The Three Kagenou Siblings (K...

By JaeZInsane

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While Claire Kagenou works among the Crimson Order, The Shadow Monarch, Kagari Kagenou watches and over their... More

Bio: Kagera Sanashi/Kagari Kagenou
Prolouge: The Unfortunate Death and The Forunate Rebirth
Chapter 1: The Kagenou Brothers
Chapter 2: Shadow Garden
Chapter 3: Shadow Garden's Rescue Mission
Chapter 4: The Midgar Academy
Chapter 5: Alexia Midgar
Chapter 6: Saving The Princess and Catching The Bad Guy
Chapter 7: Eclipse and Shadow, The Brothers of Darkness
Chapter 8: The Impostors
Chapter 9: Sherry Barnett
Chapter 10: Battle of The Bushin Tournament, Kagari Kagenou vs Rose Oriana
Chapter 11: The Attack on The Midgar Academy
Chapter 12: An Operation in the Shadows
Chapter 13: True Colors
Chapter 14: Exposing A Monster, Kagari Kagenou vs Lutheran Barnett
Chapter 15: Helping a Poor Soul
Chapter 16: The Sacred Land of Lindwurm
Chapter 17: Aurora, The Witch Of Calamity
Chapter 19: The History of The Cult of Diablos
Chapter 20: The Sanctuary Massacre
Chapter 21: The Final Battle In the Sanctuary
Chapter 22: Aftermath
Chapter 23: Checking In On Loved Ones
Chapter 24: Alexandria
Chapter 25: The Bushin Festival
Chapter 26: A Crisis Behind The Scenes
Chapter 27: The Shadow of The Moonlight
Chapter 28: A Deal of Power
Chapter 29: Waiting For The Right Time
Chapter 30: The Hostile Takeover
Chapter 31: Wrath of The Monarch of White Flames
Chapter 32: The Successors of Monarchs
Chapter 33: Wrath of The New Shadow Monarch
Chapter 34: The End of White Flames
Chapter 35: Chaos' End
(Season 2) Chapter 36: The Lawless City

Chapter 18: The Sanctuary

5.4K 156 60
By JaeZInsane

Lindwurm, Nightfall

After his surprising appearance and exit as Eclipse after his battle against Aurora, Kagari left the arena where the Goddess Trial was being held as he returned to his old vantage point, the walls of Lindwurm.

Kagari: There, it's done...

Kagari: With Eclipse making a sudden reappearance after so long, they'll be more focused on him rather than a dark knight student. It can also give Alpha and the others time to enter the Sanctuary. Speaking of, I should make my way back and help.

Just as Kagari was about to return to the arena, he noticed a glowing red light behind him.

Kagari: What is that..?

He looked down to see it was the magical gateway to the Sanctuary.

Kagari's Thoughts: (It's the gateway....)

Then, an idea came into Kagari's head. He teleported to the other side of the walls and the gateway followed him.

Kagari: Hmm, a few more times. Just to be sure.

He began to teleport over and over around the city, but the door continued to follow him, no matter where he went. Then, he teleported out of Lindwurm and the door appeared right infront of him.

Kagari's Thoughts: (Just as I thought. When I called upon the Sanctuary, It appears that I did more than make it appear. Now the door wants me to enter and it won't stop until I do...)

He then thought about Aurora, The Witch of Calamity who he fought back in the arena before he made his decision.

Kagari sighs.

Kagari: Alright. You win, Sanctuary.

Making his decision, Kagari entered the Sanctuary and the magical gateway closed.



Back at the stadium, everyone in the crowd looked at the door to the Sanctuary with curiosity in their eyes. In the V.I.P section, Nelson was in shock as the Sanctuary responded to Eclipse. Seeing as the door was opening, the Archbishop ordered the entire arena to be evacuated.

Now, it was just Nelson, Natsume, Rose and Alexia.

Nelson: Now ladies, we don't want to risk putting you in any danger, so let's exit the stadium and...

Rose and Alexia drew their swords.

Natsume: Oh dear, dear, dear, dear...

Nelson turned his head and was in shock of who had them all surrounded.

???: I would suggest that you stop right there.

Nelson: can't be.

Nelson: Shadow Garden?!

Shadow: Alpha, I shall go in first.

Alpha: Understood, Shadow.

