From The Ashes Of Betrayal (P...

By Cahpical

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Ash Ketchum, a boy from the town of Pallet, had become world champion after defeating Leon in the masters 8... More

Chapter 1: Victory Celebration! Return to Pallet Town!
Chapter 2: Grand Reunion, The Trio Returns!
Chapter 3: Encore! The Coordinator and The Connoisseur!
Chapter 4: Mysterious Sickness!
Chapter 5: Battle! Mentoring To The Max!
Chapter 6: Explosive Performance!
Chapter 8: The Big Day! Celebration Awaits!
Chapter 7: Battle! Calming the Nerves!
Chapter 9: Sombre Realization, Regretful Initiation
Chapter 10: Mission! To Steal 'Em All!
Chapter 11: The Bells Toll Towards The Future
Chapter 12: Dancing with Fate
Chapter 14: From Now On...
Side Story Update and Links!
Part 15: I'm Going To Get Stronger...
Part 16: Meowth's Connection...

Chapter 13: Back to the Basics

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By Cahpical

'Ash! I saw you on TV alongside May and another friend of yours! You were awesome! I hope you haven't forgotten about our battle once I get my first Pokemon! Anyways, congrats on becoming Monarch, I'll be arriving in Pallet Town shortly after May does, I have a question I'd like to ask you, but that can wait until I see you in person again, I'll see you then!'




(Riiiiiiiiiiiiing, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing, riiiiiiiiiiiiiing)

The noise was enough to wake Ash up, he opened his eyes to see Gary turning the alarm off

"Damn, didn't realize it was THAT loud" said Gary as he had already showered and gotten changed into his usual attire

Ash got up and rubbed his eyes

'What the hell was that?' Thought Ash as he went to grab his uniform, as he currently didn't have any other clothes aside from that traitor ridden outfit given to him by May

'I need to get rid of that thing' thought Ash as he slowly got up and went to the bathroom to change

Ash came out in his uniform, having fully awoken from his nap, and was actually pretty excited, this is the first positive emotion he has felt since that day

"So Gary, you ready?" Asked Ash as he looked to his Pokemon who he let sleep out of their balls for the night, all smirking towards Ash in excitement

"You're right I am Ashy-Boy!" Smiled Gary

Ash upon hearing that name again groaned

"Wait, where's the other three?" Asked Ash

"They're already preparing the floor for us, turns out the training floor isn't used very often" said Gary

"Explains a lot" said Ash thinking to how many times he defeated Team Rocket

"You five ready?" Asked Ash


The group cheered in excitement, eager to battle

"Perfect" said Ash as he took out his Pokeballs and returned the five of them

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go" said Gary

Ash nodded excitedly

It wouldn't take them to reach the Training floor since they overheard Giovanni talking about it whilst they were being briefed

"Well look who finally decided to wake up" said Meowth as he saw the two walk in

"Mr. Sleeperino himself, fifthteen hours of sleep, wish I could do that" said James

"Quit it you two, he was obviously tired from overworking" snarled Jessie

"Alright, first order of business, Ash, your Sneasel is tough, we saw that yesterday, I wish to see what else it can do" said Gary as he grabbed one of the Pokeballs from his belt

"Go Blastoise!" Yelled Gary releasing his starter

"I'm also curious, go Sneasel!" Yelled Ash released the speedy Pokemon

"Alright, first we'll start off with dodging, its essential for winning battles, you know this as much as I do, Blastoise, aim your cannons at Sneasel" said Gary as Blastoise locked on to Sneasel

"Alright Sneasel, the goal here is to dodge as much as you can" said Ash

"Sel" smirked Sneasel

"Alright then, Blastoise, Use Hydro Cannon!" Yelled Gary

"Stoise!" Screamed Blastoise as it fired the high pressured streams of water at the Sneasel

"Alright Sneasel, dodge them for as long as you can!" Said Ash as Sneasel, dodged most with ease

"Alright, Blastoise, predict where Sneasel is going, aim for where its going to go" said Gary

Blastoise kept firing off at Sneasel, watching it's movements carefully

"Blast!" Yelled Blastoise as it fired in the direction Sneasel was going, almost hitting it

"He's getting better at aiming at us, the water is too high pressured to slice apart with Metal Claw..." Scowled Ash

"But what if... Sneasel use Taunt!" Yelled commanded Ash

Sneasel Smirked and started to prance around Blastoise, making it angry and throwing it's plan off

Blastoise began to fire the jets of water where ever it saw Sneasel, dodging everyone that comes near

"Blastoise, stay calm!" Yelled Gary

Blastoise heard Gary and immediately shook its head to re-adjust itself, looking for an opening in Sneasel's movement

"Alright Sneasel now move in and use Metal Claw!" Yelled Ash

"Sneas!" Screamed Sneasel as it jumped in the air and went for the attack

"Stoise!" Said Blastoise as it fired a stream of water at Sneasel, hitting Sneasel with great force, sending it flying back to its side of the field

"Sneasel!" Yelled Ash as he watched Sneasel hit the ground and get back up

"There, that's it's weakness" said Gary

"Huh?" Asked Ash

"It normally doesn't have any openings that Blastoise could exploit, but an opening appears when it goes in for an attack, so that's Sneasel's weakness" said Gary

"You okay Sneasel?" Asked Ash

"Sneasel" said Sneasel getting back up painfully

"Sneasel's aren't exactly the most durable of Pokemon, so its no surprise it took so much damage from my Blastoise's Hydro Cannon" said Gary

"So, our strength lies in our speed, in that case we may just need to focus on attacking faster!" Said Ash

"Exactly" said Gary

My question is, how do we do that?" Asked Ash

"You could use Agility" said Gary

"Do you know Agility? Asked Ash, Sneasel shaking it's head

"Alright well we know that you can use Quick Attack, Metal Claw and Taunt, what else do you have?" Asked Ash

