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By The-Unforgiv3n

1.3K 28 50

Sadie's mother ships her off to summer camp, Sadie thought it would be a miserableοΏΌ 3 months. But when she me... More

Fucking Summer Camp?
First Day of This Fucking Hell
He Told People What!
Lars Ulrich Is A No Good Fucker!
Who The Fuck Is Stalking Me!
Holy Shit I Think I love Kirk Hammett!
Sadie's My Wingman!
Lars Ulrich Is An Asshole!
Kirk Confesses!
Her Mom Did What!
Where Could She Have Gone?
Kirk's A Hero!
You Did What To Him!
I Need To Apologize..
No Life 'Till Leather!
I'll Kill Her!
He'll Be Fine!
I Got A Letter!
Luna Ulrich?
A/N πŸ’ž

Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Hammett!

70 2 1
By The-Unforgiv3n

I stop breathing for a second.. Kirk Hammett.. cutest guy I've ever seen in my life.. is in love with me..?

"Shit.. sorry I didn't mean to just spring that on you.. um.. I know we haven't know each other for long but... i can't see to get you out of my head and I got so fucking jealous when I saw you talking with Dave and whoever the fuck was with him.. I just.. sorry I'm rambling..." Kirk says fast and lets out a deep sigh

I continue to look at him speechless..

"Sadie..?" He asks confused

A look of hurt goes across his face and he turns away from me, as tears start to fill his eyes

I take my hands and pull his head back over to me

"What are you-" he starts to say as I cut him off kissing his soft lips

"I think I'm in love with you too, Kirk.." I reply smiling

"Uh guys.. everything okay..?" Lars announces

We pull away from each other and look over at Lars

"Uh yeah i was just talking about earlier.." Kirk stutters out

Lars looks between the both of us before shrugging and turning his attention back the the group

Kirk looks back over to me and smiles, he grabs my hand and laces his fingers with mine

"So I guess we should talk about us then..." he says smiling even more

"Yeah.. I guess we should.." i reply

"Hey love birds! They're serving dinner let's go eat." Cliff announces

I start to blush from embarrassment

"Ignore them, they're fucking assholes" Kirk says laughing

We both get up and start walking towards the dining hall

"Sooo Sidddd!" James says in a high pitched voice

"Yesss Jamesss!" I reply in the same tone

James looks ahead to see if the guys were way ahead of us.. which thankfully they were..

"I saw the kiss between you and Hammett." He says in a serious tone

I stop walking and look over at him with wide eyes

"I- uh- wha- what do you mean.."

He smirks over at me and laughs

"He's got a girlfriend ya know..." he says

Holy shit... and that girl MUST have been his girlfriend! IM SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT

"Oh.. um I think I better go then.." I say speed walking up to get my food

"Sid!" Cliff yells out

I turn around and look over at him

"Yeah..?" I reply

"What happened? James said he was talking to you and then you just randomly left.."

"Oh uh.. no reason just really hungry.." I say with a sad look on my face

"Look if it's about kissing Kirk.. ignore whatever James says.. Kirk likes you man!" He exclaims

"He has a girlfriend cliff.."

He looks at me confused

"Wait.. Kirk has a girlfriend..?" He asks very confused

"Yeah.. James told me.. and look it's my fault to begin with.. I kissed him so tell him I'm sorry but I've gotta go.." I say walking away as tears spill out of my eyes

"SID WOULD YOU WAIT A SECOND!" Cliff yells out grabbing onto my wrist and pulling me back

"He doesn't have a girlfriend you fucking idiot!" He says laughing

"But James said.."

"James is just fucking with you, the only girl he wants is you sid.." he adds

I look at him dumbfounded.. that fucking asshole!

James walks over to us and starts laughing

"Sid I was just kidding!" He says wiping tears from his eyes

"You're a fucking asshole dude!" I say lightly punching his arm

"Go talk to him, maybe he'll get the balls to ask you out." Cliff says pointing at the table Lars and Kirk was at

"Let's go dudes before Lars talks his ear off" I say walking to that said table

"Look I understand that some people like pop and shit but like couldn't they branch out and like other stuff.. like why can't you like Madonna while also having some actual taste and listening to Motörhead! Motörhead In my opinion is WAY better!" Lars rants to Kirk

Kirk stares off thinking of god knows what ignoring the danish fucking idiot to the right of him.

I sit down on his left side as James and Cliff sit across from us

I feel something grab my hand from underneath the table and I glance down to see Kirk's soft hand grab mine and interlock our fingers

"Lars.. what the fuck are you even talking about dude.." I say confused as fuck

"He's complaining about how he thought this girl was hot but he found out she likes Madonna and thinks Metal is satanic.." Kirk says rolling his eyes

"Lars literally.. that's pretty much all the girls at camp." James replies

"Hey!" I say sounding offended

"Okay correction.. all the girls EXCEPT Sid.." James says correcting himself

"It just fucking sucks dude.. Kirk gets someone but we don't!" Lars expresses

"I'm sure you'll find someone Lars"

"Yeah, if they can handle you talking non fucking stop." Cliff scuffs

"Okay you don't need to be an asshole Clifford." Lars snaps at him

Cliff glares at him, clenching his fist till his knuckles turn white

"Call me that again.. and I will kick. your. ass." He warns

Lars face becomes pale and he looks away from the very pissed off Cliff

"Well.. that was very.. entertaining and all but.. um.. Lars you should know what all the girls like at this camp.." I say

"Well there is this one girl.. I don't know what she likes but she's cute.." He adds

"Okay go up to her and find out shit.."

"NOO! I can't just GO up to her! I need like a plan or something.." he exclaims

"Lars.. that's literally the most stupidest shit I have ever heard.."

"PFFF! She's not wrong Lars.." James says laughing

"Look which girl are you talking about.." I ask him

Lars looks around the room for a few seconds till his head stops and he points at her

"Her." He says with a smirk

Hmm a blonde.. what's new.

"Watch this.." I say getting up

"Woah where are you going? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Lars exclaims whisper yelling

"Just watch.." I continue to walk over to her and sit at her table

She looks over at me and looks really confused

"Uh.. hi..." she says shyly

"Hi, what's your name?" I ask her

"Diana.." she says quietly

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sadie.. how old are you?" I ask her trying to make her feel more comfortable

"17.. what about.. uh.. you?"

I smile at her "I'm 17 too! Hey quick question.. what music do you like?"

She smiles back at me " I actually enjoy listening to everything.. anything basically.."

I smile wider.. bingo!

"Awesome! So it's safe to say you listen to Metal?"

"Yeah! If I had to chose a genre.. it would have to be Metal.. makes me feel like.. I'm at home or something.."

I nod "me too! Hey you see that guy over there with long ass brown hair?" I say pointing to Lars

She turns around and looks at him

"Uh yeah..." She says turning back to me and blushing

"Not to ruin anything but.. he has a huge crush on you.. can't stop talking about you.."

She blushes even more and looks down at the table

"He does..?"

"Sure does.. hey look why don't we go over there.. I can introduce you to him and the group, they're really nice I swear!"

She looks up at me and nods

"Okay.." she says standing up

I stand up as well and take her hand lightly pulling her with me towards the boy's table

"If you get to shy just tell me and I'll get ya outta there okay?" I reassure her

"That's.. really nice of you.." she says smiling at me

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