The Runaways of Berk

By Rule1102

14.4K 289 65

[COMPLETED][REWRITTEN] Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third as the name clearly states was a hiccup and a run... More



1.2K 27 10
By Rule1102

I will be uploading new chapters in a few days my finals are over so I'm going to be completely focused on completely on finishing this Fanfiction.


The Hooligans congregated around their leader on the lower deck of the Draconian ship, anticipation etched on their faces as they awaited his perspective on their current predicament.

This particular deck, typically reserved for storing provisions for voyages across the archipelago, appeared almost barren. A few saddles lay scattered in one corner, and barrels containing meat and mead were the sole items stored on the ship's lower deck. The dark oak walls absorbed the sunlight, rendering the space nearly pitch black if not for the glow emitted by lanterns affixed to the ceilings.

Describing the Draconian ship as advanced would be an understatement in the eyes of the Vikings. The vessel effortlessly sliced through towering waves, covering vast stretches of the sea in mere hours—a journey that would have taken the Vikings days. Its five masts boasted an uncountable number of sails, and its size rivalled Grimmel's ship, equipped with weaponry matching that of the formidable Dragon Trappers.

The intricate craftsmanship of the ship was evident in its subtle colours, intricate carvings, and paintings adorning every inch. It was apparent that the Draconian ship had been meticulously designed and constructed with great care, showcasing unparalleled attention to detail.

Despite the perceived safety aboard the behemoth of a ship, a lingering unease gripped the Vikings, and that unease was embodied by the dragons in their midst. These creatures varied in size, from being as big as Timberjacks to being as little as Terrible Terrors, yet each appeared remarkably docile.

This paradox bewildered the Vikings, for in their experience, dragons were synonymous with bloodthirsty marauders, wreaking havoc with their scorching flames and claiming lives. However, the dragons aboard the Draconian ship defied this expectation; they were gentle beings, collaborating harmoniously with humans. These dragons assisted in various tasks, from fishing to serving as vigilant lookouts alongside the sailors.

Stoick drew a deep breath, surveying his people in the dimly lit space. The children, exhausted from the day's events, slumbered, while anxiety etched the faces of the elderly. The adults exchanged concerned glances while rummaging through the deck looking for clues towards the origin of this mysterious tribe.

Captain 'Viggo' had issued orders to transport them to a place called 'Dragon's Edge.' Yet, Stoick found himself clueless, as he had never heard of such a land, let alone a tribe possessing a colossal fleet and riding dragons across the skies. The mysteries surrounding this unforeseen journey left Stoick and his people with a blend of apprehension and curiosity.

"Well, for those in need of medical attention, you'll find bandages, herbs, and ointments near those stairs. There's also food and water for the hungry, and furs for those feeling the cold or under the weather," Viggo announced, standing beside Stoick and observing the reactions of each Viking.

"Thank you for your supplies and kindness toward my people. However, most of us are confused and tired, desperately in need of some rest. We were after all in the ocean for hours before your sailors rescued us," Stoick informed Viggo, hoping to usher the man away so he could discuss their predicament with his people.

Although Viggo had helped them, the moment Stoick had revealed his identity, the captain's demeanour had shifted. It was evident that Viggo and his crew harboured distrust or dislike toward them, keeping their distance and maintaining a vigilant stance.

Stoick reciprocated the lack of trust in Viggo himself; the man was concealing something... Moreover, the presence of dragons soaring above them added another layer of uncertainty, considering the creatures' potential to unleash fiery devastation.

"Ah, yes, forgive me. You must all be exhausted and in need of rest. Help yourselves to the supplies. My men and I will be on the upper decks if you require anything further," Viggo said before he continued,

"Tomorrow will mark our arrival at the heart of the Empire—the capital. I recommend that each of you take this opportunity to rest and replenish your energy, for you will be meeting our esteemed Emperor. I am confident that he will find great interest in each of you. It has been a pleasure meeting all of you, and with that, I will leave you to get some rest." Viggo stated, before leaving them all with a smirk on his face.


Of course... Draconian Empire... it dawned on him that they were going to the heart of the Draconian Empire. The mention of Dragon's Edge being the capital clarified the grandeur of the empire, and Viggo's role as a council member indicated his proximity to the Emperor. That meant Viggo had a very powerful role in this Empire.

