Kill My Time | luke hemmings...

By solar_fIare

49.8K 1.2K 297

Kaley Knight has had unfortunate bad luck when it came to love. She fell in love with one of her brothers bes... More

kill my time
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty- eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty

chapter twenty-six

1K 32 10
By solar_fIare

I've decided that this story will be published traditionally or self published but I would like too know if you'd buy it?

ONCE I WAS able to get my sleep on track it was easier to engage with everyone. Today Luke was planning on taking me around Sydney as a complete tourist. I wore Luke's sweatshirt and light blue jeans. My hair was tied into a ponytail and two strands of hair framed my face.

I bounced down the stairs excited for what he had planned for us today. He was whispering with his Mom when I came down but cut himself off when he saw me. Before I could ask, he handed me a cup of orange juice and gave me a kiss. He was wearing my sweatshirt too.

"Good morning," I mumbled against his lips before taking a big sip. Liz handed me a chocolate chip muffin with a warm smile. Within the past few days, we've become close. It was kind of odd, but it was so natural with her.

"Good morning to you too," he said, kissing me once more. "Are you ready?"

I nodded with a mouth full of muffins. "I just have to grab my wallet," I said, earning protests.

"I'm paying for it, darling. I just want you to have fun today," He said, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me close making me almost spill the juice on him. I had yet to exchange some American money for Australian because Luke hasn't taken me yet. Although now I feel like that was on purpose.

"You're going to spoil me too much," I said, feeding him a piece of the muffin. His Mom laughed at my comment.

"He'd do that even if there was a dollar to his name. Hate to say it, but get used to it, Honey," she said with a wink, turning back to the stove to finish cooking breakfast for everyone else.

Luke twisted me around to lead me out the door so we couldn't continue to talk. It happened a few times when we were supposed to meet up with the boys. I just loved to talk to her and the rest of the boys Mom's. They were all just so sweet and caring. Plus it was great to hear embarrassing stories about them.

Like the gentleman he is, he opened the car door for me and handed me my bag before jogging over to the driver's side. It was so odd for him to be driving on the other side of the road.

He leaned over the middle to press another kiss to my lips. My smile didn't leave my face as we left the driveway. "Are you going to tell me?" I asked as I rolled my window down to let the Australian air hit me.

Luke mimicked me, his wink the only answer to my question. I laughed and tucked a strand of hair behind my head.

Australia from what I've seen was beautiful. It was a little chilly today though but a lot better than back home in Minnesota. We drove for about an hour and I listened to him sing off-key the entire time. He tried to get me to sing with him, but I didn't sing.

Smoothly he pulled into the parking garage and my face lit up when I realized where we were. "You brought me to the Royal Botanical Gardens?"

"Of course. You can't come to Sydney and not see it," he said as I eagerly got out of the car. I intertwined our fingers as he led us to the entrance. I practically skipped the entire way before we actually entered the gardens. He paid for our admission and began to lead me through the large place.

I hadn't realized how large it was until we were staring at a map of it. "We'll definitely have to come back," I told him as we started towards the Rock Garden. I was glad I wore my athletic shoes instead of the flats I wanted to wear. Though I would hope he would have at least told me to change.

The garden was absolutely beautiful but I couldn't for the life of me name any of these winter plants. It was peaceful to just walk around with Luke's hand in mine.

"I need to see this in the summertime," I gushed, running my hand over some of the flowers gently.

"Then I'll bring you. We'll have time before we start working on our next album," Luke said, pulling me to him to take a picture.

"Do you want me to take a photo for you?" An elderly lady asked coming up to the two of us. He gave her his phone and she took a few adorable photos of us smiling at one another. I thanked her knowing that this is a memory that will never fade.

After walking almost the entirety of the park, my feet were killing me. Abruptly, Luke pulled me down onto the grass. It wasn't exactly the warmest to lay here but my throbbing feet said otherwise. Luke looked heartbreakingly beautiful laying there with the winter air hitting his face.

I sat up and began to dig through my bag. "Don't move," I ordered, using my key to open my sketchbook. Annoyingly, my pencils were all the way at the bottom causing me to almost have to dump out the entire bag.

He didn't move this entire time and I turned myself to face him, my sketchbook balancing on my lap. I placed my eraser on my shoe for easy access before putting my pencil onto the paper.

The two of us stayed like that for a while with a lot of people looking at us. I think they realized who he was but didn't want to say anything since I was in the middle of something. Plus I honestly think he fell asleep.

The curves of his face were something I'd already memorized. Every inch came naturally and faster than before. Once I had the outline I focused on his shoulders and hoodie. Then the shadows that the light bathed him in. It wasn't perfect, but I can touch it all up later.

