๐’‚๐’…๐’๐’“๐’† ๐’š๐’๐’–, ๐’‹๐’‚๐’Ž๐’†๐’”...

By -firelitroses-

54.9K 1.4K 251

"๐‘ฐ ๐’…๐’๐’'๐’• ๐’˜๐’‚๐’๐’• ๐’•๐’ ๐’ƒ๐’† ๐’‚ ๐’”๐’†๐’„๐’๐’๐’… ๐’๐’‘๐’•๐’Š๐’๐’" "๐’…๐’‚๐’“๐’๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ, ๐‘ฐ ๐’‚๐’ƒ๐’”๐’๐’๐’–๐’•... More

๐’„๐’‰๐’‚๐’“๐’‚๐’„๐’•๐’†๐’“๐’” ๐’‚๐’†๐’”๐’•๐’‰๐’†๐’•๐’Š๐’„
001. The manor
002. The other woman
003. Arrogant prick
004. Apologizes and Acceptance
005. Savior
006. Broom polish and vanilla
007. Pretty fucking beautiful
008. Raindrops
009. Parties and Hangovers
010. The tower
011. Quidditch practice
012. Stupid realizations
013. Moonlight
014. Pretty boy
015. Photgraphs
016. The slug club
017. Blue hair?
018. Lions vs Snakes
019. Snow days
020. adore you
022. Christmas party
023. Home sweet home

021. daddy issues

894 33 10
By -firelitroses-

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

daddy issues

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧*⋆.*:・゚✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

Even though Eva was about to have one of the most miserable Christmas of her life she couldn't help but smile as she remembered everything that occurred in the night. James had dropped Eva off at her common room as usual and they ended their night with a goodnight kiss. They had agreed to discuss what would happen between them when she returned from Christmas break. The group dropped her off at the train station bright and early in the morning to wish her goodbye.

"I can't believe you're leaving us," Sirius rolled his eyes

"I'm sorry! It's not my decision," she tilted her head slightly while Sirius just rolled her eyes. "I'll be back in two weeks,"

She said her goodbyes to the group hugging each one of them. She knew she was being dramatic, it's not like she was leaving forever but she had spent every single day with these boys, and she was going to miss them. As she made her way to James to give him his hug she lingered a little longer than she did with the rest. The group noticed the sudden mood shift and decided to step back giving them some privacy. James's hand lingered on her hips while she stood on her tiptoes so she could have her arms around his shoulders, her head buried in his neck.

"You gonna be okay?" James said when she pulled away his hands were still on her hips.

"I'll survive," she replied with a wide smile.

"I'll write to you,"

"You better! Or else ill probably die from boredom," she joked.

"You'll be okay. Just stay out of their way,"

"Yeah. I will. Just uh be careful okay? I'm pretty sure Lucius isn't going home so he'll probably be provoking you."

"Well he'll just end up with another broken nose," James shrugged.

"No! No more fighting okay? I do not need you getting hurt when I'm not there."

"I'll be,"

"Yeah, sure,"

'What you don't believe in me?"

"No," she replied with humor. "Because you like living on the edge," she stepped away. The train gave the last call before it would start moving. She hugged him again feeling the need to before whispering "Goodbye James,"

"Bye Eva,"

♡ ♡ ♡

The train ride was pretty peaceful the entire ride. She sat in an empty compartment considering there weren't a lot of people on the train because most students stay at school for the break.

She took the time on the train to catch up on the reading that she had been missing out on. Remus had lent Eva a book for the train ride claiming that it was one of the best books he'd ever read and Eva had to admit he was right. The words were put together beautifully to make the most elegant sentences she's ever read. She fell in love with the main characters who had such interesting ways of thinking and she fell more in love with the side characters who had such charismatic personalities. She felt like she was transported to their world, walking the same streets as them, talking the same way as they do, dealing with the same problems they've been experiencing. It felt like each word was carefully put in to make the reader believe that they were inside the book.

When the train ride was over and they had arrived at the station she was almost positive that her parents weren't actually gonna be there picking her up and as she walked out of the train and looked around for her parents they were not there, in their place was the family's personal driver whom Eva had known for most of her life. Her mother didn't like the feeling of apparitions so she hired a driver to take them places.

She waved to the driver for him to notice her as she walked towards him.

"Hello, Miss Rosewood," the driver spoke softly.

"Hi Douglas, how've you been?" Eva spoke with kindness. They walked together to find their car.

"I've been okay. How was the train ride?"

