Young justice x Sasuke Uchiha

By kxd106

41.7K 763 184

This story is based around Sasuke Uchiha in the young justice world. The Uchiha clan was the most powerful fa... More

Sasuke Uchiha origin
Sasuke meets Superman
What Now?
4 years later
Itachi Uchiha Of The Sharingan
Twin terror
Alpha Male
Injustice League
Sasuke meets Zatanna
Double Date??
The Genjutsu Master pt 1
The Genjutsu Master pt 2
The Unknown Partner
Usual Suspects
Auld Acquaintance
The Ghost of the Uchiha pt 1
Battle of Brothers pt 2
Let's end this pt 3
Young Justice X Sasuke // Q&A
Happy New Year
World War 3 pt 1
Madara vs Hero Alliance
Itachi vs Sasuke Uchiha
It's all over
Salvage/The Truth

Final Valley

1K 14 14
By kxd106

Narrator Superman: So at last we began building our village, the new home for the Uchiha Clan liked I promised we would

Narrator Superman: The Uchiha would no longer live in poverty anymore, they would have a beautiful home, one were the sun shines everyday.

Clark: You remember when we used to sit here when were kids?

Madara: Yeah, even back then you had big ambitions.

Madara: To be honest i thought we were only dreaming

Clark: We made our dreams a reality. Oh yeah In addition to the Uchiha clan, meta humans from around the world want to come to the village and seek refuge.

Madara: What. Really, your kidding?

Clark: This village is going to keep expanded. Who knows refugee from other planets coming to earth could come to the village

Madara(smiles): Wow. Although this village is going to need a name.

Clark: That is true , you're good at naming things.

Madara: How about I let you get this one. He said while picking up a leaf from the ground

Clark: I got it. How about "The Village Hidden in the leaves". The Hidden Leaf Village.

Narrator Superman: And that was how the Hidden leaf village was born.

Narrator Sasuke: Wait, your the one who named the Hidden Leaf?

Narrator Superman: That's right sasuke

Madara: The hidden leaf, i like it

Clark: I was thinking about something, a couple days ago.

Madara: What is it?

Clark: About moving out of smallvile, to a new City. Metropolis

Madara(laughs): I mean it's about time your 25 years old and you still live with martha and Johnathan.

Clark: Wow thank you Madara for that inspirational talk. I was also thinking about becoming a symbol of hope not just for the people in the village but also for people around the world. A hero to the stars and symbol to nations

Madara: A hero?

Clark: Yeah. What you think?

Madara: That might not be such a bad idea, although if you are going to do this people can't ever know who you really are. You must keep your identity a secret.

Clark: I agree. People should view me not as just a man but a super powered one.

Madara: "A Superman"?

Clark(smiles): Superman, that's right

Narrator Superman: It was that day I decided to become a hero and move to metropolis, i decided to become Superman. While Madara stayed in the village protecting it


Metropolis Apartment

Clark: I feel Stupid

Madara: I already know your an idiot, so this won't change that. Just come outside and let me see the suit.

Clark(Sigh): Fine

Clark walked out of the bathroom in his new superman costume

A/N: Superman suit without the S

Clark: What do you think?

Madara: Hm, if your going to be a hero of hope, people must be able to look at you and feel hopeful. Whenever the Uchiha clan feel lost we look at our crest and power flows through us

Clark(smiles): Oh i should have the Uchiha crest on the back of the suit!

Madara: No you idiot, your not an Uchiha. You should have a logo that means something to you and your race, something hopefull.

Narrator Superman: Thanks to Madara a bright idea appeared in my head, the suit was missing an important detail "a symbol".

Narrotor Superman: At first i was going to put the kryptonian symbol on the back of the suit but Madara suggested that it looked better on the front and whenever someone would ask what it meant i would say it stood for "Hope". And thus my journey began as a new hero as "Superman"

Narrator Superman: A new village was created for the Uchiha and all meta Human's, Madara and I became friends again, and I set off my new jouney in Metropolis as Superman. Life was good back then.


Narrator Superman: As years when on, the next thing Madara and I wanted was to create a team of heroes charged with protecting the world humans and meta Humans. As most of your are aware that opportunity presented itself. When the earth got invaded by an extra-terrestrial race "The Appellaxian"

Narrator Superman: But what your don't know is that Madara fought beside us that day. Me, Batman, Wonder Women. Flash, Green Lantern(Hal jordan), Green arrow, Martain Manhunter and Madara Uchiha.