Sneasel looked at Ash menacingly, making Ash shiver with minor fear, then it hit him

"Oh, you also know Leer' said Ash

Sneasel stopped leering at Ash and gave a laugh

"Jokester" said Ash as he began to document Sneasel's moves in his Pokedex, he still needed to do that with his other Pokemon aswell

"Metal Claw
"Quick Attack"

Ash put in all the moves and saw the list of possible moves for Sneasel

"I don't want to rely on Quick Attack to get damage in, so what do we do here then?" Asked Ash

"I mean you can get it to learn something reduces a Pokemon's speed, that may work" said Gary

Ash then had an idea

"Sneasel, try to use Dig!" Ordered Ash

Sneasel began to use its claw's to dig down, slowly but surely making it's way down

Eventually Sneasel would come out the other end, although it was not fast by any means

"Well, guess we have a goal for Sneasel now" said Gary

"Right, although I don't only want Sneasel to be training today, I want them all to train, we need to start gaining some experience!" Said Ash

"That's the spirit" said Gary

The trio had been sitting and watching the battle from the side, already seeing that Ash's new Pokemon were out of their league, just like Pikachu was

"Golbat, Zorua, Bagon, Eevee!!" Yelled Ash as the other Pokemon entered the field

"Alright you four, I want you all to start learning a new move, something you think will be beneficial for you to have" said Ash

The four eagerly agreed

"Alright, you three, I'd like you to help with their growth, we'll also help you with your training" said Gary

"I guess we should join" said Meowth getting ready to square up with Eevee

"Go Frillish, Woobat!" Yelled Jessie

Frillish went against Zorua

Woobat went against Golbat

"Go Inkay, Yamask!" Sent out James

Inkay went against Bagon

Yamask went against Sneasel

The five seemed to be doing fairly well, aside from the fact that Team Rocket's Pokemon were losing horribly

"Hey no fair! I can't attack you from range!" Said Meowth getting pelted by Eevee's swift, it rolling on the floor laughing

"Hey Meowth, what moves DO you know?" Asked Ash

"I know Fury Swipes, Scratch, Bite and... That move..." Said Meowth shaking out of fear

"That move?" Asked Ash

"He's talking about Night Slash, he has access to it but refuses to use it, apparently he's too scared to use it" said James

"I'm not scared to USE it! I'm scared OF it" said Meowth

"The difference being?" Asked James

"The difference being that... Forget about it, I'm not using it" said Meowth

"Look at the little Torchic, too afraid to use Night Slash dawwww" belittled James

Meowth's ears perked up

"You want a taste of my moves? Have a taste of my Fury Swipes!" Yelled Meowth as he scratched James face multiple times, James screaming for Jessie's help, who comedically sighed in disbelief

Ash focused on the training happening, luckily enough, Sneasel has started to get the hang of Dig, being able to launch itself into the sky using it, however it seemed to be having trouble detecting Yamask while in the ground, making it miss it's hit every time

Ash began to focus on logging all of his Pokemon's known moves into his Dex, not exactly being a difficult task


Quick Attack
Metal Claw


Quick Attack
Sand Attack




Poison Fang
Mean Look

Zorua (Hisuian Variant):

Hone Claws
Shadow Sneak

"Damn, I really need to start using more then just Scratch on Zorua" said Ash

"I did notice that" said Gary

"Zorua!" called Ash

"Zor?" asked Zorua as it stopped fighting Frillish to come over

"Today, we're going to try out some more moves okay?" asked Ash

"Rua!" yelped Zorua in excitement

"Alright then, let's get you back to fighting Frillish then" said Ash

"I guess I should attempt to help then" said Jessie getting up

"Alright, Zorua, get ready" said Ash

"Frillish, use Bubble Beam!" ordered Jessie

"Frill!" yelled Frillish launching the attack

"Zorua, Dodge and use Hone Claws!" yelled Ash

Zorua dodged the Bubbles and started to sharpen it's claws, allowing for more easy damage

"Frillish use Shadow Ball!" yelled Jessie

Frillish fired the move right at Zorua, hitting it's target but not dealing that much damage

"You okay Zorua?" asked Ash

"Zor" Perked Zorua, still feeling strong

"Alright then, go in and use Shadow Sneak!" Commanded Ash

"Rua!" Yelled Zorua as it began to manipulate it's shadow behind the Frillish, Frillish unaware of it's movement

"Frillish behind you!" yelled Jessie

"Frill?" questioned Frillish who immediately got hit by the Shadow, dealing super effective damage

"Frillish!" yelled Jessie in fear

"Frill... ish..." said Frillish as it was knocked out

"Frillish!" said Jessie as she ran up to her pink companion

"Wow, seems your Pokemon need a bit more training then ours do" said Ash looking to the other Team Rocket Pokemon who were all knocked out with the exception of Meowth, who was still fighting Eevee

"Surprising" said Gary

"You wouldn't think it, but he is actually quite effective at battle, that is, when it's not up against you Ash" said James

"He has the most experience out of the three of us, he was the first to join Team Rocket" said Jessie

"Did you ever get him to help train you two?" asked Ash

"Nope" said James slouching

Ash and Gary sighed

"Eevee!" Yelled Eevee as the four looked back at the two and noticed Meowth laying defeated, Eevee stepping on him

"Great job Eevee!" congratulated Ash

"Eevee!" celebrated Eevee

"Can you get off me..." said Meowth weakly

Eevee got off of Meowth and nervously scratched it's head whilst apologizing

"Well, have any of you learnt something new?" asked Ash hopeful

"Sneasel!" said Sneasel popping out of the ground right infront of Ash

"Glad to see you got the hang of it" said Ash congratulating Sneasel

Sneasel gave a smug grin at the compliment

"You guys?" asked Ash

"Ba!" cheered Bagon

"You did?" asked Ash

"Bagon!" affirmed Bagon as it lunged towards the air and chomped down on it

"You... already knew bite though..." said Ash

"Ash, he learnt Crunch" said Gary sighing at his rival's misunderstanding

"Oh wait! Great job Bagon!" said Ash as he went to hug Bagon, receiving a Headbutt from it

