Izuku: The Ultimate Weapon

By CotyMeanor

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What if deku was kidnapped at the age of 4. What if he was experimented on and was made into the ultimate wea... More

Chapter 1: Birth of the Ultimate Weapon
Chapter 2:Awakening
Chapter 3: New Beginning
Chapter 4: Enter Izuku Kayama
Chapter 5: My Hero Academia
Chapter 6:Life at U.A
Chapter 7: The Boys Are Back
Chapter 8: Assault on the USJ
Chapter 9: Burst Mode
Chapter 10: Season 1 Finale
Season 2 preview
Chapter 11: The U.A sports festival
Chapter 12:The calvary arrives
Not a chapter
Chapter 13: Shadow vs Mystique and Tournament battles
Chapter 14: The boy born with everything vs The boy who lost everything
Chapter 15: Last Man Standing
Chapter 16:Names
Chapter 17: Internships, Villains, and the Family
Chapter 18: Stain and Terra
Chapter 20: Shadow vs Sabertooth
Chapter 21: Sending A Message
Chapter 22: Wanted
Chapter 23: Shadow vs ALL!
Chapter 24: Battle of the Ultimates
Chapter 25: Poison of the Past
short stories
Chapter 26:Shadow vs Pyro
Chapter 27:Shadow and Bullseye
Chapter 29: Agents of Trinity
Chapter 30: Rings off
Chapter 31: Who is Izuku Kayama?
Chapter 32: Finals
Chapter 33: Shadow vs All Might and Endeavor

Chapter 19:Shadow v Stain and Terra

694 17 2
By CotyMeanor

He was in helicopter and outside he saw that there were mountains covered in snow. There was another man with him in copter. He saw that the man looked middle aged, he had long blonde hair, razor sharp teeth and nails. The man grabs a file and opened it, he then started to speak to him.

"Your target name is, Christopher Nord. What we are after his quirk and he has quite a good one. Be wary, he if hits you he might even keep you down from these punches." The man said in a deep voice. He looked at me and he saw that I didn't have a reaction and continued on."Your job is to go in, take him down, and retrieve him. Got it, runt." I nodded my head at the mission objective as I unbuckled myself from the seat. I then walked to back of the helicopter and opened the door. I felt the cold air of the wind on my skin and ignored it. I soon jumped out and skydived to ground, but before I hit the ground everything turned white.* * *

**Guest Room**Izuku awoke in guest room with sweat all over his body, he had another dream. The teen sat up from the bed, his eyes not really looking at anything. They were just wandering.

' _Christopher Nord, that was the target. Who is he? Why did we need his quirk? Not to mention that man with blonde hair, he was there at Killmonger's village. Was that Sa-'_ Izuku thought was cut short when his door slammed open and out came Gran Torino. Izuku with his advanced training rolled out of the bed as the elder hero was coming towards him. Izuku grabbed his sheets as he rolled out of the bed and tossed them up in the air, blinding the old hero's vision.Torino jet boosted through the sheets, tearing them apart and when he got to the other side he didn't see Izuku. ' _Not bad. The kid dodged that attack very well and not only that, he blinded my vision so he could escape.'_ Torino thought as he boosted out the room.

The moment Izuku threw up the sheets he flashed out there and went to living room where he and Torino first fought. Right now the teen is hiding under table and he is so embarrassed. ' _What the hell am I doing!? Why am I hiding from this old geezer like I'm scared of him? **I am Shadow, the Ultimate Hero!** I will not be frightened by some retired, senile, old man. It time to kick up notch and take_ _**Burst Mode to the next level**_ _.'_Izuku began to channel both OFA and Chaos under the table, and Torino saw the light underneath the table. Torino jet boosted to the table, he kicked it over only to see that the teen was not underneath it at all.

"Behind you."
Torino was in the air when he heard the voice and was put to the ground with a quick and sudden punch to the face. Torino crashed ground with a massive thud, the elder hero pushed himself up to see standing Izuku across from him, but he looked different from before. Izuku hair was now spiky, the red streaks were gone, they were replaced by green lighting, and his whole body was covered a gold fiery aura.

