Kayley older sister( Quest fo...

By Sayuri-Nishino24

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Lady Juliana and Sir Lionel has a oldest daughter and sister to Kayley, Meet Lady Julieta Kayley older sister... More

Lady Julieta Bio
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9


273 7 0
By Sayuri-Nishino24

The ocean with a deep mist as we pan over to cliffs and up on a path that three travelers are traveling on their horses: Lady Juliana, Sir Lionel, and their daughters Kayley and Julieta. Kayley rides her horse acting like a knight just like her father making her older sister shake her head but with a smile on her face.

Kayley: Come on. [their ride down to the beach. Sir Lionel is helping Juliana off her horse while Julieta hops off from her horse, and Kayley is standing on her horse giggling] Father! [As she jumps into his arms they roll down a sandy bank laughing] Father do you and Julieta have to go?

Sir Lionel: I'm afraid I must Kayley. You know the king's knights will be here soon and I need to take Juileta cause she helping the horse stable"

Kayley: Tell me again why you became a knight

Lady Juliana: Kayley, you've heard it a thousand times!

Julieta: Hehe Oh come on mom! Kayley wants to hear the story"

Sir Lionel: Oh, but it's fine dear. Well my daughter, before you were born the land was dark and treacherous. [Sir Lionel kneels and draws three circles in the sand with his finger] The people stood divided, brother fighting brother. [The sand blowing transitions the scene to a foggy dark land, we zoom towards and through the Stonehenge-like pillars, and stop in front of the magic stone holding the sword Excalibur] The only hope for peace was in the legend of Excalibur, for it was said that only the true king could pull the magical sword from its stone and unite the people. Many tried, but all failed. [Everyone tries to pull Excalibur out, but to no avail and gave up] Then, on the very day you were born, [a boy's shadow appears over the stone which three engraved interlocked rings glow] an unexpected hero stepped forth, his name was Arthur, [Arthur grabbed hold of Excalibur and pulls the sword out to everyone's amazement] and he was that true king. With Excalibur at his side he led us out of the darkness [We fade through time-lapse as the sky brightens and the castle and its moat are halfway built] and together we built the greatest kingdom on earth, [Everyone helped to build the kingdom and placing the round table in a large tower] everyone rejoiced.
Camelot's residents dance outside the castle in the union. They formed three interlocked rings to show the union and danced in formation. We fade back to the present at the beach where Kayley and Julieta are dancing inside a drawn circle.

Kayley: Camelot! [She giggles in excitement]

They fell on their bottom laughing a bit from dancing around in the circle.

Sir Lionel: [showing her his shield which displays three interlocked rings] And so these three rings represent the unity of our people. As a knight, I took an oath to protect Camelot, King Arthur, and Excalibur.

Kayley: The knights are here!''

They all saw the Knight heading towards Camelot waiting on Sir Lionel and Lady Julieta.

Sir Lionel: I must go now Kayley Come along Julieta, The king has summoned his knights for a special day in Camelot [Sir Lionel and Lady Juliana kiss over Kayley's horse and Julieta hugs her mother and Sir Lionel goes to ride off followed by his eldest daughter] Goodbye.''

"Julieta: Bye mom, Bye Kayley.''

Kayley: I'm coming with you, Daddy!"'

Sir Lionel: Yes, when you are old enough Kayley. We will take you to Camelot, I promise. I love you.

Kayley: One day I will be a knight, like father.

Sir Lionel: Let's go!
The knights ride off but Greet lady Julieta before the knights travel on their horses on the main road to Camelot as the opening credits appear. The knights travel three days without stopping on their way to Camelot. Soon They all arrive at Camelot safely while Julieta said goodbye to her father and then leads her horse toward the stable and meets up with her best friend Garrett.

[singing]: United we stand, now and forever, in truth, divided we fall. Hand upon hand, brother to brother, no one shall be greater than all. [The drawbridge lowers as "Directed by Frederik Du Chau" fades in and fades out and the knights go inside Camelot] United we stand, now and forever, in truth, divided we fall. Hand upon hand, brother to brother, no one shall be greater than all.