Despite the apparent strength and dragon-friendly nature of the Draconians, Stoick couldn't bring himself to trust them entirely. The loss of his son and wife by a dragon, lingered, making him wary of this dragon-friendly tribe.

Yearning for clarity, Stoick sought answers about the Draconian Empire. The burning questions revolved around the identity of the Emperor and the true extent of the empire's reach. The colossal size of the Draconian ships and the formidable presence of soldiers hinted at the empire's substantial scale, requiring vast manpower for such advanced naval constructions.

This also meant that the Emperor, whomever it might be, was a very powerful man. In Stoick's eyes, the Emperor was a figure to be feared and respected as he had been able to keep such a vast empire under his control.

The hushed conversations among the Vikings revealed a spectrum of opinions on the Draconians and their dragons.

One villager expressed deep scepticism, "So, Stoick what do we do now... we can't obviously trust them they have dragons as pets for Odin's sake."

"So what if they have dragons as their pets, they seem nice one of them was playing with me wee child," the Viking stated in his thick accent.

Stoick, amidst the varying perspectives, took a measured stance. Acknowledging the reservations and the potential dangers posed by the dragons, he reminded his people of the current reality.

"Yes, I realize they have dragons, but that doesn't make them our enemies, not yet anyway. They are helping us, even knowing our history with dragons. It makes me think that, for now, they are our friends and we can trust them. Even I have doubts, especially about Viggo Grimborn. However, we need to know exactly who we are dealing with, and that will only happen when we see this Draconian Empire and its Emperor for ourselves."

Stoick urged his people to prioritize rest, replenishing their energy, and attending to the injured. Gobber, his trusted friend and second in command, supported the decision. "Aye, Stoick is right. We can't decide anything now. We need to wait until we have more information to make a plan."

With a collective nod, the Vikings began to accept the wisdom of cautious optimism and the necessity of gathering information before making any irrational decisions in this very unfamiliar territory.

As the Vikings gradually made their way to the barrels for sustenance and furs for the night, others sought herbs to relieve them from the lingering fever acquired during their harrowing ordeal in the frigid ocean. As the camp settled into a quiet slumber, Stoick remained vigilant. His gaze swept across the Hoffersons, peacefully asleep, and a sense of relief washed over him. He had feared they would take their departure from Berk on the day of their daughter's tragic death the hardest.

A soft chuckle escaped Stoick as he observed Gobber, already in the embrace of sleep, hands resting on his expanding stomach as he breathed in the night air. His attention then turned to Snotlout, the new heir, and Snotlout's father, Spitelout, Stoick's brother-in-law. Stoick was keenly aware that the Jorgensons revelled in their newfound power bestowed upon their house with Hiccup's demise.

His eyes shifted to Snotlout's companions — Tuffnut and Ruffnut Thorston, Dogsbreath, and Helga. Tuffnut and Ruffnut Thorston were the spawns of Loki if he thought so himself, while Dogsbreath was a bigger and stupider version of Snotlout, if you could even get any more stupid than Snotlout himself, and then Helga who was a strong shieldmaiden, but not as beautiful or as strong as Astrid.

Each one seemed to carry a particular brand of arrogance and cruelty. Helga, in particular, revelled in Astrid's demise, relishing the opportunity to court her crush, Snotlout, who used to run circles around Astrid.

He also knew Snoutlout and his lackeys had bullied his son by beating him up and verbally abusing him. Stoick couldn't help but seethe with anger at their joy over the losses suffered by his son and the young shieldmaiden.

Regret weighed heavily on Stoick. He acknowledged that he should have shielded Hiccup from their torment, but he had always thought that the abuse might toughen up his son. Even after the daily abuse, Hiccup retained his unique personality of being sarcastic, caring, and shy. Stoick now grappled with the painful realization that he had never expressed his pride or love for his son.

As he lay beneath the dark oak wood ceiling, a deep sorrow enveloped Stoick's heart. The gods might be punishing him for failing to protect his son. The thought shattered him, tempting him to succumb to tears, yet his stubborn resolve held firm. Like a Monstrous Nightmare determined to capture sheep, Stoick clung to his stoic demeanour. Drifting into sleep, his thoughts lingered on the memories of his wife and son, the warmth of their embraces, and the love he wished he had voiced...


