Fine Line // Eddie Munson x R...

By jeremyvolkovswife

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Eddie Munson was the freak of Hawkins High. He was a pain in the ass last year, and continued to be this year... More

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945 31 53
By jeremyvolkovswife

"Where do you want it?" Eddie asks, his head peeking around the side of the large cardboard box he was carrying. He had come over extra early today to help you move into the new place your dad had bought, no doubt feeling more relaxed with your mom and brother no longer around. It had been a little over a week since the decision was made for you and dad to move out and it was nice to finally be free of the tense air your old home had lingering around it. 

Your dad had found a house that was a little smaller than the last but only because it didn't need as many bedrooms. It was still lavish and far more than just the two of you needed but you weren't complaining about that. With pick of rooms, you'd chosen the largest - other than the master bedroom, of course. It was a blank canvas ready to be decorated however you pleased. 

There was a large bay window facing out to the stunning sun which was hanging low in the sky, barely awake on the horizon. The window seat looked cute but could no doubt do with some cushions and decor to really bring the room together.

You point to the doors of your walk-in closet and Eddie sets the box down as you're busy piecing together your bed. 

"Need a hand?" He asks, lips peeling into a grin as he watches you struggle. He had a white crew-neck on that was coated in a layer of dust and perspiration already. His black jeans were already torn and stained, the same jeans he wore when he was working on his van. His hair was held back with a fraying hair tie and his cheeks were flushed with exertion. 

"Maybe. It seemed pretty easy, but sadly I'm an idiot." You snort and he rolls his eyes as he sits cross-legged on the floor beside you. 

"You are not an idiot." He chides, plucking the screwdriver from your hands. "But hey, if I do this, could you grab some more boxes? Don't want to leave Tom to do it on his own, there's a ton of 'em."

"Tom?" You raise your brows at him, smiling. "Since when were you and my dad on a nickname basis? He hates when people call him that." 

He shrugs nonchalantly but there's an echo of amusement about him. "Not me, I guess." Grin turning smug, he flashes you a cheeky wink that makes your heart beat a little faster. He looked so at ease, so handsome. 

"Sure, I'll go help him." You say because your brains gone all fuzzy from how hot he is and you can't think of any witty retort to come back with. "Come on, Winston." You tell the mound of fur snoozing in the corner of the room. He yelps and scrambles to chase you, zig-zagging around your legs as you descend the stairs. Your dad was just bringing a box into the kitchen of some newly bought dishes and cookware. "Where's Ed?" He asks, frowning but his words only have you smiling more.



"He's finishing my bed. Well-- He's starting it. I couldn't quite hack the logistics of piecing furniture together." You tell him and he lets slip a hearty chuckle as he puts the box down on the counter. Then he comes over to you and drapes an arm over your shoulders, stood to your side as he looks out over the kitchen. 

"What d'you think?" He exhales heavily, prideful as his blue eyes settle contentedly over the house. You weren't sure if the happy behavior was genuine or just for your benefit. Still, you appease him anyway, mirroring his actions.

On the other side of the room were french doors leading out onto the back yard, the new and most welcome addition of a swimming pool glinting in the morning sun. There was a small table and chairs for informal meals - the dining room adjoining would be used for more formal settings with guests, not that you saw it happening any time soon. 

The counters were a white marble and the cabinets were painted a pale green shade. Kinda ugly. But still cute.

"I like it. It's nice, dad."

"Think we'll be happy here?" He asks, features not shifting though there's a nervous air to his tone. Strained, like he was worried you weren't going to give him the answer he wanted. No. Not wanted. It was the answer he needed; the reassurance that he was making the right decision.

Craning your neck to look up at him, you smile softly. "I think we'll be really happy here, dad." He turns to look down at you, mustache twitching with a reflection of your own expression. "Good." He says, dropping his arm from around you and taking a few steps towards the front door. "Now stop being lazy and help me bring some of this in."

"Only if I can throw a housewarming party!" You try your luck as he's halfway to the moving van and he halts in his step, casting you a look over his shoulder that told you there'd be no hope.

But he considers it for a few seconds, looking to the ground and then back up at you. 



Another week later and you're still surprised come Saturday that your dad even said yes to the party in the first place. You planned it for this weekend because he's away for business which meant you'd have the place all to yourself. He even took Winston with him so his little puppy ears didn't get damaged from all the noise. What he planned to do with him on a business trip you didn't know, but it was only for one night. You were sure they would be okay and your dad was staying in a top hotel which had pet care services.