"Can I move now?" he murmured, shifting slightly.

I laughed and continued to shade it. "Yes, you can move," I absentmindedly said, using my finger to smudge under his body.

"Holy crap, Kaley!" Luke exclaimed and I couldn't help but jump. Luckily I didn't have my pencil or else I would have ruined it. His eyes were fixated on the drawing. "It is awesome."

I shrugged at him before fixing part of his jaw. "It's okay. Definitely not my best work," I said, looking at him to see his mouth agape at me.

"Darling, that is amazing and if you say that isn't your best work then I want to know what is," he gushed, heat burning my cheeks.

"Someday," I mused, ecstatic that he liked my art. His opinion was one I valued highly and it would have crushed me if he didn't like it. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off when my stomach let out a loud roar as if it was a lion.

Luke burst out laughing, falling over slightly from it.  When he stood, he brushed off his butt and held out his hand for me. I put my things away and took it, allowing him to lift me off my feet.

"Come on, let's go feed the beast."

"Excuse me, it's at least a dragon."

LUKE AND I spent the rest of the afternoon driving around the town where he had grown up in. He showed me his old high school, where he and the boys hung out, and even his childhood park.

That's where we were now, just swinging lazily on the swings. It was about to get dark out and we'll have to head back soon, but it was a good way to end the night. Our hands hung in the space between, swaying with us.

"Kaley," Luke suddenly said, a nervous edge to his voice. He fumbled with something in his sweatshirt pocket. "I have something to give you."

I gave him my full attention. "Oh?" Was this what they were talking about before we left America?

He let go of my hand and gave me a wrapped box. "I saw this ages ago and instantly thought of you. We weren't even dating at the time and I bought it on a whim. I never thought that I would have a chance to give it to you," he admitted as I pulled the purple bow off. He was nervously rubbing the back of his neck since I hadn't said anything yet.

A small gasp left my lips when I saw the sunflower pendant sitting perfectly on the velvet cushion. I ran my finger over the bumps and curves, falling in love with the simple necklace. There was a crack down the middle and I put my nail in it to reveal inside of it the words 'you are my sunshine'.

"I didn't know it did that," he nervously said, rubbing his palms on his jeans. I took it out of the box, the chain falling off of my fingers.

"Put it on me?" I asked handing it out to him. A look of relief washed across his face as he took it from me. I held up my hair as he brought the chain around my neck.

"How the heck do you guys put these things on without seeing it," he grumbled having failed a couple of times to clasp it. An airy laugh left my lips as he finally got it.

"It's a skill we're born with," I joked, letting my hair fall back down. Already I was fiddling with the pendant and instantly I knew it was going to become a nervous habit.

I leaned over and pecked his lips. "Seriously though, I love it," I told him, a real grin forming on his face.

"I was very nervous to give it to you. Like I said when I saw it I thought of you but I didn't know if you liked sunflowers or not," he explained, wrapping his fingers around mine once again.

I didn't, but he didn't need to know that.

"You're overthinking it," I teased, reaching up to run my fingers through his hair.

Suddenly, a flash of light scared us and to the relief of my beating heart, it was just an officer. "You kids know you're not supposed to be here after dark right?" He asked, giving us a disappointing look. I had a feeling he thought we were younger than we actually are.

Somehow, during the gift exchange, it had gotten pitch black and was officially nighttime. "We're sorry, Sir. We lost track of time," Luke politely said, pulling me up off the swing.

The officer watched as the two of us got into our car and even drove away. It was going on eight at night and I wasn't tired for once. Instead of going back to his house, Luke drove us out of the city. I didn't ask any questions because he loved to surprise me.

Though, I was a little worried when we pulled up to an abandoned warehouse. "Come on, I want to show you something," he said getting out of the car. He went around to the trunk and grabbed a blanket as I got out.

With our hands intertwined, he led me into the broken building. There was a giant hole in the roof where you could see the sky clearly. Rubble and dust covered the floor and the staircase was completely broken in half. Luke laid the blanket down and laid down, holding his hand out for me to join him.

To not risk bruising my tailbone, I laid down without taking his hand. He pouted but was okay when I rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close as we stared out the roof.

The navy blue sky was clear tonight and the stars shined brightly. It was the most peaceful way to end this night.

"Luke, I'm extremely happy that I have met you," I mumbled. "I know I say that a lot, but it's the truth."

He pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "I know you've changed my life so much and I'm excited to see what the world has to offer us."

"Merry Christmas Eve, Luke. There's nowhere else I'd want to spend it."

"Merry Christmas Eve to you too, Kaley. There's no one else I'd want to spend it with."

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