As the dreaded moment of waking up arrived, Snotlout let out a groan as he surveyed his surroundings. His friends lay sprawled on either side, a testament to the earlier squabble between the twins over who would sleep on the ground, even though the only option to sleep was the ground. The memory of their bickering had amused Snotlout so much, that he had laughed his ass out to sleep.

As he walked towards the barrels of food, he noticed that the other Vikings were already up and about. Helga caught his eye, presenting him with some leftover chicken from the previous night. Snotlout couldn't help but reminisce about his longstanding crush on Astrid, the most beautiful girl on Berk before her untimely death.

Despite her habit of beating up anyone who dared touch her, Snotlout had persistently pursued her, convinced that she would eventually fall for him.

However, the gods had other plans, and after Astrid's passing, he found himself drawn to Helga, now considered the prettiest and strongest girl on the island. Their relationship had blossomed, and Snotlout took pride in dating the best Berk had to offer. After all, in his mind, he deserved the best.

Embracing his role as the heir, Snotlout relished the respect and obedience that came with the position. He considered himself a superior heir compared to Hiccup, revelling in the acknowledgement of that fact from his fellow Vikings.

Snotlout recalled an encounter with Camicazi, chieftess of the Bog Burglars. When she had visited Berk following the death of her mother, Bertha, Snotlout had brazenly asked her to bow down to him. The consequences were swift and severe, as Camicazi subjected him to a thorough beating. Stoick, unamused by the disrespectful behaviour, had delivered an earful, and to add insult to injury, Gobber, surprisingly revealed to be Camicazi's father, and though never having married Bertha, imposed extra charges on Snotlout for weapon repairs in the following months.

Ascending the stairs to the ship's deck, he trailed behind the other Vikings, the air was filled with the loud shouts of sailors. Positioning himself beside Stoick, Gobber, and his father, he cast a glance at the peers of his age gathered behind him, with only Fishleg flanking Gobber.

Shifting his attention forward, he observed Viggo leisurely approaching them with a sly smirk on his lips. Although an uneasy feeling settled in him at the sight of Viggo's face, he masked any signs of fear, determined not to reveal his fear to the cunning man.

"Ah! Berk, you are all awake, just in time we have reached home, Dragon's Edge." Viggo said while pointing at a huge island sticking abruptly in the middle of the ocean.

Expansive and overshadowing Berk in size, the island revealed a vast forest that dwarfed their familiar surroundings. The cliffs on one side of the mountain sported peculiar ice formations, creating an otherworldly spectacle. Waterfalls cascaded from heights beyond the clouds, a breathtaking display that left his jaw hanging in awe. Glancing around, he noted the mirrored astonishment reflected on the faces of his fellow onlookers.

"We will dock on the other side of the island, and the royal guards will be there to escort you to the Emperor. I've already dispatched a letter to notify him of your arrival, so he'll be expecting you," Viggo informed the assembly. "However, reaching the village and castle atop the Dragon's Edge requires a hike through a complex underground tunnel system. I apologize in advance for the difficulty of the journey, but these tunnels serve as a defence mechanism, preventing invaders from approaching by sea or on foot. While the most convenient means of travel to and from the village is by dragon, given your history with these magnificent creatures, we've opted against making you ride them."

All Snotlout could do was nod, as he was too absorbed in the sight of the island to listen to the instructions that had been told. He was broken out of the trance by Viggo ordering his men, "Bring the ships around, dock the ships to the harbour on Dragon's Edge!"


Hiccup stood at the balcony looking over the entire village and then the beautiful ocean. He wore nothing but his black leather pants. Basking in the warm early sunlight he didn't hear his wife walk behind him.


Astrid leaned against the doorframe, her eyes half closed. Her hair was loose, hanging over her shoulders and shining in the sunrise, while all she wore was a nightgown, the fabric was thin and delicate.

Hiccup pulled her to his chest and breathed in her scent, she smiled seductively at him while sliding her hands up his firm chest and torso.

Astrid smirked as she felt Hiccup's growing erection poke her thigh, she giggled softly while leading her beloved to their bed, he climbed up the bed and watched as Astrid crawled up his body. They had gotten better at the 'deed' during the five years they had been married.

Both knew what their other half wanted. They loved teasing each other while they engaged in these 'activities'. These 'activities', as they would call them, could now last for at least an hour.

"Eager Milady?"

Astrid smiled, "Very."