"What's this supposed to be?" Torino asked intrigued by this new transformation by Izuku and the green haired teen smirked at him."This is a new level of my power. This is Burst Mode Level 2... or I like to call it **Full Cowl!** " Izuku screamed as he channeled more power and the gold aura got larger.Full Cowl is the second form of Burst Mode that Izuku created, where Burst Mode level 1 Izuku only used 5% percent of both OFA and Chaos. But now after battles with the Nomu and the Sports Festival Izuku's body has gotten stronger where he can use both at 10%."Time for round 2, old man." Torino heard the words of Izuku and when he blinked Izuku was gone. Torino would look around the room to see that Izuku was nowhere and he suddenly felt pain. Izuku had appeared before him and threw his fist in the elder gut. Torino was shocked that Izuku could move that fast, hell he thought that he was a fast hero, but the teen's speed at this new level blew him away.

Izuku would take his fist out the elder's gut, he then grabbed his collar and threw him into a wall. Izuku was not done yet as he flashed to the wall that Torino crashed into and kneed him in the gut again. Torino knew that he getting his old ass kicked by Izuku and knew he had to get out the situation that he was in now. He saw that Izuku was ready to punch him into the wall again and he lifted his legs to fire a gust of air at the teen's face.The distraction allowed Torino to jet boosted out of the crater, Izuku saw him fly away and smirked. The teen knew now that the chase was on. Izuku began to jump to the walls to chase after the old man. Both heroes were bouncing off the walls clashing at each other. While elsewhere a meeting was being held by The Family.* * *

**Somewhere**Rouge was in her bed as she slept, dreaming her of leader, her brother, and sometimes her **something else**. It's been two years since she last saw him, two years since she lost her mother, and two years since the Family was broken apart by **him**. The Family had promised their deceased mother that they would stop Wesker, Trinity, and they will keep that promise. Rouge would be woken up from her sleep by a knock on the door.The bat would get up from her bed and put on a purple robe. She would then open door to see her teammate, Omega. Omega face was stoic as usual, never showing any sort of emotion or reaction. "Morning, O." Rouge hugged him, soon both members of the Team Dark would head to the media room of the base where they will hold their family meeting."Omega, is everyone gathered together." Rouge asked as both members of Team Dark walked to the room.

"Affirmative, all cell members are present." Rouge nodded her head as they arrived at the door. The metal door slid open, Rouge and Omega walked in and saw all the members of the Family there in their pajamas.Rouge saw that some of the members were tired as their faces showed it. Sonic was lying face down on the table, a shirtless Knuckles was next to him, his head leaning on his hand and drool coming out of his mouth. BB was snoring on the couch, Kitty was trying to eat a cereal, but failing miserably as she couldn't get the spoon to mouth since she was falling asleep. Those were the ones that were asleep, the others who were up were doing something.Silver was on couch reading another one of his books while Blaze was behind him brushing his hair, Mystique was watching the news, Gambit was playing solitaire, Amy was painting her toenails, Espio was meditating like always, Bumble Bee was helping Tails out on some new invention on his laptop. Rouge smiled knowing that the two years on the run haven't changed their personalities much.

"Alright guys, family meeting." The ones that were awake looked at the leader and the ones that were asleep were finally awaking up. Sonic groaned from being woken up from his sleep and complained to Rouge."Serious Rouge, why do need a meeting when we already know the plan." Sonic said his face still lying down on the table."And what the plan is that, Sonic? Rouge raised an eyebrow at her blue haired brother."The plan is we get big bro back and we kill Wesker. Simple as that." Sonic said the plan it was the greatest plan on earth and everyone including his team just looked at him."That's not a plan, that's a goal!" Bee screamed at him. "We can't just go into UA and take Shadow, he'll attack us thinking that were still part of Trinity. Not to mention we don't know where Wesker is begin with." Sonic rolled his eyes at the Chaotix member as Mystique spoke next.

"Bee is right, we can't just go back into UA. Besides Shadow and the pros could be more on alert after my visit at the Sports Festival." Tails spoke next as he was typing on his computer."We also have to worry about Gero and the agents, they are no doubt hunting us as well. Omega, Bee, and I have covered our tracks, but there is no telling how long we can do that." Tails said now looking at them all.

"Mystique, tell me what did you think of Shadow when you saw him again?" Espio finally said opening his eyes. Everyone now turned their heads towards their sister."Shadow did not recognize me, but he knew mom and Wesker. While following him I also noticed that his training was still with him. He would often times take different routes home, most likely to confuse his enemy if someone was following him."

