Bocchi the Love Story!

By Kawaii_Lumine

188K 7.6K 5.2K

Unexpectedly created this during my free time, and also the fact that I'm in love with the series! Just wante... More

1. Prayers
2. Sandwich
3. Mission Impossible!
4. Lethal Hugs
5. Answer
6. Experiences
7. Boy hogging
8. His side of life
9. Mr. Green Eyes! ( 1 )
9. Mr. Green Eyes! ( 2 )
10. Bitter
11. Rain, Rain, go away~
12. Please don't be a rental, please don't be a rental, please don't be rental-
13. Asachin! ( 1 )
13. Asachin! ( 2 )
13. Asachin! ( 3 )
Special Chapter: Special Feelings
14. Kessoku Band
15. Last Will
16. Mayafumi Akemi
17. The Realm
18. Fevers are for losers! ( 1 )
18. Fevers are for losers! ( 2 )
Omake: Short Stories
19. Resolve
20. Lie
21. Gifts
22. Difficulty level sky rockets! ( 1 )
23. Difficulty level sky rockets! ( 2 )
24. Costume Hunt! ( 1 )
25. Costume Hunt! ( 2 )
26. Mothers can't help but be worried!
27. Halloween! [ 1 ]
28. Halloween! [ 2 ]
29. Halloween ( 3 )
Omake the Sequel: More Short Stories!
30. Icepops
31. Alleviate
32. Fornication ( this is a joke please-- )
33. " Gotou-san, I love you."
33. Thou shall respond in kind! ( Actual chapter )
34. The three red flags are Bassist, Bassist, and.....THAT'S RIGHT! BASSIST!
35. I guess that confession is being pushed back to chapter 50 after all...
36. " Is Gotou-san okay?"..." Oh yeah, she's totally fine. I think."
38. We're Bocchin' Now!

37. Sent and Sent Back

3.6K 88 56
By Kawaii_Lumine

Fwip! The ball succesfully went through the goal. Haru released a breath, the young boy's features were graced with a relieved smile.

" He did it..."

" Haru, that was amazing!"

" Teach me, I still don't get it!"

" That's it." Akihiko pats the boy's head.

" Was it amazing?" Haru asked.

" Very." Akihiko chuckled. " Now you just gotta keep practicing. If you're taking the sport seriously, that is."

" I'm definitely going to!" Haru said as he clenched a fist in determination.

" That's good to hear. But....I want you to remember something important, you've gotta remember this above all else."

" What is it?"

" Have fun."

" What? That's it?" Haru looked disinterested.

" It's the most important part of it all, kid." Akihiko says, " Play the game to your heart's content, that's what brings out the best player. Of course, you've gotta play to win, but that doesn't mean you should throw away what makes it fun, right?"

" Alright then, I guess..." Haru decided to nod along. He doesn't understand what he meant, after all, isn't winning what makes the game fun in the first place? Nobody wants to lose, only idiots would find losing ' fun '.

" You seem to doubt me." Akihiko called him out.

" Because I do." Haru shoots him a bold gaze. " It's no fun if you don't score, and it's no fun if you lose! I'm not stupid, you know?"

" You'll understand soon, when you've matured a bit in the game--"

" Let's have a game."

" Have a what?" Akihiko blinked in suprise. He wondered if he misheard the kid.

" Hey, Daichi! This big brother will be on your team, so sub yourself to being the goalkeeper!" Haru said as he turned to his friend.

" Eh? Why me?!" The boy named Daichi whined but did as he said nonetheless. He switched with the previous goalkeeper, the latter being told to take a break and spectate the show.

However, Akihiko doesn't want to put a show.

" Hey, kid I never agreed to anything like this." Akihiko tried to gently placate the situation, " Why don't you just continue playing with your friends? Practice, and have fun like I said--"

" Onii-san, are you a chicken?"

" ... "

Akihiko sighs, scratching the back of his head. He wondered why it turned out like this, maybe he should've minded his own business after all. But he really was about to die of boredom had he not interacted with them.

Well, no matter.

" Sorry," Akihiko wears an unperturbed smile, confidently stuffing his hands back into his pockets. " I'll have to pass on that. Have fun, kids!"

The situation reminded him of when Sakurai first found him in Shimokitazawa, where he was pressured by the encouragement of children. This time, that's not going to happen.

He bid goodbye with full intention to leave, with a turn of his heel and gazing towards the opposite direction, he attempts to make his leave. Haru frowns, and he quickly runs in front of him causing the teen to halt in his tracks as he looks down at the young 11 year old staring at him with a determined flame.

" One goal. " Haru breathed out, " Just one goal. If I win, you stay. If you win, you can leave."

" Kid, I already said that I--"

" Please!" Haru bows.