Sir Lionel passes a young boy who is seemly blind and is practicing his skills. The knights are greeted by their friends. Arthur appears at the main entrance of the castle with his advisor Merlin but saw Julieta helping Garrett out since he is blind.

''King Arthur: [singing] It's been ten years since we celebrate, All that made our kingdom great, Liberty and justice for all, [The knights follow him inside the castle, not knowing that a strong and deformed knight with red hair comes out of a doorway and secretly follows them. His name is Ruber.] Each of us we now divide, for equal shares our countryside, promising equality for all we reside! [Arthur opens up two doors to reveal the round table room]''

''Knights of the Round Table: [singing] United we stand, now and forever, in truth, divided we fall. [The knights walk to the table, Ruber clenches his fist menacingly in front of the camera. Arthur draws out Excalibur and holds it in the air, the knights draw their swords and did the same as Arthur and they all placed them in the chairs' scabbards] Hand upon hand, brother to brother, no one shall be greater than all. [The knights raise their shields one by one]''

" Knights: Liberty, Justice, Trust, Freedom, Peace, Honour, Goodness, Strength, Valour.''
The knights lower their shields onto the table, until Ruber slams his shield down, making everyone jump.
Ruber: ME!!! Charming sing-along. Now let's get down to business. I waited a long time for this day. [After nobody responded for a brief second] What about my new land!''

''King Arthur: Sir Ruber. Always thinking of yourself. As Knights of the Round Table, our obligation is to the people, not to ourselves. The lands will be divided according to each person's needs.''

''Ruber: Then I need more than everyone. I wouldn't have supported you for all these years if I thought you were running... a charity.''

''Sir Lionel: [banging his fist on the table] The king has decided!''

''Ruber: Then it's time for the new king, and I vote for me.''
Everyone is heard moaning at Ruber's remark, Arthur scowls at Ruber, offended. Sir Lionel stands up.
''Sir Lionel: [gritting his teeth] I will not serve a false king.''

''Ruber: Then serve... [he reaches his arm underneath the table and pulls out his mace] A DEAD ONE.!''

Everyone, including Arthur, gasped as Ruber jumped on the table to charge at the king, the other knights jumped on the table to defend Arthur. Ruber then swung his mace and knocks Sir Lionel off the table with a hard force. Next, he throws down a knight with his arm and knocks out another one by head-butting him. Arthur gasps and then grabs Excalibur quickly to defend himself. Ruber runs towards Arthur, screaming. Arthur drew out Excalibur at the right time and holds it in front of him. Ruber swung his mace at Excalibur, after the mace came in contact with the blade, Excalibur's magic sends Ruber and his mace flying backward Ruber fell to the ground as Arthur glares at him while his sword's magic fades away. Ruber then gets up and rubs his right arm.

''Ruber: One day, that sword will be in my hand, and ALL WILL BE MINE!!''

He runs out of the room with the doors closing behind him as the knights throw several spears at him. On the other side, Ruber barricades a door with a wooden beam before running off in exile as nine spears pierce through the doors briefly. Back in the room, the knights gather around Sir Lionel who is lying on the floor, motionless.

''Knight 1: Lionel?''

''Knight 2: Is he all right?''

''Knight 3: Sir Lionel?''

All of the knights received no answer from Sir Lionel who didn't move or speak, he was dead.

"Arthur: Go tell Lady Julieta!"

One of the knights nodded then took off out of the room and head towards the horse stable where Julieta is.

"Knight: Lady Julieta!"

Julieta turn around and saw one of the knights with a sad expression on his face making Julieta worry that something is wrong.

"Julieta: Yes? What is it!"

The Knight of the round table told her that her father is dead making Julieta drops her broom while covering her mouth at the shocking news that her father is dead and wondering what her mom and Kayley hear about the news.

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