Forced Marriage | Wenclair

By k9ine3

70.4K 1.8K 2K

"Out of the billions of people in this world, I'm being married to a werewolf?" Wednesday threw daggers at he... More

1. Tragic News
2. Learning About the Addams
3. "Stacked" Emotions
4. Destructible
5. Scars From the Past
6. Jealousy in Sight
7. Thinkable Actions
8. Lovestruck
9. A Gift for You
11. Four Visitors
12. Devotion
13. A Truth to Seek
14. Woeful Birthday
15. Vow to You

10. Hyde the Nightmares

4.4K 114 92
By k9ine3

"Wednesday... Open your eyes..."

The raven slowly woke up and blinked at a steady pace to find herself surrounded by fog. Wednesday lied on a land covered in leaves. There were dead maple trees with a few colors on their branches. Right away, the dark humored woman recognized the area. Many yards next to her mansion are covered in trees which can be known as the woods.

Wednesday has been there a few times only to catch animals and use them as taxidermy. After meeting the bubbly werewolf, she hasn't gone to that part of the property ever since. She's too focused on the girl who stole her black heart. Now, Wednesday wonders why she is in a vision with her ancestor.

"What brought me here?" The psychic glanced at Goody who stood in a clear view of her.

"Me. I managed to get through your dreams simply by entering your head. There's trouble beginning to follow you," the phantom explained.

"What kind of trouble? I am capable of handling it myself if it comes to me," Wednesday reassured the ghost girl.

"This trouble is something you cannot take care of alone. See for yourself," Goody stepped aside.

Up ahead past Wednesday's ancestor is a clear vision of the goth sitting against a tree. What narrowed Wednesday's eyes was her own blood on one hand and seeping through her dark clothing. A knife had punctured into her stomach. The weapon hadn't been pulled. Though, it wasn't something Addams was mainly focused on.

Across from her was an unidentified creature. A monster is what the raven sees it as. Giant, pale, slender, and almost hairless. She was only able to see the back of it. Wednesday could compare the claws as sharp and long as Enid's when she shifted into a lycanthrope. No matter how dangerous the beast appeared to be, the sinister woman didn't feel fear.

Rather, she felt hatred and resentment. She wanted to find all possibilities to kill the monster. Even torturing it would be enough to satisfy Wednesday. Goody understands what her descendant is like. She never shows any emotions to anyone. However, the vision should change the psychic's mind. Goody can sense a lot of negativity from this specific image. She wished Wednesday could feel it too.

"Am I supposed to feel petrified over a stab to the stomach and a monster hovering over me?" Wednesday questioned the spirit.

"You should be. Especially when it involves someone so dear to you. Look closer," Goody put on a serious face and pointed a finger towards the vision.

The dark brunette watched as the vision switched from herself with a stab wound to a bloodied werewolf being strangled by the same monster. Wednesday knew the wolf was Enid. She was witnessing the bubbly blonde slowly dying in front of her. The horrendous creature raised a claw up and was ready to strike down on the lycanthrope.

"Enid!" The raven called out in panic as she sprinted after the two beasts.

Before Addams reached closer to the vision, it vanished out of sight. She stopped her tracks as her heart raced in fear of what might've happened to Enid. Wednesday turned her whole body around to stare at Goody with mixed emotions on her face.

"What happened to Enid?"

"If only I knew. Your visions are formed into tragedies. That may help you understand what will happen to Enid or you."

"I cannot let Enid die. I won't allow it. As for myself, I will survive a knife to my stomach," Wednesday told her deceased ancestor.

"You'll live because of me. I'm kind of your guardian angel, although I won't be able to watch over you anymore after healing your severe injuries," Goody announced.

"I believe it won't be necessary if I murder the monster before it captures me," the psychic planned ahead.

"Probably so. Be on high alert, Wednesday. Who knows where this monster could be lurking," the ghost gave a heads up.

"There's no need to tell me twice. I'll take care of this matter," Wednesday reminded her relative.

"I look forward to your success," Goody plastered a small grin that was noticeably sad.

Wednesday got one glimpse of her ancestor persisting until her ghostly figure disappeared into thin air. It was the gothic's turn to leave the imaginary world Goody brought her to. Her field of vision became pitch black, aware that she'll be back to reality. Briskly, she felt a hand shaking her shoulder. A delicate voice went from faded to a clear tone.


Once again, the grim girl opened her eyes. The first person she saw was Enid. Her blue eyes filled with worrisome change to relief. Wednesday discovered herself lying on one of the loveseats in the living room. Beside Enid who sat down on the edge of the sofa were the rest of the Addams family glancing at the woman in curiosity.

"Welcome back my death trap! We were wondering when you'd come back," Gomez beamed at his daughter.

