Arrange marriage (Yizhan) :

By Jiang_yanli857

35.1K 1.9K 434

Xiao Zhan comes back to China from Thailand after knowing about his grandma's condition. With time grandma Xi... More

Character Introduction :
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Epilogue :
not an update :


6.1K 253 53
By Jiang_yanli857

Mistakes ahead. Please bear with them. Thanks.


Xiao Zhan was busy in his art work. He got a call from someone. He smiled looking at the caller's id.He happily picked up the call.

Xiao Zhan : hello grandma! How are you?

From the other side came reply : Zhan! It's me, your mom.

Zhan : mom! How are you? How's dad and others?

Mrs. Xiao : Everyone's fine Zhan. How are you?.

Zhan : I'm fine. Mom! Why did you called me from Grandma's phone? Is she OK?.

Mrs. Xiao went silent for a while, then said : She's ill.

Zhan got shocked, he asked : ill? What happened to her?

Mrs. Xiao : Zhan! Your grandma.... She's.... She's seriously ill. She wants to see you before her.... (Mrs. Xiao was sobbing)

Zhan also had tears in his eyes hearing about his grandma.

Zhan said : mom! I'll come back to China in two to three days.

Mrs. Xiao : OK.

Zhan : mom! Take good care of grandma and of yourself too OK?

Mrs. Xiao : OK. You too.

Mrs. Xiao cut the call. Mrs. Xiao went to grandma Xiao's room as grandma was calling her.


Xiao Zhan packed up his stuff. He informed his friends about his today's flight to China and that he'll come back soon.

Zhan bid farewell to his friends who came to the airport to drop Zhan.

Zhan sat inside. He was worried about his grandmother. He just wanted to meet his grandmother as soon as possible. Zhan closed his eyes as the plan was about to take off.


It was a long journey from Thailand to China. Zhan was much tired.

Finally he reached his home by a taxi. He rang the bell. After sometime, the door opened. It was Mr. Xiao who opened the door.

Zhan hugged his dad tightly. Mr. Xiao patted Zhan's back lovingly.

Zhan saw his mother coming towards them, he ran towards her and hugged her. Zhan started sobbing mumbling 'grandma is ill'.

Mrs. Xiao kissed her son's forehead and said, "Zhan! Go meet your grandma. She has been waiting for you since i told her about your arrival".

Zhan, "OK mom". Zhan went to his grandmother's room. Zhan saw his grandmother lying on the bed with eyes closed.

Zhan softly called, "Grandma! I'm home".

Grandma opened her eyes and became really happy to see her beloved grandchild.

Zhan went towards his grandmother and hugged her. Grandma patted Zhan's head.

Zhan pouted and said, "Grandma! You got ill and didn't even informed me?"

Grandma carassed Zhan's cheek and said, "Oh my child Zhan Zhan! Don't be angry now, OK? I'm fine. And after seeing you I'm feeling much better now".

Zhan, "Grandma! But still...
Anyway... I'm gonna stay with my grandma, I won't go anywhere".

Grandma patted Zhan's head and said, "That good. When you're away Grandma misses you so much. Don't go, OK?"

Zhan smiled and said, "OK".

Mrs. Xiao came there. She brought food for grandma and Zhan.

Zhan, "Mom! You brought my food here too".

Mrs. Xiao, "Yes because I knew that you'd only eat with your grandma".

Zhan giggled and said, "You are right. I'll eat with my young beautiful grandma".

Grandma, "I'm old now. How can I still be beautiful?"

Zhan kissed his grandma's cheeks and said, "You'll always be beautiful matter how old you become or you loose all your teeth".

Grandma, "Hey! My teeth won't fall".

Zhan, "Hehe.... They will".

Grandma pulled Zhan's ear saying, "You naughty kid".

Zhan, "Ouch... Ouch... Ouch... Grandma.... It hurts... I'm sorry naaa.... I won't say it again".

