Goldilocks || BNHA OC (Origin...

By liviesizuki

952 68 5

Editor Eve: Hiya, the poll on my Instagram voted to repost the original story, so here we are. If you want... More

[Ch.1] "First Day at U.A"
[Ch.2] Training
[Ch.3] Search and Destroy
[Ch.4] Picking Class Rep
[Ch.5] Combat Competition
[Ch.6] Hero
[Ch.7] USJ Attack
[Ch.8] Climax
[Ch.9] Sports Festival Start
[Ch.10] Obstacles
[Ch.11] The Fight for 10 Million
[Ch.12] Livitz Sizuki vs Ibara Shiozaki
[Ch.13] Battle On!
[Ch.14] Livitz Sizuki vs Tenya Iida
[Ch.15] Semi-Finals
[Ch.16] Livitz Sizuki vs Katsuki Bakugou
[Ch.17] Hero Names
[Ch.18] Hawks Agency
[Ch.19] Endeavor Agency
[Ch.20] Fight or Flight
[Ch.21] Recovery
[Ch.22] Return to Class 1-A
[Ch.23] Preparations for Final Exams!
[Ch.24] Training Buddies
[Ch.25] Changing Everything
[Ch.26] Enfolded Discoveries
[Ch.27] Final Exams
Author's Note/Conclusion


243 6 5
By liviesizuki

A/N: Alright. I keep getting notifications for this story and I feel the need to point out, this isn't the canon story. It has canon details and themes, but nothing is 100% the same as it is in the final copy. That being said, I do appreciate the people who choose to read it, but I would much prefer the attention to the version that doesn't make me cringe to the point of wanting to cry. Sure, the new one has those moments, but they're more tolerable. At least, for me they are. 

If you still have the desire and curiosity to read the OG copy, I have insane respect to you. I hope you enjoy the story. :)

A small 4 year old sat in her front yard, playing with a stuffed teddy bear. Her mother held her two twin siblings by their small hands, while helping her father move boxes from the truck to inside the house.

The blonde pigtailed girl was named Livitz Sizuki, but was also common for going by Liv. The small girl snuggled her teddy bear before a large silhouette appeared in front of her. Looking up she saw an older woman with spiky ash blonde hair, behind her was a smaller boy with similar features.

"Hello?" Livitz smiled, curiously wondering who she was. "Hi, sweetie. Is your mother or father home?" The woman had a warm look on her face when speaking. "Yes, I am her mother. Can I help you?" Lei Sizuki questioned the women.

"Oh, apologies. My name is Mitsuki Bakugou, I saw the moving truck and was curious to see and meet our new neighbors." Placing a hand on her son, she introduced him next. "This is my son Katsuki. Say hi, Katsuki."

The boy had a pissed-off expression, seeming to not want to be there. Rolling his eyes slightly, he waved toward Livitz. While the two mothers continued in small conversation, Bakugou sat on the grass at the edge of the yard, indicating he wanted to leave. Taking a step of courage, Livitz walked toward him. "Hello, I'm Livitz." She held the stuffed animal tightly and sat next to him.

He didn't respond, he continued staring off into space. She sighed and fiddled with her thumbs silently, unsure of what to say. "Kacchan!" Looking up, she saw a boy with messy green hair. "Kacchan, who is this?" Quickly approaching the two, Livitz vaguely hid her face in her teddy bear. Noticing her movement, Bakugou rolled his eyes once again. "This is Goldilocks, otherwise Livitz Sizuki."

"I'm Izuku Midoriya! What would you like me to call you?" Midoriya radiated positive energy and happiness, calming Livitz's slight shyness. Looking up and thinking for a second, she answered. "Call me Livitz or Liv." She smiled calmly as she released her tight grip on her bear. "I'm sticking with Goldilocks," Bakugou muttered while laying down on his back.

She shrugged as a sign she was okay with it. "Deku, what're you doing here?" Bakugou asked without fixing his expression. "Deku? What does that mean? Besides, didn't he say his name was Izuku?" She furrowed her eyebrows thinking about it.

