The Cherry Husband

By Akirashiba378

1.5K 36 1

An Omegaverse. In a world full of ugliness, there are struggles he must face alone. Roads he has to travel on... More

Character Profile
1.Director Luo
2.Professor Tong
3.Trip down the memory lane
4.The Cherry Bakes
5.The Owner
6.Rong Tao


344 5 0
By Akirashiba378

1. Omegaverse:
      The Omegaverse is an Alternate Universe (AU) following the hierarchy of wolves. That is to say, the Alpha, Beta, and Omega. This system is what also gives it the name "Omegaverse" as well as the short-term, ABO.

2. Secondary Genders:

     As explained above, ABO stands for Alpha, Beta, and Omega.

a) Alpha :

        Alphas make up about 30% of the population in the Omegaverse, making them the highest rank. There are Male Dominant/Submissive and Female Dominant/Submissive Alphas. They have high intelligence and healthy body, are very protective of what's theirs, and can be highly aggressive.

       Alphas differ from the other kinds in a variety of ways, including their physiology, psychological traits, and physical traits.

        The Knot at the base of an Alpha's member is one of the shared characteristics. When the Alpha is about to the peak, a group of muscles named The Knot expands and is pushed into the Omega to lock itself in and make sure the Omega catches. Alpha females don't have a penis as their counterparts do, instead, they have a retractable member in its place. The womb doesn't exist in female Alphas since they lack a menstrual cycle and are unable to conceive pregnant.

       Alphas typically emit powerful pheromones. The scent of alpha is often quite musky, while it can occasionally be more specific, such as floral, sweet, etc. This smell has the power to excite or induce heat in Omega. They are constantly present during reproduction in enormous numbers. To defend themselves or from other people, they can also manipulate their pheromones.

b) Beta :   

     Betas are normal human without pheromones. They account for 55% of the population. While they are unable to mark or pair with Omegas, they can reproduce with them. Only 5% of Betas can have children with Alphas. Female Betas could get pregnant and have periods, much like female humans on our planet. Betas can reproduce with Alphas, although they feel discomfort to varied degrees when the knot is forced in. Male Betas typically date or marry Female Betas.

c)Omega :

      Omegas are the lower rank in the Omegaverse. They make up 15% of the population. There are both Male and Female Omegas. The majority of them are Submissive, however, compared to Alphas, Male Dominant, and Female Dominant Omegas are rare and valuable.  Male Omegas have the potential to get pregnant and are self-lubricating; this process is also known as breeding or mating.

3. Scent gland :

     The scent gland is situated between the shoulder blades at the back of the neck. Pheromones are secreted by it. Only the A and O genders have scent glands. You can never have one individual with the same fragrance or intensity as another since each person's scent is unique. Omegas emit mouthwatering, seductive scents. Alphas have powerful scents, which can be light or heavy. Scents also are a way of expressing one’s feelings like distress, anger, arousal, and joy.

4. Pheromones :

     Pheromones are scents that are released by scent glands. It is a hidden form of communication They communicate with members of the same species by providing pheromones. In the person receiving them, this causes a reaction, such as a hormonal change or a certain behavior. It serves as a means of communication for mated couples as well.

5. Heat :
      Heat or Estrus occurs only in Omegas. The time between heats might range from 2-3 months to a year. Heats are basically when an Omega is capable of impregnating and may be the only time for them to get pregnant if they are male. What occurs inside the body is it produces a large amount of body heat as the body is in a state of constant arousal. Heat also activates and overproduces the slick glands, which results in part of it leaking out of the anal cavity.
    During this time in Male Omegas, the uterus is being formed, if an Omega is being mated a birth cavity opens the uterus within the Omega to allow the seeds of an Alpha. This is to ensure that the uterus doesn't intake waste disposed of by the body. The time for heat varies, from a few days to a week. The heat can vary in intensity and have different effects on other people depending on how frequently it occurs and certain hereditary characteristics.

6. Susceptible Period/Rut :

     The Alpha's version of heat is called a rut, and during this time the Alpha becomes extremely aggressive and domineering. Once every 4-6 months or once a year. The Omega's heat may be deliberately induced by the Alpha's pheromones during this period when the Alpha is greatly aroused and will seek out an unmarked or unmated Omega to have sexual intercourse.

7. Slick :

     Omegas release a material called slick when they become hot. It is a semi-translucent fluid with a strong sweet scent. It tastes really sweet. Slick is essentially an Omega's form of self-lubrication.

8. Marking :

      A marking occurs when an Alpha and Omega bite at the point where the neck or nape meets the shoulder. Permanent Marking is similar to marriage in that a mated couple practically blends their scents. Temporary marking is the temporary marking of an Omega, typically during a heat period, which will not last long. An Alpha can mark its territory to protect it and prevent other Alphas from claiming the Omega.

9. Nesting :

The Omega gathers personal objects from their partner or loved ones so they may smell them and feel safe.

10. Knot :

      This is found in Alphas and is the primary way to mate with Omegas. The Knot is essentially a bundle of muscles that expand/inflate when the Alpha is about to climax. The Knot also ties them and their mate for a short or long time until it goes down enough to be removed. Removal of the Knot already being tied to their partner is very painful.

11. Medications :

a) Heat suppressants :

     An Omega may often take heat suppressants as tablets to lessen the severity of heat or to stop one altogether. However, they cannot be taken for an Omega’s first heat. This is due to the first heat of an Omega being crucial for development and also the drastic imbalance of chemicals inside their body. Using a suppressor at this time will have minimal or no effect.

b) Rut suppressants :

     Similar to heat suppressors, this reduces the severity of an Alpha’s rut. This pill makes the Alpha less aggressive and also calms them. This medication is also a pill that is easy to take. Like the Omega’s first heat, an Alpha’s first rut is not affected by the pill, oftentimes making the Alpha more aggressive.

c) Birth control :

     This is a large pill that suppresses the uterus production of eggs in Male and Female Omegas. This pill essentially closes the cavity and stops sperm into the uterus. This pill, compared to the others, can be taken by an Omega in their first heat to avoid unwanted pregnancies when and if they mate during it. This pill will not work if the Omega has already had intercourse with a mate.

     In rare situations, illicit medications used to decrease heat or rut, pheromones, and marking are discovered in underground marketplaces.

12. Compatibility :

       Compatibility between Alpha and Omega’s pheromones level is important. With a higher level of compatibility, the pregnancy rate during mating is high. And it helps to soothe the other mated partner in distress.

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