"I saw Shadow in that match against that Shoto guy." Knuckles as he remembered what his brother did to the UA student. Sonic whistled at that and laughed."Ohh yeah, that was bro alright." The blue haired speedster said and Blaze followed up next."That was the old Shadow, the take no prisoners mentality, the weapon. I remember that face all too well. It also served as a lesson too Shoto Todoroki for not using his full power and for denying what he is." Blaze said last part harshly and Silver looked at her."Back to what Mystique said, I believe that our leader memories are not fully gone. I think that he's having relapses but there is no way of knowing till I see him." Espio said as he went back to mediating.

"Can't you just get back the memories? I mean you're the strongest telepath that I know." Beast Boy said to his leader as he took the form of cat and went over to Rogue, where she picked him up and petted him. Espio shook his head at his teammate question."Why not, _fiere?_ " Gambit asked and Espio began to explain the reasons why"That is not a good thing to do, restoring someone memories takes a lot time and skill. Not only that if one were to rush the recovery of the memories, it could damage the brain and cause massive damage to the person who wants to remember. It's for the best person if the memories return on their own, no matter how long it takes." Espio told them and they all began to think again.

"Could you do it if you had help?" Shadowcat asked and Espio shrugged his shoulders, meaning that it was a possibility that he could do it with help. "Good, then do we know any telepaths?" Espio sighed again and began to explain the situation that they were in."There are at least four telepaths in the world that could do what we need. Two of them wants us dead and are in the Tribunal. The third is in San Francisco, she is most likely not going to help especially when she reads our minds and finds out what we've all done. And the fourth is in Trinity." Knuckles whistled at that."So the odds are not looking good for us?" Espio nodded his head at Knuckles question."Then we may have to face facts here." Everyone looked at Blaze now as she was now standing up.

"And what's that?" Sonic asked as everyone was curious to what she was talking about. Rouge and Omega knew what she was going to say though."Shadow may be gone forever and we can't count on him to come back anytime soon." All except for Team Dark looked at the hellcat like she was crazy."Blaze, what are you saying?" Amy asked and Blaze told them simply."We're going to have to fight Trinity without Shadow." Everyone was quiet for a moment and then Sonic laughed."You want us to fight Trinity without the Ultimate Weapon, you have got to be kidding me. Take on Trinity without Shadow, that is hilarious." Sonic continued to laugh as Blaze glared at the speedster and threw a small fireball at Sonic, Sonic using his speed quickly dodged it."Chill, hellcat." Sonic pleaded as Blaze was about to fire another fireball at him, but Rouge spoke bringing their bickering to and end.

"Sonic, Blaze, knock it off." Rouge ordered and both siblings did knock it off. Rouge then sighed as she went back to petting BB in his cat form. "Omega, what are odds of us beating Wesker without Shadow.""The odds of success are 1%." Omega said stoically."Damn, tell us how you really feel." Knuckles said as he got up to get coffee."And with Shadow by our side?" Rouge asked again."5%." There was silence after that and after a few minutes Rouge spoke again."So with Shadow or without Shadow, defeating Trinity will be a near impossible task. No matter what we do Trinity is still ahead of us. I agree with Blaze that we can't count on Shadow to come back anytime soon, I also agree with Sonic that taking them without Shadow is suicide. But this family will not stand back and let that man get away with everything he's done. We will fight them and Shadow will return to us." Rouge told them all, but Silver had one thing to say."But what if he doesn't? What if he's happy with the life he has now, he has a normal life now. Would any of us walk away from that?" Sliver asked and everyone looked down now, even Rouge.

"Negative," Everyone looked at Omega now as he spoke. "Shadow, will return to us because his mission... **our** mission is not complete. We must destroy Trinity, I must kill Dr. Gero, and he must kill Wesker. That is our final mission from Holiday and that mission must be completed." Omega said in an emotionless tone and everyone nodded except for Silver."It's easier said than done, Omega." Silver said as he went back to reading his book and Rouge told them all that the meeting is adjourned. Rouge and Omega left the room, they were heading back to the bat's room."Anyone want to get high with me right now?" Sonic asked and was met with nods by Amy, Knuckles, Bee, and Shadowcat."You think that Shadow will be alright, Trinity won't wait long to get him back." Rogue said aloud."Affirmative, Shadow can protect himself." Omega told her in a robotic tone and Rouge sighed."Yeah, against one or two agents, but if **father** comes for him... Then I can only pray that he'll be alright." Rouge said grimly as the two Team Dark members made it back to her room. Rouge went inside to rest some more and Omega stood outside standing guard.* * *

