Shoot ~ Duty after school x r...

Bởi GiyuOnlyFriend

59.3K 2.3K 305

You just wanted to graduate peacefully but that didn't seem to be anyone's plan. An Y/n , a senior worked so... Xem Thêm

1 - recruitment
2 - training
3 - firearms
5 - uprising
6 - WuTaek
7 - a legendary tale
8 - flour
9 - Coca-Cola love
10 - Lieutenant Lee Chun-Ho
11 - flirt
12 - im against this
13 - prisoners
14 - zipper
15 - today is the worst day of my life
16 - feelings
17 - Commander Y/n
18 - i love you
19 - video camera
20 - shoot
21 - Parents

4 - reality

3.2K 130 24
Bởi GiyuOnlyFriend


Today you finally got to properly use the firearms. You were actually pretty excited. You had never actually fired a gun with real bullets in, it will be an exciting first time.

"Okay everyone make sure you're in pairs! And all your equipment is on." YooJung announced as she walked around beginning to count people, you looked around for a partner making eye contact with Bora. The two of you walking to eachother. Words didn't have to be said, you knew you two were a pair. Hana walked over "Come on Bora let's line up"

"Im with Y/n" she said quite simply "oh come on we always pair together" Hana said shaking Boras arm. "It's fine, I'll go with someone else" you said stepping away before Bora said anything to Hana. You just waited to see who was left.

"Hey Y/n pair with me" you looked at Soochul who called your name , not having anything against it walking over to him. "I don't think we've ever paired together before, this will be fun." He said you just nodded. The two of you walked into line.

"I heard your parents do this sort of thing, that's probably why you're so good at it" he started talking again, you just looked at him. "Who told you that?" Genuinely curious to see who out of Taeman and WuTaek were you going to somehow accidentally trip up on the way there. "Well I asked why some of the boys kept calling you Commander Y/n and they said that your parents were apart of the military" you nodded , proving to him they were telling the truth.

"That's cool then, the must have been proud to hear about your training."

"Yeah you could also say forceful for me to do it" you muttered but he heard clearly. "Sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I just think it's cool. Maybe I'll be with one of them during my military service" The line started to move and you all began walking out of school. "Don't worry about it you haven't, I just don't have much to say about it. Just because they're good doesn't mean I necessarily am." He nodded agreeing that what you're saying is true. It was peaceful between the two of you. Something rare in this class.

"Y/n~ oh look at you and Soochul together" WuTaek mocked as he put his arms on your shoulders, leaning on you as you all continued to walk. He looked at Soochul. "I didn't realise you took a fancy to Y/n"

"Don't be ridiculous" you said hitting one of his hands. "Can't people just walk together or is it always a scandal with you brainless man" WuTaek wasn't bothered by it just letting out a laugh like Soochul. "Woah it's like an apocalypse happened" You looked around , seeing what the boy next to you was on about. "Do you think that means we can get into the internet cafe for free then?" WuTaek smiled at you. "If you want Platoon leader to lose his shit at you then be my guest."

"It really looks like the world has ended." WuTaek let out and he was nothing but right. It just looked like everyone had vanished. "How is there not a single person?" Taeman his partner asked. "Hmm I thought you had vanished too since you were so quiet" you said finding it odd Taeman was quiet for that long. "Aww did Y/n~ miss the sound of my voice" he said getting all giddy. "Don't say my name like that!"

"Y/n~ Y/n~ Y/n~" he continued for the rest of the trip. WuTaek gladly joining in.

"They probably evacuated everyone." Soochul spoke up. "Yeah probably , it's not safe for everyone to be in a city during a war. It'll just bring more casualties" You agreed with him. The rest of the walk was in silence. Soon arriving at the shooting range.

Once there you all had to line up, the boys quick to notice the girls from the other schools , you hit WuTaeks helmet for bothering them but it was cut short by the firing of guns. Scaring most of the class. You looked at the boy next to you who had crouched down on the floor tucked up in himself. You let out a laugh, most of your classmates had done the same as him.

"Hey don't laugh Y/n!"

"We could have died!!"

