Silence in New York - Book One

By Sicilian-Sensation

4.3M 154K 20.6K _______________✏ “It really is a beautiful piece” he murmured before disa... More

Welcome & Warning!
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
~Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~
Important Authors Note
~Chapter 38~
~Chapter 39~
~Chapter 40~
~Chapter 41~
~Chapter 42~
~Chapter 43~
~Chapter 44~
~Chapter 45~
~Chapter 46~
Thank you & Book Two

~Chapter 16~

81.7K 3.1K 700
By Sicilian-Sensation

"Mike?" Adriana was shocked to see the man she had coffee with exiting her apartment building. She almost ran straight by him the next morning rushing to get to work. "Oh, hi Adriana!" He smiled happily from ear to ear, he was clearly happy to see her. "What are you doing here?" She asked very curiously, she had never seen him around before and it seemed quite a coincidence that the day after they had coffee he was standing before her practically in her home. "I moved in about a week ago" he announced now walking with her to the front doors. They were both on their way to work; Adriana was particularly rushing due to sleeping in from her late night. She was not supposed to be working today but was called in last minute leaving her little time to actually wake up.

"Are you going to work right now? I could give you a lift I'm headed there right now to get my coffee" Adriana smiled, she was a little taken back by his offer but it did make sense, she was going to use public transport but his offer was much more convenient. "That would actually be great thanks"

The moment they reached the café Adriana immediately made Mike a cappuccino on the house. It was the least she could do after he politely offered her a ride to work. Although he did not expect anything in return he was more than happy with the perks. "I think I should take you to work every morning if it means free coffee" he stated happily making Adriana smile in return. Mike was quite flirtatious yet very subtle about it unlike Salvatore who was right in her face with all the sexual innuendos. They were clearly two very different people; she really could not even compare the two.

"What time do you finish? I could pick you up on my way home tonight?"

"That's a very nice offer Mike but not necessary. I'm not too sure on the time today anyway, but thank you" he nodded not wanting to push her any further. They had only just met really so the last thing he wanted was to come off as a creepy stalker.


Claudia did not even check her blind spot before pulling out of her parking bay. She was in a mad rush trying to get to get back to work after leaving at lunch time to run some quick errands. "FŨCK!" She screamed out loud and smacked her hands against the steering wheel a few seconds after the impact. Adriana was not going to be impressed; it was her car after all. She stepped out of the car with the feeling of rage over coming her when she saw the huge dent and one of the back lights totally smashed up.

"WHAT THE FŨCK?" She screamed at the top of her lungs throwing her hands up in the air in frustration. To her surprise she instantly recognised the person who hit her when he exited his car. It was Francesco Abandonato and he looked pissed off, that is until he too recognised Claudia. His face softened and he exhaled instantly getting a hold of himself. "Are you ok?" He asked knowing very well she was fine the way she was carrying on about the car. She nodded, "yes but, the car! Adriana is going to flip! What were you thinking?"

"What was I thinking? Are you serious?" He challenged absolutely mortified at what she was insinuating. She had quite clearly pulled out of the spot without a care in the world and now she was blaming him? The nerve of this woman. He thought to himself. "You pulled out without even looking" he accused back quite calmly, people were now honking at them for holding up traffic and Francesco was casually flipping them rude hand gestures in return.

"You're totally right" Claudia was quickly defeated, she knew very well that she hadn't bothered to look out for other vehicles, she was frustrated by how long her errands ended up taking chewing into her lunch break. Francesco could not help but smile at her. She was pacing up and down along side of the car mumbling incoherent phrases to herself as if internally trying to work out a solution. "So I know a guy" Francesco chimed in breaking through her thoughts. He walked over to inspect the damage of her vehicle. "He owes me a favour; I could get this sorted out today. How about you follow me to him and we'll get this sorted now? I'll drop you off wherever you were going from there. It won't cost you anything" Claudia's eyes widened suspiciously, "really? Is this guy legit" Francesco laughed out loud while twirling his car keys around his index finger. "Why what are you implying exactly Claudia? It is Claudia isn't it?" She nodded as he continued, "now it doesn't really matter if he's legit or not. Point is I get our cars fixed for free and you'll be forever in my debt, how does that sound?" It really did not take long for her to decide that being in Francesco's debt sounded like the most exciting thing that would ever happen to her in her life. Against her better judgement she agreed and slipped back into her car to follow Francesco to his friend's probably not so legitimate business.

Although she was initially sceptical, Francesco had actually kept his word and had the car delivered back to Claudia's work place just in time for her to return home. She was absolutely amazed when a stranger turned up to hand over the keys along with a message inviting both her and Adriana out to the VIP section of Marquee that night. Immediately she agreed and set off home to tell Adriana.

"Seriously how did you manage to crash into Francesco?" Adriana asked instantly assuming her friend was crazy enough to plot the whole event in advance just to see him again. Claudia rolled her eyes as if reading Adriana's mind and continued getting ready as they spoke. "I swear it was a coincidence!" She explained truthfully. "Why did you have to say yes to his invitation as well? I had a really awkward night with Salvatore and I'm not sure I'm ready to see him right now" Claudia waved her hands dismissively in the air as if to say 'nonsense' before spraying herself with perfume, "Seriously? You'd expect me to say no to free drinks at Marquee with those spectacular looking guys?"


