By yourmummerz

170 4 3

a Rainworld/homestuck au More

this sucks and im giving up on it


46 1 0
By yourmummerz

Your name is MONK. You've always been a bit JUMPY, but it hasn't been much of a problem since your big sis has always been there to protect you! your a below average Hight slugcat barely out of pup-hood! the other cats in the pack tease you, but never your sister. she's just that cool! you wish you were more like your fierce and brave sister. sadly she's gotten lost after the last RAIN. your sis gets lost all the time so you don't know why she hasn't found her way back by now! she must be extra far out! unless the others in the pack aren't telling you exactly what happened last hunt...but why would they lie to you! you're no crybaby! now what to do...

I mean... you should probably look for her! that's what she would do if you went missing outta no where! you in the direction the pack just came from, making Shure to not look suspicious so no one try's to stop you. as you go farther out, you notice everything's getting more and more... flooded until you get to where the bat-flies usually are.  it seems like the shallow waters beneath your feet are moving faster than before, until you look down. only a few feet away from you in a MASSIVE SINK-HOLE! "wholly-" you say before a WAVE of rainwater pushes you onto the floor and into the DEPTHS below.

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