Manveer FF: Destined to be

By Henna-21

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Hey guys, this manveer ff isn't new. I used to write it on the DEK india forums as roshni101. Its been years... More

Character sketch
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 19

157 11 11
By Henna-21

Sorry guys to keep you waiting. I was a little busy with some personal things but i will finish the story so just tag alone. Hope you enjoy the next chapter.

J: meet up tomorrow? It's been a while. We all need to hangout. Bring the youngsters.

U: you just want to see Jay.

J: whatever. Have a bad night.

U: im going to be having anything but a bad night with the day i just spent. Bye.

J: lover boy. Bye.

The youngsters are still asleep while the elders are talking after having breakfast.

K: we should leave now. The kids are tired. They'll wake up late. They can come later.

Av: stay for a little longer. What are you going to do going back?

R: no, next time. There is so much riyasat work to do. It's been pending especially since M got sick. We were so focused on her.

Mainka: now back to our busy lives.

G: we should meet up more often though. It was lovely spending time together.

B: indeed. You come over soon now.

They leave for Devgarh and an hour later all the youngsters except Manyata start coming down one by one and greet Av and G.

Un: mom where did the others go?

Av: they left beta. Maa sahab had some work to do at Devgarh.

J: they could've woken us up too.

G: its fine J beta. Its the weekend anyways. Have fun here.

V: M bhai hasn't woken up yet. Seems like someone kept her up late yesterday. I think i should go annoy her, get her to wake up.

U: don't even think about it V banna. Sit back down. She'll wake up when she wants to. Don't even try to disturb her. She had a long day yesterday.

V: as always, Uday to the rescue.

Av: you kids enjoy. Me and Mahraj have somewhere to be.

They leave.

Un: so what's the plan for today since we are all alone now with no adult supervision.

U fake coughs.

Un: you don't count as supervision as we can get you to do what we want.

J: not we, only jiji.

V: i tell you.

U: for now there is no plan. In the evening we have to meet up with Jagat. He wants to hangout so we'll go to my restobar.

J: he called you instead of me to plan an outing. He is in big trouble.

V: drama queen.

Un: don't start so early you two. My ears already hurt from yesterday.

Uday goes to his room to check on a file.

After a while Manyata comes down wearing:

J: oh la la. Jiji you look hot.

V: you sure do but you also look tired.

Un: your eyes are a bit red too. What happened?

M: nothing. Im good.

Un: you seem ok now but something did happen. Spill?

V: yeah, your eyes only get red when you haven't slept well.

J: tell us or we are calling Uday.

M: God you guys can be so annoying sometimes. I said im fine. I didn't have a good sleep that's it. Can we drop it now?

V: someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

J: someone woke up away from Uday.

M: ha ha you guys are hilarious.

Un hugs M and whispers: are you seriously ok?

M: yup. Just had a rough night. Im ok now don't worry.

Un: you better be otherwise im locking you up in the room and demanding bed rest.

M: where are all the elders?

J: mom, dad, ds and bua went home. Av aunty and uncle giri had somewhere to be.

M: uday?

V smirks at that and M gives him a nasty look. He straightens up and says: in his room

Un: can we have breakfast already? It's technically lunch time now. It's late and we even have to prepare for the evening.

M: what's in the evening?

J: Jagat wants to hangout so we thought to go to Uday's restobar.

M: ok you guys go start breakfast. I'll bring Uday.

V: that means you'll come when breakfast finishes.

M: or it means to run along before i rearrange your face.

V chuckles and leaves with the rest.

Manyata goes to Uday's room and sees him looking out the window, busy on a phone call. He doesn't sense her presence so she goes back hug him tightly. He smiles when he senses Manyata and holds one hand of hers that is on his chest while he continues talking. After a min he cuts the call and brings her in front of him. Her back to his chest, looking out the window.

U: so what brings my princess here early in the morning?

M: came to call you for breakfast.

U: don't make me so used to your presence. I'll have to kidnap you and keep you all to myself till we don't get married.

M: I'm already yours.

U: that you are but having you with me 24/7 would be a blissful feeling.

M: ooh don't tempt me to want to get married soon.

U turns her around and puts his arms around her neck to pull her closer. He whispers in her ear with his breath tickling her senses: that's exactly what im going to do. Make you want me just as much as i want you so you skip the dating and go straight to our wedding.

M moves back: baby you don't play fair. And just so we're clear. I want you just as much. But before marriage i want to get to know you. All of you. And i want you to know me.

U: i get it. But we can know each other in so many other ways too. Maybe it would include my bed.

M blushes a little but knows he's teasing her so plays along and runs her finger along his chest.

M: hmmm your bed does seem quite comfy. Imagine all the things we could learn about each other while in it.