"Your incompetence still surprises me" said Gary

"Owww" said Ash getting up

"Gon..." said Bagon in apology

"It's okay Bagon, anyways, what about you two?" asked Ash

Eevee shook it's head in disappointment

Golbat followed suit

"Oh well, you'll learn something soon, I know it" said Ash comfortingly

"So, what now?" asked Gary

"We could grab some lunch?" said James starving

"We could, what's on the menu tod-" Ash was cut off

"Agent's Smoke, Static, Jessie, James and Meowth, please report to Giovanni, he has a mission for you all" said Matori on the intercoms

"Welp, looks like food can wait, duty calls" said Jessie, much to James and Meowth's dismay

"Alright then, you five, return" said Ash returning all his Pokemon

"You too Blastoise" said Gary

"Woobat, Frillish return" said Jessie

"Inkay, Yamask you return aswell" said James

"Alright, let's go then" said Gary

"Right" said Jessie and Ash

James and Meowth silently followed...

It didn't take them long, as they stood infront of Giovanni receiving their new assignment

"We had a look into finding the legendary Ho-oh, turns out, the other bell you brought back, yeah, we needed that, it's called the Clear Bell, now just like Lugia, we'll need something else called a 'Rainbow Wing'" said Giovanni

"I've seen one before" said Ash

"Then you'll know what it looks like, our sources have indicated that someone in Pewter City has one, an old man, not sure which one though" said Giovanni

Ash began thinking, could it be Flint? No, he wouldn't have anything to do with Ho-oh, who was it?

"Your assignment will be to go there and retrieve this 'Rainbow Wing'" ordered Giovanni

"Yes Sir!" said the five

"Good, update me when you arrive" said Giovanni'

The five nodded and began to leave

"Actually before you leave, payment from the last mission" said Giovanni

"Right" said Gary as the five we're handed their payments and walked out the door

"So, our mission is in Pewter City" said James

"Unfortunately" said Ash

"We'll have to make our way through Cerulean City to get there, shouldn't take us too long in car though" said Meowth

"Let's go then" said Ash focused on the mission...

POV switch to Friends...

Tracey, Brock, Misty, Goh and Chloe had seen everybody off, since they all lived in Kanto, the other's had flown off to their own respective regions, each finding comfort in their families

"So, I take you it you two are going back to Vermillion soon..." said Misty

"Yes, my father would like me back now, he knows how hard this is..." said Chloe

Goh was still silent, still blaming himself for Ash's passing

"I also have to make my way back to my home in Pewter City, I have to make sure the little one's are feeling okay" said Brock

"Brock, you really need to look after your mental health you know" said Tracey

"As an older brother, my siblings come first" said Brock

"I guess so..." said Tracey

"I also need to leave for now, my sister's are probably insanely worried about me" said Misty saddened

"You ready Goh?" asked Chloe

Goh simply nodded his head

"Alright, let's go then" said Chloe grabbing Goh's hand and walking over to the train station, which wasn't far from the airport

"I hope Goh stops blaming himself, that'll mentally destroy him" said Tracey worried

"He blames himself?" asked Brock and Misty

"I had a talk with him a couple nights ago... he said that we... that he should have noticed earlier, and that maybe he would have been able to help Ash..." said Tracey

"He's right... we should have noticed earlier..." said Misty

"I'm afraid that's true... but even so there's no reason to blame ourselves, we don't even know if we would have been able to save him then..." said Tracey

"Anyways... me and Misty are going now... I hope everything get's better... for all of us, not just us three, but everyone else" said Brock

"I'm sure it will" said Tracey hopeful

"Goodbye Tracey, let's all meet again soon..." said Misty

"You too Misty, you aswell Brock" said Tracey

"Of course" said Brock shaking Tracey's hand

The three walked their separate ways... Misty went back to Cerulean City to seek the comfort of her sisters, Brock went back to Pewter City to make sure his little siblings were okay, and Tracey walked back to the Ketchum Residence, he would live there until the construction of the new lab was complete, which would take years...

Tracey walked back to the Ketchum Residence, where he met back up with Mimey, who ended up sweeping while he was away

"Thanks Mimey..." said Tracey as he pet Mimey

Tracey looked around, there wasn't much he really could do, he didn't have any information on the other evil teams so he couldn't take that course of action just yet

"I have to see if they're doing okay" said Tracey as he left the house once again, he ended up going to the Pokemon Centre, where he planned on seeing Ash's old Pokemon

"I'm here to check on Ash's old Pokemon said Tracey to Nurse Joy as she understandably released all of them, most looking distraught and some looking absolutely devastated

"Hey guys..." said Tracey

Most of the small Pokemon went up to hug him for comfort, including those like Gible, Larvitar, Oshawott and Scraggy

"I know you all must feel terrible... We all do... but, I wanted to come here to know a few things..." Said Tracey

Everyone was looking at him

"Those who would like to be... Let go... come to me" said Tracey

They were all caught off guard by that, however to no-one's surprise, not a single one put walked up to him

Tracey smiled, he hoped for this

"Alright then, I'll take care of you all from here on, for now however, you all behave for Nurse Joy, I'll come to get you all once the new research facility has been built" said Tracey

Ash's old Pokemon nodded in understanding, others still comforting others

Tracey looked at them and then looked at Nurse Joy, who nodded in agreement

"Thanks" said Tracey as he left the building

Tracey began walking back to the Ketchum Residence, like everyone else, he went to do his own thing, waiting until they were ready to help Ghota...

This would be the end of the "Traitors" stories... For now

POV switch to Ash...

A few days later...

