Case 420 /finished BxB/

By Juless_is_broke

2.1K 68 16

I never considered the possibility of saying it outloud to him. To tell him the words i wouldn't even dare wi... More

authors note
1. Case 420
2. anonymous
3. hidden knifes
4. games
5. reunion
6. bottomless drinks
7. silhouette
8. aftermath
9. predictable
16. Boundries
24. returned
10. new start
26. bandages
29. were we end
12. some things i need to accept
13. familiar
14. shared
17. glimpse of him
18. when the night falls
19. younger
20. hot flashes
21. the call
22. covered truth
23. dancing words
25. in my arms
27. ash
28. ash 2.0
authors note

11. following

47 2 0
By Juless_is_broke

I woke up the next day and repeated the same routine. Just like the man im stalking. Same routine.

This is why i like ash. He is more complicated then this and made me guess what he was going to do next.

I always hated the process of stalking the person we have on the hit lists. I usually try to aviod it as much as i can but i dont want to mess up the case and make them not pay us.

this man is just following the same. Its boring and predictable. He never even checks who is walking behind him one time or is he checking his surroundings thinking he is save all the time.

Today is the day i want to kill him. I will succeed and im so sure of it.

I have my favorite knife in my pocket resting agaisnt my thigh. I will give him a death he will feel. For the times that he left bruises on his wifes skin and for the sake of feeling the rush raising in my head.

The wife asked to make it quick yet painfull. My favorite weapon is a knife so its perfect. This case is boring yet perfect for my skills and my likings.

I walk through the office building's street and watch the people around me. To many. I can do a stab and run but the amount of people is to risky for my liking.

I walk to a allyway and remeber his smoke breaks he has here. Its perfect. Nobody is here and if there is someone its just his colleagues having a smoke with him.

Just 1 kr 3 people wont really be much of a hassle. I stand in the allyway and wait for the time to pass.

I wait for a few hours and hear a man coming towards me. Not my guy though.

I hide behind a dumpster and watch the persons silhouette slowley walking and taking everything in.

I know this silhouette and the hatred in my stomach starts to bubble up. Why is he here?

The spotter from ash his case.

I stand up and look at him with a death stare. "What the fuck are you doing here" i ask and he immediately goes into defense mode but stands up normal the moment he sees its me.

"I could ask you the same question" the spotter says and i look in disgusted at him.
"Its my fucking case, are you spotting for me again?" I ask annoyed ass fuck.

"Its my case what are you talking about" he says mad. Agh fuck. "It isnt this is my case, your case is ash" i say harsh and throw my hands in the air.

"Ash always goes in this area" he says and i look confused. No he doesnt. "My guy works here" i say and i point in the direction of the office building.

"Are you lying so that you can be with ash?!" He accuses me and the urge to punch the fuck out of him is big. "Be with ash?! I dont want to see him again. Ever" i say harsh snapping the words.

"Now go away because in 30 minutes my guy is here so i can kill him" i say wanting him gone.

"You better be speaking the truth" he says and i roll my eyes. He finally walks out the allyway and i follow him going away with my eyes.

A few minutes later a other person is coming. What the fuck is this allyway so popular for?

This time it isnt the spotter but neither is it my guy. I put my hand on the knife in my pocket fully prepared to catch whoever it is.

"Dont hurt me" the man voice says with his hands up in the air. Ash collin hart.

"What are you doing here" i wisper harsh. "I like this place" he says and shrugs his shoulders. "Get the fuck away" i say and he shakes his head.

"I'm not leaving my favorite hitman" he says with his stupid smirk. His favorite hitman? He is fucking pathetic.

"Just go because now he thinks im stalking you" i say and roll my eyes. "Tell him that i am the one stalking you" he says and acts like its the most normal thing to say.

"Well then stop doing that" i say unsure of how to react. "Tell your boss to give you my case again because this guy is boring and just rude" he says pointing to his arm were a new wound is slashed on.