Akihiko paused once he saw the kid bow before him, he was presented with the sincerest of requests from a child. Akihiko thinks of his choice carefully this time. Truthfully, there was no harm done in picking either choice, but he shouldn't really be exerting himself since he'll need all the energy he can get when it comes to training with Sakurai. Not to mention, his clothes as of right now would be a shame to dirty.

But....the sight before him reminded of himself.

The kid's got some talent with his speed, and his basics are a bit choppy but passable. But the most notable thing he could see from him is the dedication in his eyes. That's what stands out. That's what can carry you far.

As a former player of the game, it wouldn't do his heart good if he were to reject him.

With an answer in mind, Akihiko releases a relenting sigh.

" One goal."

Haru smiles at that, and all the other kids looked excited too.

Everyone wanted to see what the teen was capable of.




" You can have first possession." Akihiko settled the terms.

Haru barks a laugh. " Are you sure, older bro? You might just get beaten by me if you really think I'm that easy!"

Akihiko chuckles, waving his hand dismissively. " Oh, really. I don't mind losing to kids! Though...."

Akihiko's emerald eyes gleam with challenge.

" That's if I can lose to you kids in the first place."


Haru's suddenly felt a tingle through his spine as he gazed back at the older boy's eyes. It felt surreal, like he was being seen through in a mere second. He's seen those type of eyes before, but his memory wasn't working with him right now. It was familiar, that's all he knew. And he can feel a chilling fear in his veins as he began to imagine how this could go...


That didn't stop him from burning with excitement either.

That didn't stop the boy from smiling back.

" You're on, older brother!"


" We got a lil' bit of time before the game begins. They seem to be talking over there." Akihiko whistles as he gazed at the other team seemingly discussing about something. With Haru taking the lead of course.

The kids by his side couldn't stop glancing at the older boy with curiosity. He came out of nowhere, spoke knowledgably about soccer, and now he's accepted a challenge from the best player in their friend group; Tsukishi Haru.

" We might just stand a chance this time..." The kids on his side whispered with themselves.

" Hey,"

" Huh?" The kids paused and looked at him.

" Let's have fun." Akihiko's smile beams brightly with his pearly whites.

" Y-Yes, sir!" The boys all straightened their backs, simultaneously swallowing down a nervous gulp. But if they were to be honest, a breeze of sure-fire confidence also slapped them in the face.

Something about this big brother on their feels like he's levels above.

" Hey, Nii-san. Can I ask you something?" A boy with glasses spoke.

" What is it?" Akihiko replies.

" Have you won any competitions? Like, champion trophies?" The boy asked, and everyone else didn't hide their straight glance as they awaited his response.

A guy like this, who could evoke such confidence within them.

He must've won plenty!

" A championship, huh..." Akihiko hummed thoughtfully.

The suspense was killing the young children.

" Haha! Nope!" Akihiko laughs heartily.

"...." All the newly generated confidence vanished just like that. They looked ready to get owned by Haru once again, but Akihiko noticed that the mood dropped down. And he quickly reassured them.

" You can trust me though." Akihiko does a thumbs-up along with a wink. " I've got a plan in my head that Haru-kun won't see coming~"

Akihiko huddles them up, and begins to explain how things will go....


Haru swiftly crosses the field with the ball in his possession. Akihiko quickly moved to defend him, Haru then glanced at his teammate who managed to get free and running off to the side of Akihiko. The boy quickly passes the ball to him.

" Don't let him past!" Akihiko quickly called out to the bespectacled boy.

As soon as he made that order, the boy quickly ran to mark the one with the ball. Haru's teammate looked suprised, caught off guard by how quick the response was. It was definitely unusual, he's gotten there so fast to defend before.

" Over here!" Haru called out, but just as the ball was ready to be passed. Haru's eyes widened in quick realization.

" WAIT! DON'T PASS IT!" He yelled out urgently, forcing the one possessing the ball to stop.

" Quick reaction, I'll give you that." Akihiko remarked with a grin. Haru ignored him and tried to break free of the older boy's mark, but it was to no avail. Longer legs can cover more space, not to mention how skilled his opponent was.

However, Haru had a back up in mind. As he was trying to break free, he subtly pointed towards another direction. His friend nodded and quickly kicked the ball to that spot where a chubby kid cleared it, and trapped succesfully.

" Go go!" Haru commanded, and the big boy quickly went to work as he dribbled the ball full speed, too fast for his panicked defender to catch up.

Akihiko's eyes widened. That kid was unexpectedly fast, but upon closer inspection...

" Huff...hah...hah...!" The big boy's earlier burst of speed was steadily declining, his legs clearly feeling that strain.

That burst of speed was only meant as a distraction!

" Here!" Haru called, waving his hand as he was running straight to the goal.