The whole team were shocked and also the new members of the league were suprised to hear this aswell

Robin: Wait, Madara was a leaguer?

Red arrow: The same guy who put the entire league under his mind control?

Wonder Women: It's true, Madara was one of us.

Narrator superman: After we defeated "The Appellaxian" the League was formed.


(past superman): Thank you all for coming.

Batman: Why have you gathered us together?

Superman: Becuase the world needs us, we beat the appalaxians but what about the next threat, and the next. The world needs hereos

Madara: What do you suggest?

Superman: We continue this team and we protect earth

Wonder woman: I agree

Green Lantern(sarcastically): Ok So what were the Super friends?

Superman: No i was thinking more of... (he turns to madara)

Superman: The Justice League.

Narrator Superman:If you remember back when we were kids, Madara was the one who originally named the League. It's ironic the Uchiha clan believed Madara was the one who named the Hidden Leaf when it was actually me. And the world thinks i named the Justice League when in fact it was Madara.

Narrator Superman: Time passed on, the League became well known around the world. But it was time to chose our leader, so one day on the watchtower i confronted Madara


Superman: There you are.

Madara: Everything all right?

Superrman: Yes, i was just talking to Batman and he thinks it's time for us to select a leader and i want that leader to be you.

Madara: Really are you sure?

Superman: Absolutley

Superman then walked away from the mission room and went into batman quarters.

Superman: Bruce, I was thinking about what we discussed earlier

Batman: And?

Superman: I want the leader of the Justice League to be Madara Uchiha

Batman: Clark, i know you mean well but thats not a good idea, from what you've told me about him...

Superman: That was a long time ago, he's changed

Batman: Everyone knows you were the driving force to bringing us together not Madara Plus when it comes to the uchiha the stronger there hate, the stronger there visul power. There unpredictable and dangerous, he can join the League but he shouldn't lead us Clark.

Superman: No you wrong, stop saying such things Bruce

Batman: If i'm wrong then all the leaguers should take a vote to decide who should be the leader.

Superman: Fine

Narrator Superman: I was then chosen as the Leader, i dont know who voted for me but i was selected , clearly Madara felt betrayed but i didnt know what to tell him.

Superman: Madara wait!

Madara: What

Superman: I'm sorry it turned out that way

Madara: Honestly, its fine Clark

Madara left the watchtower and returned back to the Hidden Leaf village. However he sat on the mountain alone watching the villagers smiling and cheering. He at least had one good thing going

???: There room for one more?

Madara turned his back and too his surprise Wonder Woman flew down from the sky and landed on the cliff next to him

Madara: Diana? Is everything alright?

Diana: Everything's fine i just came to check up on you

Madara: I see.

Diana: You will be a great and strong leader of the League one day.

Madara: I doubt that, you have all made your chocie and choice Clark.

Diana: To be honest. I voted for you

Madara turned his face too her obviously shocked

Madara: You did. Why?

Diana: Because i thought you deserved it, deep down Madara Uchiha you are a kind hearted soul, who only wants peace. In terms of strength you are second only to Superman in the League. I have never met anyone like you god or mortal.

Madara smiled at diana and she smiled back at him

Madara: Perhaps you know me better than i know myself

Diana: Perhaps

They both looked down on the hidden leaf village

Wonder Woman: It's beautiful, it reminds me of home.

Madara: It is, isn't it

The two the stared into each other eyes and shared a kiss. Madara placed one hand on her cheeck and around her waist. The two then took flight into the sky and continued kissing

Narrator Sasuke: Wait Wonder Woman. You and my father--

Narrator Wonder Woman: We were together for a period of time. He was the first man i fell in love with and the first man i invited to themyscira to meet my mother and the other amazons

Narrator Diana: We did little things like stop criminal acts, protect the village, Go for Ice cream together (smiles)or "other things"

Narrator Diana: We were both happy for a while

The Hidden Leaf Village

Narrator Superman: Majority of the senior Uchiha's clan member gathered together one night to discuss the future of the village and of course Madara was there as well

Obito Uchiha: Madara we've all spoken and we decide with the increase in meta human joining the village and increase in Uchiha's we must expand the village.

Madara: But if we do we'll be taking large parts of other cities like New york.

