Goldilocks || BNHA OC (Origin...

Oleh liviesizuki

920 68 5

Editor Eve: Hiya, the poll on my Instagram voted to repost the original story, so here we are. If you want... Lebih Banyak

[Ch.1] "First Day at U.A"
[Ch.2] Training
[Ch.3] Search and Destroy
[Ch.4] Picking Class Rep
[Ch.5] Combat Competition
[Ch.6] Hero
[Ch.7] USJ Attack
[Ch.8] Climax
[Ch.9] Sports Festival Start
[Ch.10] Obstacles
[Ch.11] The Fight for 10 Million
[Ch.12] Livitz Sizuki vs Ibara Shiozaki
[Ch.13] Battle On!
[Ch.14] Livitz Sizuki vs Tenya Iida
[Ch.15] Semi-Finals
[Ch.16] Livitz Sizuki vs Katsuki Bakugou
[Ch.17] Hero Names
[Ch.19] Endeavor Agency
[Ch.20] Fight or Flight
[Ch.21] Recovery
[Ch.22] Return to Class 1-A
[Ch.23] Preparations for Final Exams!
[Ch.24] Training Buddies
[Ch.25] Changing Everything
[Ch.26] Enfolded Discoveries
[Ch.27] Final Exams
Author's Note/Conclusion

[Ch.18] Hawks Agency

23 2 0
Oleh liviesizuki

Livitz sat on the subway train, holding her bag eagerly awaiting to see Chiharu. Her leg bounced up and down from growing anticipation. She was ecstatic to see her cousin after so long. It had been a few months since they last saw one another due to school at UA starting for Livitz. Chiharu did send her messages though, saying how proud she was of her little cousin.

Looking out the window, she saw the city of Fukuoka growing large. Her eyes were caught on the massive buildings and terrain of the far mountain range. Pressing her face close to the window, Livitz looked closely at the beautiful city. Seeing the landscape disappear momentarily, the subway train went into a large enclosed tunnel.

After moments of silence and darkness of the tunnel, the approaching light of the station grew closer. Hitting the brakes and stopping the train to let people on and off, Livitz rushed out as soon as she could. Looking around, she didn't see anyone there to retrieve her. Was she at the correct stop or-


Having a miniature heart attack from the loud and roaring voice growing closer, Livitz could feel the gust of wind on the back of her neck. Before turning around, Livitz was swiftly tackled into the ground and squeezed tightly. The slim, but strong grip and muscle from the arms gave away who was hugging the life out of her. It was Chiharu.

Letting out a happy scream, Chiharu's grip on Livitz grew, popping her back in the process. "I've missed you so much!! I missed you, I missed you, I missed you!!" Barely able to breathe now, Livitz squeaked out a few words. "C-Can't... breathe!" Chiharu, hearing her cousin speak meekly, caused her to release the grip.

Standing up straight to get her breathing back under control, Livitz stared at Chiharu. A slim, but strong and well built physique, standing at 5'6. Short, white, and brown hair, with bangs swinging on separate sides of her face. Large angelic white wings swaying lightly with the wind of passing trains. Livitz was obsessed with how gorgeous her cousin was.

After observing her cousin for a second, Livitz swiftly jumped onto Chiharu. Grasping each other into a tight hug, they jokingly sobbed about how much they missed one another. "Aghhh!! Livie!!" "Haru!!" Squeezing the life nearly out of each other, they let go and chuckled softly. "It's been too long!! I am glad you're here." Chiharu grabbed one of Livitz's bags, throwing it over her shoulder.

"I'm glad I was given the offer. I am so happy to be here." Walking alongside one another, they began to exit the train station and head to Hawks Agency. Getting approached by several people along the way, Livitz and Chiharu were both being recognized for their abilities. Finally making it to the agency, they took the elevator up to where Livitz would be staying. "Okay, so first things first, the schedule for this week."

