Ghost Izuku in Winx Club (Izu...

Od UnZero123

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In this Story Izuku die in his world and his soul go to the Winx Club World where he exprience his new life. ... Více

Meet with strange ghost boy
Introduction and Meet Sun Fairy
Izuku Midoriya Bio
A New Friends & Meet Witches
The First Dance & One Wish
Black-Mud Swamp & New Security Guard
Date With Disaster & Izuku Plan
Secret Guardians & New teacher In Red Fountain
Grounded & New Friends from Witch Tower
The Day Of The Rose
Izuku days at Alfea and Red Fountain
Junior League & Souls Guide
Miss Magix & Phantom Thief
Meant to be
Pushing The Envelope
Nightmare Monsters & Rage Ghost
Royal HeartBreak
Witches Go To Earth
The Army Of Decay & Two Great Dragons
Sparks of Hope & Project Ultra
The Frozen Place
Mission To Cloud Tower & Fear
The Search For The Flame & Villian Ghost
The Great Witch Invasion
Twin Dragons Vs Ice
Ghost Izuku In Winx Club Season 2

Battle For Alfea

401 19 1
Od UnZero123


Flora: "Oh dear."

Musa: "What about Izuku? Did you find him." Stella shake her head.

Griffin: "I also got a bad news for you too." to Faragonda and Saladin

Fara: "Let's go talk in my office." Griffin, Saladin and Cod follow Faragonda


Bloom and Sky are walking.*

Bloom: "Wouldn't it be quicker to go through Black Mud Swamp?" 

Sky: "Yeah, that's true, but these treetops will provide better cover for us." 

Bloom: "Oh, yeah. I guess you're right." 

Sky: "Those winged monsters are probably patrolling the whole realm. At least this way, we'll be safe." 

Bloom: "Sky, I'm scared."

Sky: "Huh? What's wrong?" 

Bloom: "Without my powers I feel like the helpless little girl from Earth." 

Sky: "You're not though Bloom. You are the last princess of Sparks That's pretty awesome."

Bloom: "I know, but the only thing separating some normal girl from Gardenia from the last Princess of Sparks was a magical power that I no longer have. Without it, I'm just... well-"

Sky: "When you learned the truth about me, you said it didn't change who I was."

Bloom: "Yeah, but that was you."

Sky: "Nothing can change who you are, Bloom. Some things can't be taken away. Now, let's go. The quicker we get to Magix, the quicker we can find transportation to Alfea." As they walk, a voice can be heard. 

Voice: "Lake Chrysalis. Come to Lake Chrysalis."

Bloom: "Hold up, did you hear that?"

Sky: "Huh?" 

Bloom: "I thought I heard a voice just now." 

Sky: "I didn't hear a thing, but the woods are full of creatures. Come on, let's get going."  An Arachni-cam is watching Bloom and Sky.*

Cloud Tower

Stormy: "Look at her walking with her pretty-boy prince. It's pathetic. Eugh, it makes me want to puke!" 

Darcy: "What makes me wanna toss it is seeing Griffin and those traitor witches hanging together with the pixies at Fairy High."

Icy: "I think it's amusing. I mean, those idiot weaklings actually think they'll be safe cowering in the halls of Alfea hiding behind their professors." 

Darcy: "Hey! Looks like Bloom heading toward Magix."

Icy: "Bloom useless now, we can cross her off our list of things to do." 

Stormy: "That's right, forget that brat. Let's focus on taking Alfea." 

Icy: "Our strongest batallion yet is already on it's way to Cutesy Academy. That school is finally gonna get the schooling it deserves."

Darcy: "By the way, Where is that ghost boy?"

Icy: "Oh, him, I order him to get his dragon to come to our side."

Stormy: "Cool but how will he get his dragon to come to him?"

Icy: "Don't know, he been on the platform now."

Cloud Tower Platform

Izuku looking at the direction of Alfea and eyes close.

Alfea, Faragonda Office

Saladin: "It sounds like you're suggesting that Icy, Darcy and Stormy are descendants of the original Coven."

Miss Faragonda: "Well, that's what they told Bloom when they ambushed her in Gardenia, and took the Dragon Fire from her. It would explain their motive, and it would also explain their tremendous power."