"Enid was very concerned for you dear. She was on the verge of tears. We had to calm her down and interpret what was happening before she assumed the worst," Morticia explicated what transpired while Wednesday spectated her vision.

"I'm sorry that I overreacted. I didn't know Wednesday would have an episode of her frozen in place when a vision emerges," Enid massaged the back of her neck in an embarrassing manner.

"I should be the one to apologize for not informing you. It hasn't crossed my mind to break down the process of my vision episodes to you," Wednesday sat herself up on the couch.

For Enid to feel some comfort, she latched her hands onto Wednesday's. Mercifully for the colorful she-wolf, the raven did not pull away. Instead, she intertwined her fingers tightly onto Enid's as if the blonde would depart at any given second. After observing the mirage of herself, Enid, and the mysterious creature, she cannot help but feel protective of the werewolf.

"You don't have to apologize. I was only worried for a bit. Thanks to your family, I know what to expect in case you have another vision," Sinclair smiled in ease.

"Not to ruin both of your wholesome moments, but I guarantee all of us are nosy about what you saw in your vision," Pugsley pitched into the discussion.

"Yes! Tell us about your vision," Gomez, too, was curious.

Wednesday let out a deep breath before responding, "Goody was there with me to watch the vision together. At first, I found myself stabbed with a knife. A monster was watching me bleed to death. Then, it switched to Enid in her werewolf form. She had fought the exact beast since her fur was covered with blood, until..."

She paused. Her fingers dug into Enid's back hands firmly in which the lycan noticed. She didn't want to finish her sentence about Enid being choked to death by the creature. The image of her admirer being leisurely killed created a crushing feeling to her heart. Rather than telling everybody the rest of the story, Wednesday let go of Enid's hands and darted out of the living room.

"Wednesday!" Enid called out as she got up from the furniture.

The eldest Addams child didn't look back. She continued walking fastly into the foyer and upstairs. Enid sighed in defeat, feeling perturbed for the woman she adores. She senses something is clearly upsetting Wednesday.

"It's best if you chat with Wednesday privately. She'll listen to you more than to us. I believe she is having a hard time saying what had happened to you precisely," Morticia encouraged the she-wolf.

Enid agreed and nodded with the idea. She left the sitting room and made her way to hers and Wednesday's shared bedroom. Upon arriving at the door, she found the raven standing and looking through the window facing the right side of the manor.

Taking a few steps inside the room, Enid uttered, "Wednesday?"

A couple of seconds went by before Wednesday whirled her entire body, facing across the lycanthrope. Sinclair found a difference in her facial expression. She appeared more dreadful than normal. Whatever bothered the psychic, it made Enid feel the same.

"This is a mistake. Our parents should have never matched us," Wednesday gazed intently at the shifter.

"To me, it's not a mistake. I couldn't give less of a damn if our parents shouldn't have gotten us together. I'm actually glad they did no matter how wrong it was for them to do so without us knowing. Is what you're saying connected to what happened in your vision?" Enid walked closer to her companion.

The shorter girl remained quiet. She debated in her mind whether to tell the blonde or not. There was an unpleasant scenario in her head that if she tells Enid, the blue eyed creature will be afraid and take a flight back to her home state. If it was more than a month back, Wednesday would celebrate Enid leaving. This time, it would be the opposite.

"What happened to me Wens? I can't have you push me away and not say what you witnessed about me. I need to know so you and I can resolve this together," the werewolf planted both hands on top Wednesday's shoulders with a concerned look.

'Don't be afraid to tell her about your needs or feelings, and never move on from an argument without resolving it together.'

The young Addams remembered those words directly from her father. She hated speaking about any emotions she felt, especially if it's unwanted. But if she wants to keep Enid safe, her priority is to stop overthinking and admit what occurred. It is a risk to take, however Wednesday hopes it'll be worth it.

Her eyes gawked at the floor instead of the relaxed woman in front of her and answered, "You were being strangled by the monster who stabbed me. Its claws were raised as you struggled to fight back. You weren't able to do much to save yourself. Before it could attack you, the vision ended. I wish to know if you survived. Although, Goody reminded me that my visions are mostly tragic."

Rapidly, Enid's face softened from the response. She removed her hands from the raven's shoulders and gently obtained Wednesday's small hands. The warmth from the lycan soothed her as if she had the power to push aside any negative feelings away. This is the goth's favorite thing about Enid. She has the ability to make anyone feel better with words of affirmation or physical touch.

"I understand now. You didn't want to say because of how I would react or say about it," the she-wolf stated.

"Precisely. I had to prepare myself in case you would flee from here and fly back home to escape death," Wednesday made eye contact with Enid.