"I was at the park and saw your house, Kacchan. I was wondering if you wanted to come and play?..." He tilted his head downward and looked to the side. Clicking his tongue, Bakugou got up and walked toward his mom. The two watched Bakugou's movement and waited silently.

"Mom? Can I play at the park with Deku?" His mom looked down at him. "Sure. Why don't you invite Livitz? Lei, would you mind me bringing your daughter to the park just across the street?" Lei was hesitant but nodded slowly with a smile.

Midoriya offered Livitz his hand to help her up, making her shakily place her hand out and into his. Intertwining their fingers, Midoriya gave Livitz a reassuring and kind smile to calm the worries she possibly had. Mitsuki guided the three toward the park, letting them run off to play as she sat down nearby. Not letting go of Midoriya's hand, she continued to hold onto it as they climbed up the steps of the playset.

"Midoriya?" Turning his head, Midoriya looked at Livitz with a raised brow. "U-Um...Can I call you Izu?" Her cheeks flushed from her lack of social interaction with others. "Sure, I like that name."

That's where it all began with them.

A few months after moving in, they started Kindergarten at the nearby school. While Midoriya and Bakugou weren't close, they tended to hang out with Livitz separately. Within the following weeks of school starting, Bakugou developed his quirk, changing his attitude and mindset to people around him. Mainly toward Midoriya, but occasionally at Livitz.

As her sixth birthday began approaching, Livitz was nervous. She thought she wasn't going to develop a quirk, but did her best to not mind it since she tried to focus on Midoriya. In the month of Livitz turning six, she came down with a cold. After sneezing harshly, she fired a heated substance straight off her palms and onto her bedsheets. She swiftly screamed in fear with what little of her voice she could use, Lei soon rushing in and seeing the bed.

When she returned to school, she showed her quirk to Midoriya immediately. "Your quirk is amazing Livie!" His eyes lit up with excitement and happiness for her. Sadly though, shortly after her quirk developed, the news of Midoriya being quirkless came to surface. After finding out, it broke her heart to see his dreams of being a hero whittling away. Because she too aspired to be a hero with him.

Upon turning nine, her quirk had an awakening when someone attempted to break into her house. With the burglar finding them off the bat, she stood her ground to protect her younger siblings in crisis. Defending herself with her power, she snapped at them, ordering them to stay back. The tiny snap of her fingertips immediately triggered a huge explosion. Taking down the burglar while also destroying their living room. On the following day, she was taken to a doctor, where they examined and tested her quirk. Finally giving her power its name, Exploding Acid.

Livitz's quirk comes out as a boiling hot acid and when she snaps it explodes. She can produce large amounts of acid from the water in her body and moisture in the atmosphere. The acid won't burn her if it comes in contact with her, it will just act like a normal liquid. If she overuses her quirk, she will become severely dehydrated and can possibly pass out. Her command sequins in her body are when she snaps her fingers. The acid created by her body has a chemical reaction to nitrogen in the atmosphere, it only blows on command though.

For the next few years, Livitz stood up for Midoriya to Bakugou the best she could. Despite their families getting along, Livitz tried to distance herself from Bakugou, not wanting to befriend someone who bullied her best friend. They would attempt to engage in conversation from time to time, but it didn't get far. In spite of their differences, they did have their moments of coming together throughout their childhood. There was suspicion from both Lei and Mitsuki, that they had vague soft spots for one another due to their childhood friendship.

During February of Livitz's eighth grade year, the Sizuki's went on a trip to Tokyo to visit family. "Livitz, sweetie? What're you watching?" Lei questioned when walking by. "The news, there's a villain attack at home. The villain has a kid..." She kept her green eyes glued to the screen as she spoke quietly. Continuing to watch, the camera zoomed into the villain, getting a close-up shot.

Her heart stopped at who she saw.