" gah!" The boy managed to kick it to him, though the accuracy was off. Which Akihiko quickly took advantage of.

You shouldn't attempt long passes if you're not adept at them, Akihiko thought as he readied to receive the ball on the ground. But...

" Hyah!" A deep exhale was released, Akihiko's breath hitched when he realized that Haru had reacted fast enough to get to the same spot. Not only that...

" Got it!" Haru was the first to hop and make the touch using his chest. He quickly dribbled to get away and Akihiko chased him down. Haru knew he wasn't going to make it to the goal, that's why he attempted to make a pass to his left--

" Don't pass it to us!"

Huh? Haru's eyes widened upon seeing the two mates on his left being marked by the defense.

Alright then, to the right--!

" Don't, Haru!"

But the result was the same. Marked. Locked down.

His shoes grinded against the grass as he came to a halt, trying to keep the ball steady. Akihiko was smiling as he stood in front of the boy, his position completely laxed. Haru's mind was on overdrive as he tried to think of the least risky paths possible to take, but they only came down to one answer; go right through him.

" You and me, buddy." Akihiko returns to his serious side, guarding him intently. " You already know there's no other way."

" Except right through you!" Haru said as he began to dribble forward. Akihiko's eyes tracked the ball and his opponent's small face. In defense, the important thing besides the ball is to keep track of one's eyes.

Where the eyes go, one's actions will follow.

But of course that leaves things like--

" Hah!" Haru faked a left and went to the right, but Akihiko anticipated that and stuck right to him.

" Tch." Haru glowers.

" Not gonna work." Akihiko grinned.

--Feints open.

This guy....really does know a lot.... Haru accepts that. He shouldn't have acted too cocky and proceeded with caution, but he believes that even if he were to have done exactly that-- the teen's skills were strong enough to stop even that. The 11 year old might have to face defeat here and now. But that's not his style. Losing is not cool, not one bit.

He has to find a way to win. There's always a way to win.

" Phoo...." Haru relaxed his breathing, just now registering the sweat pouring down the sides of his face. He uses his forearm to wipe some excess of it off, before placing his foot on top of the ball.

The teammates of both Haru and Akihiko were not going to be of assistance now. It's just them. Boy to Older Boy. One goal to score and end the game.

Akihiko notices a glint in Haru's eyes, a sense of calmness was in them. He immediately raises his guard up, it seems that the boy has something planned and his instinct is telling him to get ready for it. Don't think. Just react.


Haru moved aggressely towards Akihiko's direction in a split-second. Akihiko immediately takes a few steps back, trying to keep a certain distance so he can properly defend. If he is too close in the vicinity, Haru could easily maneuver the ball through his legs or around him, he wouldn't be able to react in time, no matter if he's a veteran or not. But Haru's stride was unrelenting as he kept aggressively dribbling through, to which Akihiko had to respond just like earlier.

Is he just going to keep doing this? Akihiko thought with slight disbelief. The kid has some guts, but this was stupid....

Akihiko's eyes lowered. Stupidly familiar, he added.

A bit more... Haru thought as he improvised on his moves. He knew what he was doing, forcing Akihiko to retreat till he had no choice but to move against. All an improvisation that might not even work but the kid was betting on it.

No choice, Akihiko thought before deciding to break the stalemate and moving forward this time to have Haru step back or go around. Haru gasped as he finally saw the opportunity, he proceeded it to grab it full throttle as he use the very tip of his shoes to gently propell the ball upwards in the air.

" ?! " Akihiko looked up in suprise as the ball went over him, time slowing down as he hadn't foresaw this move coming. Haru easily trapped it, keeping the momentum and closing in on the goal.

Daichi, who was the goalkeeper, steeled himself. But deep down, he's already given up. He already knows he won't be able to catch any of it.


" Not so fast!" Akihiko blitzed backwards, ending up right in front of Haru again. The boy found himself shocked but quickly calmed himself again as he tried to aggressively push Akihiko back again.

But Akihiko wouldn't budge this time, instead it was he who defended aggressively. Getting all up in Haru's space, whilst also preventing him from making any more stylish outplays. Haru was being pushed back, but he kept himself from panicking as he tried to improvise again. And as soon as an idea landed in his head, he immediately set it into motion without another second to think!

He went off to the side, Akihiko following like super glue, keeping steady and making sure Haru doesn't get an opening. But Haru sees it-- the way to score. Akihiko's eyes zeroed in on him, maneuvering within a split second after Haru makes his move, sometimes even before he does it just because he could anticipate the kid's decision making. However, Haru thinks the next move will go through.

Haru took a chug of faith as he quickly kicked the ball under Akihiko's radar, through his legs and to his back side. Akihiko turned around to catch up but Haru was already there.