**Hosu**Terra had been out the whole night after her talk with the League, their words plaguing her mind. The girl didn't know what to think, she did her own research on Ingenium and everything that the League told was true. Ingenium was a good if not a true hero, that means that everything that Stain stood for has been a lie. The girl had begun to cry as she was sitting at the edge of a roof.The man who basically raised her ever since she lost her father. The man that trained her. The man that she gave **herself** too, had been lying and using her. The thought all of that made Terra cry even more and as the tears began to pour out of her eyes Terra felt her phone vibrate. The blonde haired girl answered it and saw that it was a Stain."Stain." Terra said hiding her broken voice as she didn't want Stain to know."Terra, where are you? You've been out all night, we have a job to do." Stain said and Terra wiper her teary eyes on her black shirt."I'm fine Chizome, I just needed time to think that's all." Terra heard Stain sigh through the phone.

"Terra, I know that you want to avenge your father, but please understand that those men are planning something bigger. You will have your revenge I promise you, but we need to focus on the bigger picture and that is the fake heroes in the world. It's our job and responsibility to make sure that they can't corrupt the next generation with their lies. I was nearly one of them." Terra was surprised when she heard that."What do you mean by that?" Terra asked as Stain began to explain more about his past."Terra, I too wanted to be a hero. I went to a hero school to fulfill my dream, but when I got there I saw that everyone more interested in becoming famous. I soon dropped out seeing that everyone was not a hero for all the right reasons and only doing it for fame or money. That is our mission Terra, to change the way society sees heroes and wake them up. I don't want people to be corrupted by this world of heroes. We need to show them that the fakes are here and they need to see it. The **only** person that I can even call a true hero today's world is All Might and when he's gone then nobody will be a hero anymore." Once Stain finished Terra recomposed herself.

"I understand Stain, I'll be back soon.""Thank you, Terra. I promise once we are done with our mission, we will get your revenge." Stain hung up after that and Terra looked at the sunsetting on the horizon. She knew what she had to do tonight. Tonight she will help her master eliminate all the **fakes** in the world. Terra soon used her powers to grabbed a rock and flew off to meet her maser. Unknown to her there was someone watching her from the shadows."Well, looks like I found Stain and who knew that he had a girl around him." Sabertooth said as heard the conversation between the two with his heightened senses."Why does that brat look familiar for some reason? Could she be... nah, the runt took care of her a long time ago." Sabertooth said as he began to follow behind Terra without her knowing that she would lead him to his prey.* * *

**Torino's Agency**Izuku and Gran Torino have been battling from sunrise to sundown and they been doing it without rest. The agency looked like a hurricane came through and wrecked the place. Izuku had been battling Torino in his Full Cowl mode for the whole time and even in Full Cowl the old man was still giving the teen a fight.Izuku had landed on the wall, green lighting dancing all over him and the gold fiery aura covering his body. The teen saw the old man on his couch laying down trying to regain his breath. Izuku powered down and flashed too couch to sit next to his teacher. Both men looked at each other while taking deep breaths to gain some oxygen in their lungs."Not bad kid, not bad at all." Torino said as he was getting the air back into his body."Thanks, old man." Izuku thanked Torino as he saw the man get up from the couch and brushed his costume down, wiping away all the dirt and dust from their battle."Alright kid, suit up. We're going on patrol." Izuku eyes lit up at, the teen was excited too finally to go own his very first patrol, Izuku flashed to his room and got his costume on. Once he was dressed he flashed back down to the entrance and left the agency."Where are we headed, Torino?" Izuku asked as he placed a bud in his ear to listen to his music and Torino looked at him wondering what he was doing.

"Where going to Hosu and kid, what the hell are putting in your ear? Is that some kind communicator?" Izuku sweat dropped at Tornio question realizing how old his teacher was."Uhh... no. This is headphone bud, it lets me listen to music from my phone. Anyway Hosu right, that is where the Hero Killer is." Torino grimly nodded his head, but told Izuku something."We are just simply going on patrol, we are not going after the hero killer. Understand?" Torino specified to Izuku, All Might did not forget to mention in his letter that the boy tends to be reckless.