Its bright red blood dripping down on his white tshirt. I hayed the sight of the wound on his skin and wanted to wash it away. I should stay away i tell myself again and again.

"It doesnt work like that" i say and he rolls his eyes. "Then i will forever stalk you, or atleast until my death" he says and i shake my head trying to keep the imagine of him dead out of my mind.

"Its not fucking working like that you cant just act like some child. This is a actual serious job i have that you cant fuck up. So leave like we promised you should. I dont want to see you or your face again" i say harsh hoping he will stay away now. Will he? I feel bad for saying all this slightly shocking myself but it has to be done.

He looks at me with eyes ive never seen before. They look hurt.

He fumbles with his fingers and looks at me with bloodshut eyes. He doesnt even know what to say. So he wont say anything.

"Ash.." i say trying to get his hands in mine. But he doesnt even let me touch him. He takes a step back and looks at me like its the last time.

"As-" i want to say "dont say anything" he says cutting me off. He leaves the allyway as quick as he can looking at me one more time. He vanished right infront of my eyes. Gone with the slight breeze in the alleyway. Without any sound except my heartbeat.

I messed up like crazy.

I sit down agaisnt the wall and wait some more. The office guy is finally here. He doesnt even know i am there.

Im not even hidden yet this stupid guy hasnt seen me. I rest my body agaisnt a wall and put a unlit cigarette between my lips.

For the first time he walked out alone. Easier to get my job done. I switch off all my emotions and get the knife resting in my hand.

The guy sparks up a cigarette while turning his back to me. I slowly stand up and count.

1....2....3.... i count and stab the knife into his neck. The bleeding caused from it is horrible but i am so used to it now.

I get my knife out and the body drops to the ground. His hands tight around the wound but the pressure of his blood makes it spee out of there like a water fountain.

His body creats a pool of red around him making it bigger and bigger. His eyes start to flicker and his face starts to rest. His hands drop next to his now lifeless body.

He is gone. My face is splattered with blood of the man infront of me. I try to wipe it off but it wasn't working. I take a deep breath.

I walk away and sit into my car parked very close. Thankfully nobody saw the blood on my clothes and thankfully for me the cameras arent working. Because theyre decoys. Easy job for me.

I race back to the office and wait there. I change my clothes in the car and try my best to clean off the dark red blood on my face.

I walk into the office building and go straight to my boss his room. "Its done" i say to him and he gives me a dumps up.

"You know what you have to do now right?" He asks me and i shake my head. "You have to move for a few months remeber, we talked about this" he says and it completely flew over my mind.

"But i want to stay here" i say. I hate traveling to new locations and having to get familiar with people and find a new ritheme.

"You simply cant. You can be back when the case is dismissed and nobody is looking for you" he says and i bite my inner lip. I hate this.

The moment im about to leave the spotter awnsers. "You stay here" the spotter orders me. How the fuck does he think he can order me around.

I put my hand on the door awsners almost leaving "stay here aspen" my boss says to me and i take a deep sign and wait in the room.

"Aspen was messing with my case" he accuses me. "No i wasnt" i fire back and my boss looks at the two of us like were insane.

"He was stalking ash!" He says and i shake my head "i wasnt stalking shit maybe just do your job right" i say and he looks at me with angry eyes.

"Do my job right?! He wouldve been dead if it wasnt for you!" He shouts making my ears hurt. "It isnt my fucking fault that he ran away after your miserable attemp" i say and leave the room.

My boss calls me back again. Agh. "He is accusing me off things i didnt do!" I say mad at him. "Well we need to talk this out its important for the company that everyone has a decent relationship" he says not daring to say good because he knows that wont happen.

"Talk it out? He just accuses the fuck out of me while im just trying to do my job!" I say "aspen dont swear infront of others" my boss warns me and i look at him pissed off.

"I fixed it already ash is all yours" i say and throw my hands up.

I walk out the office room when i finally got dismissed and i punch the wall when im walking away to remove all the anger.

Fuck i hate this. How dare this spotter accuse me of stuff like this.

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