U moves away from her before he loses control and pouts.

U: you're mean.

M: tit for tat.

U: really now?

M: two can play this game Uday.

He comes closer to her and puts his hand on her bare waist from her slit. She shivers lightly at his touch.

U: i don't want to play. I just want to love.

M doesn't say anything and just hugs him tightly.

U: btw why are your eyes so red? You look gorgeous in this dress but you look tired. Didn't you sleep well?

M: seriously Uday. You have me in your arms and this is what you want to talk about?

U: this is exactly what we are going to talk about. Your health is always going to be my priority.

He pulls away from the hug and cups her face.

U: now tell me, why do you look so tired?

M: i couldn't sleep.

U: i can tell you didn't sleep well. I'm asking you why?

M: i had a headache. It was making it hard for me to fall asleep.

U: You aren't well yet. I keep telling you to stop roaming around but you don't listen. You've been having headaches and weakness since the past one week Manyata. You don't take your medicines on time. You don't rest properly. And why are you telling me about this now? Why didn't you call me yesterday? I could have stayed awake with you. You need to start taking your health seriously. Look at you, your eyes are so red. If you couldn't sleep yesterday then why are you awake so early today? We are cancelling today's plan and you are going to sl......

Manyata takes his lips in a kiss before he can go on and on. He doesn't respond at first but she bites his lips so he gives her access to his mouth. She plays with his tongue with her own and caresses his neck with her hands. When she feels him calming down a bit she starts to lightly peck his lips a few times.

M: calmed down?

U: you can't use this to make me quiet.

M: i know but will you listen baby? I have been ok now. Yesterday was just a long day that's why it happened. The headache wasn't that bad. I just couldn't fall asleep with it. I didn't call you because you were exhausted yesterday. You needed rest too. You were stressed out about me already. I didn't want to stress you out more. I worry about you too. I feel fine now i promise. If it makes you happy i'll sleep for a while after breakfast. But we are not cancelling the plan today. We will go and you will be there then what's to worry?

U: you make it so hard to argue with you, you know that? Just remember one thing. I'm always here for you. I don't care whether im tired or sleeping or in a meeting or anything else, you call me when you need me, especially if you don't feel well.

M: i know. And i will ok. Now stop frowning. It doesn't suit you. Come on. I'm hungry.

U frowns even more: you always get your way. I'll have to be strict with you.

M winks at him: what can i do if you give in too fast?

U: you're just lucky you're adorable.

They both come downstairs bickering a little with the others looking at them with smirks. M notices them staring.

M: what? Can you people stop staring. It's creepy.

V: it isn't time to go to the restobar. You could have spent more time together.

J: yeah it's not like we were waiting since the past half an hour.

Un: seriously you two lose track of time when you are together.

U: your point?
They all stare at him with their mouths open while manyata has a small smile on her face.

M: can we just eat now?

U: and you are going to take your medicine right after.

M: i don't need it. Seriously you are overbearing. One time is enough.

U: you had it once yesterday and it didnt seem to make a difference so i'll be the judge of whether you need it or no.

M: but Uday..

U: i'm not listening to anything so don't waste your breath. You either eat your food, have your medicine and go back to bed or i'll be happy to keep you at home while the others go hangout with Jagat.

M stares at him and goes to sit beside J, away from Uday.

U: are you 5?

M gives him the silent treatment.

Un: why does she need medicine at this time? Doctor Uncle said she can have it in the evening only.

U: she's still been having headaches. It's why she couldn't sleep yesterday. I know she doesn't like having them but it's better then being sick. Especially when she doesn't like resting the whole day.

J: you know jiji, he's right.

V: i knew something was wrong seeing you M bhai.

Un: so start eating now. The faster we eat, the faster she can take her medicine, right M?

M: stop babying me. All of you. I'm fine now. It was just a headache. I'm not dying for God's sake.

U: can you shut up? Don't talk about death. How can you be so callous about your own health?

M doesn't reply and everyone stays silent after that. M eats her food and goes to her room.

Un: she still didn't take her medicine dada.

U: don't worry about it. I'll take care if it.

J: only you can anyways.

V: i tell you.

Uday goes to her room and sees her sitting on the window nook.

U: look at me.

M refuses to so he grabs her face lightly and tilts it up towards him. He sees light tears in her eyes.

U: what's going on Princess? Why does taking medicine put you off? You were fine in the morning and you were ok with sleeping too. But as soon as you heard about taking your medicine, you became agitated. Talk to me.

She moves over and pats the nook for him to join her then leans on him.

M: im sorry. I didn't mean to lash out. But i don't want to eat these medicines anymore Uday.

U: why? That's exactly what im asking.