Cid's Thoughts: (Alright, now it's time for me to make a cool looking jump and land right into that also cool looking door.)

Shadow jumped into the air and was taken directly into the Sanctuary.

Alpha: My apologies. But I ask that you behave yourselves until the door is closed, your highnesses.

Alpha: It's up to you now.

Epsilon: Understood, Lady Alpha.

Nelson turned his head to see Epsilon, who has already taken out his guards.

Alpha: Delta.

Delta: Yes, your ladyship, sir.

Alexia looked at Alpha.

Alexia's Thoughts: (So that's Alpha. She's strong. Stronger than Iris.)

Alpha and Delta, along with multiple Shadow Garden Operatives jumped on the stadium floor and enter the Sanctuary.

Alexia: They vanished?!

Nelson: Stop! Keep out of our Sanctuary!

Rose: What are you people trying to do?!

Epsilon: All we want is for you to be good little girls and stay here until the door is closed. But we'll be taking the baldy with us.

Nelson: What could you possibly be planning to do in the Sanctuary?!

Epsilon: It's not about what we do there, It's about what we find there.

Two members jump and restrain both Nelson and Natsume.

Epsilon: Nobody move.

A blade was held up to Natsume's neck.

Epsilon: One more step, and who can say what will happen to this woman?

Natsume: Uwah!!

Rose: Miss Natsume!

Alexia: We could just let her die.

Rose: No, we can't!

Natsume: Don't worry about me! I'll be fine!

Along with taking note of her bad acting, Epsilon noticed that the gate was closing.

Epsilon: We are going inside. Come on, Baldy. Bring the woman, too.

Nelson: If you must go, then go without me! To the afterlife!

Epsilon turned to the sound of a smoke bomb, then turned her head again as someone was dashing towards her.

Nelson: Kill her, Executioner Venom!

The executioner was diving towards Epsilon, attempting to cut her head off, but his blade was stopped and he was cut to pieces in an instant.

???: Pathetic, sending a mere pawn for your dirty work...

Igris: You are no warrior...

Nelson: What the hell are you?!

Igris: None of your concern, old fool.

Epsilon: Thank you, Sir Igris.

Igris: It's no trouble, Lady Epsilon. Now, let's go before the doorway closes.

Epsilon: Right.

Epsilon grabbed Nelson by his face as she and Igris jumped into the doorway and Natsume was taken away after them.

Wanting to know the truth, Alexia jumped in after them and Rose did as well before the door closed.



Now inside of the Sanctuary, both Alexia and Rose fell out of the doorway and landed on top of Natsume.

Rose: Is everyone alright?

Alexia: My dear Rose, please move. Now.

Natsume: Princess Alexia, may I ask you not to touch me in such questionable places?

Alexia: I'm not touching this jiggly sack of meat for fun, okay?!

Natsume: Oh, are you jealous?

Rose: Ladies, let's not fight...

Alpha walked over and observed the three of them as Alexia stood up.

Alexia: I'm very sorry. I tripped and fell, then there was a door right in front of me, so I couldn't help myself.

Alpha: Do as you like. It may be that you should learn this, as well.

Alexia took a look at her new surroundings.

Alexia: This is the Sanctuary?

Alpha: According to legend, this is the place where they sealed away the left arm of the demon Diablos, after he was different by the hero, Olivier.

Nelson: So what about it? Are you listening to a fairy tale, coming her to find the arm?!

Alpha: That sounds fun, too, but we're more interested in learning about the Cult of Diablos.

Nelson: What are you taking about?

Alpha: I know that you can't answer our questions. That's why we came to see it for ourselves.

Alpha: To find everything from the beginning, the truth that was buried in the dark corners of history.

Alpha walked towards the statue of a female elf.

Alpha: The statue of the great hero, Olivier.

Alexia: The hero Olivier?

Rose: But I thought he was a man.

Alpha: We have a general grasp of all the facts. We know the true history, the Cult's real objective, and we know why this hero....

Alpha reveals her face.

Alpha: Has the exact same face as mine.

Seeing this, Nelson broke his Archbishop character and a preview of his true colors were revealed.

Nelson: You're a possessed elf! But you weren't compatible! You should be dead!

Igris planted his sword in the floor.

Igris: Silence, foolish human.

Epsilon: So you do know about us.

Epsilon's grip on Nelson tightened.