Eddie and Brenda helped you plan it and you decided to just have an open invite since you weren't sure who might even want to come. People seemed pretty excited about it though which was positive, but you figured they might just want to get into your house to snoop into the recent drama of your parents divorcing. 

Jason hadn't spoken to you since you moved out and simply pretending you didn't exist at school. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing. 

"Is Adrienne coming?" You asked Eddie as he lays back on your bed, head resting on Brenda's legs as she leans over him to put eyeliner on his eyes. His idea. Said it'd make him look like a rock god except he'd never put it on before so Brenda offered to do it for him. He was wearing a black band shirt that had been self-torn into a loose tank top to show off his lean arms and tattoos with jeans that had multiple chains dangling from them. His belt was held together with a pair of handcuffs which makes you smile. Ahh, the beautiful memories. Was it on purpose? 

"Yeah, she'll be her---Ouch! Watch it, will ya? I still want to have vision after this." 

"Well, maybe if you stopped moving every five seconds." She huffs in response and you couldn't help but to smile. Seeing those two become friends as well made your stomach all gooey and happy. 

"And Robin?" 

"Yep. She'll be here." Brenda beams at the very mention of the other girl, ginger curls tossing as she nodded her head. Eddie sits up when she's done and you do a double take. Holy shit. He looks so hot in eyeliner. You gulp and give him a once-over. He notices. 

"I take it you're a fan?" He teases you, smirk growing higher every second. You blush and walk back into your closet instead, glad you'd managed to get everything unpacked in time so you had an excuse to leave the room to change. You pick out a deep burgundy satin dress that's hemmed to the mids of your thighs. One side has a small, suggestive slit and it gave just the right amount of cleavage. You put a few thin silver necklaces on and some rings and spritz your new perfume. 

Your hair had been styled to perfection and your smokey eyeshadow contrasted with the deep red lipstick beautifully. You looked hot. As always. But darker than normal and part of you can't help but wonder if it's Eddie's influence.

When you step back out, it's Eddie's turn to look gobsmacked by your appearance. He sits there slack-jawed, dark eyes going even darker as they rake over every delicious inch of you.

Brenda wolf-whistles before reaching over to push Eddie's jaw closed. "You look so good. Since nobody else wants to say it." She snorts and Eddie whips around to face her, the very picture of offense. "I was about to!" He scoffs, waving her off before he turns back to you. "You look gorgeous, baby girl. Sure we need to bother with the party? Can we just skip to the end where Brenda is gone and it's just us, here, in this bed, my d--"

"Stop talking! I'm still here." Brenda responds but you're just laughing at their interaction. Like goddamn siblings fighting. 

Crossing the room, you perch yourself on Eddie's awaiting lap as he sits at the edge of your bed. He sets a hand to your waist, thumb toying with the fabric of your dress as he looks up at you through thick lashes. 

Your heart felt so very happy in that moment.

You got away from your toxic household. You and Eddie were doing great. Brenda was still your best friend. Life was finally, finally looking up.

A knock sounds at the door and your brows crease a little. "They're early." You note, heading to the offending sound with Brenda and Eddie in tow. When you open the door, Adrienne is on the other side. Her blonde hair was pulled up into a high ponytail and her dress was all sparkle. She looked breathtaking. "Hey!" She greets, grinning. She was absent Billy, but Eddie had told you all about their recent and incredibly messy breakup. 

"Hi, welcome. It's good to see you." You tell her honestly. Sure, she'd been a little aggressive in her outburst to you, but it was valid. You saw that now. You'd acted like an asshole and honestly, if someone treated Brenda like that, you'd be the same. 

"Hey, you." Eddie slips past you to wrap the girl up into a hug. While they're busy, you cast Brenda a look over your shoulder, mouthing 'you okay?' at her. She'd moved on from her long-term crush of Adri, but it was still best to check. She smiles and nods a little, coming to stand by your side. 

The other two were laughing as he set her down. Then she sends you a pointed look, her smile dropping a little. "I have news." She tells you and you recoil a little from how serious she'd seemed. With no further questioning on your part, she elaborates. "You know that skank Amber who we all hate because she's... Well, she's Amber? And she sucks?" A collective nod. "Well, she's apparently decided to also throw a party tonight and has convinced everyone it'll be better than yours. So ... They're all going to her place instead."

"Amber's house is tiny. How is she even planning to fit anyone in it?" You frown. Great. Just great. You finally get the chance to throw a kick-ass party and that little bitch ruins it for you. You sigh, shoulders deflating in disappointment. "I can't believe this."

"Then don't." Adri smirks, a mischievous look about her. "Because I have a plan."