You really are fast, kid. Akihiko sighed in disbelief. Haru glances behind, seeing that he was somehow outrunning the older boy. A blaze of confidence fans itself in Haru's veins as he proceeds to kick the ball from the far left side, he had no other choice, it was going to go in. It's a clear shot!

A loud thump echoed across the field when Haru kicked the ball. The goalkeeper, Daichi, steeled himself once more, letting out a few breaths to calm himself before trying his best to catch it. 

" It's a clear shot. But if you think a successful defense is by stealing the ball or blocking it. Then you're dead wrong, Haru-kun."

" Huh?" Haru's eyes widened when he heard Akihiko's calm tone. He quickly snapped his head to him, he was smiling and crossing his arms.

" And while that may ring true to most-- a good defense is to lower the player's accuracy as much as possible. And you're not really good shooting from this angle, are you, Haru-kun? "

The ball swerved just like practiced earlier, just as Akihiko taught him-- however, it was losing its important momentum in the air. It didn't get much time in the air either, and thus--

Daichi caught it.

Haru was shocked.

Daichi looked at the ball in his hands.

" I....I caught it?" He mumbled, an incredulous expression worn across his face. He couldn't believe it, he managed to catch it!

I save it. Daichi thought as he feels a variety of emotions all at once-- the most abundant being joy and adrenaline. He managed to stop Haru's goal.

" Kick it, Daichi-kun!" He was brought back to the moment when Akihiko's yell registered.

You really are amazing.... Daichi remarked in his head as a smile bursts forth from his face.


" Mostly likely scenario is, they're going to have Haru be the spotlight. So he'll have the ball more often, and I could imagine their strategies being centered on finding a way to pass it to Haru." Akihiko said.

" So I'll handle him, while the rest of you mark the others and make sure their passing routes are closed." Akihiko said.

" Nii-san, can you really do it? I mean, maybe you are good. But Haru is so fast! This isn't his first time playing with others older than him so--" The boy with glasses tried to say but Akihiko patted his back.

" Trust me." Akihiko assures.

Everyone looked nervous, but Akihiko remained confident. He turns to their goalkeeper.

" Daichi-kun, was it?"

" Y-yes!"

" I'll be depending on you to make sure Haru doesn't score." Akihiko says.

" Eh?" Daichi wore a blank look. " Wait. Why me." He pointed to himself before exclaiming.

" I suck at being goalkeeper!"

" My plan is to lower Haru's accuracy just enough for you to catch it, Daichi-kun." Akihiko smiles. " I'm sure you can do it. And when you do catch it, just kick it."

" ... " Daichi seriously couldn't believe what the guy was saying. He was definitely going to sell!

" Ah, and for kicking tips. Just drop it and kick it mid-drop." Akihiko ruffles the boy's hair like an older brother would.

" You can do it, bud."


So unbelievable...!

Daichi drops the ball and kicks!

It's all on you, Nii-san!

" Huh? So high-- wait, where is--" Haru turned around, only to see that Akihiko was no longer there. He was blitzing straight to the goal with a focus Haru could never compare to. But before Haru could think, his legs already went running for him, the will to not lose is the real competition here.

Akihiko successfully traps the ball, and Haru slides from the side, ending up right in front of him this time. Everyone else on the field, Haru and Akihiko's teammates, didn't dare to intervene. Both of their auras were different, it was a battle between them now. Outsiders were not going to be welcomed.

" I won't--" Haru catches his breath, slapping his chest. "-- Let you win!"

" That's what I was hoping." Akihiko said before dribbling straight towards him at a speed Haru couldn't react to.

It's as if a lion just charged towards him, Haru's mind was frozen due to the shock, but his body was still capable of trying to defend him at all cost. The boy was on auto-pilot as he tried to match maneuver Akihiko, but the older boy's agility was something he couldn't get a grasp on, which eventually led to Akihiko easily breaking down his defense and tapping the ball to the right with his foot-- all of which was happening during a mid-spin to the right as well!

Akihiko proceeded to speed through the last few meters, getting into his sweet shooting zone. Haru turned around, his face looking exhausted but he was yet to give up.

" No--!" He tried desperately to spin on his heel and catch up to Akihiko, but he ended up tripping, knocked down by all the mental tension and physical exhaustion.

" Agh!" The boy groaned as he gained a wound on his knee. He sat there on the ground, breathing heavily, attempting to touch the general area but flinching back in pain once he did.

Noticing this, Akihiko came to a halt. The ball no longer of his control as it rolls a bit further away. Filled with concern, he immediately ran to the boy's side as all his other friends allowed.

" Haru, are you okay?!" Akihiko asked, worringly.

Haru looks up at him and was suprised by something. His eyes have changed, it didn't send shivers down his spine like it did earlier. It wasn't the eyes of a lion or any animal.