Alpha: We know the truth about the possessed, as well. We must be quite the nuisance to a church that's so eager to maintain the current way of things.

Rose: What on earth are you talking about?

Alpha: We also suspect that the Cult's goal is not merely to bring the demon back to life. But we aren't yet certain. So why don't we all go see it for ourselves?

Alpha placed her hand on the writing of Olivier's statue as she overwritten the magical gateway.

Nelson: What?!!

Alpha: There was once a great battle here. Many lives were lost.

The door to the Sanctuary's vault began to open as water began to emerge and the lights illuminated the entire area.

Nelson: This is impossible! How did you turn it on?!

Alpha: The magical powers of the demon and the warriors whirled together, and that vortex locked away the memories that had nowhere else to go.

Alpha: This place is a graveyard, the final resting place of ancient memories and demonic grudges.

Nelson: Olivier!

Alpha: Now, let us begin our journey into the world of fairy tales.


After walking for want seemed like ages, Kagari opened a door which lead him to an all white room.

Kagari: Oh, hello.

Aurora: Hello.

Kagari: I'm guessing you're the person that summoned me here, am I right?

Aurora: "Summoned"? I don't think I did, but that fight we had was fun.

Kagari: I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the fight, too.

Aurora: My memories are incomplete, but I'm pretty sure you were the strongest.

Aurora: If only you had been around in my day and age....

Kagari: It's an honor to hear that from the Witch of Calamity.

Aurora: So? How did you get here?

Kagari: Oh, I was just followed by a magical door all over town, so I decided to see what was inside and I showed up here.

Aurora: I don't really understand.

Kagari: You and me both. So, do you know the way out of this place?

Aurora: I'm not sure. I don't have memories of ever leaving.

Kagari: Then how did you fight me?

Aurora: I woke up and I was there. That had never happened before. As far as I remember, anyway.

Kagari: I see. So it looks like we're in a tough spot, huh?

Aurora: I have an idea.

Kagari: I'm listening.

Aurora: Maybe you could help me get out of this straitjacket?

Aurora: You wouldn't leave a beautiful woman all alone in a room stuck like this, would you?

Kagari: Of course, not. You don't give me the aura of an individual with ulterior motives. Plus, you did give me a good fight. So, I'll help you out.

Kagari drew his sword.

Kagari: Don't worry, you won't feel a thing.

Aurora: How kind of you.

In a few swift slashes, Aurora was released from her straitjacket.

Aurora: Finally free after a thousand years!

Kagari: You've been stuck in here for that long?

Aurora: I'm guessing. I don't actually remember. But it was at least that long.

Aurora began walking towards Kagari as her clothing from before appeared.

Aurora: Now, you and I both want essentially the same thing. You want to get out and I want to be free.

Aurora: Am I wrong?

Kagari: No. Not at all.

Aurora: So let's work together.

Kagari: Sure, it's better to be together than to be alone in a place like this. But you said you've never gotten out of here before.

Aurora: But I do know how to free myself.

Aurora: This Sanctuary is a memory prison created by ancient battles. If we go to its center and destroy it's magical core, then I will be set free.

Kagari: Only you?

Aurora: Only me. Or that's what I'd like to say, but once the core is destroyed, everything will disappear. You should be able to leave then, as well.

Kagari: Won't the Sanctuary be destroyed, too?

Aurora: Who cares? It's that a problem?

Kagari: It's no skin off my nose to me.

Aurora: That settles it, then. Also, and I think you've already noticed this, but we can't use magic.

Kagari: Yeah, I've already tried.

Aurora: We're close to the center of the Sanctuary. You can try and work your powers but they'll be absorbed.

Kagari: But it's no issue, I'm used to having to get out of tight spots without relying on magic.

Aurora: My, how reliable! By the way, I'm just a weak, delicate damsel in distress.

Aurora: I've always wanted to see what it was like to have a gallant knight to protect me!

Kagari: Well if you ask me, you do seem to be in some distress, my violet damsel. Come, take my arm.

Aurora giggled as she took Kagari's arm as they prepared to leave.

Kagari: By the way, what will happen to you once you are free?

Aurora: I'll vanish into nothing.

Kagari: Oh, I see...

Kagari: Let us be off, my dear. Ladies first.

Aurora: Ara, Ara, such a gentleman.

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