'Katsuki...' Widening her eyes in horror, Livitz felt her lower lip quiver as no words came out. Following the close-up, Bakugou's expression turned into fear and worry, causing Livitz to place her hand over her mouth while her eyes stayed wide.

With the monologuing of the news reporter, the camera caught a green haired boy darting toward the villain. The world around Livitz went silent for a few seconds as she realized who it was. "I-Izuku..." Her eyelids slowly swelling with tears, she shot up from the couch and screamed, "IZUKU!!" Feeling her legs become weak with strength, she fell onto her knees and looked straight into the ground. Witnessing her daughter break down, Lei quickly rushed to her side and hugged Livitz tightly. 'Katsuki...I-Izuku...' As she was lost in tears, Livitz turned back to the TV, seeing All Might punch the villain to smithereens.

With the greatest relief she'd ever experienced washing over her body, she began to cry tears of joy. Turning to her mother, Livitz latched onto her tightly. "Mom... t-they're alive..." Stroking her hair, Lei held her daughter with a calming ease of warmth. "It's okay, everything is going to be okay..."

Her family left Tokyo early for Livitz's sake. The moment she was home, she rushed to Midoriya's house immediately. Nearly tripping as she ran up to his apartment, she barged into his house. Hearing his front door open, Midoriya peeked his head around the corner. They both saw each other's eyes, and she broke the tension by running at him and tackling him. "W-What??" Livitz hugged him tightly, refusing to let go.

She covered her face in his chest, refusing to let him see her crying. "I understand why you did that... But don't ever do that again! I don't-" Correctly herself immediately, Livitz continued, "-I can't lose you!" Although Midoriya didn't think she saw what happened, he knew eventually she would find out one way or another. His fingers brushed gently through her hair while he slowly hugged her back.

The two didn't move until Livitz felt ready to. "Thank you for attempting to save Katsuki." Smiling down at her, he moved to place his chin on top of her head. "That's what heroes do..." Livitz chuckled at him before getting up from the ground and helping the green boy beneath her.

"Speaking of being a hero, we're not going to be able to hang out as much..." His words caused her eyes to widen. "W-What! Why not?" His cheeks turning slightly red from embarrassment, Midoriya answered reluctantly. "I'm beginning training for the Entrance Exam for U.A. The trainer I found is putting me on a strict, but doable schedule for the next 10 months to help me prepare..." Despite her heartache at spending less time together, Livitz understood.

"That's okay, Izu. We have to make sacrifices to get amazing accomplishments in life." Lifting herself on her toes, she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck. Midoriya immediately embraced her in return. "Besides," Releasing him from the hug, Livitz stood back, crossing her arms. "You could use the muscle on your skinny body."

Widening his eyes, Midoriya playfully pushed her. "Hey! I'm not that skinny..." Raising her eyebrow, she shot him a, 'are you sure about that?' look. He sighed, rubbing his left arm. "Okay, maybe I am..."

Livitz softly erupted with laughter as the two continued their conversation. Slowly, the day turned into night and she returned home. Each week, over the next 10 months, Livitz trained harder and harder, wanting to excel at the Entrance Exam into U.A. And soon, it was the day of the exam.


In order to calm herself, Livitz took deep breaths as she approached U.A. Looking around the courtyard, Livitz saw several different people before getting shoved forward by a familiar ash blonde. "Watch it, Goldilocks." Hearing her iconic name after being shoved forward, Livitz recognized the perpetrator immediately.

"Zip it, asshat!" She shot back upon standing straight. Bakugou spun his figure around to stare down on her. "Dumbass, you may convince yourself that you are strong with your quirk, but if you don't stop, I will blow your ass to bits!" With the subject of her quirk being brought into the argument, Livitz grew aggravated with how he attempted to bring her down to a blind fear of him.

"Oh wow! I'm absolutely terrified! How do you expect to become a Pro when acting like an egotistical dick?!" She shot a sarcastic remark back, before proceeding to walk around him. Livitz didn't want to be expelled or possibly prohibited from U.A before even being accepted. Walking into the building, she followed the other examinees to the Lecture Hall. Approaching the empty row of seats, she recognizes an old friend through the slight crowd.