"I understand completely." Izuku said rolling his eyes as the train arrived to take both pros to Hosu. "Also one more thing, Torino." Torino now looked at Izuku back as he boarded the train."My name is not brat and it damn sure is not kid. If you're going to call me something call me by name." Izuku told him and Torino raised an eyebrow."And what name is that, Izuku?" Izuku narrowed his eyes at the old man when he said his real name."My name is **Shadow**." Izuku said as the doors closed and the train began to move too Hosu.' _This kid is something else, the way he said that name. He didn't say it as code name, he said as it was his actual given birth name. Toshinori, I tend not to question you OFA users on your successors, but I hope you know what you're doing with this one.'_ Torino thought worriedly as he sat down in a seat.* * *

**Hosu**Fires were raging throughout Hosu, monsters were attacking everything that was insight. From the rooftops above the League were watching the destruction. Tomura was laughing while Killmonger was looking for Stain and Terra.Stain had met up with Terra on a water tower and scowled at the destruction that the Nomu's were causing. "Damn them." Stain said as he saw the Nomu's attacking everything, the hero saw some pros trying to contain the one of many fires. Stain saw a pro hero and order Terra to bind him."Terra, down below." Terra looked down to see the pro dressed in some kind of native American outfit.

The blonde girl knew her mission and did what she was told. Terra eyes glowed yellow as the pro felt the earth beneath him shift. Using this as a distraction Stain dropped and cut the native hero with his knife. The knife cut the pro's arm and Stain jumped back to get space from the man. Before the pro could anything he felt his body stop moving and soon he was pushed to the wall by the rocks. Stain threw two knives at the pros shoulder and stuck him to the wall."And now another fake falls." Stain said as he grabbed his katana from his back, ready to kill the pro hero."Stain!" Stain and Terra looked their right to see a man in silver armor. The man took off his helmet and revealed Tenya's face."Stain," Tenya said the name with so much venom and hatred. "You will pay for what you did to my brother!" Tenya yelled as he ran into the alleyway to battle that man crippled his brother and ended his pro career.

Izuku was sitting down on the seat looking out the window, his eyes seeing Hosu coming up. Torino told him that they will arrive shortly and then they can start patrolling. Izuku narrowed his eyes when he saw the fire's at Hosu, something didn't feel right with him and the teen knew to always trust his instincts. Izuku fired off eagle pulse to survey the area and when he did that he widened his eyes."Get Down!" Izuku screamed to all the passengers and Torino looked at as something kind of a monster crashing into the train.Izuku jumped out of his seat as Torino boosted to the Nomu and kicked it in the face. The Nomu would have fell back outside if its claws were not holding on to the train cart. Izuku flipped his hair back signaling that it is time for him to become Shadow.Shadow ran to the Nomu and dropped kicked it in the face. The Nomu fell outside the train crashing into the woods below them. "Good kick, Shadow." Torino turned his head to look at Izuku and saw that he was gone. He then looked back out the hole the Nomu made to see green lighting run through the woods and heading straight for Hosu. ' _Damn, kid.'_ Torino thought as he jet boosted to Hosu.

Izuku was running through the woods and making a beeline for Hosu. ' _The League have attacked, but why are they in Hosu? What could they be after? I need to find these Nomu's and take them out.'_ Izuku... no, Shadow thought as he was approaching the city.Shadow was still running when he saw a building and ran up it, reaching the roof. Once he was up there and ran to the edge of the building. The teen saw everything, all the fire and destruction that Nomu's were causing and glared down at the ones he saw below him.' _I need to find out where the League are. Tomura must be here, he doesn't seem like the type to watch all this from a base.'_ Shadow thought as he closed his eyes and focused OFA and Chaos to his eagle pulse. Izuku activated the quirk and let out a massive pulse that gave him a survey of the whole city. ' _Got you.'_ Shadow had found Tomura and he was about to finish what he started at USJ.

