By GreenBumbleBee12

4.7K 160 9

Agent Sophia Black, assigned to protect her best friend, the President's daughter Ashley Graham, encounters a... More

Au Note: where I've been


406 15 1
By GreenBumbleBee12

I stared off at where Luis had disappeared to. We all stood in the same position completely silent so you could hear a pin drop. The birds got louder as they chirped into the night sky along with the wind rustling through the trees. I bit my lip in confusion, trying to figure out who this stranger was and why he was trying to help us.

Taking a low breath, I broke the eerie silence. "Agent Kennedy–"

"Leon." he said cutting me off, "please just Leon." he pleaded as he started to head down the trail in the same direction as Luis.

I glanced at Ashley, grabbing her hand and squeezed it as I pulled her with me, following behind Leon. "Leon," I tested out. A small blush rose up my neck to my cheeks. "Luis, who is he? Why is he here?" I asked, stepping over a fallen tree branch. It had white markings near the bottom of the break like someone had burned it off one of the trees.

Leon turned his head slightly toward me. "He used to work for Umbrella. Not sure why he's here though. I have a feeling he has something to do with this." He grunted out.

There was a hint of anger when he mentioned Umbrella, as though there was more to his story than what was gossiped about in STRATCOM. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Raccoon City ended up having some viral outbreak after a vaccine had been distributed out. This made all of the civilians attack each other and the government decided that the only way to control it was to demolish it completely. Or so they told us.

Leon moved his hand up to his ear as he pushed a low hanging branch out of the way. I watched his face shift from anger to annoyance as he listened to his FOS. "Negative. Too dangerous. We're gonna get out of here and find someplace safe." he said, looking around and up the cliff side on the left of us. He sighed after a minute, "Don't worry about it. We'll swim home if we have to. Condor One out."

My nose scrunched at his statement. I hated the water with all of my being. For years I have always had an odd fear of the ocean. Maybe it was because even after so many years we still haven't explored most of it.

"What's... What's gonna happen to me?" Ashley asked from beside me. Our fingers were still interlocked as we continued down the dark path.

"Right now, let's just focus on getting out of here." I said looking at her. I softly nudged my shoulder against hers as a small gesture of comfort. It was hard seeing my best friend this way. I wished it was me in her place instead.

"Yeah. Right." Her voice trembled, squeezing my hand tightly.

As we kept making our way through the path, the soft blue glow of the moonlight on the wet rocks slowly disappeared into bright purple colours.

A man dressed in dark robes stood under a bright purple flame. His hood covered his head but I could still see a small purple bandana with white patterns covering his face. I picked up my pace, letting go of Ashley's hand so I could get a better look at the hooded figure.

His gaze shifted from the table in front of him to us. "What're ya buying?" he asked, pulling one side of his coat to reveal all sorts of weapons and extra pieces.

I smiled at him, picking out a Beretta 92F pistol, a TMP, and a few gun holsters I could strap around my shoulders and leg. He extended his hand to me, waving his bony fingers, indicating he wanted payment.

I opened my mouth to say something but stopped myself. I had no money to buy weapons. My hand slowly moved to the diamond necklace my mother had given me that hung around my neck. I squeezed it before pulling it off my neck so I could pay the merchant. Dropping it into the merchant's hand, I quickly turned away from him so that I wouldn't have to see him tear the beautiful necklace apart.

My eyes connect with Leon's blue ones. His eyebrows were slightly scrunched up with a small frown on his face. I just looked at him before moving beside Ashley.

"Did you just sell your mother's necklace?" she asked, a frown plastered on her face at my decision.

I smiled sadly, giving her a small nod. "If it means we both get out of here alive, yeah. I did what I had to do." Moving away, I clipped on each holster around my shoulders and my right leg.

She sighed, before turning to Leon. "We should get going." She told him, hooking her arm around mine.

He just nodded not saying anything. I watched him give me another glance before turning around.

We moved away from the table, continuing on our path. A large gate stood tall, blocking us from entering from the other side. A white piece of paper was nailed to one of the doors. Tearing it off, I looked down at the paper.

This is a direct order from Lord Saddler himself.

Convert the area beyond this point into a defensive position, so that no intruders may pass.

I am willing to make any and all sacrifices for the sake of the righteous faith.

My devout believers, build me an impregnable fortress. And make sure any heathen foolish enough to trespass pays for their wicked sins in blood.

My nose scrunched at the name written on the parchment. Who is Lord Saddler? I crumpled the paper into a small ball before tossing it to the side. Rather than waiting for Leon or Ashley, I placed my hand on one of the doors. The door was heavier than I thought. Using all of my weight, I pushed the door open enough for us to slip through. Sucking in my gut, I wiggled my way through the small opening I had created.

Wooden walls placed in odd ways stood high making it hard to see over to the other side. I let out a low whistle at the sight in front of me. A fortress indeed.

I could hear villagers yelling at each other further in the wooden maze. Grimacing a took a small step forward, taking out my gun wishing that this would be over already.

