Total drama all Stars

By karateunicornalc

3.7K 77 287

Is this Mamma Mia two? Because here we go again! Chris McLean has dragged the cast back for yet another seaso... More

Heroes VS Villains
Evil Dread
Food fright
Moon madness
No one egg-spects the Spanish opposition
Suckers punched
You regatta be kidding me!
Zeek and Ye shall Find
Obsta-kill course
Sundae muddy Sundae
The bold and the booty-full
The final wreck-ening
ending one, Mike wins!
Ending two, Zoe wins
Ending three *Canonical ending* Alex wins
Author's note!

Saving private leech-ball

197 5 18
By karateunicornalc

Scarlett's POV

"Thanks again for blowing the challenge Jo!" Heather snapped at Jo as we got ready to go to sleep.

"Me?! Scar Face is the one who wasted time arguing instead of digging!" Jo exclaimed.

"I wouldn't have needed to argue if you just did what I told you to do." I responded, pulling on my black hoodie. "I have more experience than you. Therefore, I'm a better fit as leader." I reasoned.

"It's everyone's fault for not working together as a team! Now cram it! I am trying to sleep!" Gwen yelled.

"Ok, are you a villain or not? Decide." I said.


I was sitting in my bed reading It.

"Attention campers! Forest recon in five! Over!" Chris said over the intercom.

I sighed, and put my book down, before walking towards the forest.

Alex walked beside me.

"Hey." he said.

"Hey yourself." I responded "Are you always going to start conversations with me regardless of us being on different teams?"

"Yep." he responded with a smile "Anyway, here."

He pulled out a granola bar and placed it in my hand. His hand lingered on mine for a second, before he removed it.

"Oh. Thank you." I thanked him.

"No problem." he responded.

We both walked in silence for a few more moments.

"So..." we synced, before laughing awkwardly.

"How's it going on the villain team?"  he asked.

"Terrible. Jo seems to think that she's fit to lead the team." I sighed.

"Ouch. Who's worse, her or Alejandro?" he asked.

I sighed dramatically "don't make me choose." I said.

He chuckled "I won't."

Jo walked past.

"Ugh. Nerd love. If you weirdoes kiss in front of me, I will throw up." she scoffed.

A/n, Jo says this instead of Courtney saying it later btw.

"Actually, it's definitely her." I said.


We arrived at the clearing.

"At ease soldiers! Let's welcome back exiled Hamster, Sam!" Chris said.

A car pulled up with Sam in it. He was tossed out.

"Hey Sam. How was exile?" Zoe asked him.

"Aside for the blinding hunger and bear attacks, pretty good actually." Sam said, before falling over.

"Don't worry buddy. We smuggled you breakfast." Mike said, before everyone of the heroes team offered him food.

"You bots are expert level awesome." Sam thanked, grabbing some bacon from Mike "Mmm. Maple bacon power pellets."

Maple bacon? Both of those things are disgusting.

"Courtney, what's you bring Sam?" Sierra asked Courtney, who looked away awkwardly.


Courtney: no one told me we were doing that!


"Wow, teammate if the year award goes to Courtney!" I said, slow clapping.

"Oh shut up!" she snapped.


"Welcome to todays experiment with your pain thresholds!" Chris announced. He was wearing an army general's helmet.

"Get ready for an ingenious twist on the war movie challenge from season two! There are two weapon crates in the heart of the forest. One of the crates is full of seats of the art paintball weaponry. And the other one has a bunch of cruddy old paintball slingshots."

"Um, isn't this more like the paint ball challenge from season one?" Alex asked.

"Shut up Alex." Chris said.


Alex: conceal, don't feel. Conceal, don't feel.


"Anyway, whoever gets there first gets their pick and then you gotta pick off the competition." Chris continued.

"Looking forward to it." Courtney said, glaring at Gwen and I.

"Right back at you princess." I responded.