This just made you laugh a little more, especially once you saw WuTaek and Taeman holding onto each other for dear life. "Stop it Y/n!!" WuTaek said pushing you playfully, you stopped laughing and just looked at him. "Sorry" he said with his hands together and a cheeky smile on his face. "Haha you should be" you laughed sarcastically hitting his helmet down so he couldn't see.

- - - - -

"Woah the gunfire was really... really loud" you just looked at the boy next to you.

"I feel like he gets dumber by the minute." You sighed

"Haa never mind piss, I almost shat myself." WuTaek admitted confidently and laughed before walking off.

Kimchi zoomed in the camera on you.

"Im losing all hope in humanity very quickly."

WuTaek came running back

"Y/n~! Deokjoong actually shit himself!" You didn't even look at him, looking straight into the camera still. The disgust the only thing clear on your face.

"Very very quickly" you said thinking over your whole life and the stupid decisions you made to have it turn out this way.

- - - - -

Soon you actually got into the shooting range. Each of you were given three bullets to aim at your targets. You think you did quite well. You were all sat in a group after your first tries waiting to hear what the Platoon leader had to say.

"Who's adding extra holes to their paper?" Was the first thing Platoon leader said, you and WuTaek leant towards opposite sides revealing Taeman.

"Trainee No.12 Wang Tae Man" he said standing up proudly, "Wang Tae Man get down" he did so after receiving a hit on the helmet from on of the other officers. You all around him laughed at the fool.

Soochul, Soyeon and YoungShin also had to get down as they all shot onto Soochuls sheet giving him eight rather than three holes. Deokjoong had to too as he only had one hole.

"Trainee no 13?" He called out your number. You stood up "Trainee no 13 An Y/N" he held up your sheet, you were nervous about what he was going to say you did wrong. Everyone looking at the sheet. "Woah commander Y/n" WuTaek was the first to speak up the others all being shocked too. You looked confused. "Trainee no 13 An Y/N well done for the great aim it's better than perfect, all your shots are touching in the centre some even overlapping each other. Well done." You smiled bowing before sitting down.

"Commander Y/n when did you add the holes in your sheet? You should have helped me do mine." Taeman said just earning a hard hit to the head which caused him the face plant the floor. "Ouch that hurt" he let out "then don't say stupid stuff"

"Okay now with this feedback everyone learn from it and shoot again" complaints was the response as per usual. "Those who do well will get bonus points, understood?"

"How many bonus points?" Young su asked, his voice cracking in the process

"Three." With that everyone started getting ready to shoot. And everyone did much better this round.

You soon all started heading back to school, talking about it. Some people praising each other whilst others mocked each other.

"Waa how did you do so well Commander Y/n~" WuTaek asked , your new partner for the walk back. You smiled. "Im imagined the target was you and aimed right there" you said moving you finger to touch in between his eyebrows. He moved back holding onto his forehead but then laughed , you joining in too.

The platoon leader stopped and all of a sudden you all had to sit on the side of the street. You were with your usual lot but noticed a zoned out Ilha not far from you. You approached the boy. "Are you okay?" You asked sitting down next to him. He didn't answer too into his thoughts to notice you. You tapped him. "Ilha" he jumped at this his gun hitting your helmet. You held onto it looking up at him. He just looked at you shocked "I didn't realise it was you" you just glared at him holding your head. "I guess you're fine then, I was just going to check if you were okay because you've been zoning out a lot" you said annoyance clear in your tone, he looked around. Everyone clearly in their own conversations. "You know why" the two of you started talking quietly. Taeman noticing you were preoccupied took this as his shot to get Huirak to go off with him to the convenience store.

"How are you able to live your life normally after seeing it" he asked, you just thought about it. How are you acting as if it never happened? "I don't know...maybe it's because I never cared for Yeonghun that my mind erasing him doesn't make much of a difference but that creature...I don't think I'll ever forget it" you said not looking at the boy next to you, both of you had your eyes glued to the pavement. "There's hundreds of them, maybe even thousands..." he went on with thinking about all of them having such creatures inside and wanting to kill you all. "I just want to kill them" he spat out angrily. "I don't give two shits about that asshole but these creatures, they've fucked up my life big time already" he continued. You agree though, they've fucked up your life and you want them all dead but in reality can you even kill them? You were able to hit a still object not a terrifying creature with tentacles that can probably move around really quickly.