It was....the eyes of an older brother looking out for a kid. But there was another mysterious twinge to it-- was it fear? But of what?

Before Haru could think about it more, he suddenly realized that he was being stared at by all these guys while he was sitting on the ground, clutching on his knee.

" I...uhm...." Haru blushed, embarrassed by the situation. All his friends were here, even though they looked worried, Haru had a prideful image to maintain but it's all shattered today.

" I-I'm fine--"

" Don't move." Akihiko instructed.

Haru was confused as he watched Akihiko run all the way to his bag that was sitting by the field. He grabbed it, slunged over his shoulder, before he made his way back to the kids again. He sets it down and begins rummaging through it for something.

" Cat or dog?" Akihiko held two bandage designs.

Haru was flabbergasted. The other boys snickered.

" W-What?!"

" Cat or do--"

" I heard what you said but don't you have normal bandages or something!" Haru desperately said.

" I'm assuming you want the cat--"

" Dog! Just give me dog! " The boy quickly relented. 


The game concluded with Akihiko's official win, much to Haru's dismay. But he wasn't all too disappointed. He managed to witness something awesome in person, and from a random stranger like this, no less. The two of them sat by the side while everyone continued playing for a bit, invigorated from what transpired during the game.

Haru enjoyed seeing his friends finally play with the same spirit he had. He couldn't help but smile softly now that everyone was having fun. thing kept bugging Haru's mind.

" Onii-san, why didn't you score that goal?" Haru asked without looking at him.

" ....Didn't feel like it." Akihiko answered with a shrug.

" What? That doesn't make sense at all." Haru pouted.

" You're right. It doesn't." Akihiko agrees.

Haru sighs, refraining from asking further....

"....I was scared." 

Haru's eyes widened in suprise when Akihiko said that. The teen continued to speak.

" If I accidentally did something that led to an injury, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." Akihiko says, turning to the kid with a guilty smile. " I would know. I've gone through it too."

" Injuries from doing the thing you love the most are normal. Most of the time you don't even have to worry about them. But one bad injury could end it all." Akihiko looked to the sky. " I was scared that it may have happened to you....because of me."

".....I'm fine." Haru said, shaking his head, leaning his neck on his clutched knees. " So don't be."

" Even if I did get badly injured, I'd find a way to continue playing soccer any way I could." Haru laughs. " It's way too fun to let go."

Akihiko considers his words and tries to relate it to his own experience.

" Yeah." Akihiko grins. " Now you get it."

The teen completely agrees.

" You're really skilled, " Haru remarked. " So fast too, I'm thinking you held back for most of that."

" I didn't want to but...I wasn't exactly dressed for the ocassion, yk? And these shoes are hard to run with on the field." Akihiko laughs.

" Ah, so I would've gotten my butt kicked even more had you been prepared..." Haru got depressed at the thought of it.

Akihiko chuckled. " Don't downgrade yourself." He nudged the kid's arm.

" Just keep practicing."

" Yeah, I know..."

" You know, you kinda remind me of someone my older brother used to fuzz about."

" Really? Who?"

" They called him the Pride of Oreha or something."

Akihiko flinches.

Does he....? Akihiko panicked internally, cursing in his head. If the kid recognizes him now, then coming here wll have been for nothing, he was supposed to spend the rest of the week here without gaining attention for who he was. What he was know for. His past, he's already moved on. He doesn't need to be reminded, doesn't need to be asked again...

" It's a cheesy nickname though. " Haru comments.

Akihiko blinks away from his mental space and registers what Haru just said.

" Really?" Does Haru not notice? Can't he connect the dots?

" Yeah, I mean. Couldn't they have thought a cooler nickname? " He asked. That's when Akihiko concluded that maybe he doesn't know at all, or if he's just ignoring it. Whichever it is, he's grateful.

He relaxes again.

" Heh....I agree." Akihiko couldn't lie. Being called the ' Pride ' of something didn't really suit him at all.

" What would you have named him?" Akihiko asked for fun.

" Maybe like....uhh....the goal reaper?"

" P-Pfft--!"

" H-Hey don't laugh!"

" Pfft--Ahahahaha! "

" Hey!!!"

" T-The ' goal reaper ', are you serious?!" Akihiko asked mid-laughter.

" W-What about it, huh?! It sounds cool!" Haru defends.

" It sounds cringe!" Akihiko said back.

" Well, if you were named ' Pride of Oreha' which would you choose?" Haru challenged.

Little did he knows that the guy in front of him was literally that.

" Fair point." Akihiko concedes. " Goal reaper does sound a hundred times better than the first one." He admits.

" Ha!" Haru beamed in victory.




" Can I tell you something, Onii-san?" Haru asked.

" Go ahead." Akihiko said.