"We've got company," Leon said from behind me.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah no shit Sherlock."

"Keep moving, but quietly. Got it?" he asked, ignoring my sarcastic remark.

"OK. I'll... I'll try..." Ashley said, smacking my arm at my sudden rudeness.

My heart still burned in sadness at having to sell that last thing left of my mother just so I had something to protect myself against whatever these things were.

Pressing my body on the thick wood, I concealed myself from the oncoming villager, hoping to get the advantage and take him down. Once I could hear him getting closer, Imoved to wrap my arm around his neck while placing the tip of my gun underneath his chin.

Pulling the trigger, small specks of cold wetness landed on my cheek. I dropped the body down in front of me. I continued forward, whipping away some of the villagers' blood off of my face.

I looked over to Leon, waving a hand in the direction opposite of me to tell him to split up. He nodded, seeming to get what i was trying to say.

"Go with him." I whispered to Ashley, nudging her towards him.

I turned around, holding up my gun at shoulder height. My steps were soft and slow, not making any sound.

Out of nowhere, a woman jumped out at me making me reel back. My foot moved slightly back. The sound of metal clicking then a swoosh of a clamp filled my ear. A burning pain erupted in my calf, making me yell out. I shot the woman in the head before she could hurt me. Putting my gun away, I slowly looked down at my leg. Metal teeth were embedded into my skin and muscle, making me bleed out extensively.

I wailed, crouching down to place my shaky hand on the cool metal. Tears welled in my eyes at the unbearable pain. My fingers moved underneath the jaws trying to pull it apart. The jaws moved a little, but my fingers slipped, causing the jaws to clamp back shut. I yelled out, hot tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Sophia." I heard Leon call from behind me.

A hand made its way onto my shoulder as I continued to pry at the metal jaws. "I can't get them open." My voice cracked.

Leon gave me a small sad smile as he crouched down to get a better look at the bear trap. His gloved hands grabbed mine, softly pulling them away from the clamps to pull them apart.

"When I pull them apart, move away as fast as you can," He instructed me.

I nodded, wanting to quickly escape the trap.

Leon slowly pulled the bear trap jaws apart until there was enough room for me to move my leg away. I moved quickly, placing my injured foot on the ground. Ashley grabbed me, pulling my arm over her shoulder so I didn't fall to the ground. Leon let go of the jaws of the trap, forcing them to snap back shut with a loud thump.

"Let's move, I'll fix up your foot when we find somewhere safe to hide," he said. His eyes moved up and down my body, as if he was making sure I didn't have any other injuries. Once he was satisfied, he turned around and started walking.

Ashley and I followed behind him. My foot throbbed with every step we took making my jaw clench. As we turned around the corner, a gate slowly appeared up ahead.

Leon sighed in annoyance. Turning to us, he grabbed my arm pulling it over his shoulder, "Looks like im gonna have to do it now." He led us towards a flattened rock.

Leon and Ashley shifted their grips on my arms so that I could sit down on the rock without hurting my leg. Setting me down, Leon crouched in front of me to look at my leg. His fingers gripped my pant leg, pulling them up just under my bent knee.

His fingers were soft, really soft. There were gentle sparks erupted on my skin as his fingers moved around my leg. My face slowly grew hotfrom how close we were.

I had never been this close to Leon. Most of the time he was standing with the instructors when we trained and his desk was further away from mine because he was of a higher rank.

He turned his upper body around to grab something from his hip pouch, one hand still clutching my leg. He turned back around with a green herb and bandages in his hand. He put the herb in his mouth, chewing it to make a paste before spitting it into his hand. He rubbed the paste into the bloody holes created by the bear trap. I hissed out in pain. The paste was warm and provided no relief to the pain. After he was done, he grabbed the bandages and wrapped my leg up.

"That should do it for now." He said, pulling my pant leg down once he was finished. He stood up, reaching out his hand for me to take it. 

I nodded, grabbing his hand to pull me up. He pulled me up easily, holding onto me to keep me upright until Ashley could wrap my arm around her shoulder.

Ashley adjusted me so that I could be propped up in a comfortable position. We started moving towards the gate. Leon pushed it open, holding the gate door open for us so we could get through easily.

Wooden scaffolds were lined along the mountain side edges. A large bonfire was in the middle, its flames reaching high into the air making the orange glow bounce off the wet rocks. Stepping onto the wooden walk way, we kept our pace low so it wouldn't break under our weight.

We continued into the wooden scaffolding. Making our way down the wooden walkway until it was replaced with gravel. We walked along keeping our backs close to the wood wall side. Two large metal doors were to the right of us and an opening to more wood buildings on the left. Leon walked to the door leaving us in our spot. He moved his hand up to the door, tracing something engraved on the door.

"Looks like I need something." He said moving back to where Ashley and I stood.

I looked to the opening where the houses were. A large house stood in the middle of the others. "The house," I said, pointing to it. "Maybe it's in there."

"Good thinking." Leon smiled at me.

