Jackie's Girl

By radinskygirlbruhs

341 4 0


One: The Move
Two: Lunch With Them

Three: In a Relationship

56 1 0
By radinskygirlbruhs


Whoa what? "You're kidding right?" I asked doubtedly. "Er is it pretty quick?" He asked. "Well, if you call me, being in love with you on the first day we met is quick, then I can accept that." I said while laughing. "Sorry what? Who did you say you like?" He asked me unbelievably. "Whatever man." I said and laughed. "We should probably get back to the others." I added. "Yeah. Probably." He mumbled.

"Hey! Let's play Truth or Dare!" Haley suggested. Kyle dared me and said "I dare you to spend twenty minutes in the closet with Jackie." He smirked. We can't get out of that dare or else they'll call us KJs. There was an awkward silence when we got in the closet. Then, we started talking and confessing things and we got to know each other.

Lilimar's POV

"What do you think if we stick our ears in that door and eavesdrop?" I asked excitedly. "We can't. That closet is soundproofed. I mean who would even soundproof a CLOSET?" Brec asked. Talk about major disappointment. "Don't worry guys. We'll find out what's going on between them. Or at least what is going to go on. Whatever that is and whatever's going to happen, we'll find out soon. I mean they've got to tell us someday." Kyle explained. Oh that Kyle. So smart *giggles*. Snap out of it Lili! You've got to maintain your character. For Kyle. 😅

Jackie's POV

I don't know what to do and I'm FREAKING OUT. "So..." She said, breaking that awkward silence. "Yeah I know." I replied. WHAT KIND OF ANSWER DID I GIVE THAT ANGEL?! She just laughed. Close call. "You were serious about what you said earlier in our room?" She asked. Oh no. Am I about to get rejected? "Yes. Are you?" I asked. Please don't reject me, my angel. I'm panicking af now. (I don't wanna say the swear word) "Yes." She simply answered. AHHHH. I'M ON CLOUD NINE IN SEVENTH HEAVEN NOW. She. Likes. Me. Back. She. Likes. Me. Back. Calm down Jackie. That's it. I'm calming down. "Funny how it's my first time to be in love MK. I never realized it would be you." I said. Well what could I say? "You've never been in love? Not even a simple crush?" She asked, surprised. "No. I thought those are for losers, or whatever that's called. Makes me a loser now in my point of view huh?" I told her. "I just realized. I'm new here and we like each other and I don't know a lot about you." She said. "I know. So why don't you tell me what you really want." I asked. Lame question, I know. "I really wanna go back to L.A." She said, dreamily. Wait, she went to L.A.? "You went there?" I asked. "Yeah. When I was just three years old, my parents said they want to visit L.A. again. So we went and I saw how amazing it is. I never wanted to leave but after spending a whole month there, they decided to come back to Texas, dragging me along of course. After we left, I wake up everyday hoping to come back to the place I really loved." She explained. I was awed. "I never knew you already visited my hometown." I said to her. "L.A. is your hometown?" She asked, surprised. "It is. I also miss it but of course I can't go there now." I finished. We just laughed about it and continued doing that for ten minutes. After ten minutes, we were silent again. "What are we now?" I asked her. "I honestly don't know. What do you want us to be, anyway?" She asked. "I want you to be my girlfriend. Will you?" She suddenly went silent. I suddenly felt uneasy. What if I get rejected? I cannot take it to be rejected the first time I fell in love. "Yes." She answered, smiling. GUYS! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND WOOHOO! I smiled back. "Really? You don't know how much you made me happy." I replied. "Should we tell the others?" She asked. I thought anout it and answered. "Nah. I'm pretty sure they're already talking about 'us' behind our backs. They'll figure it out, sooner or later." She smiled. "I guess." She said. I can't resist the temptation and hugged her. "I love you, my angel." I whispered. "I love you too, cowboy." She replied. "Should we start thinking about endearments?" I said as she laughed. "You are one of a kind." She said. "Okay. You decide." She added. "It's weird okay?" I said, uncertainly. "It's fine. Come on. Spit out Jackie." She replied. "What if... I call you Taffy, and you call me Tabby?" I said. "Aww. It's perfect." She said. Wooh. Another close call. I hugged her again. "I love you Taffy." I said. "I love you too Tabby." She replied. We heard someone trying to open the door so we pulled away. The door suddenly opened and six curious faces looked at us. I've got to say, this is the best day of my life.


Woah. I have a boyfriend! And it's Jackie Radinsky! I can't tell you how in love I am right now. The guys questioned us about what happened in the closet but we kept our mouth shut. That went on and on until they gave up. "Come on. Let's just watch a movie." Buddy suggested. "What about Annabelle?" Coy said. I immediately jumped up, taken by surprise. "What's wrong MK?" Haley asked. "Why would we watch that?" I asked unbelievably. Brec smirked. Coy tried to stop his laughter, but failed. Buddy looked at Jackie. Haley went to get the movie. Lilimar gave me an 'it's okay. Just hold Jackie when you're afraid' face. Kyle stared dreamily at Lili. Jackie gave me an 'it's okay. I'll be here' face. Lilimar finally said "It's okay. Jackie'll be here." She said. Okay. I know I'm blushing so I just looked down.

The movie started and they turned the lights off. Lilimar snuggled in the couch beneath the window with Kyle, Brec and Coy both sat on beanbags, Haley and Buddy both sat on chairs beside the study table and Tabby-- I mean Jackie and I sat on the bed. No one can see us so Tabby-- I mean Jackie held my hand the whole time. We were super scared except for Coy because he already watched it. "Watch this part guys! This is the only funny scene in the movie so this is a 'must watch'." Coy said. We all glued our eyes on the TV. Then Annabelle suddenly popped out and oh my god. Lilimar fainted, Kyle looked like he was gonna have a heart attack, Haley went to the bathroom because she said she felt sick, Buddy panicked, Brec pushed Coy off the beanbag, I got so surprised that I went to hug Tabby-- I mean Jackie and Jackie looked so worried that he hugged me back. "What the eff Coy?" Haley said as he got back from the bathroom. "Whatever guys." Coy said while laughing.

The night went on and on. Before we knew it, the guys fell asleep in their rooms. We all went to our rooms and we got ready for bed. Tabby-- er Jackie and I talked for a moment then it was all silent. Then he leaned down and... KISSED ME? He KISSED ME? I started kissing back and we went on like that for what seemed like hours. I gotta admit, he is good *blush*.

>>>>>>>>>>END OF CHAPTER

Heyyy guys. I'll try my best to update soon okay? Ciao guys 😁👍🏻

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