Traitor (Azula x fem reader)

By Idekbutatla123

8.8K 223 41

This story is about how Y/N is with team avatar but battling with Azula make Y/N fall in love with her. This... More

The beginning
Entering the Southern tribe
Seeing the Fire Princesss
Weeks later (!)
Break in
Ember Island
The meeting
The invade plan
Day of Black Sun (!)
Zuko part of Gaang
Zuko and Azula
Waiting (!)
Sozin's Comet
Phoenix King

The boiling rocks

247 9 0
By Idekbutatla123

Azula's POV:

My brother left to join the bald avatar and his friends. I knew he was always weak. Why would he leave I don't care anymore. I have Y/n and she was doing her best to make me smile but the day she first came or I brought her she was nicer so much better, now she's horrible and mean but she acts nicer around me. I did hear about her trying to get something for free, I honestly would've done the same but not likely for Y/n . Mai told me her uncle the warden had capture Zuzu.

So us four are gonna go over there and ask what he's doing there. "I wonder what's Zuzu doing there, and I noticed that we did throw the fans of Kyoshi warriors over there...," I said, they all looked at me, "you get it because they carry fans and there the kyoshi warriors..." I said they still looked at me. "Don't over try and make a joke." Mai said. I rolled my eyes. "Okay anyways maybe Zuzu has something to do with the the warriors well there's only one the leader all the leaders get sent over there." I said. "Of course that would mean that something's gonna happen, I mean since all the leaders go over there then that means there trying to escape and break them out." Y/n said. She's so smart.

Y/n 's POV:

Sokka's and Katara's dad Werte one of the leaders does that mean their trying to break
him out too? Of course. I would love to meet him again but things aren't gonna happen like that. We've finally landed but we would need a zipline, they do have a system that does have that. The water is so hot it would be able to use at cooking. We were gonna meet with Zuko but Mai wanted time with him. She agreed. "It's fine, I do need to talk to your Uncle anyways," She said, "Ty lee and my love come with me." I smiled she doesn't call me that usually only when we're with Mai and Ty lee alone or when we're alone. Mai just gave a weird look and left Ty lee smiled.

"Warden you have a guest." One of the guards said. "WHO DARES TO DISTURB ME AT THIS MOMENT?" He yelled. He then turned around and regretted every word and the yell. "Oh uh... Princess Azula, Welcome to the most inescapable prison on the Fire Nation." He said as he bowed down. "What did he do?" Azula asked. "He was caught helping some guards escaping." The warden said. She looked at the guard being questioned and said this, "Yea don't waste your time he isn't one of the them." She said. He look astonished. "How do you know?" He asked. "Because I'm a people's person." She said. 

Mai's POV:

My uncle walked in first. "You broke my nieces heart." He said. I looked at Zuko of course he didn't know he was my uncle. "Your Mai's Uncle?" Zuko said, "Look im sorry, I've never meant to hurt her heart." He said. "Quite!" My uncle yelled. "Look I didnt do anything wrong." He said. He's dumb of course he did something wrong. "Come on Zuko we all know that's a lie." I said as I walked in. "Mai." All he said. "How'd you know I was here?" He said. Hes an idiot we literally confronted him that the warden was my uncle. "The wardens my uncle idiot." I said. I pulled out the letter and started reading it to him.  "Stop it." He said. "All I get is a letter? You could've at least looked at me in my eye and said it to me." I said. "I didnt mean too." He said. "Oh you didn't mean too? All you gave me was a letter  nothing else but a dumb letter." I said. "Look I'm doing this for my country." He said. He's not doing anything. "Your not helping your Courtney your actually betraying it." I said.

"Not the way I see it." He said. Then a guard comes in saying there's a riot. "Mamm there's a riot I came here to protect you." The guard said. "Look I dont Need any protection." I said. "I'm sorry but the warden has appointed me to guard you." He said. Zuko looked at him and said, "she doesn't need any guarding she can handle herself." He said smiling. Then he just threw fire at the guards feet. The guard moved closer to me blocking. I pushed him out of the way but it was to late Zuko closed the cells door and locked us in. I looked straight at his eyes, both of ours watering then he left to the riot I suppose.