Codatorta: "But as we all know, the descendants of the Coven were banned from the schools of Magix for eternity, and no headmistress is permitted to override this rule." 

Miss Griffin: "I hope you're not implying that I knowingly admitted those--"

Miss Faragonda: "No one is implying anything." 

Miss Griffin: "I certainly hope not. Their admission scrolls claimed they were from the realm of Miran, and yet I wondered why their parents never came to conference week." 

Saladin: "Let's thinks about that later, For now is how we will do with izuku who is in control by those Trix."

Griffin: "We can do a trap, Advance magic spell from the three of us."

Saladin: "We can do that but how long do we have to contain him?"

Griffin: "That I don't know." look to Faragonda "What are you thinking Faragonda?"

Saladin: "Do you have a another plan?"

Faragonda: "Well, is about---" interrupted off by a monster shrieks.*

Codatorta: "Sounds like they're here."

Alfea, Quad

The Army of Decay approaches Alfea.*

Stella: "Here we go again." The army attacks and the students of the three schools fight back.* 

Tecna: "Flora, watch out!" Flora to throw by a monster until drone come in shoot the monster down.

Flora: "Thx you." 

Drone: "Secure" and go help others

Musa: "Come on! Let's go girls!"

Tecna: "Yeah!" The girls transform.*

Stella: "Hmph." 

Flora: "Hmmm." 

Stella: "Relocatus!" Stella teleports herself, Flora, Musa and Tecna behind the monster.*

Musa: "DO IT FLO!" Flora fire a spell and vines the monster.

Stella: "Uh oh. He's got a friend." Another monster comes in. Musa and Tecna fly up and blast it. It rains bugs.* 

Flora: "They're like worms." The bugs then come together to form four soldier monsters. 

Tecna: "Yes, except they multiply exponentially." The monster disassembles itself to escape the vines and reassembles itself.* 

Stella: "Hey big guy, that is not slick or buff. It's just gross."


Bloom and Sky are sitting by a campfire.* 

Bloom: "I have a bad feeling. I don't think we should stop." 

Sky: "Bad feeling or not, we've been through a lot to day,Bloom. We've gotta get some sleep." 

Bloom: "I can't sleep. I'm too worried right now to relax." 

Sky: "I remember my first mission as a scout. It was in Ashen Gorge, and I couldn't sleep, not even a wink." 

Bloom: "So what did you do?" 

Sky: "I just closed my eyes and thought of home." 

Bloom: "Well, that's easy for you to do. You know where your home is." 

Sky: "So do you. Bloom, nothing you've found out changes where you come from. While you're the last Princess of Sparks, you're also that down-to-earth girl from Gardenia. And that's a great thing." Bloom is quiet for a moment.* 

Bloom: "Sky?"

Sky: "What is it?" 

Bloom: "Nothing." They lie down to go to sleep.*

Alfea, Quad

More monsters are approaching Alfea.*

Fairy #1: "Miss Faragonda, look!"

Faragonda: "There's more of them? Send a group of senior spell masters to guard the gate." The battle continues.* 

Brandon: "Let's show these things what's up!" Brandon and Riven attack, but the monster remains standing.* 

Brandon: "Awww, come on!"

Riven: "Hey, remember that move from Double Duel class?" 

Brandon: "I sure do Riven! I'll lead, you follow." Brandon switches weapons. They attack together again.* 

Riven: "That ought to keep them down." 

Brandon: "Then why's he getting up?" 

The monster reforms but got dissolve by Knut shot from suit. Riven and Brandon look to Knut who thump up and start to destroyed more.

Riven and Brandon: "We really need those kind of suit more."

One flying monster come down and chase after kiko. Kiko run a little and start to dig fast to the ground. Monster fly past kiko. Kiko sigh relief and hide in hole.

 A monster swoops at Tecna and picks her up.* 

Tecna; "You want to get into it with me?" 

Musa: "Tecna?!" Tecna expands her wings, cutting herself free from the monster.* 

Tecna: "Take that!" 

Codatorta: "Come on, you ugly maggot. You're going back to the muck!" 

Specialist #1: "Look out for the middle claw!" Codatorta is grabbed around the face and picked up. Saladin attacks the monster with a spell and the monster drops Codatorta.* 

Saladin: "Are you alright, Professor?" 