Exiting the elevator, they walked down the short, but well kept hallway of rooms. "Today, you will be settling in and we will begin with some light training for the internship. I want to get a stronger grasp and understanding of your power and strength. Tomorrow, we will go on Patrol's so you can see more of Fukuoka." Leading Livitz to her room, Chiharu held the door open so they could both enter.

Placing her bags on the bed and floor beneath it, Livitz looked out the window at the eye shocking view. She could see nearly the entire city. It was astounding and beautiful. "Wednesday, I agreed to help in the search for the Hero Killer. You know who that is, correct?" Breaking her gaze from the city below, Livitz remembered watching the news just days before.

Ingenium. Iida's older brother had been attacked in Hosu, the most recent location of the Hero Killer, Stain. The cunning but horrifying look of Stain was racked into Livitz's brain. Gulping quietly, she turned back to Chiharu and slowly nodded her head.

Chiharu let out a breath and sat on the bed. "He is currently in Hosu. From what myself and other Pro Heroes have observed, he attacks approximately 4 to 5 people in an area before moving onto another." Livitz walked away from the window and sat down beside Chiharu. "While we are in Hosu, we will be there with Endeavor. You know who he is, I presume?" Livitz nodded her head, knowing of the #2 hero and his son's placement in her class.

"Originally, Keigo agreed to meet up with him, but got stuck with some government meetings and cases, so he is sending me. Not only that, but he has another intern of his own." Surprised to hear he was interning someone else as well, Livitz cocked her brow up and looked at Chiharu. "Fumikage Tokoyami. He is in your class."

Livitz didn't know Tokoyami personally but admired his quirk. It was strong and got him significantly far in the Sports Festival. Livitz nodded her head once more. "He was allowed to bring in two intern requests this year. So he chose the two of you. Back to the schedule, the final two days we will continue training your quirk with Keigo and Tokoyami." Getting up, Chiharu clasped her hands together.

"That's everything, now get your hero costume on and tell me how UA is!!" Letting loose with her speech and seriousness, Chiharu wanted to catch up with her baby cousin. Livitz got up and opened her hero suitcase, letting her cousin see her costume before changing into it. Chiharu frumpled her eyebrows together and observed her costume closely. "I assume your costume is made out of your DNA, correct? To prevent it from melting when using your acid."

Livitz nodded her head as she sat cross legged on the bed. Chiharu pulled the top piece of the costume out and began rubbing the texture. "Good material should be good with your gymnastic skills." Moving onto the bottom portion of the costume, Chiharu noticed the capsules of water. "Your quirk relies on the amount of water in your body, as well as moisture in the atmosphere. I'm gonna have you work on using more moisture rather than the water in your body."

Putting her costume materials back down, Chiharu let Livitz change into her costume. "So, how is UA? Minus the USJ attack, how have things been going?" Livitz began pulling her shirt off and the top of her costume on. "Well, I've made a lot of good friends. Izu got into UA as well and so did Elivity." Chiharu laid flat on her stomach across the bed.

"Yeah, I saw them in the Sports Festival. Although, I don't recall Izuku having a quirk. It was interesting seeing him use one in the battle against Todoroki." Livitz immediately tried to reassure Chiharu, telling her that he was just a seriously late bloomer. Livitz hated lying to her cousin, but All Might trusted her with his and Deku's secret, so she was willing to keep it.

Pulling up her shorts, Livitz went to pull her hair back into a low ponytail. Before continuing the conversation, they were interrupted by a knock on the door. Peeking his head in, they saw Hawks with his casual grin planted onto his face. "Keigo!" Livitz immediately ran up to hug him. "Hey, there gremlin!" Squeezing one another tightly, Livitz felt so happy to see him. Especially after what he told her when she lost to Bakugou.

Placing Livitz back down on the ground, an astonished Tokoyami stood behind them. "Sizuki? I didn't expect to see you here." Livitz casually waved at Tokoyami, giving a friendly hello. "Hey, Tokoyami. I got sent an offer and just couldn't let this opportunity pass. I've missed my cousin and her dorky boyfriend after all." Wrapping her arm around one another's waist, both girls rested a smirk with their expressions.