Shadow was about to jump down from the building when he saw something else from his pulse and what he saw made widen his eyes. "Tenya!" Shadow screamed as he saw his friend down on the ground with Stain above him ready to kill him. The hero sped of to his friends location, ready to save him and do battle with the infamous hero killer.' _Next time, Tomura.'_ Izuku thought dangerously as he made his way to Tenya and Stain.* **Sniff** * * **Sniff** * Sabertooth sniffed the air and got a large smile on his face showing his sharp fangs. The reason for the smile is because he got a scent that he knew all too well. "Well looks like the runt is here. Now this just got a whole lot better." Sabertooth said as he quickly made his way to the scent. The animalistic agent began to jump from building to building with a sadistic smile on his face.

Tenya was on the ground and he couldn't move, above him was the man who crippled his brother. Stain had a blade pointed as Tenya's skull as he glared at the teenage pro. "You are another fake. You had the chance to save this pro, but instead you chose revenge. You gave into you own selfish desires and didn't think about others. You are truly a fake!" Stain yelled as he brought the sword down ready to kill Tenya.Tenya widen his eyes when he saw the sword, he was going to die and there was nothing that he could do. The worst thing about this situation is that Stain was right, he didn't think about Native. All he could think about was revenge for his brother and now thanks to reckless he and Native were going to die. Tenya closed his eyes as the blade comes closer, but he soon opened them when heard a call.

"Tenya!" Stain looked up from Tenya and saw Izuku. Izuku flashed to Tenya location and kicked the hero killer in the face, pushing him back a couple feet. Stain used his sword to stop his momentum, the blade skidded on the ground as he the hero killer came to stop. When the vigilante came to complete stop he looked up to see green lighting coursing around the individual that kicked him. Stain, Terra, and Tenya widen their eyes when they saw who it was."I-Izuku." Tenya whispered in relief and worry that his friend was here. Relieved that he was saved and will live to see another day, but worried now that Izuku will have to take both Stain and Terra."The name is Shadow, Tenya." Izuku told Tenya as he focused on Stain. Stain kneeled up and swung his sword. "So you're the boy that the League wants dead." Stain said as Shadow took off his jacket and cracked his knuckles.

"The League wants me dead, huh. I guess they're still sour that I beat their little monster back at USJ." Izuku as he glared at Stain, the teen was ready for combat."They told me about you. I know what you **did** , you are the true definition of a fake hero." Izuku didn't winced at those words. He knew that some would think that, but he swore that he would atone for those sins."I did a lot of wrong, but I will atone for those sins." Izuku said as he flashed behind Stain to strike him. Stain widen his eyes at the speed of Izuku and soon felt pain in his ribs as he was kicked by the teen. Stain went flying into the side of the wall coughing, but Izuku was not done. Izuku flashed in front of him ready to deliver a crushing blow to his stomach, but Stain quickly grabbed a knife and tried to slice Izuku.The teen saw the knife and leaned his head back as the knife nearly cut him. Stain then kicked Izuku in the chest to give himself some space. The vigilante then with his sword in hand tried to slice Izuku, the teen having advanced training dodged the strikes.Tenya was amazed by how Izuku was fighting, he never seen someone this skilled. The teen himself had training, but he was taking down by Stain in a matter of moments while Izuku is making the criminal sweat.

Izuku had created two small spears using his quirk and were wielding them as daggers. The green daggers collide with the knives that Stain tried to throw at the teen, the teen used the daggers to deflect them all. Stain ran at him to cut him with his sword, but Izuku saw it and flashed away. Stain stopped and looked around, he then felt something behind him and saw that it was Izuku. Izuku was behind Stain ready to strike him with his fist."Detroit Smash!" Izuku yelled as he punched Stain, the vigilante also swung his sword at Izuku body as he saw this as an opening. Stain was willing to take the punch and Izuku was willing to take the cut. The fist collides with the Hero Killer face and the sword connected with Izuku as he was cut. The hero flashed back to Tenya, a hand was on his abdomen where felt a small cut. His soon felt that the wound was closing signaling that his healing was doing its job.Stain felt his jaw was in massive pain, but even with the pain he smiled. ' _Got him.'_ Stain thought as he grabbed his blood and saw red liquid on it. Stain stood up, he looked at Izuku and brought the blade up to his mouth. Izuku was curious what he was doing then he saw Stain lick the blade.