My heart fluttered at his gesture, wanting to see him smile all the time. It was flawless, making him even more handsome than he already was.

We headed towards the stairs that led to the upper half of the building. We crept up them being sure to not make a sound so that none of the villagers heard us nearby.

A yellow wooden locker and a table were the only things in the room. Leon walked over and opened the door.

"Wait here." He told Ashley.

"What!? O-OK." she said letting go of me and entering the locker, closing it.

Leon turned to me. "Can you stand on your own?" He asked.

I shifted my balance, putting more weight on my injured leg. There was still pain pulsing through but it was bearable enough to ignore it. I nodded, grabbing my handgun from the holster strapped to my leg.

He guided us to a staircase hidden behind a wall that led down to the main floor of the house.Raising my pistol, I led the way down the stairs as we made our way down.There was almost nothing in the room, a locker stood off to the side, a table and a few chairs were positioned in the center, with a bureau in the corner. A door was beside the bureau behind the table in front of me.

Leon and I split up. I moved to the table and looked at a small sack on it. Leon moved to the other side of the room with tools hung up on the walls. I grabbed the pouch and opened it. Golden coins glimmered in the soft light.

"Where were you when I needed it?" I grumbled, tying the pouch to my belt.

The sound of wood breaking caught my attention. I jumped, spinning around where Leon had stopped. Two chainsaw blades cut through the wall towards Leon to cut him in half. Leon ran up the wall and flipped over away from the blades, landing crouched on the ground.

"Great." He said standing up and taking a few steps away from the wall.

I snorted at his actions. "Talk about extra." I said to myself.

The wall burst open, sending pieces flying towards us. I raised my hand to cover my eyes as the pieces flew. I lowered my hand at the sound of chainsaws rumbling. With chainsaws in hand, two women stepped into the room, their faces covered with dirty bandages. One of the women bent down to grab something off the floor.

"Sorry, didn't realize that was yours." He joked. His hand moved to grab his gun. "I am flattered, but I'm a one lady type of guy."

I rolled my eyes at his words shooting at the two ladies. They swung their saws around to hit Leon. He dodged each swing easily, moving to stand next to me.

"Go to the stairs." He told me as he shot at the two in front of us.

"What? No, I'm not leaving you!" I hissed, continuing to shoot at the one in front of me.

"Please, you're injured. You can keep shooting but just move somewhere where you can't get hurt." He pleaded, nudging me in the direction of the staircase.

I looked at him for a moment in hurt before nodding and running to the stairs.

The sound of small foot steps came from my right making me look over. "Sophie!" Ashley whispered from the top of the stairs.

I waved at her to come to me as I continued to shoot at the women now hunting after Leon.

Leon kept dodging the swings each of them would take. More villagers poured in through the opening as he fought the two ladies. I shifted my attention from the women to the villagers. Huffing out in annoyance, I holster my handgun and grab the TMP that's strapped to my back.

I fired a few shots at the first few villagers, aiming at their knees. Each of them grunted and fell to the ground getting trampled by the other villagers as they swarmed in. I looked at Ashley for a moment, "Cover your ears, it's going to get loud."

She nodded, placing her hands over her ears covering them. I looked back at the villagers and pressed down on the trigger of my gun making it shout multiple bullets out. I held it down, steering my aim at each villager. Taking them down one by one until a small pile of bodies covered the door stopping more from coming in.

Metal clashing against metal caught my attention. Moving my gaze from the pile to where Leon had fought off the bandaged ladies.

One lay in a pool of her own blood with the chainsaw in her hand slightly off to the side. The other had her blade running on Leon's knife had he parried the blow she took. My gaze shifted back to the dead body where her chainsaw was. Putting my gun away, I ran down the stairs and into the room to the saw. Picking it up, I pulled on the chain. It roared back to life as I pulled the trigger a few times. 

Taking a step forward, I stepped towards the woman who had her back to me. Neither Leon nor the woman noticed I was behind them, still pressing their weapons against each other. I raised the saw in my hands. Taking a breath, I swung the saw causing its teeth to tear into her flesh. The sound of bones crunching and cracking was the only thing I heard as I pushed the blade further into her neck. Her blood sprayed out as I cut off her head causing some of it splatter onto my face. Her head fell to the floor before bouncing away from us a few times. The rest of her body stood upright beforecrumpling to the ground. Blood seeped out of her body, pooling around her forming a distorted circle.

I stared at the body before slowly looking at Leon. Shock covered his entire face as his gaze shifted from the body to me. Panting, I tossed the bloody saw to the side.

My gaze moved from Leon to Ashley, who made her way down the stairs. "Let's get the fuck outta here." I said, moving to the door behind the now fallen-over table.


Finally! I officially HATE cleaning. We still have our basement left and that's like the messiest room in the house😫

I also got stuck having to coach yesterday🙄

Also wtf is Garten Of BanBan😂 I swear its the most un horror horror game I've ever seen lmaoo. BanBan 3 is out now.

Sorry for the late update😬
Two chapters will be posted on Sunday/Monday

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