" My older brother.....he's always sick. And he never goes out. Mom and Dad always insist that he stays in the house, though I don't know why."

"..." Akihiko's focus shifted to Haru completely after that.

" Whenever I tried to play with my brother outside, mom and dad would yell at me and say that it'll only harm my brother. But I don't get it, how exactly? They never answered. Every time I asked, they always just go quiet and I never know. Even my brother refuses to tell me."

" Was it...always like this?"

" I think so." Haru shrugs. " Maybe it's always been like this for as long as I can remember....he stays in bed almost all of the time..."


" Ah, but that's not what I wanted to talk about." Haru turns to Akihiko with a smile. " You see, my brother loves the game of soccer!"

" Really?"

" He'd watch plenty of it on TV. And since I couldn't play with him outside, I thought the only way to have fun with him would be to watch soccer with him. And it was fun!"

" That's nice to hear." Akihiko softly said.

" seems like my brother wanted more."

" How so?"

Haru's smile turns somber. " He wanted to play soccer."


" But there was nothing we could do. Mom and Dad would never allow it, and what if my brother does get hurt? I don't know why or how so, but.... I don't want that." Haru truthfully says.

" So in turn, you decided to take up soccer instead." Akihiko hums. " For your brother, right?"

Haru nods. " I want to get so famous that I'll be on TV! I'll play for my brother, so that he can feel proud."

" Does he know?"

" Told him straight to his face. He doesn't believe me though."

" That's an older brother's way of encouraging you." Akihiko shares a bit of wisdom. " After all, I am one myself. He says he doesn't believe you, but trust me, when push comes to shove he's going to be your number one supporter on the field."

"....I hope so." Haru sighs. " Thank you."

" Say, why does your brother like the ' Pride of Oreha' so much? " Akihiko decided to ask.

" Hmm....well, he's an amazing player. My brother saw some of his viral matches and kept replaying his passing highlight reels. I think it's because he's a guy that lives in the same city as us." Haru recalls, and then he pauses for a moment, tapping his finger on the grass.

" Ah...but he stopped playing a few months ago. There were rumors from other schools saying that he's transferred to who knows where. My brother was a bit sad about that. He was his favorite player. "


Akihiko felt a bit guilty for that. But he's smart enough to know that it was his choice, and his right to make it. If people got hurt by it, well then that's that. Besides, how could he have known that someone with what's presumably an illness had looked up to him so much? He couldn't have. He can feel guilty, but there is no need to lament.

" I think his name was... Aki-something-something." Haru said.

" What?"

" Sorry, I'm not good with names." Haru laughs, scratching the back of his head. " But I did watch him a lot too, and I tried to copy his moves as best I could."

Ah, so that's why it felt familiar, Akihiko thinks. It was only slightly, but Akihiko felt like he was fighting a mirror with the way the kid smoothly dribbled and maneuvered with the ball, his control was good for someone who seems to have started only recently seeing as how his kicking form, one of the more basic lessons, was off the mark.

" I thought I was good enough till' you came along." Haru sighed.

" I'm sure Aki-something-something would've said the same thing as I did if he saw your horrible shooting form." Akihiko shot back.

" Eh, fair enough." Haru was in no place to deny that.

They both spent the next few minutes laughing about today. Till' Akihiko received a message on his phone, from Sakurai. It seems that the Oreha captain was finally off practice and set to train with him at an empty stadium they could use. With that, Akihiko was finally ready to bid his goodbyes.

" I'll have to go now."

" Oh, okay."

" I wish you luck. For you and your brother." Akihiko says as he stood up, and stretches a bit. " It's going to be difficult, the road ahead. You have a dream, kid. It won't come easy but I'm sure if you apply the same tenacity you showed me today. You could make it come true."

" I know it will. I'll make sure." Haru says with those same determined charcoal eyes. Akihiko smiles and pats his head for the last time.

" We probably won't cross paths again. But in case we do, let's play again sometime. Hopefully you can show me something special." He said.

Haru nods. Akihiko bids a loud farewell to the other kids and they said it back. Finally, it was time for him to leave, turning his heel and heading to the park exit, Akihiko was well on his way.

But then...

" Hey! Wait! Could you tell me your name!"

He stops as he heard Haru's voice. He glances back to meet his eyes.

" Nii-san, I just realized that you didn't me tell your name yet! "

" Aren't you bad with names?" Akihiko said.

" I'll remember yours for sure!" Haru promises.

Akihiko thought of telling a false one but...

" Akihiko Asahi." He instead told him before turning around and continuing on his leave.

The kid stands still as the name registered...

That name...

" Aki....hiko.....Asahi?" He mouthed to himself, something about it screamed familiarity. Bells were ringing in his head as he repeated it to himself a couple more times, both verbally and mentally.