The group had finally arrived in Pewter City, the moon had risen, concealing most of their moves

"So this old man we're looking for, any idea what he looks like?" Asked Gary

"We have nothing to work on" said James

The group was thinking, how could they find out who had the Rainbow Wing?

"Should we just look around and listen for any clues?" Asked Ash

"Seems to be our only choice" said Meowth

"I'll stay behind and look from the rooftops" said Jessie

"Perfect, Meowth, you go with Static, I'll go with James" said Gary

The two squads began to walk around, Ash and Meowth going together, looking for any clues they could

They checked the Museum, nothing there

They checked the enterance from Viridian City, nothing

They checked the residential streets, nothing

Theu checked around the Pokemon Centre and Pokemarts, nothing

Ash was getting annoyed, nowhere they looked seemed to bare any fruit

"What about the Gym?" Asked Meowth

Ash didn't like that Idea, bought back memories of that traitor, the traitor who Ash thought as his best friend, the one who had been with him the longest

"Come in Static" said Gary on the earpiece

"Yes Smoke?" Asked Ash

"Me and James are close to the Gym, so don't bother searching there, I'd recommend searching near the entrance to route 3" said Gary

"Perfect" said Ash as he and Meowth began walking towards where they had entered the city from

Gary and James snooped around the Gym, still nothing on the Rainbow Wing

"Welcome back Brock..." Said some voices from around the corner

"Dammit..." Whispered Gary as he fought every temptation to not try to beat that man senseless

"Hey, let's not draw attention" said James

"Yeah.... I know..." Said Gary

They continued listening in on the conversation

"Yep... I'm back..." Said Brock what seemed to be sadly

"We're sorry to hear about what happened... I'm sure they were amazing boys..." Said Brock's Mother Lola

"The little ones are waiting inside, let's say we talk about it over dinner" said Flint

Brock seemed to just stand there, not looking very happy in the slightest, which confused Gary

"You dont have the right to be sad you asshole" whispered Gary

"It's just... It hasnt even been a week since their death was announced... I miss them already, especially Ash..." Said Brock

Gary was shocked, what did Brock just say? How could he miss them if he killed them?!

"Team Rocket will pay for this... I'll make sure of that" said Brock determined as the family walks inside the Gym

"T-Team Rocket... But he did it..." Said Gary

"He's even worse then I thought he was, not only did he attempt to kill you, he also lied about it to his family!" Said James

Gary was conflicted, he knew Brock was lying, but it sounded so sincere, it looked like he was genuinely depressed, but that wouldn't make sense!

"Come... Let's go..." Said James comforting Gary

"Yeah..." Said Gary as the two began walking away from the Gym...

Ash and Meowth had been walking around for ages and still no sign of the Rainbow Wing

"Everyone, I have an idea" said Jessie on the earpiece

"What've you got?" Asked Ash

"You have an idea?" Asked Gary

"That's the spirit Jess!" Said James and Meowth

"I saw Officer Jenny walking back to her outpost, if anyone would know of the Rainbow Wing, it would be her" said Jessie

"That would make sense" said Gary

"That's risky... If she doesn't know, we'd have exposed ourselves for nothing" said Ash

"We need to do something, and this makes the most sense" said Jessie

"Alright, meet up with us" said Gary

It didn't take long for her to reach them

"Let's go pay Officer Jenny a visit" said James

The group began to walk towards her Office, avoiding the main roads, arriving in just a few minutes

"Meowth, go up on all fours and knock" said James

Meowth groaned, he hated acting like a normal Meowth

*Knock Knock*


"Is she not inside? Was I wrong?" Asked Jessie

"Yes, you were" said a voice from behind the group

The group looked behind to see Officer Jenny with a couple other officers behind her

"You didn't think we'd notice you now did you?" Asked Jenny

"Well, I take it you know why we're hear then" asked Jessie

"Of course, the Rainbow Wing, you're not getting it" said Jenny with cuffs in her hand

"Well, thanks for confirming my plan, now that we know you know, we can attempt my other plan" said Jessie

Jenny grunted

"Arcanine!" Yelled out Jenny
"Growlithe!" Yelled the other officers

"Seviper!" Called out Jessie
"Carnivine!" called out James
"Arcanine!" Released Gary
"Golbat!" Released Ash

"Arcanine use Flamethrower!" Ordered Jenny

"Arcanine use Extreme Speed to block the attack!" Yelled Gary as Arcanine, ran infront of the Flamethrower, getting more powerful as a result

"Carnivine use Vine Whip!" Ordered Jessie

"Carni!" Agreed and started firing off at the Growlithe behind the Arcanine, separating them from it

"Now Serviper, grab Arcanine by the legs!" Yelled Jessie as Serviper Started to constrict the Arcanine's movement

"Golbat use Hypnosis on the Arcanine whilst its constricted!" Yelled Ash

"Gol" said Golbat as it stared at the struggling canine, allowing it to fall asleep

"Arcanine no!" Yelled Jenny as she started blowing the whistle, which wouldn't wake it up

"Now Golbat use Poison Fang!" Yelled Ash

Golbat sunk its teeth right into Arcanine, poisoning it alongside its damage, waking up from the pain

"Arcanine!!" Screamed Jenny

"Growlithe!" Yelled the officers as all their canine's lay defeated at the hands of Carnivine

"Serviper, wrap those loser's up for us" said Jessie

The officers panicked as they ended up getting tied up with Serviper's body, threatening them

"Arc...anine..." Said Arcanine as it slowly stood up before collapsing to the ground

"Well that Arcanine was easier to deal with then the other one" said Gary

"Now Carnivine, grab her with Vine Whip" said James

"You fools don't know what you're getting into!" Yelled Jenny

"I'm sure we'll be fine" said Ash, still with the mask and voice changer on

"Now, let's head inside shall we?" Asked Gary

As he took the key from Jenny and opened the outpost door

"Hmmm, nothing in here" said James

"Wait, what about the microphone?" Asked Meowth

"What about it?" Asked Jessie

"Well since we now know for sure she knows of the Rainbow Wing, we could use our voice changer to impersonate her on the Microphone! We could lure him here!" Said Meowth