"You get one point for each opponent you splatter. First team to six points wins!" Chris said "and one of the losers will get a dishonourable discharge tonight. Flush-o-Shame style."

"Ugh, paintball again? Ooooh, original. What a twist." Duncan scoffed.

"Oh yeah. One if the conditions of my parole is that, I'm not allowed to use, or bd around hard projectiles like paintballs, so instead you'll be using. Leeches!"

He held up a leech and we all recoiled and made disgusted noises.

"As the winners of the last challenge, the Heroes get a full one minute head start." Chris continued.

The heroes cheered and my team groaned.

"Ready, set..." Chris said, before firing a pistol which shot a leech into the air. It fell and latched into Scott.

The heroes started running and my team waited for the one minute timer to end.

"Know who could beat race the hamsters even with a head start? Lightning. Way to ruin everything Jo!" Heather snapped.

"We all voted him off, remember?" Jo snapped back.

"Not all of us." I scoffed.

Yes, I did vote for her.

No, I have no regrets.

"We may not need to worry." Alejandro said.

We saw Sam struggling to run.

Man, he's useless this season. And last season. And if he's in any other seasons he'll probably be useless then too.

Sierra and Mike helped Sam.

Gwen sighed "Now that's team work!" he said happily.

"Yeah. Work together now, crush each other later. Like you and Courtney." Heather smirked.

"What?!" Gwen exclaimed.

"The allergy bouquet, the stink bomb- oh my god, I'm making a list. Courtney has possessed me. Gwen, please toss something at my head!" I said.

"But I really didn't do those things on purpose! Really!" Gwen protested.

"Suuuuuuure." Heather winked

"I especially love that you insist that you want to be her friend again so she never sees it coming" I added.

"But-" Gwen started.

"Talk about evil genius." Heather said


Heather: I love-

Scarlett: -messing with-

Heather: -people's-

Scarlett: -minds!


"Villains! You're up in three, two," Chris said, before firing another leech into the air. It hit Scott again.

We started running.

Soon we caught up to the Heroes. They were taking a path on the left.

"Ok, they're taking the path on the left. Maybe if we take a different path we can cut them off." Gwen said.

"Great idea!" Heather said, giving her a thumbs up.

We started running down the path on the right.

"Go Vultures!" Alejandro cheered.

"Yes we can!" Jo cheered.


Scarlett: *Shudders* It's weird to see people like Heather, Alejandro and Jo just go along with something someone else says. They're clearly trying to lure Gwen into an alliance. Too bad Jo voted Lightning off, as he would have been far easier to manipulate.


We eventually got to the clearing and saw the heroes.

"The big one! Go for the big one!" Courteny yelled.

My team jumped in front of the larger crate.

"Haha suckers!" Duncan jeered.

"The small one! Go for the small one!" Courtney yelled at her team.

Duncan punched our crate, making the walls fall away, revealing several paintball guns, and a large cannon.

"I'll take the cannon! No, I'll take the cannon!" Heather, Jo, Scott and Duncan said, before groaning in annoyance.

"We use it as a team. Right Gwen?" Alejandro asked.

"Ummm..." she started.

"Yeah. Obviously." Heather jumped in.

"That's what I was going to say! Whoo! Go team!" Jo cheered.

What the fuck is going on?

"You guys are right! We need to stop attacking each other and start attacking the other guys! Fire the cannon!" Gwen yelled.

Scott fired the cannon. A ball of leeches smashed into an intern.


Scarlett: Everyone's an idiot but me? Everyone's an idiot but me.


We started walking through the forest with the cannon slowing us down a lot. I'll admit that the large crate was absolutely a lot better than the small one, but the cannon definitely felt more like a hinderance.

"We're easy targets like this. We should ditch the cannon.." I reasoned.

"No way! I haven't even had a chance to fire it yet!" Jo exclaimed, before hugging the cannon and talking to it "isn't that right sweetheart?" she said to it.

"Ok crazy lady. Then we should split up." I said.