Akihiko Asahi...

Akihiko Asahi...

Akihiko Asahi...

" Akihiko Asahi...."

His eyes widened.

" That's...!"

The Pride of Oreha.

His brother's favorite player.

He remembers.


The skies were shifting to twilight as night steadily approached. The girls of Kessoku band had already settled most of the arrangements within the club, it was a long day, but Nijika was thankful that her friends still stayed and help. When the supposedly final box had been placed in the storage room, she took out her check list and began crossing out the things they've already finished.

" This is done, and that is done, and that is done, and that is done..." She said, humming to herself as she wrote a check mark on the side.

Things were definitely looking good. The club looks extra stylish now, but still maintaining that old rock band underground type of feeling that the old design had, they just added a few more things to make it look more spizazz!

" Good work today, Senpai!" Kita said to Ryou as she popped open a soda can.

" You too, Ikuyo." Ryou replied.

Nijika sighed. Most of the time, the redhead was fawning over Ryou, and speaking of the blue haired bassist-- she barely did anything the entire evening. Honestly what did she expect when it came to this duo? Nijika could never understand Kita's infatuation with her schoolmate, so she's given up trying to and accepts this as normal behaviour. As long as nobody gets seriously hurt, then it should be fine. Though she is worried by how often Ryou takes advantage of Kita.....but...

Nijika can safely say that Ryou is a kind person at heart. Or relatively good.

Or not necessarily evil, per say.

Okay, well, her morality is actually debatable--

Nijika shakes away those thoughts as best she could. Let's focus on something else! Maybe finishing the check list to be sure that everything ordered has been delivered and placed in the bar? Right, she was just doing that.

As Nijika proceeded to put check marks on the blank boxes, he noticed a pink blob from her peripheral. Her vermillion eyes stared at Bocchi the pink glob who seemed awfully depressed about something, and curious as she was, she decided to inquire the issue.

" Bocchi-chan?"

" Mhh?" Bocchi made a sound.

" There seems to be something bothering you." She said.


" It's never nothing with you, girl." Nijika sighed, placing the paper down and giving Bocchi her full attention for the time being. " Is it related to Akihiko-kun?"

Bocchi flinches. " All of you seem to know why even when I don't say anything...." She said in a low tone.

Nijika giggles. " Well, you two are close. If it's not a problem with us, then it's a problem with him."


" So, what's going on now?" She asked.

" No really," Bocchi starts shaking her head. " it's....nothing serious..."

"...." Nijika stares at her friend, whose eyes were downcast and not once looking up from the table. Maybe it is nothing serious in any of that sense, but it's clearly bothering her.

Nijika thinks carefully about what to do next....

" Bocchi-chan, could you help me carry this box to the storage room? It's a bit heavy.

" Huh? O-Oh, sure!"

" Thank you~!"


After arranging the box in its proper place along with the others. It seems work today is officially done, nothing is out of place, and everything is checked on the list. At this point, everyone is free to go home, however, Nijika still had one last task secretly pertaining to her pink headed friend.

" This is all." Nijika says.

Boccchi nods and as she was about to twist the door knob open and exit the room, Nijika suddenly spoke with her hands on hips.

" You can tell me, you know? Whatever it is that's bothering you."


" Maybe you don't need help, and just advice. I've done it before, not sure if they worked, but I can lend a proper ear." Nijika said.

Bocchi glances at her, only to be met with the blonde's reassuring smile.

" Bocchi-chan, it's okay to ask for help. Especially from your friends. You've always done the same for us, after all." Nijika encourages.  " I'm sure all of us are happy to help with whatever's bugging you--"

" H-How do you feel when S-Sakurai-kun leaves?!" Bocchi blurted out.

" Eh? Where did that come from all of a sudden!" Nijika exclaimed, unusually embarrassed by the question. She was caught off guard and her heart wasn't ready at all for that question.





After being given the rundown of what led to the girl's question, Nijika nods her head in understanding. So it seems that Akihiko was going to be out of town for a week since he's gone to Oreha under the reason of training Sakurai for the wintercup finals this coming december. And that Akihiko had sent her a message, informing Bocchi about it, but the latter was yet to find a response that could quell that deep sadness in her chest.

" that's why you asked me." Nijika said.

Bocchi nodded, looking glum.

" Kita-chan says that I miss him, but I'm not sure." Bocchi places a hand on her chest. " So what if I do? How do I deal with it? Do I just tell him? No, that will kill me!"

" I'm sure it can but..... it isn't exactly a bad idea to tell him." Nijika said after some thought.

" .... "

Truthfully, even Bocchi knew that. It's just, how can she go about it? How many words for the count? How much pathos should she incorporate into that message? Could it be just a simple ' I miss you ' or a 10,000 word count essay of why she misses him?