Grandma left Zhan's ear which was red by now. Zhan pouted while. Rs. Xiao and grandma chuckled.

Zhan enjoyed his food with his grandmother.


Zhan slept in his grandma's room that night.

Zhan, "Grandma! Tell me a bed time story".

Grandma, "Zhan! Are you a kid that you want to listen a bedtime story?"

Zhan snuggled closer to his grandmother and said, "Yes, Zhan Zhan is three years old.. Hehe".

Grandma pinched Zhan's cheek and said, "OK 3 years old baby. Grandma will tell you a bedtime story".

Zhan, "Grandma! Tell me a story of your childhood as you used to tell me in my childhood".

Grandma, "you're childhood? But aren't you three years old now?"

Zhan whined, "Grandma! Don't tease me".

Grandma laughed and said, "OK ok... Don't get mad 3 years old baby".

Zhan giggled and hugged his grandmother saying, "You're the best grandma... I love you soooo much".

Grandma kissed Zhan's forehead and said, "Grandma loves you too my child".

Grandma told Zhan her childhood stories. Most of them were funny as Grandma was also a naughty child.

After sometime, Grandma slept. But Zhan was awake.

Tears fell from Zhan's eyes.

Zhan thought, "Grandma! Wish you could stay with us for longer. I have lost grandpa... I don't want to lose you too".

Zhan silently cried. He hugged his grandmother and closed his eyes.

Zhan came out of his room and saw some guests sitting in the living room with his parents and grandmother.

Mrs. Xiao, "Zhan! Come here. Meet your Carmen aunty and brother Haikuan".

Zhan greeted them.

Carmen, "OMG! Our Zhan Zhan has grown up... Come here... Sit with your aunty".

Zhan smiled and sat with Carmen. Zhan started talking with Carmen. He came to know that Carmen is
Mrs. Xiao's childhood friend. Also his grandpa was friend with elder Wang.

Carmen and Kuan left after lunch. They visited the Xiao's to ask for grandma's health. Mr. Wang couldn't come because he had to attend an urgent meeting. The Xiao's bid farewell to them.


Today Xiao Zhan went to the market to buy something for his grandmother.

He was roaming in the market. His eyes fell on a couple with a small boy. The couple were buying birthday present. The little boy was excited and he was asking that 'Grandma will love this present, right?'

His mother replied, "Yes my son, your grandma will surely love it". The little boy gave a big smile.

Zhan's eyes filled with tears. His grandmother's birthday will be after 2 months but till then....his grandmother won't servive.

His grandmother is heart patient, she has 2 holes in her heart. She has less time left, even less than a month. Zhan's eyes became teary. He didn't even noticed that someone is standing in front of him and is talking on the phone with someone.

Zhan bumped into that person. The phone fell from that person's hand on the ground. Zhan came back to his senses.

The person shouted, "Are you blind? Can't you walk properly?"

Zhan apologized picking up the broken phone. He looked up at the person and was mesmerized by the charisma of the person.

Zhan was staring at the person while the person was glaring at Zhan.

The person slapped Zhan's hands due to which the broken phone again fell on the ground.

The other person in a cold tone said, "You blind man! Don't let me see you again", saying this that person left. Leaving Zhan shivering due to the cold tone.

Zhan came out of his Trans. He looked here and there but he didn't found the person.

Zhan looked here and there, all the people were looking at him. They were noticing Zhan and the other person since they heard the shout of the other person.

Zhan steadied himself and left from there. He hurriedly picked up the  bracelet which fell on the ground after he bumped into that person. He bought these bracelets for his grandmother. He didn't even noticed that he has picked up only one bracelet.

He then drived back home. On the way Zhan was thinking about the cold person.

Zhan thought, "He was so handsome. But what's the use of such handsome face when you are a this cold. Mr. Ice prince".

Zhan giggled and said, "Mr. Ice prince! Quite suits him".