M: one time was enough for me. But two times is too much. After eating them i'm always so drowsy. I just want to sleep. My body barely functions with them. One dose i can deal with but two doses is hard. All i do is bed rest. And no matter how much I sleep, it's never enough. I just want to get back to functioning normally. I hate being sick. I'd rather get better at a slow pace rather than take medicine to get better for the time being and then spend the whole day in bed. I know you are worried about me but i know why i refuse to take them.

U: i get it Manyata. You're like a free bird so having to stay caged up in the room is hard. And i know you don't like sleeping all day but maybe your body needs it. You are ignoring your body's need to just rest and you are putting your own needs above it. Im not saying it's wrong to want to function normally. All i'm saying is that go with the flow. You won't be sick for long. Even if you have to sleep for a week, it won't make a difference. But at least taking medicine takes away your discomfort. I'll stay in bed the whole day with you if it makes you feel any better.

M: you always know how to make me feel better. Sorry for the attitude. It tends to come out when things don't go my way. And you usually have to bear the brunt.

U: yeah i noticed, i have a feisty woman. But i'll bear it all as long as you make it up to me later. He hugs her from behind.

M: now can i take you up on your offer of staying in bed with me? I will sleep but stay?

U: lie down. Let me bring my laptop and then i'll join you. Ok?

M: Ok.

The scene shifts to J, Un, and V.

V: M bhai is so scary sometimes. I'm going to make sure to stay away from her today.

Un: oh come on, she's not that bad. She was probably upset about something. That's when she lashes out. I've lived years with that girl. She doesn't get annoyed easily.

J: being sick can make anyone annoyed. Especially when you are confined to your room. But i'm sure Uday took care of it. I didn't hear an explosion go off.

V: i tell you.

Un: i doubt they'll come down anytime soon. Especially since M needs rest so dada will behave like a warden. Why don't we go shopping in the meantime?

V, J: sounds like a plan. Let's go.

Scene shifts to Uday going back to Manyata's room. He sees her in deep sleep and covers her up with the blanket.

U: crazy girl.

He starts doing his work. Two hours pass by with Uday occasionally glancing at Manyata and finishes off his work. Then he decides to wake her up. He sits on the edge of the bed and lightly strokes her cheeks.

U: princess, wake up.

M: uday sone do naa.

U: i wish i could but we don't have much time left. You have to get ready too. Unless you want me to cancel the plan and we can stay in.

M: hmm no don't cancel. I'll get up.

U smiles at her when she wakes up with messy hair and cutely rubbing her eyes with both hands like a small child and pouting.

She leans in on Uday's shoulder.

M: Tell me again why i want to leave the comfort of this room and go to a restobar?

U: first of all because it's not just any restobar, it's mine. Second of all you, we have all come to terms with the fact that you are crazy. So we can expect anything from you.

M: that's rich coming from you. You are worse.

U: but you love me anyways.

M: maybe.

U: you'll admit one day or the other.

M: maybe.

U: you are annoying, you know that? He shrugs her off of him.

U: for someone who hasn't confessed yet, you sure like being all touchy with me. You don't mind our closeness.

M: why should I? You're still mine despite anything i feel. Not everything has to be put in words.

U: true but there's no harm in expressing. However I can wait for the words. But i can torture you just as much.

M: really, how so?

U: your love language is physical touch, so is mine. But I do voice my love too. So just for today you are going to be deprived of my charm and my irresistible body. You should have a taste of your own medicine no?

M: so you plan on keeping me at a distance? Good luck with that baby. You need some sort of physical contact with me just as much as i do even if its a small gesture like a pat on the shoulder.

U: well i can control myself akhir Yuvraj Udayveer Singh hain hum. You on the other hand might find it hard in front of such a sexy man.

M: oh please. Itni galatfehmiyan? I can go a day without touching you. Or even more.

U: fine then. Hand holding is the exception when we are outside. I need to make sure you don't get lost somewhere but other than that whoever gives in first, makes the first move for some sort of contact, hugs or kisses the other loses. And the loser will have to do one thing the winner wants.

M: you have yourself a deal. Be prepared to lose as Rajkumari Manyata ne kabhi haarna nahin seekha.

U: There is a first for everything. Yuvraj Udayveer Singh kabhi haarta nahin nhi. Its not in my nature.

M: we'll see Uday. Now go. I have to get ready.

U: dress to impress.

M: i don't need to impress you. You would love me even in rags.

U: always remember that.

M smiles and he leaves.

Thats it for this chapter. Hope you like it. Please vote and comment. And do leave your thoughts on who you want to win the challenge. Other than that i focus mainly on Manveer with only a touch of the other characters as i love writing about this couple. If you want more of the other characters then let me know.

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