"Agreed! I'll go with Gwen!" Alejandro said

"No, I'll go with Gwen!" Heather said.

"As if I'm letting either of you go anywhere with Gwen!" Jo snapped.

They started arguing, completely ignoring a leech flying towards Alejandro. It hit him in the butt.

"Ahhh! I'm hit!" he yelped, crumbling to the ground.

Zoe popped up from a bush.

Never thought I'd be jealous of an indie chick, but this one just shot one of my enemies with a leech, so I guess there's a first time for everything.

"Sorry!" she said "But not totally..."

We started shooting leeches at the girl.

Jo fired the cannon.

Every single leech hit Scott.

"OH COME ON!!!" he yelled, before falling to the ground.

"That's two points for the Heroes and zilch for the Villains!" Chris said over the intercom.

"But Zoe only hit Alejandro!" Duncan responded

"True. But friendly fire counts." Chris said.

We all glared at Jo.

"What?! Dirt-boy got in the way!" Jo said.

"You can take your excuses, and stick them in your-" Heather said, before a leech hit her head.

"Ah! In my hair! What is wrong with you!?" she yelled.

"Make that three to zero!" Chris said.

"We need to move!" I said.

We started running off.

"Avenge me!" Heather yelled after us.

Alex's POV

We were walking through the forest with our buckets of leeches, and crappy slingshots.

"Look! A cave! Sam can rest in there while we take on the villains!" Zoe said, pointing at a cave.

"Great idea Zoe!" I smiled.

We brought Sam inside the cave.

"Power levels low..." he said.

"Should someone stay to guard him?" Mike asked.

"I'll do it. i owe him for not bringing him some breakfast." Courtney volunteered.


Zoe: I knew Courtney had a heart buried in there somewhere!

Courtney: This is what the smart leaders do. hang back, and let the foot soliders take the leeches to the face.

Alex: Look, Courtney's one of my best friends on the show, but I still don't completely trust her to watch over Sam.


"I'll stay too." I added.

"Ok then! let's roll heroes!" Zoe said.

The others left.


"Ok, Gwen, Heather, Duncan." I said.

"Ugh, seriously?" Courtney scoffed.

"You gotta answer." I smirked.

"Fine! Kill Duncan, kiss Gwen, marry Heather. Your go. Luna Lovegood, Hermoine Granger, Ginny Weasly."

"Ummm, kill Ginny, kiss Luna, marry Hermoine." I responded.

"Seriously? You'd rather marry that Filthy Mudblood than Luna?" she asked

"I'm weird like that. Don't judge." I shrugged.

"Ok..." she said.

"Thanks. Draco, Harry, and Ron." I said.

"Oh, that's easy. Kill Harry, kiss Ron, marry Draco." she said confidently.

"Damn, you really have a thing for villains..." I mused.

We heard voices.

"Smells like sweat and bacon..." Scarlett said.

"Sam." Jo concluded.

"Ew, ew, ew, ewwww." Courtney whispered to herself, before grabbing a leech and firing it.

It smacked into the wall, right beside Scarlett's head.

Scarlett and Jo turned.

"Time to start evening the odds!" they synced, before starting to fire at us.

"Get behind me!" Courtney said. I obeyed, and hid behind her.

Courtney grabbed Sam, and held him up in front of us, using him as a shield.


Alex: If I knew that was her plan, I wouldn't have gone along with it!


"Five point to three. It ain't over yet!" Chris said over the intercom.

"Why are there intercoms in a cave?" I said in confusion.

"Let's make it a tie." Jo smirked, pointing her gun at us.

Zoe appeared and tried to shoot at her.

She missed.

"Nice try ketchup head!" Scarlett said, before trying to fire.

"My gun is jammed?! AGAIN!?" she screamed in frustration, before ripping the container that held the leeches off her gun and throwing it at Zoe.

It opened up, letting leeches fly free.

Zoe did the Matrix Bullet Dodge move, and grabbed two leeches from the air, before shooting them and Jo and Scarlett.