"Meowth you genius!" Said James proudly

"That may come with some... Unwanted attention though" said Meowth

Gary knew where this was going

"The Rock Twerp" said Meowth

"Brock..." Said Ash angrily

Ash wanted so badly for that traitor to be chained up for the rest if his life

Jessie could see Ash's face struggling even from behind the mask

"Look, let's just hope he doesn't show up" says Jessie

"Alright, Jessie, bring the other Officers into the outpost" said Gary

"Serviper" asked Jessie

Serviper dragged the officers into the outpost, still having them tied up

"Golbat" asked Ash

"Gol" said Golbat as it started it's Hypnosis attack on the officers, putting them all to sleep

"Password required" said the computer

"Well officer, seems like we need some help here" said James

"Like I'd help you" said Jenny grunting

"Umbreon" said Gary as he released his Eeveelution

"Umbre" said Umbreon

"Use Confuse Ray" said Gary

It didn't take long before Jenny was swirling her head

"Wait... Who are you guys again?" Asked Jenny

"Just humble business people, we seem to have lost our Rainbow Wing, we were wondering if you could allow us access to the microphone?" Asked Meowth

"Well of course! Anything to help out such nice people" said Jenny still confused as she started typing in the code, which took a couple tried as she was confused

"There is something else we need, would you happen to know anyone else with a rainbow wing?" Asked Meowth

"Why yes, his names Ethan Husaki" said Jenny

"Thanks Darl" said Jessie as she looked back at Ash, who nodded

"Golbat" said Ash

Golbat started its hypnosis again, putting Jenny to sleep

"You got the voice changer?" Asked Jessie

"All set!" Said James

"Alright" said Jenny as she turned on the intercoms

"Could Ethan Husaki please grab the Rainbow Wing and make their way to officer outpost number 3" said James with the voice changer set to Jenny's voice

It wasn't even 5 minutes before an old man came stumbling and knocking on the door

"Officer Jenny! What's wrong! Is someone coming for it?" Asked the old man as the door opened revealing the five Team Rocket members

"Oldest trick in the book" said Jessie

"I can't believe that worked" said James

"You... Thieves!" Yelled the old man trying to alert the entire city, fortunately for the group, barely any people were even awake at this time, let alone on the streets

"Golbat" said Ash

Golbat tried using it's Hypnosis on the old man, who looked away from the attack, making it fail

"Nice try, but tricks like that will never get you my special wing-" the old man stopped to see the Rainbow Wing in the hands of Meowth

"Now Umbreon, Confuse Ray" said Gary

Umbreon instantly put the old man into a trance

"Now go back home and sleep old man" said James

"Sleep... Sure does... Sound good right now..." Said the old man as he started stumbling back home

"Now, we have to be quick, that announcement may have brought some attention" said Ash

"Let's go" said Gary as the group recalled the Pokemon and fled the area

It took them a while to get back to the car, but fortunately it was without resistance

"Well, that was easy enough" said Ash

"Surprisingly" said Meowth

The group all got in the car and Jessie floored it, making heir way back to Cerulean

2 hours later...

Gary was looking down in his seat, remembering what he saw and heard earlier

"Team Rocket will pay for this... I'll make sure of that"

Those words, they sounded so sincere... But Gary saw him burn down the building, he was there smiling with the others

"You there?" said James

"Yeah?" Asked Gary

"Looks like we have someone coming to get us from Cerulean City, they heard of our success and are now gathering near route 32 to stage an offensive, since its predicted that there will be resistance along the way" said James

"I see" said Gary

"It's best for us to rest up while we can, we'll be arriving near Cerulean soon" said Jessie

Meowth was already asleep and Ash was staring out the window, looking at all the wild Pokemon

"You're worried about them... Aren't you?" Asked Gary

"Yeah... I don't like them being in the hands of those... Traitors..." Said Ash

"We'll get them someday, I promise" said Gary

Ash wanted to take his mask off, but he was still technically on mission

"Go ahead" said Jessie

"Huh?" Asked Ash

"Take the mask off, I know how it feels wearing one of those, not exactly the most comfortable things in the world" said Jessie

That wasn't why he wanted to take it off, but that was an additional point

Ash took the mask off and felt as if he had free'd himself from boulders of weight

"Ash... How's the arm doing?" Asked Gary

Ash lifted his shirt up to reveal his heavily bandaged body, which concealed his burns

"It feels like 1000 Durant's biting my body at once, but it is healing" said Ash

"We need to get that checked out, is there a doctor or someone who give us something for this?" Asked Gary

"...Unfortunately not, not at HQ atleast" said James

"Shit..." Said Gary

Ash put his shirt back down

"It's fine, I'll deal" said Ash

The car started to slow down, eventually reaching a full stop

They walked outside to see a group of Team Rocket members

"A camp?" Asked Gary

"This is where all the Team Rocket members in the area are gethering for the Ho-oh operation" said Jessie

"I'll get Meowth" said Ash as he opened the car door and picked Meowth up, putting him over his shoulder

Meowth slowly opened his eyes to see Ash carrying him on his shoulder, then he would fall asleep again

"Officer Jenny, James, we're glad to see you arrived" said the guards

"I assume there are places to rest?" Asked Jessie

"If course, we have set up tents just over there" said the guard on the left

Ash went over and put Meowth into an empty tent

"This ones perfect for us" said Ash

"I assume you five have had a long and rough day, please, get some sleep whilst you can, we're getting picked up VIA helicopter at 7am

Gary looked at the time


"We got 6 hours" said Gary accounting for time to get ready

"Let's be quick then" said Ash as he held the fold open for them to enter and hop into their own sleeping bags

Ash would hop into his own, tomorrow... They catch Ho-oh...

POV switch to Ghota...