Francesco handed Salvatore a drink before breaking the news regarding their guests tonight. At the time he sent the invitation he did not feel strange about it at all. Although once they were getting comfortable in Marquee Francesco suddenly felt like he was betraying his fiancé. He hoped his brother would not make a big deal about the situation. Once he witnessed Salvatore almost choke on his whiskey though he knew he was in for it.

"Are you fũcking kidding me?"

"I know it was wrong right? Fũck I wasn't thinking"

"No you fũcking weren't Francesco! Elena is coming tonight!"

"Wait what?" Francesco did not expect his brothers' anger to be about his mistress, he thought for sure he was going to get the third degree for inviting a woman out who was not his innocent fiancé. "You're an idiot" Salvatore continued, "Elena called me today practically begging to come out tonight so I gave in to shut her up" Francesco shrugged trying to diffuse the situation, "what's the problem really? You don't owe either woman anything and how likely is it that Elena will start talking about your sex life to the others?"

"You better hope she doesn't Francesco because if she does she's going to bury me understand?" It was inappropriate of Francesco to laugh at his brother but he did. Here he was one of the most powerful men in New York notorious for literally burying other people and he was currently afraid that a bunch of women were going to bury him. The irony!

It was Luca who spotted both Adriana and Claudia downstairs and signalled to them to follow him upstairs. He casually made his way by Adriana's side and nudged her gently with his left shoulder. She turned to look at him and right away she saw the smirk on his face, like he knew something she did not and he was just dying to call her out on it. Everything he did screamed big brother to her, she was not sure if she should be flattered or infuriated, it really did depend on what he was currently dying to talk about. Please don't mention the forest, please God no Adriana thought chewing her bottom lip as anxiety ripped through her.

"Have fun car pooling to work this morning?" A mixture of relief and sheer annoyance swept over Adriana. With one hand she was silently fist pumping in the air that he made no mention of her and Salvatore's previous shenanigans. On the other she wanted to punch Luca in the face for continuing to watch over her. "It was great actually" she replied sarcastically flipping her loose black curls over her shoulder. "Not that it's any of your business though" she continued giving him a cold response. "Working tomorrow?" He continued to pry knowing very well she was boiling inside. Adriana shook her head indicating she was not as they reached the upstairs of Marquee, "good. Let me know when you are, I'll take you" Adriana turned her head abruptly to face him, she was about to really rip into him before she was interrupted by Salvatore pulling on her arm drawing her attention solely on him. "You made it" he stated kissing both her cheeks noticing the tension she was currently internally dealing with. "Everything ok?"

"Perfect" she lied forcing a smile across her face; there was no way she was going to get Luca in trouble. At least not tonight, she thought to herself.

Claudia wasted no time finding Francesco wanting to thank him personally for the strings he pulled fixing the car free of charge and on the same day. "It was no trouble" he insisted handing her a flute of champagne, "honestly like I'd let you pay for it when I have the means"

"It was my fault though, technically I should be paying for your car too" he laughed it off gently taping his whiskey glass against her flute before knocking back the last of his drink, "no need Claudia, it was an accident and the guy owed me anyway"

"Well l hope you didn't cash in your favour just for me"

"Oh he owes me plenty more don't you worry, but please don't go smashing into my car anymore".

Adriana recognised Elena immediately when they eventually locked eyes together. She remembered her being the same woman that Salvatore was looking mighty cosy with the night she had her drink spiked. The same woman he referred to as nobody. Her blonde hair was styled the exact same way Adriana's was tonight, down with loose curls around the ends. Just as quickly as their eyes locked Adriana broke the connection feeling a little uneasy and awkward, she turned away making her way over to the open bar for another drink.

Elena on the other hand did not turn away. No, she watched Salvatore casually slide his hand towards Adriana's ass and rest his hand there. Just like he would oh so casually do to her, but this was different. He was actually talking to Adriana and from Elena could tell he was actually engaging in and enjoying conversation. Something she did not have with him. She was well aware their relationship was nothing but sexual, but she always hoped things would eventually change when he was ready.

She knew she had to put a stop to this; there was no way she was going to let some young girl waltz into his life and take him away from her. Not after everything she had put into this relationship.

She patiently sipped her drink and waited for the perfect moment to present itself and it eventually did so in the form of a bathroom break for Adriana. Elena downed the rest of her drink before getting up and walking into the bathroom behind her.

Adriana walked out of the toilet cubical to find Elena rummaging through her clutch purse for makeup supplies. She whipped out her nude lip gloss and casually brushed it onto her plump lips. "Oh hey" she stated acknowledging her through their reflections in the mirror while Adriana washed her hands. She smiled politely, "hi"

"Who are you related too?" Elena asked seeing the confused look on Adriana's face, "cousin of the Abandonato's? Or one of the other guys?" Adriana was about to respond but Elena kept talking cutting her off before she even started. "Salvatore's introduced me to everyone; I haven't seen your face around here before that's all. Not even at family parties". Now Elena was lying but went with it studying Adriana's reactions. "You must be related to Luca or Stefano then?" Adriana shook her head before breaking their contact from the mirror and turning to her right side to face her completely. "I'm sorry but who are you?" She challenged watching Elena screw the cap back on her lip gloss and placing it back into her clutch purse before zipping it back up. She smiled and extended her hand to Adriana shaking it politely. "I'm Elena, Salvatore's girlfriend. Sorry I thought you knew, I'm used to everyone knowing who I am".

MEOW! Things are getting pretty tense huh? What will Adriana make out of this? Hit that star & let me know your thoughts xXx love you guys!

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