She yanked his leather pants down and he hissed in relief as his cock was no longer constricted by the leather. She also moaned onto his cock in response. She then pulled him in her mouth and twirled her tongue around his now fully hardened cock. Everything else around Hiccup was no longer a concern of his.

"You seem to be enjoying this babe." She said and licked his shaft.

To make sure she reached the high of her ecstasy, Hiccup ended up pulling her back until he was lying on the bed and she was on top of him. She whimpered as she bounced up and down, as he continued to fuck her as she rode out her orgasm on him.

When she was finally done, Hiccup rolled her onto the bed as carefully as he could. She looked over at him before grabbing him by his hair firmly and pulling him for an intimate kiss.

She then rolled him over so that he was on his back and she took his cock, back into her mouth. She tried to devour his entire cock while he moaned loudly in response. He grabbed her hair this time and shoved his cock as far down her throat as far as he could until her nose was touching his lower abs. When he released her, she coughed before she got up to let her lover align himself to her womanhood again and gently bury himself inside her.

Astrid wasn't expecting to be filled so much so fast. The feeling of his massive cock filling her cavern to the brim drove her arousal over the edge as she felt herself cum.

"Ahh! Hiccup!"

He smirked in victory over lasting longer. In response, she began to thrust her hips into him. She sat up to give her better leverage, giving him a great view of her tits as they bounced with each thrust of her hips.

Hiccup, wrapped his hands around her waist as he sat up and began to thrust into her in time with the rocking of her hips, driving his length deeper into her. She felt herself losing energy as she continued her thrusts. The room was filled with the sounds of their moans, much to Hiccup's pleasure.

They both could feel themselves reaching the brink of their blissful release. His body was sleeked with sweat, his bangs sticking to his forehead and her blond locks stuck to her back as she continued thrusting into him as hard and fast as she could.

A few thrusts later, both of them felt their release coming.

Astrid moaned out as her walls clenched down around his cock, sending him over the edge. He buried his length in her and came hard, covering her walls with his seed as it mixed in together with her release.

They both collapsed onto the bed, panting and basking in the afterglow of their morning sin. Hiccup slowly pulled out of her, as he lay down next to her and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back flush against him as they both caught their breath. They shared a deep and passionate kiss.

"I love you Hiccup."

"I love you too Astrid."

Hiccup kissed her forehead. As he slowly sat back up, a frown creased his face as he recollected the ominous letter he had received from Viggo earlier that morning.

Naturally, he had shared the contents with Astrid, and it was she who had proposed the idea of letting them seek refuge in the castle while they devised a plan to reclaim Berk from Grimmel and the Dragon Trappers. Initially resistant to the idea of reuniting with the Berkians, he found no alternative solution to his obligation.

Harbouring a deep-seated resentment toward the Berkians for the years of torment they had subjected him to, he couldn't deny the satisfaction that surged within him at the prospect of seeing their astonished faces. Alive, well, and married to Astrid, the upcoming encounter promised a gratifying twist that he couldn't help but relish.

Descending towards the docks, he donned his pitch-black and red dragon scale armour, complete with leather components. His attire included leather wings that could gracefully unfold at the touch of a button, allowing him to glide through the air. The Draconian Empire Crest adorned his left shoulder pad, which was a curled-up Night Fury with a distinctive red tail, in other words, Toothless.

As Viggo's ships docked, and the Berkians disembarked one after the other, he gracefully landed beside Dagur and his Skrill, drawing the attention of every onlooker. Their eyes fixated on him, well aware that he was the Emperor, and a collective curiosity painted their expressions. Camicazi, Alvin, and Dagur stood alongside him, each wearing a smirk. It shocked the Berkians to see the familiar faces.

He regretted not bringing Astrid along, choosing instead to keep her at the castle in case the Vikings opted for a reckless attack.

Stepping off Toothless, he faced the Berkians, unveiling his face by removing his mask. All eyes focused on him, but he directed his attention to his father. Gasps and murmurs filled the air as recognition dawned, and Stoick's face mirrored sheer shock.

His father took in his new appearance, noticing his metal left leg, his increased height, his now firm jawline and the look in his eyes, the look of experience and pain suffered from past battles. It shook Stoick to his very core.

In a moment that held the weight of revelation, Stoick uttered, half-believing, "H- Hiccup?"

Hiccup responded with a smirk, meeting his father's gaze and lifting his arms in a gesture of acknowledgement. "The one and only."


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