On the other hand, Wang Yibo was very angry when he came back home. His mother Wang Carmen Lee was about to hug Yibo but Yibo took two steps back.

Carmen, "Yibo! Won't you let your mother hug you?"

Yibo, "Sorry mom but I don't like physical contact".

Wang Haikuan, Yibo's elder brother came there and asked reading Yibo's facial expressions, "Yibo! You look angry? What happened?"

Yibo, "Nothing brother.... Just met an annoying blind person".

Carmen, "Oh... Is that so? And have you brought what I told you?"

Wangji, "Yes mom".

Carmen, "Yibo! Won't you ask why I bought these couple rings for?"

Yibo, "I'm not interested", saying this Yibo went straight to his room.

Carmen sighed and said, "Looks like... He's still angry with us as we sent him to London for studies at young age".

Haikuan side hugged his mother and said, "Mom! Don't worry. He'll become cheerful again after his marriage. His future husband will surely change him with his cheerful nature".

Carmen, "Hmm.. I hope so".

On the other hand, when Yibo was changing his shirt something fell from his shirt pocket. He looked down and saw a bracelet.

Yibo picked it up and thought, "How did it came in my pocket?"

Then he remembered that annoying boy. He clenched his fists. He wanted to throw the bracelet away but some unknown force was stopping him. So finally he sighed and kept the bracelet in his side drawer.


When Zhan reached home, he first of all ran to his grandmother's room. He saw his grandmother holding a photo frame. Her eyes were teary.

Zhan went towards her and saw that his grandmother was holding a picture of his grandpa.

Zhan side hugged his grandmother and asked, "You're missing grandpa?"

Grandmother, "Yes I am. But... No worries because... Im gonna meet him soon"..

Zhan, "Grandma!"

Grandmother kissed Zhan's forehead lovingly and said , "Don't be sad my grandchild.... Grandma will always be with you".

Zhan nodded. Zhan then took out the bracelet from his pocket and got shocked as there was only one bracelet.

Grandma asked, "What are you searching for?"

Zhan, "I bought two bracelets but one is missing. Yours one is here but mine one is missing".

Grandma, "It's OK... You can keep mine one".

Zhan, "It's OK grandma... I'll buy another for myself.. Here let me help you wear this".

Grandma wanted to refuse but couldn't seeing her grandchild's happy face. Zhan helped Grandma in wearing the bracelet.

Zhan kissed his grandma's hand and said, "It looks great on your hand grandma".

Grandma smiled and said, "thank you".

Suddenly grandma tightly held her heart. She was feeling a sharp pain in her heart.

Zhan got much scared. He hurriedly called his mom and dad. Mr. Xiao came there. He told Xiao Zhan to help him in taking grandma toward the car.

They all were tensed. They hurriedly took grandmother to hospital. Grandma was taken to emergency ward.

The Xiaos were waiting outside.
Mr. Xiao was trying to calm his family.

After sometime a doctor came out and said, "Mr. Xiao! For now she's out of danger but.... Next time...".

Mr. Xiao asked, "Any solution for it?"

Doctor, "We have to perform heart surgery but.... There aren't much chances of servival".

Mrs. Xiao and Zhan hugged each other and cried more.

Mr. Xiao, "how much chances are there?".

Doctor, "I'm sorry to say but....there are only 20 percent chance. Take your time... Think about it then tell me. Now you can meet her and after an hour you can take her back home".

The doctor left. Mr. Xiao looked at his family who's eyes were red due to crying. Mr. Xiao hugged his family.

They went inside the hospital room to meet Grandma xiao. Grandma Xiao was lying on the hospital bed with eyes closed. Zhan ran towards her and hugged her slowly, he can't hug her tightly now.

Grandmother slowly opened her eyes. She weakly smiled and carassed Zhan's head.

Zhan with teary eyes said , "Grandma! You scared me to death".

