Itadori Harem - Hazbin Hotel...

By Todos_Besto_Friendo

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(I didn't have any dark colored covers for this one). I want to make this story because it has been stuck wit... More

⇀Chapter 1↼
⇀Chapter 2↼
⇀Chapter 3↼
⇀Chapter 4↼
⇀Chapter 6↼

⇀Chapter 5↼

624 23 15
By Todos_Besto_Friendo

"Do I know you?" - Alastor.

•3rd POV•

Everyone looks outside, and they see Pentious and his warship in the air.

"Ha! Well, well, well. Look who it is harboring the striped freak! We meet yet again Alastor." He says.

"Do I know you?" Alastor asked.

The snake looked offended, "Oh, yes you do!"

"And this time I have the element of surprise!" He says. He blows out massive gush of wind, causing red smoke to go everywhere.

While Pentious was laughing, Alastor snaps his fingers, and a portal opened up underneath the warship, along with black tendrils coming from the portal.

Inside the warship, the tendrils got a hold of Pentious and knocked him in every all. The egg bois were having their guts being spilled out, and they were crashing into each other.

Soon enough the tendril made a massive knot, crushing the snake demon in the process.

Then all of a sudden the warship was pulled down, and the portal closed.

Alastor had the most evil smirk on his face. Everyone just stared wide eyed.

Then Alastor's mood changed suddenly. "Well I'm starved, who wants some Jambalaya? My mother taught me a wonderful recipe for Jambalaya. In fact it nearly killed her!" He says.

Alastor was making jokes, Itadori and Angel were talking, Charlie was comforting Vaggie, and Husk just walked back to the hotel as grumpy as ever.

"This is the start of some real changes down here! The game is set!"

The words were switched to 'HAZBIN HOTEL'.

"Now, stay tuned." Alastor says.

"Uh, who are you talking to?" Itadori  asked.

"No one, my dear." Alastor says.

Yuji eyes the demon a little, and then he just shrugs it off.

Everyone was inside the hotel. It was a good thing that everyone didn't have to do clean up, most of that was done by Alastor. And now everyone was just relaxing.

"Hey Itadori?"

"Hey Angel, what's up?" Itadori asked.

"Can I talk to you about something? Somewhere private?" Angel asked.

Itadori gets up from the couch, and walks towards Angel, who seemed to be nervous about something.

"What is it? You look tense." Itadori stated.

"I was wondering if I could use your help." Angel says.

Itadori smiles a little, "Sure. But why me? Why not Charlie or Vaggie?" He asked.

"Charlie will be busy, and Vaggie doesn't like me. You're the only person  I can reach out to when I need help. So please?" Angel says.

Itadori lets out a soft sigh, "Alright. What do you need my help with?"

Angel was very hesitant for a bit, and then he muttered out the words. "I . . . I've been dealin' with a stalker for the past couple weeks. At first I thought they were just some fan, and then I found a note." He says.

"Do you still have the note?" Itadori asked.

The spider takes out the note from his pocket and gives it to the pink haired boy. Itadori reads the note, and he looks at it with disgust and judgement. Then he throws it in the fire place.

"Who in their right mind would write something like that?!" Itadori exclaimed.

"My stalker, apparently." Angel says.

"Have any idea what he looks like?" Itadori asked.

"Don't remember any details. But he is a lizard, and he has pink markings all over his arms and chest. And he wears a black tank top." Angel stated.

Itadori nods his head. "Alright. If he doesn't come by today, we can wait until tomorrow, and see how things turn up then." He says.

"Plus it's late. I'm gonna get ready for the night. Just give my door a knock if you need anything." He added.

Angel nods, "Yeah. And thank you."

Yuji stops walking looks back at Angle, "No need to thank me. It's the right thing to do."

"You sure you're a demon?" Angel questioned.

Yuji laughs a little, "Of course I am! I was born here!"

Itadori made it to his room. He still wasn't going to get over that fact that he had a walk-in closet, and there was everything else in there as well.

Itadori took his towel and clothes, and he went to the bathroom in his room, so he doesn't have to worry about sharing one with the others.

After a while Itadori came out of the shower and he was wearing comfortable clothes. They were mostly satin, but they were comfy.

The jacket was slipping off of Itadori's shoulder, but he didn't really care, he was tired and he wanted to go to bed at the moment.

The pink haired just lays in his bed, and he sunk into the mattress, and then soon enough, Yuji fell asleep, drifting off into Dreamland.

Next morning, Itadori was hugging his pillow, and he was drooling a little bit. Someone was hiding behind his bed, a head of blonde hair popped up.

"Yuji. Wake up!" They whispered.

Itadori shuffles, "I don't wanna. My bed is warm." He says.

"But I made your favorite. Pancakes!" They said.

Itadori woke up to the word, he was wide awake, and he saw Charlie. "Hey sleepyhead! You wanna come down now?" She asked.

"I'll be down in a few." Itadori says.

Charlie laughs a little, and she goes back downstairs, where the others were.

Itadori gets himself out of bed, he grabs his towel off the hanger, and he goes to get himself ready for the day.

The pink haired boy came out the bathroom with a fuzzy bath robe. And he went over to the closet to get some clothes. He found a dress

The dress came out good, he just needed some shoes to go along with it, and he was set.

(Ignore the rose)

The best part was that there were holes in the dress for Itadori's tail and wings. Itadori didn't have to worry about his dress being lifted up by his tail, and his wings had room to grow and shrink.

Yuji checked himself out for another few seconds, and then he went down stairs with the others.

Yuji reached the kitchen, and he saw a plate of pancakes. Still warm and everything. Itadori took a bite. Even though he's in hell, it felt like heaven when he's eating pancakes.

'Best part of my morning.' Itadori thought

"Glad you could join us, my dear." Alastor says.

"Ay dios mio! Alastor you scared me!" Itadori says, keeping a hand over his chest.

Alastor chuckles, "Forgive me. I simple wanted to say good morning." He says, kissing Itadori's hand.

"Where are the others?"

"They're all in the lounge. Angel won't stop complaining about wanting to see you." Alastor stated.

"Well luckily, I'm finished eating! Now, let's go." Itadori says.


I'll be updating the harem, but I'm not gonna tell who is going to be in it. You'll have to wait and see!


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