Codatorta: "I'm fine. Don't tell any of the boys about that." Some Flying monsters swoop over the battle.*

Brandon: "Can someone do something about those flying stingrays?! and don't hit the Dragon!"

Timmy: "I'm on it. A couple of zaps from my Bee-Kicker Blaster ought to do the trick." Timmy fires shots at the stingrays. One of the rays swoops at him and he drops his blaster.*

Specialist #2: "Watch out, Timmy!" Another ray swoops at Timmy but Tecna blasts it with a spell.* 

Tecna: "Don't worry, I got your back, Timmy." 

Timmy: "And I've got yours!" Timmy picks up his blaster and fires at the rays coming for Tecna.* Both sigh relief but more come in but shot down by big fire.

Saphira roars and fire more at the other flying monster.

 Faragonda: "Together, Griffin!" Faragonda and Griffin cast a spell together.

Faragonda and Griffin: "Develo-invinso!" The rays are destroyed and turn to sludge, which turns into new monsters.*

Faragonda: "I don't know what else to do. The more we fight, the stronger they seem to get."


Sky wakes up, smiles at Bloom's sleeping form, then goes to wake her up.*

Sky: "Hey, Bloom. Wake up." Bloom wakes up.* 

Sky: "We should go."

Bloom: "I didn't mean to crash like that. Wow, how long did we sleep." 

Sky: "Only a couple of hours. I think. With the sky the way it is, it's hard to tell whether it's night or day." They start walking again.*

Voice: "Find me, Bloom. Come to Lake Chrysalis." Bloom gasps and grabs Sky 

Sky: "Huh?" 

Bloom: "Okay, don't tell me you didn't hear that."

Sky: "What?" 

Bloom: "It's Daphne! She's calling me." 

Daphne: "Come, Bloom."

Faragonda Office, Alfea

The battle is over, and the students of the three schools are exhausted.* 

Faragonda: "I don't understand what's happening, why did they suddenly pull back their forces?"

Griffin: "They're witches. Conquest is only fun if you can toy with your enemy." 

Saladin: "Or perhaps our fighting is actually weakening the Army of Decay." 

Griffin: "Perhaps, but it doesn't matter. The only way to get rid of the weed is to cut out the root." 

Faragonda: "The root. Icy, Darcy, and Stormy." 

Codatorta: "You mean a direct confrontation?"

Alfea, Quad

Specialist #1: "Slash, then parry?"

Specialist #2: "Yes, but keep the same footwork." Brandon and Stella are sitting together. 

Stella: "Everyone's wiped and whipped. I don't think we'd be able to survive another attack." 

Brandon: "You're probably right. So that means... this could be it." 

Stella: "Oh, Brandon." 

Brandon: "Whatever happens, I'll protect you." 

Stella: "More likely it'll be me who protects you, page boy." 

Brandon: "Hump, I'm not going to be a squire forever, you know?"

Stella: "You mean you might climb the ladder and become a knight, or maybe even a man-at-arms." 

Brandon: "Yeah."

Stella: "Seriously Brandon, you think that stuff matters to me? Me 'rents are the King and Queen of Solaria and look how good their relationship is." hold brandon hand

Musa: "Awwww!" Musa, Tecna, and Flora are flying nearby.*

Musa: "Isn't that sweet? Nothing like a little end of the world romance." 

Flora: "Ignore her, you guys are so cute together." 

Stella: "Musa, don't you think you should get some rest?" Stella uses her magic to summon a pillow and whacks Musa with it.* 

Musa: "That's fighting with magic! It's against the rules!" 

Brandon: "You sound like Griselda!" 

Stella: "No snide comments please. Only I can torment my friends. And speaking of friends, I wish Bloom and izuku were here." Stella, Tecna, and Flora are sad.*

Brandon: "She'll be here soon enough. I'm sure she and Sky escaped from Cloud Tower and are on their way back and izuku." look down "I don't know what to say?" Riven and Timmy arrive. 

Riven: "There you are!" 

Flora: "Timmy. Riven." 

Tecna: "What's the news?" 