The group was set outside the Team Rocket HQ, they had just seen a whole bunch of Helicopters leave the building

"I assume that's their capture party then" said Ghota

"Looks to me" said Steven

"Everyone... You ready?" Asked Ghota

"Ready" said Lance

"All on your word" said Steven

"Of course" said Cynthia

"About time" said Alder

"Let's get going" said Diantha

"For Ash..." Said Leon

"And Gary" said Greta

"For Kanto!" Yelled the police force behind them

"Alright, let's go" said Ghota as the group began running towards the base...

POV switch to Giovanni

"Giovanni, they're making their assault now" said Matori

"Perfect" said Giovanni

Giovanni opened up a secret compartment in his desk, revealing all seven of the Dark Balls, all seven of the Legendary Pokemon they had caught thus far

"Each of these should be able to handle a champion each, now with their full potential brought forth by the Dark ball" grinned Giovanni

"With those fools gone, nothing will stand in our path" said Giovanni

He stood looking outside the window, seeing the group reach the building

"It begins..." Said Giovanni

POV switch to Ash


The group had finally arrived at the rendevouz point, everyone was there, Domino and Pierce, the trio of Petrel, Proton and Tyson, Hun and Attila, and a few other unfamiliar faces

"We all move out in one hour, please be ready by then" said Hun as the cars were being unloaded

"You two go explore or whatever kids your age do" said James

"Might be cool to see what Pokemon are around" said Ash

"Another addition to your team?" Asked Gary

"Maybe" said Ash

The two looked around and spotted some decent Pokémon, some Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Pineco, but what Ash was interested in, was a lone Flaaffy that he had found

Ash looked at the Flaaffy

'An Electric Type... Pikachu..." Thought Ash

'I'm sorry buddy, nothing will ever replace you' thought Ash as he grabbed the Pokeball and threw it at the Flaaffy, who heard it but didn't have any time to react

"I got it!" Said Ash

"Quag" said a noise

Ash looked behind him in shock, but to his surprise, nothing

"What was that..." Said Ash as he looked back to the pokeball, as it moved


"An electric type will be wonderful to have on my team" said Ash still thinking of Pikachu

"Smoke!" Yelled Ash

"What?" Replied Gary

"Come look at this!" Said Ash

"Alright" said Gary rolling his eyes smiling

"Let me guess, you caught something?" Asked Gary

"Yep, it'll come in very handy against Ho-oh due to it's typing" said Ash snickering

"I'll hold you to that then" said Gary

"Everyone form up! We're moving out!" Yelled Attila

"You ready Static?" Asked Gary

"Yeah, let's hope" said Ash as the two began to walk back on over to the group

Ash looked down at his new capture

"Welcome to the team Flaaffy" said Ash...


They had finally infiltrated and surrounded the area, blocking off access to the general public

"Those car rides are fairly fast" said Gary

"Thankfully" said Ash

The group made their way up the stairs

"Keep in mind Static, we have less people this time, it'll be much tougher then when we took down Lugia" said Gary

"I know..." Said Ash as they all stood at the top of the tower, Hun walking up to the edge, finally flashing both the bells and wing

"Ho-oh! We call upon you!" Yelled Gun


"Oh!" Yelled a blur of red and yellow

"It's here! Get ready!" Yelled Attila

Everyone brought out their Pokémon, immediately starting to attack Ho-oh, who deflected all attacks with ease as it stared right at Ash, recognising him instantly even with the mask on

This sent shivers down Ash, as he was staring down the eyes of the Pokemon he saw at the start of his journey

The staring continued until Ho-oh closed it's eyes

"You have failed" heard Ash inside his mind

Ash was horrified and confused, was that Ho-oh just now? Did it just speak to him?

"I renounce my blessing from you, you turned your back on what's truly important, and as such, you shall no longer be my champion" said the voice as Ho-oh opened its eyes in anger, letting out a roar

Ash being immensely freaked out, brought out one of his Pokémon

"Go Bagon!" Yelled Ash

"Bag!" Yelled the small dragon Pokemon

"Use Ember!" Yelled Ash

Bagon fired the spurs of embers at Ho-oh, as Ho-oh let out an eruption of flamethrowers, instantly deflecting Bagon's ember and knocking Bagon out instantly"

"Bagon! N-no..."

Ash looked at Bagon, seeing what appeared to be duplicates

"What's going on... Something isn't right..." Said Ash feeling dizzy

"Static? Static?!? Static!!!" Yelled Gary as Ash passed out...

"W-what the hell..." Said Gary as he looked up at Ho-oh in anger

"You!" Yelled Gary in anger

Another roar from Ho-oh

"Blastoise! Blow Ho-oh away with a full strength Hydro Cannon!" Demanded Gary

"Stoise!" Yelled Blastoise as it hit Ho-oh dead center dealing loads of damage

"Now Blastoise hit it with a Rapid Spin attack!" Yelled Gary in rage

Blastoise combo'd with the Rapid Spin, also launching in another Hydro Cannon in for effect

Ho-oh shook it's head to regain itself, it was getting its ass kicked by one kid

"Come on! lets get in there!" Yelled Hun as everyone else began launching their attacks at Ho-oh...


A few hours Later...

Ash was confused... everything was going too fast for him, its as if everything he has done since the day he became a trainer happened in the matter of seconds, every battle, every contest, every league, every Pokemon caught, every tragedy, it all felt as if it happened all at once...

Ash looked around, seeing he was in a dream like world, watching events unfold through glass

"This is... Like before..." Said Ash remembering the vision of that boy falling down the well

This time it showed something else...

It showed the other boy, the one who didn't fall down, but who instead climbed down as he attempted to retrieve his friend from the dark hole, eventually however he would come out empty handed and bruised, almost as if he was going to die as well

"Why... Why... What is going on!" Yelled Ash

No reply was given

He felt water drop onto his face

Nothing made sense, the moment he got to the tin tower... Everything just... Nothing made sense to him, it all happened too fast...