Okay. It's decided. 

You definitely liked her.


By the time the three of you - with Brenda staying home in case of stragglers showing up - get to Amber's place in Eddie's van, her party is in full swing. Music blares over rented speakers, people milling in and out of the building. Eddie drives past the house as planned and stops a little up the street.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I really don't mind if we just go back and have a little party with just us." You coax them, suddenly feeling nervous now that you were here. 

"It's not the first time Eddie's done this. Junior year, Casey Smith tried to do the same thing to me and this worked perfectly." Adrienne grins deviously, her large eyes alight with dark humor. "It's what Amber deserves for trying to steal the show."

"You're right." You nod to show your assurance, doing your best to mirror Adrienne's happy expression. 

The van pulls to a stop right next to the utility pole and Eddie hops out. You dart your gaze between him and the house a few yards away. Eddie had a pair of wire cutters between his teeth, which were on show from how wide he was grinning.

There was something about doing illegal things that just made him so happy.

"Hey! You be careful, won't you? I don't want you getting yourself electrocuted." You warn him, the genuine concern over the thought giving a trembling edge your voice. He swoops inside the passenger window you were in and drops his lips to yours after taking the cutters from them. "Keep an eye out. Adri, start the engine, will ya? You're getaway if shit goes South." He instructs and the girl herself slips into the space beside you.

It's quiet other than the sound of Eddie's grunts as he climbs. Adri toys with her fingernails and you were watching the party. "This is crazy. Right?" You didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but either the way, the adrenaline in your system was highly intoxicating. "Yep. Definitely crazy."

Adrienne chuckles beside you before laying her hand on your thigh and smirking at you. "Relax. It's crazy, but it's also funny as hell."

"Shit!" You hear Eddie shout and you immediately stick your head out of the window and look up at him. 

He was fine. You breathe out a sigh of relief. 

"What's going on?" You half whisper, half shout at him and he cranes his neck to look down at you. "Got a little shock. Nothing serious. Found what I need though, check it out-!" He nods in the direction of the house you'd been staring at prior.

He counts down from three and then the lights all go black at once. The music dies, the screams at the sudden darkness begin. Then disgruntled party-goers start to exit. "Oh my God!" You say between gasping laughter. 

The van doors open at the back and Eddie piles himself in. "Go, go, go!" He was practically cackling over his own antics and Adrienne puts the van in gear and peels away down the darkened street. Your blood was racing through your veins, the adrenaline now sky-high and making your head a little fuzzy, though it didn't feel bad. It was thrilling.

"Hey, fuckers!" Adrienne calls out of the window as you drive past the disappointed crowd. "Follow us if you want to keep the party going!" 

And they do. 

They follow in cars or on foot all the way back to your new home. A few people were already there when you get back and Brenda had been keeping an eye on them. She'd put the music on and made the punch that was more booze than mixer, extending some out to you the moment you're inside. "I see the plan was a success." She notes, looking over your shoulder at the people pushing their way into your home.

"A little too well." You snort, casting a glance over your shoulder. There were way more people than you'd been expecting. 


You delve into drink and partying, dancing with Brenda and then Eddie, who comes to not-so-politely steal you away from your best friend. She doesn't mind of course, knowing you were craving some much needed time with your boyfriend.

The past few weeks had been a crazy blur of family drama, moving house, working on schoolwork. You hadn't had much time to just let loose or spend time with Eddie, so you'd missed him. He understood of course and called you every night so you could talk about each others days and fall asleep to the sound of his voice. 

He held you in his hands now, your back to his front with his fingers clasping your hips so he could sway you to the thumping music. You didn't recognise the song, but you didn't care. You were just about drunk enough to let it all go and enjoy the moment.

His hands skirt up your sides, stopping at your ribs as he dips his head to kiss from your shoulder to your throat. A blissed grin takes over as he hits the sensitive spot beneath your ear, your breath hitching at the contact. You should be embarrassed about such a public display, but everyone around you was just as drunk, if not more so. They wouldn't care. And to you, it was like it was only the two of you here anyway. 

His palms are warm even through the flimsy fabric of your dress, fingers pressing just enough to remind you he was there. Lips brush over the shell of your ear, breath hot against your flesh as he speaks. It sends a shiver down your spine and a delightful pleasure to your gut. "You look so fucking hot tonight. You know that, right? You know how fuckin' proud I am that you're all mine?" He whispers into your ear and your skin gets goosebumps from the gruffness of his voice. "That I get you all to my damn self?"

