open my door slowly to see Fourth still laying in the same position I tiptoe again entering the room as I try removing the pillow using my hand to hold his head I lay down wrapping my arms around him pulling him closer as he hums putting his face into my neck I watch him until I let sleep take over


I open my eyes to see the other side of my bed empty making my eyes widen I stood up immediately looking around the room

"Fourth...." I call going to my bathroom "baby..." I was replied with my voice echos as it was empty as my heart races in fear I move to the lounge area but it was empty. I picked my phone calling him as he picks on the first ring

"Hello" his voice sounding on the other side of the line as I lean on the wall in relief "babe you there?"

"I couldn't find you in bed did you go out?"

"Have you...I don't know..checked downstairs?"he says chuckling as I felt my face heating I was just overreacting

"Oh" I say trying to hide how embarrassed I was "I'll be down in a minute"

"Okay" he says cutting the call. I pull my shirt off doing to the bathroom to do my morning routine when my phone rings checking to see it's mark calling

"Hello" I answered the call going to my closet

"You quit school?" was the first thing I heard making me roll my eyes

"Good morning to you too Mark"

"Dude it's been three weeks"

"Thanks for keeping track mark I don't know" I say sarcastically picking out my clothes "just say you missed me"

"Never" he says making me chuckle as head to the bathroom

"Don't worry we'll be there tomorrow"

"You better be" he warns cutting the call as I stare at my phone in amusement I shake my head entering the bathroom


The smell of toast invades my nose as I arrived downstairs when I didn't see anyone I head to the kitchen to see them sitting in the dinning stuffing their mouth with bread toast and egg sauce

"Babe your here" fourth calls carrying some plates with him I stare at him confused as he came over to me "Good morning" he whispers pecking my lips as I hear Izzy squeal before she starts chocking hitting her chest

"Do you need water?" Neo asks innocently passing her a glass

"Nah she's good" Malai says collecting the glass taking a sip of the water

"What's happening?" I ask as fourth pulls me towards the dinning pulling a chair out for me to sit while I stare at him with with furrowed brows

"Are you hungry?" He asks instead as he places the plate on the table serving me placing some eggs on the toast "oh I forgot your drink" he says rushing out of the dinning. I look towards my dad questioning as he shrugs

"I don't know...I came to tell the chef what to prepare for us but fourth was already in the kitchen telling the chef he wants to cook"

"And cooking he did" uncle yin says licking his hand "this egg sauce is amazing"

"For real"uncle Niran says nodding

"You've a man that can cook like this Gemini you are blessed"uncle mint says

"I can't cook ramen" fourth says entering the dinning


"But I can cook any other thing" he says pouring the drink he went to get sitting by my side

"Can't wait to taste the others"uncle Athit says before leaning against the chair"I'm so full" he groans rubbing his stomach

"You finished a loaf of bread how are you breathing?" Izzy says staring at him in disbelief as I start eating my food humming when I taste the goodness..

"Don't know someone was keeping account?"

"You made it obvious"

"When was the last time you were spanked?"

"What type of spank are you referring to...." Izzy replies smirking making him gag as the table erupt in laugh except dad who stare at her like he didn't believe the words he just heard "and the position I was in..."

"Izzy shut up..." Uncle Athit groans as I chuckle at the expression his wearing

"Izzy shut up" she mimicked screaming up when he gets up to hit her she dodge the hand running  around the table with him on her tail the laughs continues when I felt my hand being held I looked at hand as he circles his thumb on my finger before looking at him to see him staring at the scene with awe and a big smile on his face as my heart flutters

"Ok enough!" Uncle Athit shouts making me look away from fourth as he bends down breathing heavily trying to catch his breath "I can't breathe...."he says leaning on somsak chair

"What a smart idea to run after eating that much food"uncle krist says standing up

"It's Izzy's fault!"

"Sure blame me" she huffs

"Thanks for the food fourth it was amazing"uncle krist says

"Thanks"fourth says smiling widely he nods going to the kitchen to drop his plate

"Son would you like you come to the company?" Dad asks

"Well I don't ha-"

"We are going out"fourth says as I stare at him in confusion

"We are?"

"Yeah" he says nodding his head before checking the time "right about now" he stood up pulling me along with him "please excuse us"

"Okay..." I say in confusion following behind him without a word as he pulls me outside the house

"I need a car" he stops suddenly turning to stare at me as I look at the bodyguard standing at the door motioning for a key he toss me one showing me which car it was I gave fourth as he smiles "thank you"He pulls me towards the car opening the passenger door for me I entered still confused on what's happening I watch he enter the car as he helped putting on my seat belt I stare at him trying to comprehend what's happening is this a date when his done he pulls away staring at me as my heart skip a beat I saw his eyes trace my lips before he leans in slowly stopping when his lips hover over my own brushing them ever so lightly as over eyes stayed connected my breathing quickened as our lips gazes each other teasingly ,he pulls away much to my dismay as he pulls out a black cloth from his pocket

"Blindfold?" I asks slightly out of breath as I stare at the cloth in his hand

"Yes" he says smiling brightly at me motioning me to turn around I obey as darkness cover my vision 