Grandma softly carassed Zhan's cheek and said, "My good grandchild! My time has came to an end. I can leave anytime. You have to be brave".

Zhan shook his head in a 'no'.

Grandmother asked, "Zhan! Will you fulfill your grandma's last wish?"

Zhan, "Yes... Yes I will". Mr and
Mrs. Xiao became alert as they knew what grandma is about to say.

Grandma, "My last wish see you get married".

Zhan looked at his grandmother confused and asked, "Get married?"

Grandmother, "Yes. My grandchild! You will marry, right? You will fulfill your grandma and grandpa's wish right?"

Zhan, "yours and grandpa's wish?"

Grandma, "Yes. Ask your mom and dad about it. They will tell you everything".

Zhan looked at his parents who nodded at him.

Zhan though for a while and then said, "OK I will marry dud this marriage thingy came in between?"

Mrs. Xiao, "Son! I'll tell you". Zhan nodded.

Mrs. Xiao, "Son! Your marriage has been fixed in your childhood with Elder Wang's younger grandson. As you know your grandpa and elder Wang were friends and also I was friend with Carmen. I and your father agreed with this decision. We thought we'll tell you on a suitable occasion".

Zhan was unblinkingly looking at his mom. He was shocked at the news. He didn't had any knowledge about this. He was engaged in his childhood to Carmen's son.

Zhan came out of his thoughts when he heard his Grandma's voice.

Grandma, "My grandchild! It was your grandpa's wish to turn his and elder Wang's friendship into a family relation. Will you fulfill your grandparent's wish?"

Zhan's mind was blank. He couldn't think of anything.

Zhan looked at his grandma and said, "Anything for you grandma".

Grandma gave a huge smile and hugged her grandson.

Grandma, "Thank you my grandchild. Your grandpa's soul will be very happy now".


On the other hand, Carmen got to know about Grandma Xiao's condition. She called Mrs. Xiao and said that 'she wants to come to the hospital to meet grandma Xiao'.

Mrs.xiao told her about everything and also told her that they're going to fix this marriage soon as grandma wants to see Zhan getting married. Carmen Lee agreed.

Carmen went to Yibo's room and knocked at the door.

Yibo coldly said, "Come in".

Carmen went inside and said, "Yibo! I want to tell you something".

Yibo who was working on his laptop said without looking at his mom, "Yes I'm listening".

Carmen, "It's about your marriage".

Yibo looked at Carmen and asked, "what marriage?"

Carmen, "Your marriage".

Yibo sternly said, "Mom! I'm telling you. I don't want to marry".

Carmen, "You have to. We didn't told you this but now I'm telling you, your marriage was arranged in your childhood by your grandpa with his friend's grandson".

Yibo, "What? An arrange marriage?"

Carmen, "Yes and you can't refuse. It's fixed. You have no choice. Your partner has already agreed for marriage. And we will fix a suitable date for marriage soon".

Yibo, "Mom! How could you do this to me. I don't want to marry".

Carmen, "As I said... You have no choice at all, you must marry and that's it", saying this Carmen left the room.

Yibo clenched his fists and said, "I'm going to marry but I will that person's life hell. He'll regret marrying me".


Yizhan's marriage was fixed after a week. Mrs. Xiao wanted an engagement first but couldn't as grandma's condition was worsening day by day and they couldn't late the marriage.

The Xiaos and Wangs exchanged wedding gifts. They bought wedding suits also. They were very happy.

Yibo and Zhan didn't met each other as it was the Wang family's tradition that the bride and groom can't see each other before marriage. The bride has to wear a vail and the vail can only be removed by the groom on wedding night.

Where everyone were happy our main couple were sad and angry. Zhan was sad while Yibo was angry.


Finally the wedding day came. Zhan got ready wearing his white suit. He was sad. He didn't even know how does his husband look like and also his grandmother....her condition is not good, she can leave them anytime.