' _The hell-'_ Izuku thoughts were cut short as his body stopped moving and he collapsed on the ground. Izuku widen his eyes when he realized what Stain did and what his quirk is.' _The blade had my blood on it and when he licked it my body stopped moving. That's how he taken everyone out by preventing them from moving.'_ Izuku thought as he saw Stain began to heads toward him.Meanwhile Terra was floating on her rock above the with eyes full of hatred. ' _It's him! Finally after so many years. Father, today is the day you will be avenged.'_ The apprentice of Stain thought furiously as she saw Izuku lying down defeated by her master's quirk."No more waiting." Terra whispered as she was done waiting for Stain, now was her chance and she will take it. "I'm done waiting!" Terra screamed making below her looking above them to see the girl's eyes glowing. Terra was making pebbles and boulders come up, the ground was shaking as everyone below struggle to stay on their feet."Terra, enough!" Stain called and Terra ignored him, for she wanted one thing right now and that Izuku's head."You, you will pay for killing my father!" Terra screamed as she looked at Izuku and the teen was confused until the images hit his head.* * *

**Flashback**He was in a barn, the barn was on fire and there was smoke everywhere. He saw man beaten up and on the ground. The man was a medium size build, had to be 30 or 35, but he was down and hurt. He felt that he was in pain, he felt blood dripping down from his head. He saw another male there. This one was tall and had long blonde hair and razor sharp nails. He began to walk to the unconscious man and then they both heard something."Daddy." He and the male turned around to the voice and saw a young girl with blonde hair in her pajamas. He heard the girl scream when she saw her father and his face. He looked up and saw a burning beam that was falling towards the girl. He dashed towards as she continued to scream.* * *

**Present**"You... you were that girl in the barn. Your father was Christopher Nord... **Maverick.** " Izuku said in shock as he saw that frighten little girl from so many years ago, now a young teen and glaring him with eyes full of hatred. Izuku was so much in shock that he didn't feel the rocks forming around his body as he was on the ground.Terra who was still on her rock had floated down to the ground, her eyes still glowing a yellow color as she moved her hand up to bring Izuku body up. "Yes, I was that girl you tackled. I was that girl in the barn. I was that girl who saw her father dead on the ground. And now I am that girl who will have her revenge!" Terra yelled as she brought another rock with her hand and from a fist.The rock soon turned into a spear and was aimed at Izuku's skull. Tenya widen his eyes and tried to move, he knew he had to help Izuku or he was done for. Stain watched all of this with widened eyes, this was not the plan. The plan was to kill the fakes and move on, but Terra was being consumed by revenge. He needs to stop this."Terra-" Stain didn't get to finish as Terra bound his body with the earth, preventing the man from the moving. The spike became close to Izuku face, hell he could the tip of the spike on his nose.

"This is for my father!" Izuku heard the girl yell as she pulled the spike back and thrusted her arm forward to plunge the spike through Izuku's face."Izuku!" Tenya yelled as he saw the spike coming.Terra thrusted her arm forward and the spike flew to Izuku face. ' _This is it. This is finally it. Daddy, after today you can finally rest in pea-'_ Terra thoughts were cut short as something hit the rock platform that she was on."AHHH!" Terra yelled as the rock platform exploded and she flew back, crashing into the ground. Tenya and Stain all the saw platform explode as they saw some kind blue beam hit the rock. Izuku opened his eyes and he widen them when heard a voice."Hey, runt." Izuku, Tenya, Stain, and Terra who pushing herself up all saw a man above them on the rooftop with long blonde hair, razor sharp teeth and nails.The man was wearing a brown trench coat, brown pants, he was wearing tan shirt, and had brown boots. But what made them all worry was that he was carrying a big gun that had smoke coming out of the exit hole. The man jumped down and Izuku's eyes widen even more as did Terra's.

"What the hell are you doing? You should've been able to handle these two, yet here you are getting your ass kicked by some little girl. **I thought I taught you how to be a killer**." The man gruffly said as Tenya began to suspect who this person could be and why it'd be the reason Izuku look so frightened. Stain thought the same when he saw Terra's face and eyes, the girl had horror written all over her."Sabertooth." Izuku whispered the name and the Sabertooth showed everyone the alley his canine teeth and they all including Stain felt horror. **To be continued**

**Izuku has come face to face with a true Agent of** **Trinity. The viscous and animalistic Sabertooth has made his presence felt in Hosu. Will Izuku and Tenya be able to stop this agent? Will Stain and Terra become their allies as they do battle? Bigger question is: Will they survive?** **Find out next time in Izuku: The Ultimate Weapon.**

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