She's never told someone straight up that she misses them.

" When Kenji-kun leaves, I do feel a bit of something." Nijika spoke.

Bocchi snapped from her thoughts and listened.

" Even when I know he's just like a wind that breezes by from time-to-time. Never sticking to one place, never sticking to comforting one tree. I do end up....thinking a lot about it."

" Like what?" Bocchi asked.

Honestly, Nijika felt nervous having to explain this to someone. But seeing that Bocchi needed the guidance, even at the expense of her own could Nijika deny her of that?

" Like....something isn't complete."


" He'd come crashing into my life and making a place there. And when he leaves, that place is vacant. Without him in it to occupy it, it bothers me." Nijika said, feeling a dust of blush decorating her cheeks.

" S-So...I guess....even if that guy spells trouble and defines it...." Nijika smiles. " I do miss him. And I'll always be happy for him to come back and visit."

Never stay. She could never ask him to. Not because she thinks he wouldn't do it, but because she couldn't find it in herself to chain him down. Besides, Nijika was fine with this. The relationship they have now, what more could she ask for? The two of them have been treading on this thin ice of romance, but neither are willing to completely drown in it just yet. There will always be that fear, that unexplainable danger that nerves her.

But at the very least, she could be honest with herself. She misses him.

" How would with that? Missing him?" Bocchi asked.

Nijika laughs. " I'd tell it to his face!"

Tell it to his face...? Bocchi's figure shrunk upon thinking that.

" Or send a message," Nijika quickly adds, patting the girl's back. " It's up to you."



" Hm?" Nijika looks back at her.

" T-Thank you. I think I have some clarity on it now." Bocchi smiles a bit, Nijika beams at that.

" You're welcome! "




" See you tomorrow, Bocchi-chan!"

" S-See you!"


I stared at Akihiko-kun's contact. I've been staring at it for a while ever since I retired to my room. My fingers hovering over the keys, typing and then retyping, exiting the message app and go to youtube only for me to come back again to the message app and repeating the same process for an hour.


I should just do it!

Feeling a surge of adrenaline rushing through me, I began typing my message like lightning.

And hit send!


Contact: Akihiko⚽


Here! I've taken some pictures today, and it looks like things have just gotten better here compared to when I left! :D

* Inserts 10 image attachments*

~~~ 7: 30 pm ~~~


They look great. Please send me more, I wanna see.....and also...

I miss you, Akihiko-kun!


There! I sent it!





The prompt appears after I tapped and hold the message. I clicked remove message and the second prompt pops up.

' Remove for all '

' Remove for you '

I was about to press the first one until I heard a loud bang and small body rolling in my room.

" F-FUTARI?!" I squealed, not noticing that my finger slid a bit down.

" Sorry, big sis!" She apologized before leaving promptly.

I released a sigh before looking back at my phone and...

' Successfully Removed for You! '


Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no--

I began typing a slur of messages,



A-Akihiko-kun , I beg you PLEASE, to ignore the message before this! The last bit of it at least!

I don't know what I was typing, it just happened!




;-; ;-; ;-; ;-;


*Akihiko has seen*



I threw my phone off to the side and hid shameful self under the blanket as I whispered to myself in denial as I cried tears.

" I'll just go to's all just a bad dream...I'll wake up....I'll wake up from this nightmare...hahaha....hahahah! "

My heart only just got worse, Nijika-chan!


Akihiko was covering half of his face as he stared at the message. His face was burning hot, and his smile was so genuine that it was hurting his cheeks. 

" God, she's so cute..." He muttered to himself.

Everyone else who passed by him was staring at him weirdly, they could clearly see the little hearts forming above his head. But they decided to ignore him and continue on their merrily way while the lovestruck boy felt like jumping in his feet.


Akihiko types his message with a small smile.

" You're not the only one, Gotou-san." He mumbled.

And he hits send.

A car suddenly stops in front of him, Akihiko places his phone in his pocket as he opens the door and takes a seat. He was greeted with a smile from his mother.

" Asahi, welcome home."

" Thanks mom." 

Asahi smiled back at his mother, and although often times he would be thinking about the near future, the things he dreads whenever he comes face to face with his mother.

He found himself forgetting about that for a moment.

Bocchi's message was all that he needed to maintain himself, to be happy and free of his worries, if only a little bit.


[ The morning after that, Bocchi's heart was healed and blooming after seeing Akihiko's message. ] 

Contact: Akihiko⚽


I miss you too, Gotou-san!


~~~ End ~~~

Sorry for the one day delay from the promise!

Please don't cook me-- I know I said you could if I failed to keep it, but I don't wanna be eaten!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Bocchi's copium has been fulfilled! Pachi, Pachi, Pachi!

See you in the next one~

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