"Were are we going?" I asks as he interwine his fingers with mine when he was done

"Won't tell"

"Not even a hint?"I say sounding disappointed

"Nope" he says "maybe next time...." I felt his hot breath on my ear"the blindfold will be on me in bed" he whisper bitting my ear as wave of lust bubbles through me going straight to my crotch I tighten my grip on his hand the image of Fourth laying open for me with his eyes and hands tied up whimpering and begging invades my head

"Don't say something you are not ready for.." I warn

"I'm so ready" he whimpers before I felt him go back to his seat starting the car

"So you really not going to tell me where we are going?" I ask after some time of him driving playing with his fingers


"Is this a date?" I asks with a growing smile

"Yes is it"he says kissing my hand as I felt my heart flutter feeling my cheeks heating "are you blushing?" He chuckles


"You are"

"I'm just feeling hot"

"The AC's on"

"I know that" I say making him laugh as I felt the car stop

"We are here" he says removing his hand from mine as he removes my sit belt opening the door I wait still his was by my side leading me out of the car as my hand searches his griping his fingers "watch your steps here we are climbing stairs" I followed his direction as he help me putting his hand on my waist. He suddenly left me as I search for his hand

"Fourth..."I call trying to search for his hand. I hear him chuckle before I hear the sound of door opening

"I'm not going anywhere babe" he says as I felt him place his hand on my face before pecking my cheeks. He toke my hand in his again leading the way again. I use my other hand to search the wall as we walk but what I realized is it wasn't a wall it felt like a glass I furrow my brows in confusion as I continue to search

"Okay..." I heard fourth whisper before we stopped. He pulls me away from the glass leaving me again as I try feeling around wanting to feed my curiosity. He pulls the blindfold off as my eyes widen staring at the most beautiful view I looked around amazed. we were covered in glass both the ceiling and the walls that displayed a nightly vibe with shooting stars and the small spacious floor laid a candle lit panic of some sort with blanket, foods and many pillows

"Baby..." I call turning to him as he looks at me nervously

"Do you like it?" He asks playing with his fingers

"O-Of course" I stutter still amazed by what's is happening "Thank you" I say placing my forehead against his as he closes his eyes nodding

"I'm happy you like it" he says softly as I watch him intently,he opens his eyes kissing me gently as my heart flutters momentarily he pulls away smiling cheekily

"Baby what's all this for...."I ask softly I love this but I couldn't help feed my curiosity

"Come sit" he walks us  towards the blanket pulling me down with him to sit with him. I watch him as he blink ferociously at the glass I toke his hand on my own as he stare at it before looking at me he sighs turning to face me so we sitting opposite to each other "I heard everything thing yesterday" he says as I search his face with racing heart "the talk with your dad and knowing my dad k-killed a lot of your family" I stay silent not knowing what to say as I look away from him he grips my hand turning my face to him "I'm sorry..." He says as a shake my head

"Stop..." I sigh "stop apologizing you have nothing to do with i-"

"I'm not apologizing because of my dad"he says cutting me off  I look at him questioning "for making you hurt.... you hurt when I feel guilty for what my dad did...I'm sorry for making you feel that way"


"After Hearing you yesterday....I-I don't know what I did to deserve you.. You...W-why do you even love me?"he stutters I watch as his eyes watered


"I promise..." He cut me off wiping the tear that fell from his eyes sniffing as I watch him with heavy heart "I promise... I'm never breaking up with you, I don't want you thinking am going to break up with you because of my dad again sure I'm going to think I don't deserve you because you are you....but I don't think I can survive leaving you so" he chuckles as tears fall from his eyes playing with my fingers I used my other one to wipe them "they told me this morning that they don't care who my dad was....your family..they said they accept me and I shouldn't feel like I owe them anything for accepting me that good and bad thing happen and I should live in the good and forget about the past feeling guilty won't bring back the dead"

"Come..."I say softly when he starts to sob he straddles me putting his face on my neck as he cries

"I'm happy..." He whispers "I'm so grateful and happy to be with you...I will try I promise I will try not to feel guilty if I hear about my dad okay..I don't want you feeling hurt thinking you have to do something..."

"You don't owe me anything..."I say rubbing his back

"I know I'm just grateful"

"That's why you did all this"I say making him pull away from my neck nodding

"And this are tears of joy" he says pouting pointing to his eyes. I chuckle placing my lips to his kissing him gently he kissing me back as my body relish in the pleasure filled wave he gave me I didn't change the pace or even try to deepen it just....kissed him trying to tell him how much I love him and tell him everything was okay I felt him relax as he hums wrapping his arms around my neck. I reluctantly pull away letting myself linger on his lips as my lips brushes his slightly his dark orbs filled with various emotions searches mine as I pull away gazing my fingers on his cheeks

"I love you" I whisper as he places his forehead against my own pecking my lips

"I love you too" he whisper against my lips before placing his lips on mine


Hello everyone..how u doing?

I'm done* small dance* At last like who TF created school and made it compulsory...

Thanks for reading.. don't forget to vote, comment ya know everything nice and scroll up cause you getting double update for being patient and not giving up on this story

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