They actually hit.

"Not sorry!" Zoe clarified.

"This just in, heroes win seven to three. Although some of them didn't behave all that heroically. Courtney and Alex" Chris said over the interfcom.

"Ok seriously, why is there an intercom in this cave?" I asked again.

Jo, Scarlett and Zoe looked at Courtney.

"My survival instinct kicked in!" she protested.

They just kept looking at her disapprovingly.

"Anyone would have done the same!" Courtney continued to protest.

Sam coughed up a leech.

"Yay... we won..." he groaned.

"Sorry Sam." I apologized.


"Welcome Back, Villainous Vultures! Second elimination in a row. Way to lose! Now, get ready to cut someone loose. It's voting time!" Chris said at the elimination ceremony.

Sam looked kinda sad.

"Don't worry Sam. Nobody's gonna send you to Boney Island twice in a row." Zoe comforted "Right guys?"

"It's not that." I said.

"When he was in exile, someone trashed his Game Guy!" Cameron exclaimed.

"*Le gasp.* What?" Zoe gasped.

"Who would do such a thing?" Sierra exclaimed.

"I know right? it's so totally unexplainable!" Mike said, sounding nervously.


Mike: His Game Guy is really broken? I thought that was just a weird dream! What's happening to me?!


"The votes are in! But, before I announce tonight's Loser de Jour, I do require a hamster for exile duty." Chris said.

"Oh! Me me me!" Cameron exclaimed.

Erm... why?

"Don't you think someone else might be more deserving of a night on Boney island?" Chris said "*Cough* Courtney or Alex."

"Alex did literally nothing wrong." Scarlett pointed out.

"Shut up Scarlett." Chris said.

"Fuck off you dumb bastard" Scarlett scoffed.

I will sell my soul for her confidence.

"It's ok. I want to go." Cameron said, before being taken off for exile duty.

"Good luck Cameron..." Zoe said nervously.

"He's so little...maybe the animals won't notice he's there?" Mike offered weakly.

"Alrighty then, onwards and flushwards. The following villains are safe. Gwen, Heather, Alejandro, Duncan and Scott. Scarlett and Jo, you're on the edge. Scarlett, for being a pain in the keister, and Jo, for being a pain in the keister, who also took out her own team-mate in today's challenge."

"He should have ducked!!!" Jo exclaimed, gesturing to Scott.

"And tonight's flushee is..."

Come on, come on, come onnnnnn.


Chris tossed Scarlett her marshmallow.

"You heard the sorry excuse of a man. Get out of here." she smirked.

"ARE YOU ALL NUTS!?" Jo exclaimed.

No. That's why they voted for you.

"But, before we get flushing, I want to do a little reshuffling. Today, one villain acted more like a hero. And two heroes acted more like villains. So, pack your bags and switch your teams, Courtney, Alex and Duncan." Chris announced.

Everyone gasped.

" I don't want to be a villain!" Courtney whined.

"And I don't want to be a lame-o hero." Duncan scoffed.

I didn't protest because A, I would have been told to shut up if I protested, and B, I was honestly ok with this.

Courtney, Duncan and I got up and switched teams.

"At least now, you'll have to stop blanking me and admit that I exist." Duncan said to Courtney.

"Yeah. You exist. SO WHAT!?" Courtney yelled.

"Ehhhhhh, I think I liked the blanking better..." Duncan said.

Gwen stood up.

"Hey, welcome to the team and-"

She accidentally kicked a bucket of leftover leeches. It landed on Courtney's head.

"Ew!" Courtney shrieked. I pulled the bucket off her head and plucked a couple leeches off her.

"I swear! I didn't see the pail!" Gwen protested.

Chris chuckled gleefully.

"Pure evil!" he laughed


Gwen: Am I doing it on purpose?

Scarlett yelling from outside: I sure as hell hope so, because it is hilarious!

Gwen: *sighs*


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