He kisses that sensitive spot again and your knees are on the verge of buckling. You turn in his arms and they immediately circle your waist, pressing your lithe form to his own. You think you can feel the vibration of his heavy heartbeat against your chest but it matches so well to the high pace of the music that you're not sure if it's just the song. 

His eyes are dark, pupils so blown out that they verge on fully encompassing the irises. His lips were hung open with forgotten words, plush and inviting. 

So you take the invitation and lean up on your toes to capture his mouth, to taste him and explore him with your tongue. He groans and you barely hear it, yet it still has an effect on the heat in your belly.

The alcohol in your system has you dazed, the taste of him only adding to it. "My girl.." He mumbles against your lips and you break away so you can gaze up into those magnificent eyes of his. The depths of them pull you in immediately. You could easily lose yourself in just looking at him. 

"I am so disgustingly in love with you, Eddie Munson. You know that?" You tell him and he grins sloppily. The alcohol and marijuana in him was hitting him more now that you had his heart racing. He stumbles a little as you dance together, but he doesn't once break eye contact with you.

"Oh, I know." He responds, lips brushing over your cheeks. "Because I'm sickeningly in love with you too, ma'am."

You giggle. He bottles up the sound in his memory like it's something he knows he'll be desperate to hear again, on those nights where you're not there. When he's alone in the trailer, missing you and wishing he didn't have to listen to the sound of his own thoughts.

The cycle of dancing and drinking and having fun continues for most of the night. When it gets late, people start to leave. Some were already passed out in your living room and Brenda and Robin were making light work of waking them up and kicking them out. You let the two of them crash in one of the guest bedrooms since it was a long walk back to their respective houses and they head up once almost everyone else is gone. 

Adrienne must have left a while ago since you hadn't seen her in some time. In your defense, you were too wrapped up in your time with your boyfriend. 

It's three a.m when the last of the stragglers is gone. Eddie was drunk as hell but you'd almost sobered up by now. Still tipsy. But getting there. Eddie sits on the couch while you lock up and switch off the lights, vowing to leave the cleaning for tomorrow since you were absolutely exhausted by now.

"Come on, you." You say to Eddie as you step in front of him and sling his arm over your shoulders. "Time for bed."

"D-Don't wanna." He hiccups. "This is too much fun to stop!" He shouts and tries to pry free of you, almost causing you to crash to the floor. You squeal and work against him to keep him upright. 

"I will leave you on the floor, don't test me." You warn and he snickers, slumping his form to make it borderline impossible to carry him. Asshole.

You do it anyway, dragging his drunken ass up those stairs and to your new bedroom. You leave him on the bed sitting so you can go change and remove your makeup. You slip into a satin pink nightgown and stick your hair up. 

When you get back in the room, you point an accusatory finger at Eddie. "Okay. Bedtime. Take off your shoes." You instruct, still a little wavy yourself as you make your way to the bed. You slip into the sheets and sigh with contentment at finally lying down after such a long night. You were sure Amber would try to get revenge for your stunt, but you'd only been retaliating to her in the first place. Not to mention, you were absolutely sure you could handle whatever she threw at you.

Strange to think just a few months ago you'd been friends.

"Uh-uh. I'm no-Not getting into bed with you." He scoffs and reaches behind you to steal a pillow which he proceeds to throw to the floor. He sways on his feet, squinting his eyes like he couldn't quite make you out. Jesus, how drunk was he? "I have a girlfriend, ma'am. A very beautiful girlfriend." He raises a hand, wags a finger at you. "I'm not getting into bed with no stranger."

"Eddie... I'm your girlfriend." You were laughing at how ridiculous he was being. Maybe you shouldn't have suggested doing tequila shots earlier. Karma was coming back to bite you in the ass for it. "Shut up and get into bed." 

"Nice try, you vile temptress!" He scowls but there's little enthusiasm to it with how out of it he was. "I am going to sleep right here on the floor. Goodnight." He says plainly, though it takes him a good five minutes to figure out the logistics of getting to the ground. 

He plants his hands to the vanity first, bending his knees and slowly lowering himself down. Then he grunts as he flops down onto his front, head hitting the pillow and mouth hanging wide. His curls splay out across the pillow, covering his face, and you want so desperately for him to join you in the bed since he would be seriously aching in the morning from the angle he was laid in.

But. Drunk Eddie wanted the floor. So drunk Eddie would have to deal with the floor.

You were too fatigued to care more than that, too drunk still to be able to move him again. And he was already asleep. So you lay back and allow sleep to take over you as well, a smile still planted to your lips over how elated you felt.

Life was good. Really good.

For once. 

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