"It was boring but I took a nap halfway so I enjoyed that part," she smiled.

"That's great miss," he opened the door for her and she thanked him kindly.

♡ ♡ ♡

Eva walked into the Rosewood mansion immediately feeling the cold environment. She made her way to the kitchen where she found her family's house elf, Bunly, which she had nicknamed "bunny" when she was little because she couldn't pronounce the 'Ly' sound.

"Hi bunny, how are you?" she asked the elf.

"Miss Rosewood," she bowed. "I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon, would you like me to make you some food?"

She shook her head no while she hopped up on the kitchen island popping a piece of candy in her mouth. "and Bunny what did I say about the 'miss rosewood'" she made air quotes. "You don't have to be that formal, it's just me,"

"I apologize Miss Eva!" Eva shook her head with a smile.

"Bunny, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course Miss Eva! anything," the house elf nodded.

"do you know where my parents have gone and when they're coming back?"

"oh, dear! Miss Rosewood and Mr. Rosewood have not told Bunly anything but I suspect they're at the Malfoy's. They have been spending a lot of time there,"

Eva bit her lip on thought. Why were her parents spending all their free time at the Malfoy's? She thanked Bunny and left the kitchen. She made her way to her room, she considered unpacking her trunk but she was only going to be there for two weeks and it made no sense. Instead, she decided to write letters to her friends. She wrote to Lily, Lyra, and of course to James. She figured that she didn't need to write to everyone considering that they'd tell each other. The letters contained basic details. She wrote about how she missed everyone and how she wished that she was with them for the break.

She tried thinking of what she could do while waiting for her parents to arrive back. There was a lot to do in the Rosewood mansion considering her parents took it upon themselves to have lots of entertainment however Evelyn found that if there were too many options the harder to figure out what to do. she opted for some light reading in the family library. The family library was nothing compared to the library at Hogwarts. She found herself missing the large stone building and the countless books and the familiar faces that she had grown to love. She sighed as she sat down on the oversized red chair that looked far too fancy to be sat on and once again allowed herself to be transported. Time had passed since Eva had been in the library, it was around dinner time and Bunny had prepared a lovely meal for Evelyn. There and there she sat alone in silence, the darkness of the house affecting her mood.

After dinner, she found herself in the painting room. Eva liked painting she was definitely not good at it but she enjoyed the idea of how nothing has to be perfect, the beauty of each painting is reflected by the artist. So she sat down on one of the stools in front of her had a huge white canvas. She experimented with colors and she fully allowed herself to let go and let the brush guide her. She grabbed the red paint splattering it on the canvas as she put it down she realized some of the red paint had splattered onto her too. She tried wiping it off using her fingers but realized it was only getting worse. "Shit!"

"language!" Everyone jumped at the sound of her mother's voice. She turned around to face her mother and father standing with disgusted looks on their faces.

"I did not hear you come in, where were you?" Evelyn asked her parents who were dressed in all black like they'd been at a funeral.

"At the Malfoy manor," Lenora answered. Eva nodded her head confused at the weird behavior she was getting from her parents.

Her father spoke up next. "Lucius came home,"

"Oh. Uhm," Eva swallowed not knowing where this was going. " I didn't know he was coming back for break,"

"Yes indeed has. With his new girlfriend?" Her father spoke through a clenched jaw.


"Evelyn, do you know how much you ruined?"


"You fucked everything up!" His rage climbed.

"I didn't do anything!" she spoke back.

"Evelyn you were to be married to that boy, it was arranged by his family and ours. It was supposed to be the union of the two most important families in the wizarding world," Lenora said putting herself in the argument.

"What!" Evelyn felt her head hurt. "How was I supposed to know that? He- he cheated on me with-"

"It does not matter Evelyn," Her father interrupted. "Not only that we heard a lot of what you've been doing at school,"

"What are you taking about?"

"Lucius told us about you being involved with blood traitors and mud bloods!" Her heart raced at the mention of her friends. She watched as her father's hand clenched.

"Evelyn! You were supposed to keep our reputation in check not destroy it!"

"I didn't okay! he's lying, he's trying to get back at me!" She made up excuses.

"Enough!" she shut her mouth not prepared for what was gonna come out of his mouth. "He also told us about a rumor,"

Evelyn shook her head immediately. "No no no. Look you don't understand he made that up. It- It's not true," she gulped.

"James Potter is a blood traitor! You cannot be associated with him or his group. From this moment James Potter is dead to you and if you fail he would be,"

Her heart dropped into her stomach. She knew it. Life had been so unfair to her that she could not have the one thing that she loved. "That's so fucking unfair, you can't just do that!"