"Willa... this is my home, and I'm not going anywhere. Your vision was pretty graphic, but we can cheat death. Well, that is if we died in your vision, which I doubt it because I will be the one to protect you and I from the monster who hurt us," the sunny female lifted the corner of her lips.

"I will not allow you to have all the fun to protect us. I'm joining you," the dark haired predictor gently squeezed both hands belonging to Enid.

"Sounds good to me," the werewolf expressed merrily.

"Since we have sorted out our issues, it is time to hunt down the perpetrator who will torment us soon," Wednesday informed.

"What did the monster look like, and where were we when you saw us injured?" Sinclair tilted her head.

"It's hideous, gray, scrawny, and almost zombie-like. It had a small patch of light brown hair on its head. As for your second question, you and I were in the woods next to our house," Addams described.

"Oh great. It happened near the manor. Anyways, I think I know what monster you're talking about," Enid had a clue of what creature it might be.

"What do you think it is?" Wednesday was desperate to know what type of creature it was.

"I'm convinced it's called a Hyde," the lycanthrope figured out.

"A Hyde?" The aloof woman was intrigued

"Yeah! They have big eyes, sharp teeth, and long claws. They're super vicious and rare. I've never met anybody who can transform into one," the giddy blonde detailed the monster further.

"Interesting. You deserve a reward for being informative," Wednesday said conversationally.

"Can I get an actual hug as my reward?" Enid's eyes shined bright.

"No. I can buy you more of your disturbing stuffed animals preferably. We have work to do," the raven implied.

"What kind of work are we doing?"

"The kind that involves you shifting into a werewolf."


"You should wear my coat! I bet you would look good in pink," Enid sincerely visualized.

"Don't be absurd. My color is strictly black and white," Wednesday made known.

"Then, I should get one in black. Therefore, you can wear it," the she-wolf suggested.

"I suppose it's not a terrible idea," nonchalantly, the psychic agreed.

"Never. Here. Take care of my coat while I'm shifted," Enid handed over her piece of clothing to the goth.

She went on to grab it and held it away from her as if the coat was sickening to touch or get near to. Both girls were outside by the property filled with saplings where the vision took place. The braided pigtailed woman had a plan to investigate the land by having Enid track down any unwelcoming scents or suspicious claw prints. She hoped to find any hints of who could the Hyde be.

"We'll find something, Wens. I can feel it in my bones," the beast consoled as her body began morphing at high-speed.

Addams watched as the being in front of her now turned into a lycanthrope standing on all fours. Memorized, Wednesday drew closer to the creature and reached a hand out to set on Enid's snout. Slowly, the wolf lowered her head and closed her eyes in easement. It was Wednesday's cue to slide her hand over from Sinclair's nasal and up to her head, smoothing out the soft fur.

The therianthrope's favorite part about being a werewolf is being petted by her future lover. She would give anything up just for the psychic to caress her even in human form. As much as both of them wanted to stay and be loved by one another, there was a mission to go through and complete.

Wednesday paused and moved her hand away before voicing, "We should get going."

Enid opened her sky blue eyes and deliberately lowered her furry head, ready to proceed into the journey. The small human took the lead while the fluffy creature followed right by her side. Wednesday centered her attention to the ground to find marks as the wolf sniffed out the air for any scents.

Less than five minutes has passed and no signs of the Hyde lurking in the woods. The pair went further into the woods in case there might be traces of the murderous monster. At a greater distance, Enid's nose caught an unfamiliar smell lingering in the atmosphere. Like a pet dog, she bowed her head low to the damp dirt and sniffed while tracking down the scent.

Wednesday stopped gazing at the ground and studied the lycan before eventually going after her. The freckled female permitted the she-wolf to carry on searching the trail without interrupting. In less than ten seconds, Enid halted herself and sat down. The goth nearly bumped into the light haired beast before going around her. Wednesday checked out what she found, and it appeared to be a huge print to her eyes.

She glanced up at the werewolf who had the same thought in mind as she gestured her head forward. The dark brunette explored beyond the print just to detect more. She trailed the marks until they started forming differently. It became smaller and less humanoid. Addams concluded they were footprints. In her head, she measured the length, and it turned out to be almost ten inches.

"Whoever the Hyde is, I presume it's a man," Wednesday proposed, which caused Enid to growl lowly in response.

The raven traveled where the footsteps guide to. It took the duo down the gradual path and to the two way road in front of the Addams family premises. There was a bit of dried mud on the street leading to the city before the tracks disappeared.

"The Hyde most likely lives in the urban area. The dirt he brought here seems parched. I say the culprit visited the mansion in the morning," Wednesday claimed.

"We are great detectives!" Enid's voice was heard.

The short girl steered her head to find the blonde partially morphing back to her human form. Her body remained covered in fur but it unhurriedly began shortening itself. Wednesday shoved the long, pink coat at Enid's chest while looking away.