"Yep, we're a two package deal." Hawks chuckled at their remarks. Tokoyami raised his eyebrows slightly. He didn't know Livitz was related to Talon. Now seeing the two stand beside one another, he could see the similarity in their features. "I see. Well, I look forward to interning here with you Sizuki."

Livitz nodded her head, having an equal amount of excitement to be there. Hawks and Tokoyami left the room, leaving Chiharu and Livitz alone. "Alright, you suited up?" Gazing over, she gave Chiharu a thumbs up.


"Focus, Livitz! Take the water from the air in this room." Holding a stance, her hands were extended and she was trying to pull the water from the light humidity in the room. Closing her eyes, she was focusing hard. "Pull the water, don't create it." Forming light acid in the crease of her palm, she contained it the best she could.

Using her concentration to focus solely on pulling the water, Livitz felt her acid increasing, but the energy within her body stayed the same. Coating her hands with the liquid, Livitz opened her eyes and stared at Chiharu. "Now, don't fire the attack. Control it and bend it without firing in a singular attack at the target."

Melting off her wrist guards, Livitz felt her body tense as she got the heated liquid down to her wrists. Her arms went into an attack stance before she swung her hand out to flick the acid through the target. Not pulling the acid back to her arm, it all went into the ground, burning through the hardened flooring of the training room.

"Pull back with better control and don't let it fall." Livitz felt like her whole body strained from trying to do that. Her muscles were pulling and it hurt like hell. Trembling her hands back up, she closed her eyes and tried to focus like she just had. Repeating the same movements momentarily after focusing, she swung her hand around and flicked the acid into the target again.

Her body strained harder than it had before, releasing the acid into the ground once more, she fell and let out a painful groan. "Fuck... i-it hurts..." Squeezing her eyes shut, she held back her growing tears from the aching pain. Sweat dripped down her body and her muscles tensed harshly. Biting down on her tongue, she clenched her fists shut and pushed herself up.

Chiharu was silent, trusting that her cousin knew what she was doing. The moment she stood, the spark of fury and determination struck in her eyes. Flicking her wrists back, she pulled the water within seconds. From both the atmosphere and the water running through her body, two orbs of corrosive acid levitated above her palms.

She swung her arm forward and sliced straight through the final target. As it slid onto the ground, sliced into two pieces, Livitz stood tall when pulling it back to rest above her hands. The moment her muscles had relaxed and she dropped her arms from stance, she fell forward into the ground. Chiharu rushed over and shook Livitz lightly before realizing she was unconscious.

Letting out a sigh, Chiharu was proud of her cousin's growth and control from one day of training. Picking her up, Chiharu took Livitz up to her room and left a water bottle with a snack on the dresser for when she wakes up. Resting easily, Livitz felt light tingles of pain when moving in her peaceful slumber.


Eventually waking up late into the night, the muscles in her arms were sore and her throat was dry. Seeing the water bottle and snack nearby, she quietly walked over and grabbed them. Opening her water, she walked to her window and gazed outside at the brightly lit city. Upon seeing her reflection, she went to her bags to change out of her costume.

After she was changed into shorts and her hoodie, she sat down in front of the window and resumed her stare over the city. Smiling softly, she took her phone out and captured a beautiful angle of an overview of the city. Deciding to post it on her Instagram story, she could feel her phone buzzing with replies from strangers she didn't know.

Seeing her phone light up, she lightly chuckled with the username she saw. "Katsuki.the.great1..." Livitz was surprised he was up this late, knowing how he'd have a fit over his strict sleep schedule. Picking her phone up, she clicked on his reply to her story.


Why tf are you up so late??


I could ask you the same thing






lmao, don't blow up your room.

I blacked out when training a new

part of my quirk, it caused too much

strain on my body when using it.

Bakugou had raised an eyebrow when reading her response. Clicking his tongue momentarily after, he typed back a reply.


Goldilocks, you're gonna be a

liability just like fucking Deku. You

need to stop blacking out if you really

wanna kick my ass.

Livitz pulled her legs to her chest and read his message quietly, thinking his show of concern was amusing.