Zhan came out of his thoughts when he saw his mom coming inside the room.

Mrs. Xiao kissed her son's forehead and said, "My son looks so handsome today".

Zhan with a small smile said, "Thank you mom".

Mrs. Xiao, "Zhan! I know you're tensed and not happy about this marriage but... I can't do anything. I'm sorry". Mrs. Xiao had tears in her eyes.

Zhan wiped his mother's tears and said, "It's OK Mom. Don't worry. You just... Pray for my happy life".

Mrs. Xiao wiped her remaining tears and said, "I will my son... I will. May God give you a happy and joyful life".

Zhan hugged his mom.

Mrs. Xiao, "Let's go! The guests have already arrived". Zhan nodes.

Mrs. Xiao took Zhan to the wedding hall. Zhan was wearing a vail, his face wasn't showing. Zhan could only see blurry images.

Mr. Xiao took Zhan's hand and took him toward the stage. Zhan could see a blurry image of a person in black suit on the stage.

Mr. Xiao gave Zhan's hand in Yibo's hand saying, "Take good care of my son". Yibo only nod.

All the guests settled down. The priest started taking the vows. Zhan felt pain in his hand as Yibo was holding Zhan's hand too tightly. Zhan tried to get free from Yibo's tight grip but all in vain.

Zhan uttered a painful voice.

The priest asked, "Everything alright young lad?"

Yibo glared at the person in the vail and then he heard an angelic voice saying 'I'm fine thank you'.

Yibo thought, "I think I have heard this voice before.... But where?"

Yibo came out of his thoughts when he heard the priest starting the vows.

Priest, "Xiao Zhan! Do you take Wang Yibo as your lawfully wedded husband. For richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to have and to hold, to love him and to cherish him".

Zhan kept quiet for a while. Yibo thought 'Is he gonna say no?'

But Yibo was wrong because Zhan said 'yes I do'.

The priest asked Yibo.

Yibo gritted his teeth. If he could do something, he'd have strangled this bride of his and would have run away far from China.

Yibo came out of his thoughts when he heard Carmen saying 'Yibo! Say yes'.

Yibo sighed deeply and finally said in a cold tone, "I do". Yibo and Zhan exchanged the rings.

Yibo looked at Zhan's delicate small hands. He slided the wedding finger in Zhan's ring finger. Zhan's hands were so soft. Yibo smiled a little but then shook his head. Zhan also slided the finger in Yibo's ring finger. Zhan's hands looked small as compared to Yibo's big and strong hands.

Priest, "now I consider you both as husband and husband. You may seal the marriage with a kiss".

Yibo unwillingly kissed on Zhan's forehead and his mom earlier told him to do so.

The crowd clapped for the newly wedded couple and congratulated them.

The wedding went smoothly. Yibo was meeting and talking with the guests but only Haikuan knew that Yibo is much annoyed. Kuan was praying that Yibo doesn't do anything bad to Xiao Zhan.


The wedding ended. The guests left. Zhan hugged his mom and dad. He finally hugged his grandma and started crying. His face was still covered with the vail.

Grandma gave her blessings to Zhan and kissed his forehead. Zhan bid farewell to his family and went to Wang mansion with his new family.

Carmen took Xiao Zhan to Yibo's room. And told him to sit comfortably. Everything's gonna be alright. Zhan only nodded.

Carmen warned Yibo not to hurt Xiao Zhan otherwise it won't be good for him.

Carmen, "and most importantly... Zhan is gonna live in Yibo's room so.... Don't throw him out of your room".

Yibo annoyingly said, "OK ok.... I won't. Now please... Can I go... I'm tired".

Carmen sighed and said, "OK but remember what I told you".

Yibo rolled his eyes and said, "OK I got it". Yibo shook his head and went to his room.


Thanks for reading...

I'm writing this ff on request of @gameover3636. Hope you're like it.

Do vote and comment...

Love ya all, my marshmallows...

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