Timmy: "Faragonda's called an assembly." They all gasp.*

The students of Alfea, Red Fountain, and Cloud Tower are gathered for an assembly.* 

Faragonda: "You have all fought very bravely. But this is not over. Our true test is yet to come. Fairies, witches, and heroes, dig down deep and muster all your magic and power." 

Griffin: "If we all work together I know that we can triumph. Now when we give the signal-" 

Student #1: "Here they come!" Stingrays are flying towards Alfea.* 

Stella: "You gotta be kidding, there's like thousands of them!"


Cloud Tower

Icy: "Those losers actually defeated that wave of attacks?!" 

Stormy: H"ow dare they?!" 

Darcy: "Look at them. They probably think they've won." 

Stormy:" As if!"

Icy: "I am sick of this game. It's not fun anymore." 

Stormy: "We have to stop sitting back and just watching." 

Darcy: "Seriously, time to get our hands dirty. Let's get in there and bust out the full power of the Dragon Fire." 

Icy: "Get your fighting boots on, girls, 'cause tomorrow we're going into battle. The walls of Alfea will crumble beneath our very hands and we won't stop fighting until every cutesy pixie and traitorous witch is wiped off the face the realm for good and where is that GHOST BOY!" look around " He should be calling his dragon to our side by now."

Stormy: "Maybe, he napping somewhere or he doesn't want to obey you." Icy growl

Darcy: "Hey guys, look here." Icy and Stormy look to  Arachni-cam.

On Platform, Cloud Tower

Izuku opens his eyes and breath in big then scream out loud toward the Alfea.

Alfea, Quad

All Students where still cheering until.

All Red Fountain Students and Professors scream in pain while hold their ear.

Stella: "BRANDON! What wrongs." hold onto brandon

Brandon: "I-I do-n't know but IT HURTS!" Stella hold onto brandon more.

Tecna: "TIMMY! HANG IN THERE." Timmy hang onto Tecna.

Musa with Riven. Flora with other red fountain student and other Fairy and witches helping the boys.

Fara worry: "Saladin, what happening?"

Saladin: "I-I don't k-now but I trying to know wh-at is saying?" hold ears

Cod: "B-UT IT'S HURT SO MUCH!" hold ears

After a minute later, the screaming stop

Brandon: "W-hat was that?"

Riven: "D-Don't know but I'm glad it's stop."

Timmy: "H-hey guys, what are the dragon doing?"

They all look toward the dragons. Who looking toward the cloud tower direction.

Stella: "Why are they looking toward the cloud tower direction?"

Musa: "Maybe that where the sound come from."

Tecna: "True, but why---" cut off by Saphira Roar to the sky with others dragons

Fly into the sky and go to cloud tower with other dragons

Faragonda: "Where are they going?"

Saladin: "To the cloud tower." straight up while hold head

Faragonda: "You oka." help up.

Saladin: "Yea, I'm oka."

Griffin: "Excuse me, but why are they going to cloud tower? Unless--" cut off by cod

Cod: "They were call by the boy." get up straight while hold head

Faragonda: "You mean Izuku call them."

Saladin: "Yes, much like those Trix ask him to do that."

Griffin: "But why do you guys hurts too."

Cod: "That because, we connect our mind to the dragon when we ride."

Saladin: "That why it hurts so much but it will heal itself in time." see the Red fountains boys getting up.

Faragonda: "Look like we need to come up with the air defense plan now?" The three nod


Sky get up slow and hold his head.

Sky: "What was that?" look around "Whatever it's is gone." Sky keep walking alone and reaches Magix. 

He gasps and starts to walk down a street, it is completely empty.*

Sky: "What's going on here? Where is everybody? This can't be possible." Sky starts to get more and more worried. There are people lying covered in brown goo but he doesn't notice them.*

Sky yell: "Is anybody here?!"

Lake Froest

Bloom also get up slow and hold her head. Bloom hear izuku scream because of Fire Dragon power.

Bloom: "Izu, Hold on, just hold on. a little more." keep walking to lake (What bloom hear is Izuku inner self cry for help)

Bloom reaches then Lake Chrysalis. Her armour disappears. 

Bloom: "Are you here, Daphne? I'm ready, ready for my destiny." Bloom walk into the lake.*

The End

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