"Elivity!" Livitz whispered to the strawberry blonde girl. Elivity turned her head and her eyes glowed with excitement. After scooting past several people, Livitz sits down next to her friend. "It is so good to see you!" Elivity spoke softly as Livitz returned the mutual respect. "You too, it's been so long." Elivity hummed in agreement before recalling what she saw at the entrance.

"Liv, who were you talking to out front? He seemed like a major douche." Elivity questioned while looking at her hands. "His name is Katsuki Bakugou, I've known him since we were kids. He has a bad attitude toward everyone." Livitz replied slightly annoyed. "Jeez, why?" She raised her eyebrow. "I honestly don't know, we used to be close friends. For the past few years though, he thinks he is all high and mighty." Livitz rolled her eyes. "Damn, what's his quirk?"

"It is Explosion. He can generate an explosion from the sweat on his palms. It is extremely powerful, just he doesn't have to think he is better than everyone because of his quirk." Livitz crossed her arms and sighed. Elivity nodded slowly in agreement with Livitz's statement about the blonde boy.

Soon, more and more people started filling up the rows and eventually, they were told to quiet down. Livitz headed to her assigned examinee seat, placing her right in between Bakugou and Midoriya. Present Mic stood before them as he was monitoring the informatics of the exam, making Midoriya quietly fanboy. Hearing him, Livitz lightly giggled at his words, finding it to be adorable.

Continuing to listen to Present Mic, they soon gazed down at their entrance examinee cards. "Weird, we have the same battle centers, Katsuki." Livitz furrowed her brows, finding it odd their numbers were one after another, yet they both had the same Battle Center, while Midoriya had a different one.

As Present Mic went on with explaining the exam, a man stood up to point out mistakes within the paper they were given. The blue haired boy went on for a while and as everyone thought he was finished speaking-

"Additionally, you with the messy, unkempt hair! You've been mumbling this entire time, stop that. If you don't care enough to take this seriously, then excuse yourself. You're distracting the rest of us!" The cold and stern look from the man petrified Midoriya, making Livitz feel empathetic towards him.

"Poor Izuku, I know how he hates to be in the center of everything...Plus he can't help it if he fanboys a little...I mean, if I were seeing an icon of mine before me, I'd react the same way..." Livitz glanced at Midoriya and offered a reassuring smile. Trying to ease the tension in the room, Present Mic waved his arms in the air as he thanked the man for his concern. He began to state that the fourth villain was worth zero points, and they should just try to avoid it.

"Thank you very much, please continue!" The man replied while bowing before sitting down as Present Mic promptly concluded the presentation. Afterward, they headed to the Battle Centers. Elivity and Livitz were in workout attire, standing around talking. Being cut from their conversation, Present Mic spoke from above.

"Right! Let's start!" He exclaimed loudly. The students just stared at him with a blank slate of confusion across their faces. "Get moving, there are no countdowns in real battles!" He quickly stated.

A smirk forming on her face, Livitz bolted. With or without her quirk, she had always been an exceptionally quick runner. She runs into the Battle Center and approaches three combat villains off the bat. She blasts up and jumps toward a building, then turns and fires acid at them. Snapping, the combat villains broke down into pieces. Within minutes, Livitz had her acid fired left and right at every combat villain within her view. Being mindful of her quirk's disadvantages, Livitz began running down the city before seeing it...

The enormous zero pointer they'd been advised to avoid.

'How the fuck do they expect us to avoid this...' Livitz's eyes grew wide as she looked around, trying to make a plan. At the corner of her eye, her gaze struck directly onto falling debris of a building, two examiners located right below it...

Her heart pumping fast adrenaline, Livitz blasted herself from the ground as she sliced a line of acid through the broken debris. "Look out!!" Taking the hands of the two examiners who'd been beneath the rubble, Livitz began running as fast as she could to get out of sight from the zero pointer.