Katsuki the great is allowing me to

kick his ass?? :O






lmao, chile.

Putting her phone down beside her, she began eating the small snack that had been left for her. Vaguely hearing the sounds of the city below and around her, she rested quietly with her thoughts.

After minutes of being alone with her thoughts, Livitz leaned onto her back and looked up at the ceiling. Becoming bored of the silence, she picked her phone up to text Bakugou again.


You still awake?

Not getting a response immediately, she placed her phone down on her chest. She let out a breath and closed her eyes. Feeling a vibration against her chest momentarily after, she quickly picked up her phone.


Wtf do you want??


Can we call or something? I'm bored and

can't sleep.


How tf is calling me gonna help?!


idk, entertainment?


fuck off






I'll leave you alone for the rest of the week

Hitting send with her message, the moment the read receipt appeared, an incoming FaceTime from Bakugou popped up. Answering immediately, she chuckled upon seeing his dimmed room ceiling. "What's so funny??" Hearing his voice, she placed her phone down against the window. "I love that you want me to leave you alone for the rest of the internships."

Clicking his tongue, he flipped off the camera and stayed silent. "Wow, that's very kind of you." Giggling once more, Livitz continued eating her snack before standing and going to grab the blanket from her bed. "So... why is there hair spray in your hair?" "I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!!"

Rolling her eyes, she looked back at the camera and smiled softly. "Okay, how is interning with Best Jeanist?" Not responding right away, he mumbled incoherent words that she could barely hear. "What? Speak up, I can barely hear you Katsuki." Groaning annoyingly, he spoke up. "He only fucking brought me here cause he doesn't like my goddamn attitude!"

Livitz chuckled softly, before rolling her eyes. "Katsuki, it doesn't sound like the worst idea. Maybe could help you with becoming the number 1 hero." His vein popped loudly from his skull and he snapped back. "I WILL END THIS CALL WITHOUT HESITATION IF YOU DON'T SHUT IT!!" Livitz laughed once more before looking at the phone and shrugging him off.

Now sitting in silence, Livitz looked off to the side, admiring the view of the lit city below. "What did you think of the view from my room?" Bakugou scoffed and rolled around in his bed. "Looked like a goddamn city, what else?"

Livitz rolled her eyes again at what he'd said. "To me, it looks pretty. Lights up the night sky since there are no stars." Bakugou clicked his tongue, annoyed with her sappy shit. Resting his arms behind his head, the ash blonde stared up at the dimmed ceiling as the conversation went quiet again.

"Goldilocks?" Livitz sighed at the nickname as she gazed back over to the phone with a raised eyebrow. "How is your internship going? You're with Hawks, right?" Livitz turned onto her stomach and nodded. "Yeah, I'm technically interning with my cousin though. Hawks is busy with Tokoyami."

"Why are you there with your dumbass cousin if it's Hawks' agency??" Livitz ignored what he called her cousin and responded bluntly. "My cousin is Talon. I was brought here specifically to train with her. He knows our close relationship and saw potential in me. Besides, I will end up training with them at the end of the week."

Bakugou let out an annoyed breath, slowly feeling his body become tired. Not caring if he was on the phone, he just shut his eyes while vaguely listening to her voice babble on about things.

"-You've become close with Kirishima, right? I met him at a park after school with Mina. They both were kind and enjoyable to be around. You honestly should hang out with them, they're great." Not hearing any scoffs or clicking of his tongue against the roof of his mouth, she waited before soon coming to the realization that he was asleep.

Smiling softly, she went to end the call. "Goodnight Katsuki, have fun with Jeanist tomorrow." Giggling quietly, she ended the call and lowered her eyes. Getting up from the ground, she sluggishly walked to her bed and collapsed with small laughter following.

She curled up under the covers and closed her eyes, forcing herself to try and sleep. Soon after her breathing went calm, she felt herself peacefully return to a state of slumber as she approached the next day of internships.

Editor Eve:

Does she hate him? Or nah?

Make up your damn mind, Livitz.

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