"I suggest you cover yourself before someone sees you bare," the psychic demanded as she searched for oncoming vehicles and covered Enid while feeling flushed.

The vivid therianthrope smiled proudly as she took her clothing to put on and said, "So, can you double the prize since I am informative, and I found the prints?"

"Excluding your exotic plushies, I'll award you whatever you desire besides an embracement," Wednesday turned around to stare at the clothed female.

"Really!? Okay... how about..." Enid ceased her sentence before pointing a finger at the deadly girl's cheek.

Wednesday furrowed her eyebrows out of puzzlement, not getting the hint of what the werewolf is wanting.

"Use your words, cucciola," she instructed.

Sinclair made an inaudible noise prior to shyly uttering, "Can I uh... kiss you on the cheek?"

Addams was shocked to hear the lycanthrope ask for such an unexpected reward. She wished she crossed out any form of physical contact, but at the same time, pleasurable emotions inched the woman. Of course the two held hands and snuggled with each other. Yet, this is a new experience. Instead of declining, Wednesday nodded without saying a word.

Enid took that as a signal to go forth with the action. The beast moved closer to the goth with little space between them. With her hand, she cupped the left side of Wednesday's face. The raven was fond of the way Enid's hand felt against her cheek. She can sense herself leaning into the touch willingly. What made the moment indelible was the kiss.

The therianthrope holding the dark humored individual while in bed is great in Wednesday's book. But with Enid planting her soft lips on her cold, pale skin, this is what she'll constantly need. If Wednesday could go back in time, she would swiftly condone Enid into the family the day they first met. It no longer mattered to her now that both beings abide one another.

"It should have been the other way around despite the fact you did most of the work," Wednesday declared, her face and the tip of her ears turned red.

"You can give me a kiss too," the blonde excitedly replied.

"Forget it. Let's go and tell my mother and father the news," Wednesday disregarded the subject as she noticed the intense sentiment getting ready to erupt.

She clenched Enid's wrist and dragged her out of the small woods. The psychic knows Enid is taking over her thoughts, reactions, and soul. She doesn't mind it. The war between herself and her emotions are over. Wednesday won't run away from them but will act on them. Goody switched her perspective for the better.


Night approaches, and it's past midnight. Enid and the Addams family fell asleep in their designated rooms. With Thing no longer dozing on the floor and alternatively near the heads of the young ladies, Wednesday and Enid were not cuddling. The future author didn't perceive the werewolf not holding her as she deeply snoozed away.

However, Enid drastically tossed and turned in her sleep. Her breathing quickened while sweat drops rolled from her forehead. The multicolored claws were drawn out as it began digging through the pillow she held onto. Enid snarled soundlessly with her canines extended. Her face contorted as if she's feeling the pain from the dream.

In the end, the wolf opened her eyes and sat up fast while her heart thumped hard against her chest. The loud exhalation coming out of Enid woke up Wednesday. She lifted herself up to get a glimpse of the panicked woman who had a hand over her neck.

"Enid? What happened?" Wednesday sleepily questioned, focusing on Enid's body language.

"I-I had a nightmare. Exactly what you saw in your vision except it felt real. I was losing oxygen when the Hyde strangled me with his giant claws. Jeez Wens. I really hope we find this guy before he does anything to kill us," Enid desperately hoped.

"We will find the Hyde. I won't allow him to weaken us. I forbid leaving each other's side if ever the monster has a chance to attack either you or I out of the blue. Perhaps my words may not help pacify your distraught mentality, but possibly my action to make you feel serene will assist you," Wednesday whispered delicately for only the she-wolf to hear.

Enid pondered on what her crush will do to make her feel better. Just like what the hyper feminine did to the ghastly girl, Wednesday held each side of Enid's face. The creature didn't react until she felt a pair of warm lips peck her cheek softly. Pulling away, Wednesday removed her hands and scanned the lovable blonde as the gears in Enid's head started to revolve.

"Did you kiss my face?" A stunned and rosy Sinclair asked.

"Was that not what you wanted?"

"Most certainly I did want that. I asked in case I was having another dream."

"This one is not a dream," Wednesday addressed.

"That's good because you made me feel so much better," Enid joyfully pulled down Wednesday on the bed to lie back in their normal sleeping position.

"You're not yourself when you are not smiling," Wednesday mentioned hoarsely.

"You really catch on when I'm feeling down in the dumps. This is why you're my number one favorite person. Thank you, Wednesday," the werewolf grinned widely as she held onto Addams tightly.

"It's my pleasure," the psychic mouthed before shutting her eyes as the comfort of Enid made her fall asleep quicker.


A/n: Y'all really thought Wednesday wouldn't give Enid a kiss on the cheek huh? 😐

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