Once in a safe in an enclosed area, the loud ringing from the timer set off across the Battle Center, concluding the exam. As Livitz walked out into the open, she let out a small breath as the two examiners she'd saved began strolling off on their own. 'Hopefully I didn't fail from losing focus like that...' She thought while looking down at her mildly dusted hands.


Upon returning home, Livitz decided to talk to Midoriya since he didn't have a quirk. The phone rang for a few seconds before someone picked up. "Hey Izu. How did you do on the exam? I think I did okay, just wanted to make sure you're confident with yourself."

There was nothing but silence, she was quiet before speaking again. "Izu? Are you okay? Or am I not getting a clear signal?" She questioned aloud. Sitting up straight and listening closely to her phone, she faintly heard soft sobs. "Izuku! Are you okay?? What happened? Why are you crying??" She quickly began questioning him.

"I failed... I couldn't get any points..." He quietly cried out. "Oh Izu... I am so sorry. I think you gave it your all though. Don't give up hope yet, you never know. How about this, if you don't get in, I won't go either? I don-" She was quickly cut off by the green haired boy.

"No! Y-You're not throwing away your dream for me!" He yelled. This was the first time she had heard him yell at her. "Izuku..." "No! Don't give up a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. I am going to support you whether you like it or not!" He cleared his throat.

A sigh escaped her mouth, "Okay, Izu. Still. Don't give up on yourself, you never know." A smile formed across both of their faces. "O-Okay, Liv... I gotta go. See you later." He stuttered. "Ok, I love you Izu." Speaking softly, she readied herself to end the call. "I love you too, Livitz..." He smiled softly before hanging up. As she put her phone down, Livitz heard her twin siblings from behind her. "You love Izu~" Akemi teased while pointing a finger at her. "We're gonna tell mom you like him!" Jet laughed.

She quickly turned to anger. "You little shits! He is like you except he is nice AND ACTUALLY HAS A HEART!!" Hopping over her couch, she ran toward her siblings with her acid ready. "LIVITZ SIZUKI! IF YOU BURN DOWN OR BLOW UP ONE MORE PIECE OF FURNITURE IN THIS HOUSEHOLD, I WILL PERSONALLY KICK YOUR ASS!!" Lei yelled from the other room. The two children began snickering and laughing at what was being heard.

"Fine, guess we're doing this the old fashion way~" Cracking her knuckles, she takes a step closer to them. "Oh, Shi-"

~A week later~

Livitz was in her room on her laptop. She had her earbuds in and was listening to music before her mother gently knocked on her door. "Livitz! I have a letter from U.A. It's addressed to you!" Her mother quickly squealed. Getting up from her desk, she slowly walked toward her mom. Taking the letter from her hand, Livitz opened it. Realizing it was a virtual letter, she placed it on her desk causing the video to pop up in front of her.

"Hello, Livitz Sizuki! I am happy to inform you that you have been accepted to U.A Highschool. I am the Principal, Principal Nezu. You placed second in the Practical Exam, you had fifty three Villain Points and twenty three Rescue Points. You are being placed in class 1-A with Mr.Aizawa. You did well with your diligent and devoted attitude in the exam. We look forward to having you on campus, keep up the great work!" Nezu had a warm smile on his face, making a calm and happy first impression on Livitz.

Her eyes welling up with tears, Livitz turned to Lei, unable to believe what she was hearing. "I-I am going to be a hero..." She tearfully muttered with a soft smile. Her mother sat down beside her with small tears trailing her eyelids. "I am so proud of you, honey... I can't wait to tell your father..." Lei spoke quietly before embracing her daughter in a warm hug, showing her true happiness toward Livitz's success.

Editor Eve:

Holy shit. My original prologue is way different than the current one. 

The writing sucks, Livitz is emotionally cringe, but at least it wasn't 1000 words like some of my other chapters. Lol.

Hope you enjoyed it.

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