Fugaku Uchiha : Precisely Madara, it's time the uchiha got what we deserved. It's the promise Superman made to us

Madara: I'll speek to him and Diana i'm sure they'll agree

Narrator Superman: So later that day at the Uchiha clan bunker, madara called both me and Wonder Woman together, to talk about the expansion of the village

Superman: An expansion of the village?

Diana: I think that's a great idea

Superman: So do i but there are proper chanel and legal things we must go over before it can happen. World leaders may not agree.

Madara: The uchiha clan has suffered enough, we deserve this

Diana: Of course you do madara, but we need to make sure that its the right thing first

Superman: I agree, if this is about the me becoming leader of the league, eventually i will step down and name you our new leader.

Madara: I suspect that batman will be leader of the league. Let's be honest guys the uchiha will always face discrimination, it's why after you were chosen as leader i stayed out of the spot light and became a part time member of the League and refused to be named an official member, i bet not many people even know im a leaguer.

Superman: But we can change that, i need my friend and my brother if i am going to lead the league and protect the hidden leaf

Diana: And i need you Madara. She says holding onto his hand

Madara: I'm not even trusted by my own Uchiha, there slowly beginning to lose faith in me as their clan leader.

Superman: No that's not true madara I---

Madara: Perhaps i should have only given you the option of killing those men that day. I know you well Clark, I'm leaving the village

Both Superman and Diana eyes widened

Diana: Madara!

Madara: I'm also offically leaving the league as well

Diana: Please don't do this, there's something very important i have to tell you

Madara: Diana, I'm sorry. But as of now im following my own journey and my own path. Clark you call me your brother but when it comes down to it you'll chose to save the people over me or the clan, i know you pretty well.

Superman: I would save both the world and you. Have you been listening to me at all Madara?

Madara: You are the only perosn on this planet that is a match for me. I look forward to the battle's we shall fight in the future, until i achieve my true dreams

Superman: True dream? Madara everything we wanted is right here

Madara: Clark, Diana. You two are the only ones a really have left in this world.

Diana: Exactly so let the three of us can help achieve your dream together.

Madara: I will achieve it alone and Clark you of all people should know. Nobody can catch me from behind.

Narrator Superman: After that Madara left the village and quit the justice League. We had both come this far togethr and now madara had left the village we had both created.

Narrator Superman: I began creating schools in the village were children would learn about the history of the Uchiha's and how they came to be. The justice league slowly begna to expand there membership introducing new members to our ranks and more people would follow in my footsteps and become hero's

Narrator Superman: But it as if he wanted to destroy our dream, Madara came back to the village but this time not to rejoin

Superman: Madara! What are you doing?!

Madara: One last chance Clark, expand the borders of the village and let the Uchiha reign over the nations.

Superman: I cant do that. Nothing will come of us fighting each other again. I won't let you affect what we built

Madara: Then so be it!!

Narrator Superman: The two of us began our last battle. We both charged at one another with full strength.

Narrator Superman: Our most intense fight. The force behind our attack had enough force to destroy half the planet

Madara: Firestyle Majestic destroyer flame

Superman: Full power freeze breath

Superman: Madara!!!!!!

Madara: Superman!!!!!


Narrartor Superman: We both were out of breath and both got weaker as the fight went on. One mistake would cost us our lives.

Superman(tired): We dont have to do this, i just want to protect the dream we made

Madara: That dream is over.

Narrotor Superman: Before i knew it Madara already made his first mistake, his vision became blurry from the overuse of the Sharingan for 24 hours straight. I used this opportunity to grab his sword, i used my enhanced speed to get behind him and I stabbed him in the back.

Madara: Ahh, You bastard. You literally stabbed me in the back

Superman: I told you, i wont let you destory our dream. Our village

Madara drops to his knees with the sword still in his back

Madara(weakly): I guess this is it

Superman: I must tell you something Madara. What Diana attempted to tell you 7 months ago before you left the League and the Village. She's pregnant

Madara(coughs blood): What?

Superman: With your child. It's a boy, that boy could have been the bridge between the Uchiha and the world. But you threw it all away, i know you still have your other son Itachi, I promise to protect them both.

Madara(weakly): No-- leave, leave them both and- the baby. Give him my brother- Izuna middle name. " Sasuke". Call him Sasuke

Narrator Superman: Those were his last words and thus my battle with Madara came to an end and he died that day.


The whole league and the team were shaken up by that story especially Sasuke. Wonder woman stood up to approach sasuke but he took a step back

Diana: Sasuke

Sasuke(tears): All this time, it was a lie. Your my mother?