Another drop of water

Ash needed to slow down, he needed to think...

Another drop

That HAD to be Ho-oh who talked to him, but what did it mean by 'Renouncing it's blessing'?


Ash laid down on his back, as if returning to sleep and closed his eyes...

Another drop... And another... And another...

He started to slowly open his eyes, where he was met with the sight of Jessie seeming to be crying over Ash

'What is she crying for?' Asked Ash mentally

He looked around a bit more and noticed he was in a tent, laying down in a sleeping bag

'What... Happened?' Asked Ash as he slowly tried to lift himself up

Jessie would finally notice this and gasp in relief

"Ash!" Said Jessie as she tried to get Ash to lay back down as she grabbed a wet towel, continuing to cool him down

"Please... Just stay down, I don't want anything happening to you..." Said Jessie silently

"What... What happened?.." Asked Ash

"We were fighting Ho-oh, and all of a sudden, you passed out... I didn't know what was going on so I rushed to you as Gary started blasting away at Ho-oh, kid managed to get some good hits in" said Jessie

Wait... He passed out? He knew what that implied

"Why, why are you crying?" Asked Ash

"I thought you were going to die dammit! You've been out for days!" Yelled Jessie in distress

Ash was shocked, unconscious for how long?

"D-days?" Asked Ash

"You had me so worried... What happened? Why'd you pass out?..." Asked Jessie

"I... I don't know how to explain it..." Said Ash, knowing she wouldn't understand that he gets contacted by a mysterious voice every time he passes out

Actually, that's wrong, the voice didn't appear this time... What was going on?

The door opened as he saw Gary, James and Meowth walk in

"Holy shit he's alive!" Exclaimed James in happiness

"Ash!" Said Gary as he ran to his rival

"Gary... What's going on" said Ash still distorted from his unconsciousness

"We're just glad you're alive... As for what's happening... Or what happened..." Said Gary

Ash looked around to see that he was somewhere he had never been

"Where are we?" Asked Ash

"We're in the Sevii Islands..." Said Gary

"The Sevii Islands..." Said Ash

"Yes, after you passed out, we did end up catching Ho-oh... Afterwards we left back to HQ but... Something had happened..." Said Gary

"Something Happened?" Asked Ash

James and Meowth remained silent

"HQ was destroyed..." Said Jessie

"Something broke out there, a large battle..." Said Gary

"I... Don't understand..." Said Ash

"Of course you don't, you've been out cold for days... 4 days to be exact..." Said Gary

Ash looked around more and noticed his full team of Pokemon

"How have they been? Is Bagon okay?" Asked Ash

"Bagon is fine, such resiliency is expected from his species" said Gary

"And the others?" Asked Ash

"They're fine, luckily Quagsire's water was able to be put to use in keeping you hydrated

"Quagsire? I don't own a Quagsire..." Said Ash

"Isn't it the one you caught on route 32? Just before we battled Ho-oh?" Asked Gary

"No? I caught a Flaaffy?" Said Ash

Ash reached his Pokeball containing what he thought was Flaaffy and released the Pokemon

"Quag!" Said Quagsire

"What? How?" Said Ash as he eventually remembered something


"I got it!" Said Ash

"Quag" said a noise

Ash looked behind him in shock, but to his surprise, nothing

"What was that..." Said Ash as he looked back to the pokeball, as it moved


(Flashback End)

"So you're what I heard..." Said Ash as he tried to get up to look at Quagsire, being denied by Jessie

"You need to lay down, we still don't know if there's anything else wrong" said Jessie

Ash thought this was weird, she was acting unusually motherly towards him

"Okay... Quagsire, return" said Ash as he recalled the Water Pokemon

"So... Anyone know any more details on what happened at HQ?" Asked Ash

"Apparently it was assaulted by a large force of Police, alongside Lance, Steven Stone, Cynthia, Alder, Diantha, Leon, another Champion named Greta and... Your father Ghota..." Said Gary

"My father..." Said Ash

"So they lied to him..." Said Ash as he clenched his fist and teeth

"Once I get everything back together... They'll pay for their crimes..." Said Ash angrily

"Ash... These panic attacks... Its worrying, it's been happening ever since you returned to Pallet Town, we need to get it checked up" said Gary

Ash looked down, he had a point, that voice seemed to always induce a Panic Attack whenever it contacted him, although... Seeming as it wasn't able to contact him this time, he assumed that this is the last time it would contact him...

"It'll be fine..." Said Ash

"Ash, you've been out for 4 days, its not going to be fine" said Gary

"It's fine!" Yelled Ash

Gary was taken aback, Ash truly was acting weird

"...I'm sorry" said Ash realizing he just yelled at Gary

"Ash, I'm don't understand how it is losing loved ones... But how about this, we get the Bosses permission to set you out on a training mission, something that will get you and your Pokemon back on their feet?" Asked James, finally having input

"That... That sounds good..." Said Ash

"Alright, we can't promise results... But we have a feeling he'll allow it, since the loss of HQ, were not going to be attempting the capture of legendary Pokemon anytime soon... It may even take years before we resume..." Said Meowth

"Jessie... Come, let's go" said James

Jessie nodded as she left the wet cloth on Ash's forehead

They left the room

"What else happened when I was out?" Said Ash

"Not much, although Jessie, she's been watching over you ever since we arrived here 3 days ago, she told us a few things..." Said Gary

"About what?" Asked Ash

"You've noticed it right? How she's been motherly towards you?" Asked Gary

"Yeah... I did notice that..." Said Ash

"Well... It's for a reason... She knows your pain... Having lost her own parents..." Said Gary

Ash was shocked

"She lost her own parents?" Asked Ash

"Not much is known about her father... But her mother... Well... She used to be part of Team Rocket apparently, she got sent on a mission to find of Mew's existence 16 years ago... She never came back..." Said Gary

"Is it known if she's alive?" Asked Ash

"No-one knows... But that is the reason she acts motherly towards you, she doesn't want you experiencing what she went through" Said Gary

Ash looked depressed, he had to start respecting the 3 of them more, he always thought of them as petty criminals, but it's only now occurring to him that they have their own reasons for joining Team Rocket, that they're also human...