"Well let's think on the bright side we are equipped and trained so we won't end up like Yeonghun..." you muttered. "We've also got-" he was interrupted by your teacher so you didn't get to hear what he was going to say.

"Y/n do you know where Taeman and Huirak are?" You looked up at Ms Park. "Taeman and Huirak? Aren't they here?" You and Ilha both looked around. No sight of them. "Ugh those fuckers" Ilha let out. Ms Park went and told the officers. The two of them going to look.

"Are you sure no one has seen them?" Ms Park asked your class, everyone saying no. "Not even you Y/n?" You shook your head "he was with Huirak and WuTaek when I moved over here" you said all that you could remember. Ms Park looked over at WuTaek . "I don't know, I went to talk to Jangsu and Soochul when they were still here." The whole class was confused and worried, then the stupid thought entered your mind. You turned to Ilha. "What if-"

"Ms Park well..." Yeongsu lifted his hand, everyone looking at him. "they mentioned a convenience store"

"What?" Was all Ms Park could say, astonished that these two seniors just walked off. She just sighed. "Class President, let's go and look for them together" Yoojung got up and went off with her. You all heard a scream a few minutes later. Quickly getting up and heading that way , your classmates following you.

Once arriving you saw the gun with a severed hand attached. "Omg..." the others seeing it and it freaking people out. Ms Park started walking off in the direction of a trail of blood. Kimchi quick to try and stop her. "WHAT IF ITS A SPHERE?! YEONGHUN DIED BECAUSE OF THE SPHERE TOO!" He shouted grabbing everyone's attention, you and Ilha just glared at him.

"Yeonghuns dead?" You heard SunYi say next to you, all the others began questioning it too. "Yah Kwon Ilha is what he's saying true?" The others turned to the boy next to you and were quick to notice your expression too. "Do you two know something?" Bora asked grabbing your arm. Soochul grabbing onto Ilha's shirt "What is he fucking saying?!" The boy cursed at the other. "I don't fucking know!" Was all Ilha replied with, the whole class now looking at the two of you. "What happened Y/n?" You didn't look at your friend calling your name.

"EVERYONE RUN!!" You all heard Ms Park scream, she picked up a gun and started shooting. The gun soon ran out of bullets and she turned to run, facing you all and as she did the tentacles impaled her. You all stood there shocked as she fell to the floor. The girls started screaming, everyone else just standing there shocked. Soon an officer arrived but was quickly killed by the creatures, his head dropping to the floor away from his body. You just grabbed onto whoever was closest to you. "Run...we have to run." And everyone did, screaming. Everyone heading in the same direction, you noticed Jangsu picking up a gun and copied his action.

All of you ran as fast as you could, trying to get away from the creatures following you. You soon ended up in a shopping centre. "Shit. What the fuck are those things?" Ilha said looking back, you just pulled him inside the doors. Running off to try and find somewhere safe. You ended up far into the building.

"Hurry up!" You shouted at the two boys behind you, Soochul had ended up joining you and Ilha in the midst of all the running around and chaos. Ilha paused as someone grabbed onto his leg "S-save me...please...s-save me" she muttered before spitting blood all over the boy as she fell forward, one of the creatures crawling out from behind. You just started shooting, killing it after a couple of shots. The boys just looked shocked, you quickly helped Ilha up "Hurry up we have to find somewhere safe." You said pulling Soochul with you. The three of you running again. You ran up the stairs trying to open all the doors, but they all were locked. You groaned. "Over here" Soochul called , the two of you running to him and getting behind the boxes he found.

It was silent , all you could hear were the three of you breathing . You were all huddled together. "Should we go find the-" you stopped Soochul from continuing hearing the odd noise. The two understood, you held the gun you acquired earlier. You signalled Soochul to go behind you , rather than you being in the centre. The two of you swapped and you took a look from behind the box. Creeping further and further out to get a better look. You saw the creature. "It's just one" you whispered. "I don't think it knows we're here." You said quietly. "Shoot!" Ilha whisper shouted , it was too loud and seemed to have gathered the attention of the sphere. It rushing towards you, you shot it but the loud noise from the gun seemed to attract two more the three of you getting out of the hiding spot and running. "You two find something we can hide in!" You said and you tried to shoot them, successfully getting one but the gun running out of bullets before you got the second . You chucked the gun at it and ran following the boys.