Katara's POV:

Zuko meets up with us and we head for the cart that moves us over the boiling water. "AZULA!" Sokka yells. We turn to see Y/n, Ty lee, and Azula. We see Azula telling Ty lee and Y/n something. Then Ty lee jumps onto the rail and starts running towards us. Azula then fire bends her way to us. Y/n stays though. They made their way to us. Zuko, Sokka, and Suki jumped on top of the cart to face them.

Suki's POV:

"I'm not gonna fail to this fight again." I say. We start hand to hand fighting. It very hard, we had to fight with little much room. We then hit each other off. I quickly held on though. I thought she fell but no. She made her way into the cart and went behind me. She tries to hit me but I block her.

Azula's POV:

"Hello brother, It's nice to see you again." I say. The swordsman behind ready to attack me. "I heard you found someone." He told me. "I heard you loss someone." I said back. With that sentence he blasted a fire at me. I quickly started to fight back. My brother quickly sprayed fire. I dodged it by going into a push up form. Then I quickly spin Zuko jumped but the water tribe perosn didn't. He held on though but was at the bottom with the rest. "I dont have time for this! CUT THE ROPE!" I say. Then the fire warriors start.

We're still fighting and their so close to cutting it. Our lift is coming our way but then we fighting. Zuko stops and looks behind me. I Look to see Mai fighting them.

Y/n's POV:

"Mai what are you doing?!" I yell. "Saving the person who dumped me with a letter." She says. She then looks at me. "Help me Y/n please." She says. I couldn't betray Azula like this. "No you need to help us and not let them get away." I say. She then gets in fighting form to fight me. All the fire benders are either knocked out or are pinned to the wall with knives. "Ty lee's chi blocking lessons better have worked." I say. What I didn't know was that fighting Mai was able to buy them time to leave. I quickly needed to get this over with but I knew I would regret. I knocked out Mai and then Ty lee and Azula came.

Azula's POV:

The guards captured Mai and brought her towards me. "I dont understand why would you do it? You know the consequences." I say. "I guess you miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you." Mai says. I start to get mad. Fear is the only way why isn't she. "No you miscalculated you should've feared me more." I say. Then Mai starts to pull out her knives and I start to fire bend her but Ty lee my trusted friend chi blocks me. Y/n quickly chi blocks Ty lee. The guards quickly come and held them up. Y/n quickly comes and picks me up. "Whay should we do with them Princess?" One of the guards asked. "Throw them into prison where I'll never have to see their faces again, and let them rot." I say. Y/n quickly puts me on a bed.

She grabs a cup of water and heals me where I was chi blocked. "I dont think water bending helps but it should reduce the time." She tells me.  She then leans down and kisses me. "We got to the island with a air ballon so their gonna take ours, ima go and send hawk to the nation and give us one." She says. I nodded. Then she leaves.

Suki's POV:

"Okay I'm sorry Sokka but how does a crazy fire nation princess pull someone that hot." I say. "She's also crazy too and betrayed us." Katara says. "She was Like a second daughter to me." Chief Hokoad said. "Other than that she is a very good hand to hand combat." Katara's Dad said. "It looked like she wasn't even trying until Azula got back." Sokka said. "Her water bending is really good too, before she left us, she would be able to take water out of Air and flowers. She was also able to blood bend before we met Hama." Katara said. "Wow she's like my sister, a fire bender prodigy, and a water bending prodigy." Zuko said. "Especially that time of the Day of Black Sun, Toph you should've been happy you didn't see what we saw." Aang says. We all asked. He then tells us and we're on in shock.


Thanks for be able to take this long of a time. I wont be updating for awhile because of states testing. Especially tm bc we have a essay for the state testing. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to do a chapter and type from time to time. THANKS FOR 338 READS!!!

1650 words.

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