"Here, have this" said Gary as he gave Ash half of his sandwich

"Thanks... This means a lot..." Said Ash

"It's my duty..." Said Gary

The door suddenly opened and with glee in their faces, the trio returned with good news

"Guess what?~ he allowed us to go with you on a training mission!" Said Jessie happily

"The mission is simple, you'll be familiar with it... Catch Pokemon for Team Rocket" said James

Ash started to smile a bit, he was finally going to start getting stronger

"Just one catch, this mission with start now, so get you're bags ready, we're off to the Hoenn Region first..." Said Jessie

"During this mission you'll not only be required to steal Pokemon from others, but also train up your Pokemon, and as such, the boss has issued us these" said James giving Ash and Gary a device

"What does this do?" asked Ash

"it's a portable version of Bill's Pokemon box, it will allow us to switch out our Pokemon whenever and wherever we want" said James

"There's a catch here isn't there?" asked Gary

"Sort of, since this isn't exactly legal, your Pokemon will be stationed here, which isn't inherently a problem, but... you know the nature of our work..." said Jessie

"Don't worry, the Pokemon I train can hold their own, they'll be fine" said Ash

"Fair enough" said Meowth

Ash began to get up but then looked at Jessie, who was still worried about Ash's physical state

"I'll be fine, don't worry" said Ash affirmingly, ceasing her worries

With a look of determination, Ash grabbed his Team of 6 Pokémon

Eevee, Zorua, Bagon, Golbat, Sneasel and Quagsire

"So then... We head out for Hoenn" said Ash

'Dad... Once I finish putting those traitors behind bars, I'll show myself again...' Thought Ash

But for now, he had to lay low, if everyone knew he was still alive, they'd come after him again

With one last step, he walked outside with the other members of Team Rocket...

POV Switch to Ghota...

Ghota had been in hospital for the past few days, nothing particularly damaging, but after the assault that happened at Team Rocket HQ, he wanted to take extra measures to assure he was fine, same with the champions, who had all since returned to their regions

Ghota sat alone in his room, thinking about the assault...


"What in the hells?!? Why can't we defeat them?!?" Yelled Leon

"Something's wrong, I've fought all of them before, but they're much more powerful then they usually are!" Said Lance

"They've done something to them, they're too powerful, even for their species!" Said Ghota

"That is thanks to what we call the 'Dark Ball' said Giovanni

"You'll never get away with this! We'll stop you here and now!" Said Steven

"I'd love to see you try" said Giovanni as his earpiece started to connect

"...Ahh well, it would seem our little meeting will need to be postponed after all, we just for our hands on another" said Giovanni smirking

"Don't you dare!" Said Cynthia as she readied Garchomp for flight

"Articuno, Blizzard" said Giovanni as the one hit knocked Garchomp out

"Dammit! Gardevoir use Moonblast!" yelled Diantha

"Moltres, burn it down" calmly said Giovanni as Moltres effortlessly disintegrated the Mega Gardevoir's attack

"Glimmora, Tera Blast!" ordered Geeta

"Zapdos, swat it away" ordered Giovanni, the Terastallized Glimmora hitting against the destroyed building's rubble

"You may have destroyed Kanto HQ, but trust me, this is but a part of my plan, eventually you'll all get to see my grand design flourish, but until then, au revoir" said Giovanni as he flew off in his personal Helicopter

(Flashback End)

Not even they could stop the destruction that the Dark Ball brought

Ghota took out his 6 Pokeballs

"We'll need to continue getting stronger if we want to stand any chance against the Dark Ball Pokemon" said Ghota

"Mr. Ketchum sir" said the Nurse opening the door

"Am I free to go?" Asked Ghota

"Yes, you're being discharged" said the nurse

"Brilliant" said Ghota as he pocketed his 6 Pokeballs and went to leave the Hospital, eventually looking out into the rainy weather

"Let's go" said Ghota as he stepped into the world once more...

(End Chapter 13)
(End of part 1)

To be Continued...

Okay, so first off, it's been a while, I want to give a full explanation as to my absence, which is a combination of many things

Family, Work, Money Issues, Writers Block and Extra planning

Basically, my mind has been everywhere EXCEPT here, so I apologize for the long wait, also sorry for what seemed to be a rushed ending, I kinda want to just get everything going as it's taking a bit long to get to the point, however, I have been doing 1 thing that makes it easier for me to write, and that is that I've been planning things, Ash's Final Team, the Friends Final Teams, Ghota's Team, other Team Rocket Member Teams, and other plot points I wish to include

I hope to get back into the groove of this, as I do genuinely want y'all to enjoy reading this, I want this fanfic to not only seem believable (to an extent) but also not be too cliché like other Ash betrayal fanfics, I personally think the whole "You need to give up on your dream" shit is not in character and even if it was, it definitely doesn't apply now that he's the Monarch

Another thing to note is that I plan on not making Ash too overpowered until a certain point, but he will have earnt that power at that point of the story, I also need to try and explain a few things

If you haven't noticed, this story is basically set up into 4 separate stories combining into 1, Ash, Gary, Ghota and the "Traitors"

I want every character to feel fleshed out, and that includes Ash's Pokemon aswell, I want all of them to have their own style of battle and personalities

This also applies to the "Traitors" Pokemon, for example, those who have open slots for more Pokemon, will get them filled, so each of them will each have 6 fully evolved Pokemon that WILL fit their story/personality

Once again, sorry for the long ass wait, it'll hopefully be worth it

This is Cahp, Signing off to write the next part with lots of excitement


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