The three of you ended up at the upper car park. Running through it. You ran down the levels meeting four of the others. Them facing their own sphere problem. The four of them in chaos. You pulled Soyeon with you as you, Ilha, Soochul and WuTaek ran into a van. The other door open to which a sphere pulled WuTaek down by the neck. "WuTaek!" You shouted grabbing onto him "Help me!" You said to the others who watched shocked as their friend was being strangled by the purple creature.

"Y-y/n" he said holding onto you tight, "god dammit! Help me!" You shouted at the others trying to pull your friend inside safely. Your hand began to slip. The two of you trying to not let go of the other. Soyeon was the only one to seem to snap out of the shock to help you, the two boys just frozen . With her help you were able to pull him in. "Shut the door! Shut the door!" You shouted as you got him inside the car. Soyeon slammed the door , causing the grip to fall off. WuTaek gasped for air , falling into your embrace. Holding onto you tightly. You wrapped your arms around him, comforting the boy who just had his life flash before his eyes. You all took a second to catch your breaths, your embrace still tight on your best friend. "Jangsu" Soyeon pointed out, the five of you getting out the other side of the car to see the two boys struggling .

Seeing the five of you they decided to make a runner but in that a sphere caught Jangsu. Jangsu struggled on the floor trying to free himself from the sphere and trying to grab the gun he picked up earlier. He wasn't able to grab the gun and instead knocked it so it went over to the six of you. Soochul picking it up but fumbling to shoot. You snatched it off of him, shooting the sphere. You all just fell slightly. Catching your breaths. You embracing your friend who was crouched down, touching his own neck with caution.

Soon the seven of you made it out of the car park and found the others. You all heading back to the point you were originally at . The three bodies covered. "What you all saw today is what happens when spheres fall from the sky. They attack human beings and eat them. You receive your training so you can eliminate them." Platoon leader said "so-" but he was paused by rustling in the distance.

You all started walking into that direction. Your guns up and ready incase. "Prepare to fire" Platoon leader said once arriving at where the noises were coming from. Everyone did so, getting into position. He chucked out his helmet, a shadow slowly approaching it. It clearly being a person. "DONT SHOOT!" He shouted everyone stopping , however one gun went off. You all looked at Aesol , then at the boys. Noticing it was Taeman and Huirak , a weight lifted off your shoulders knowing he was okay.

The others ran to the boys. You looked at Aesol. Her breathing heavy as she realised what almost happened because of her. Platoon leader approached her, pushing her gun down. "Recruit No Aesol. It's okay now." He said calmly and the girl started to tear up. Bora just huffed at the girl.

"Ofcourse it was you" Bora muttered causing Aesol to look at the two of you. Her gaze shifted from Bora to you, however rather than the normal comforting vibe you had towards her you shared a very similar one to Bora. This saddened the girl even more.

Later you all arrived back at school but it was clear to everyone else something was different. All the other seniors had stopped their training, watching as your class entered the school. You were all in complete silence.

- - - - -


"Why do I have to keep doing these?" You asked the boy behind the camera.

"Im just going in order." Kimchi replied.

"What was the question again?" You just wanted this over and done with.

"Do you think any relationships have gotten stronger since starting this?" You thought about what he asked.

"Probably, I talk more to the rest of the class. I am with my friends 24/7. It changes things and makes relationships stronger for sure." You said thinking about the question. "I feel more connected to people, especially WuTaek for example. It now feels more odd not seeing him than being with him all the time. Don't let him know I'm saying this but I actually see him as a really close friend." You admitted but regretted immediately "ugh I shouldn't have said that because I bet you're gonna tell him and his ego is going to be inflated and I'll have to deal with him. Thanks a lot Kimchi. Thanks a lot." You said getting up.

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