Diana: Yes its true

Superman: Mikoto Uchiha the woman who you believed to be your mother, did have a child with your father Madara. Itachi Uchiha was born. However, she was chosen as the preferred mate for Madara by the Uchiha clan members. He didn't love Mikoto Uchiha the way he loved Diana but the Uchiha weren't happy about Madara falling in love with Diana, so he had a child with Mikoto to win back the Clan's trust.

Diana: When i found out about Itachi being born, I ended things with Madara even though i still love him. Perhaps it was one of the things that lead to him leaving the League. I then found out i was pregnant with you. I intended to tell Madara but he left the league

Superman: When i told him the truth the day he died. He told me to leave you and Itachi alone, so both Diana and I returned to the Village after you were born and gave you too Mikoto Uchiha, we thought it best for you not to grow up with the pain of losing your father and be reminded of it everyday.

Diana: Mikoto promised to look after you as if you were her own, and we felt it best for you to stay close with your brother. You half brother Itachi.

Superman: After that we all agreed the only ones to know the truth were me, Diana and Batman. I also left the Hidden Leaf Village, i couldn't do it anymore to be reminded that i killed their clan leader, they adored Madara and idolised him as hero who fought for their rights and i didn't want to take that away from them. In addition the other Meta human's of the village left and only Uchiha's remained, they were sectioned off from the world and left alone.

Superman: The village was a lot better than were they started off ,than when Madara and I were kids. But i made a final promise to Madara to leave the Uchiha's alone and too leave you alone. And thus i never returned to the village, until they were all massacred by Itachi

Sasuke(angrily): Is that everything?

Diana: I was going to tell you the truth, but days became months and months became years. Everytime i would visit you, without you noticing. You looked so happy to be with your brother and to be with your family. So we told them them Mikoto Uchiha was your mother.

Superman: I swear to you all. I have no idea how Madara is alive today, but i know i defiantly killed my friend that day. The place we battled became a tourist attraction and was renamed "Final Valley"

Superman: And that is the story of Madara Uchiha

Zatanna: Sasuke. She said approaching him

Sasuke: Clark. You lied to me about who my mother was, you betrayed the Uchiha clan and killed your own friend. But yet you still call youself a hero

The whole room turned towards sasuke eyes

Superboy: Sasuke

Batman: The third tomeo sharingan

Sasuke: I'm done with you all. Itachi killed my entire Clan and he's still breathing, i don't need your help anymore.

Sasuke walked out of the meeting room and approached the Zeta Tube

Superboy: Sasuke!

Zatanna: I'll talk to him. Sasuke wait!

He turned back to see Zatanna there

Zatanna: Please don't go, your leaving us just like your father did. Your not him

Sasuke: I already know that

Zatanna: Then stay with us me, kaldur, dick, wally, artemis, megan, rocket. Stay with me please

Sasuke: You think because we kissed on New Years it means anything? This has shown me that nobody here can be trusted I'll kill Itachi alone and them I'm going to find Madara.

Zatanna: Ok then we'll do it togther me and you, i've lost my father i cant lose you too.

Sasuke: You already have. Goodbye Zatanna...

Sasuke says and then walkes into the zeta tube

Computer: Recognised Sasuke Uchiha 0-6

To be continued.....

A/N: And thats a wrap for a very long season, so many stories and plot twist. Like Madara and Wonder Woman and the truth behind the Uchiha clan. Who would have expected it. But of course like and comment on you best parts and what you want to see next season.

Mid end Credit scene

Infinity island (Santa Prisca)

A shadowy figure approaches the secret island of the League of Assassins only to be stopped by multiple of the guards

Assassins: Holt no one steps foot on the island

Ra's al ghul walks down towards the unknown man

Ra's al ghul: Hold your fire, you'll have to forgive them there not used to guest.

????: I need your help. I need you to train me

Ra's al ghul: I assumed you have heroes for that

Sasuke: Not anymore.....

He bring out a photo from his pocket

Sasuke: I'm sorry Zatanna...

Bonus- Play

End credit scene

Cadmus Labs

Lex Luthor, The Brain, Queen Bee and ocean master were at the underground cloning bunker collecting there experiments

Lex Luther : The League will arrive shortly. Leave nothing behind that we might need

Lex Luthor: "Match" and the real Roy harper of course. But i believe this still might have some use...... Shisui Uchiha

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