"Oh I can and will," he said sternly. Eva knew her father, she knew nothing she could say would make him understand. She also knew that her father would kill if he had to. "If what you were saying is true that this should be no problem,"

"He doesn't deserve to die, no one does!" Eva yelled at her father. She could feel the tears welling in her eyes at the thought of James Potter dead.

"Evelyn I've had enough of this, he's a blood traitor!" Her father yelled back.

Looking back she didn't remember why she said what she said, she knew her father she knew that he reeked of anger issues, and provoking him was probably not the best option. But she was sick, sick of everything. "So what! Merlin! I'm so sick of this family, thinking you're higher than everyone else, but you're not!"

"Eva don't-" her mother yelled behind her father.

"No no. I could care less if he's a blood traitor or- or mud blood. I don't care!" Her words spilled like tears, it didn't stop, and she didn't know how to stop it. "I like him and I'm not going to let you take that away from me,"

She stopped for a moment realizing what she had just said. She had admitted to her parents without her even knowing. The mansion's silence had made its way back into the room, however this time it wasn't cold as it normally was, it was suffocating, almost painful.

She watched as her father pulled out his wand from his pocket. The silence disappeared faster than it came as Lenora whispered to her husband "George please!"

And just like that, his wand was pointing at Eva. He broke whatever last connection was between Eva and him. "Crucio!" The enchantment sounded so familiar, so smooth like he'd used it millions of times before. Eva didn't know if she was screaming but she assumed so from the pain pulling from her throat. She fell to the ground, the floor making a thump sound but the only thing she could hear was the ringing in her ears, it was so loud she was questioning if everyone else could hear it. She felt her blood pumping through her body, and breaking through her skin at some parts.

Eva knew the curse. She had studied it for years. She knew about the pain and the side effects but she never thought she would experience it. If Eva could describe it, she would say that it felt like she was getting stabbed by millions of different people in all directions, or maybe being burned at every inch of her body, maybe both.

She watched as her mother grabbed and pleaded with her husband to let go, to stop torturing their child. But he didn't, he didn't stop. There was no way of telling how long this went on. She was sure if it felt like hours and she was sure in that moment that she would never feel anything again. She could already feel her mind dizzying and her sanity worsening. But it had only been a couple of minutes.

Then it stopped. It was over. The pain didn't stop, it just felt like it had weakened. She desperately tried to catch her breath.

"You will not see that boy again! do you hear me?" Evelyn's father yelled and though she could barely move she nodded a yes. He didn't even seem to care that his daughter was covered in blood and soaking into the carpet. Eva watched as her father left the room leaving the two girls alone.

Her mother quickly grabbed her daughter putting her head on her lap while she checked for anything broken. "I'm so sorry sweet girl,"

"Why?" Eva asked. She watched as her mother bit her lip. She watched the line that the tears had made on her mothers face. "You don't love him. how can you?" Eva's voice strained.

"You don't understand," Her mother whispered, breaking down. "One day you'll find out, but for now all I can say is I'm sorry," Eva turned her head away from her mother.

"Let me get you cleaned up okay? I'll tell Bunly to draw a bath, I'll be right back!"

The major pain had subsided but there was still some that lingered around her body. She finally released the aching sob that had been so desperate to come out. Still crying, she picked herself up even though she was too tired to. If it wasn't for her mother she would honestly just lay there on the floor maybe for hours or days but she got up.

She looked down at her shirt covered in blood, not noticing where the splatter of red paint was. She wiped the stream of tears on her face as it replaced with new ones. She took her off her clothes noticing the cuts covering her entire body. She stepped into the bathtub, gasping as the cuts burned all throughout her body.

She rubbed the blood off her skin not paying attention to anything around her. She was still. She thought about James and what she was gonna do. Things were finally getting better for them and now everything had crashed down. She dunked her head in the water, sinking down to the bottom, her eyes closed and her breath stopped. She could feel the bathtub against her back. She wished she could stay there, like that, forever.

♡ ♡ ♡

AN: Okay. So that was very heavy and I'm sorryy. I'm also sorry for this chapter taking like five months, I don't know where that came out from. okay so tbh I don't like the way this book is turning out like I have so many ideas on how to continue but I feel like the chapters and the writing is just really bad 💀 so let me know about things that I can change and I definitely wanna go into major construction on this book when I'm finished with all the chapters. Anyway, that's all I think. xoxo

Love emily <3

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